* TV-Browser
* Copyright (C) 04-2003 Martin Oberhauser (martin@tvbrowser.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* CVS information:
* $RCSfile$
* $Source$
* $Date: 2009-09-02 22:07:32 +0200 (Wed, 02 Sep 2009) $
* $Author: bananeweizen $
* $Revision: 5947 $
package tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import tvbrowser.core.Settings;
import util.exc.ErrorHandler;
import util.exc.TvBrowserException;
import util.ui.progress.ProgressMonitorGroup;
import devplugin.Channel;
import devplugin.ChannelGroup;
import devplugin.ProgressMonitor;
public class ChannelGroupManager {
private static final util.ui.Localizer mLocalizer = util.ui.Localizer.getLocalizerFor(ChannelGroupManager.class);
private static ChannelGroupManager mInstance;
private HashMap<TvDataServiceProxy, ArrayList<ChannelGroup>> mServiceToGroupsMap; // key:
// TvDataServiceProxy;
// value: Array of devplugin.ChannelGroup objects
private HashMap<String, ChannelGroup> mGroups; // key: groupId
// value: devplugin.ChannelGroup
private HashMap<ChannelGroup, TvDataServiceProxy> mGroupToService; // key:
// devplugin.ChannelGroup
// value: TvDataServiceProxy
private ChannelGroupManager() {
mGroups = new HashMap<String, ChannelGroup>();
mServiceToGroupsMap = new HashMap<TvDataServiceProxy, ArrayList<ChannelGroup>>();
mGroupToService = new HashMap<ChannelGroup, TvDataServiceProxy>();
TvDataServiceProxy[] proxies = TvDataServiceProxyManager.getInstance().getDataServices();
for (TvDataServiceProxy proxy : proxies) {
ChannelGroup[] groups = proxy.getAvailableGroups();
for (ChannelGroup group : groups) {
addGroup(proxy, group);
private void removeAllGroups() {
private void addGroup(TvDataServiceProxy service, ChannelGroup group) {
mGroups.put(createId(service, group), group);
mGroupToService.put(group, service);
ArrayList<ChannelGroup> groups = mServiceToGroupsMap.get(service);
if (groups == null) {
groups = new ArrayList<ChannelGroup>();
mServiceToGroupsMap.put(service, groups);
public static ChannelGroupManager getInstance() {
if (mInstance == null) {
mInstance = new ChannelGroupManager();
return mInstance;
public TvDataServiceProxy getTvDataService(ChannelGroup group) {
return mGroupToService.get(group);
* Refresh the list of available groups and refresh the lists of available
* channels
* @param monitor
* Progress monitor that shows the current status of the refresh
public void checkForAvailableGroupsAndChannels(ProgressMonitor monitor) {
TvDataServiceProxy[] services = TvDataServiceProxyManager.getInstance().getDataServices();
ProgressMonitorGroup progressGroup = new ProgressMonitorGroup(monitor, 30);
ProgressMonitor curMon = progressGroup.getNextProgressMonitor(10);
for (int i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
ChannelGroup[] groupArr = null;
if (services[i].supportsDynamicChannelGroups()) {
try {
groupArr = services[i].checkForAvailableGroups(null);
} catch (TvBrowserException e) {
} else {
groupArr = services[i].getAvailableGroups();
if (groupArr != null) {
for (ChannelGroup aGroupArr : groupArr) {
addGroup(services[i], aGroupArr);
curMon.setValue(i + 1);
curMon = progressGroup.getNextProgressMonitor(20);
int channelCount = 0;
* Call 'checkForAvailableChannels' for all groups to fetch the most recent
* channel lists
TvDataServiceProxy[] proxies = TvDataServiceProxyManager.getInstance().getDataServices();
for (TvDataServiceProxy proxy : proxies) {
if (proxy.supportsDynamicChannelList()) {
ChannelGroup[] groups = proxy.getAvailableGroups();
int max = groups.length;
for (int j = 0; j < max; j++) {
try {
final String channelCountString = Integer.toString(channelCount);
final ProgressMonitor finalMonitor = curMon;
// use a proxy progress monitor to be able to add the number of
// channels found so far
Channel[] channels = proxy.checkForAvailableChannels(groups[j], new ProgressMonitor() {
public void setValue(int value) {
public void setMessage(String msg) {
finalMonitor.setMessage(msg + " "
+ mLocalizer.msg("channelCount", "(Found {0} channels)", channelCountString));
public void setMaximum(int maximum) {
if (channels != null) {
channelCount += channels.length;
} catch (TvBrowserException e) {
private String createId(TvDataServiceProxy service, ChannelGroup group) {
return new StringBuilder(service.getId()).append('.').append(group.getId()).toString();
public ChannelGroup[] getAvailableGroups() {
Collection<ChannelGroup> col = mGroups.values();
return col.toArray(new ChannelGroup[col.size()]);
* Returns all Groups for a TvDataServiceProxy
* @param proxy
* get Groups for this TvDataService
* @return ChannelGroups
public ChannelGroup[] getAvailableGroups(AbstractTvDataServiceProxy proxy) {
Collection<ChannelGroup> groups = mServiceToGroupsMap.get(proxy);
if (groups == null) {
return new ChannelGroup[0];
return groups.toArray(new ChannelGroup[groups.size()]);
* Return the groups which are needed for TV-Browser start.
* @param proxy
* The TvDataService to get the groups from.
* @return The needed ChannelGroups.
* @since 2.3
public ChannelGroup[] getUsedGroups(AbstractTvDataServiceProxy proxy) {
String[] subscribedGroupIds = getUsedGroupIds();
ArrayList<ChannelGroup> groups = mServiceToGroupsMap.get(proxy);
if (groups == null) {
return new ChannelGroup[0];
if (subscribedGroupIds == null) {
return groups.toArray(new ChannelGroup[groups.size()]);
ArrayList<ChannelGroup> result = new ArrayList<ChannelGroup>();
for (ChannelGroup group : groups) {
String id = createId(proxy, group);
for (String subscribedGroupId : subscribedGroupIds) {
if (id.equals(subscribedGroupId)) {
return result.toArray(new ChannelGroup[result.size()]);
* @return The array with the used groups.
* @since 2.3
private String[] getUsedGroupIds() {
return Settings.propUsedChannelGroups.getStringArray();