* TV-Browser
* Copyright (C) 04-2003 Martin Oberhauser (martin@tvbrowser.org)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* CVS information:
* $RCSfile$
* $Source$
* $Date: 2011-01-02 11:22:42 +0100 (Sun, 02 Jan 2011) $
* $Author: bananeweizen $
* $Revision: 6878 $
package tvbrowser.core;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import tvbrowser.TVBrowser;
import tvbrowser.core.contextmenu.SeparatorMenuItem;
import tvbrowser.core.plugin.DefaultSettings;
import tvbrowser.core.settings.DeferredFontProperty;
import tvbrowser.core.settings.JGoodiesThemeProperty;
import tvbrowser.core.tvdataservice.TvDataServiceProxyManager;
import tvbrowser.extras.favoritesplugin.FavoritesPlugin;
import tvbrowser.extras.programinfo.ProgramInfo;
import tvbrowser.extras.reminderplugin.ReminderPlugin;
import tvbrowser.ui.mainframe.MainFrame;
import tvbrowser.ui.programtable.DefaultProgramTableModel;
import tvbrowser.ui.programtable.ProgramTableScrollPane;
import tvbrowser.ui.settings.BlockedPluginArrayProperty;
import tvbrowser.ui.waiting.dlgs.CopyWaitingDlg;
import util.browserlauncher.Launch;
import util.exc.TvBrowserException;
import util.io.IOUtilities;
import util.io.stream.InputStreamProcessor;
import util.io.stream.ObjectInputStreamProcessor;
import util.io.stream.ObjectOutputStreamProcessor;
import util.io.stream.StreamUtilities;
import util.misc.OperatingSystem;
import util.misc.TextLineBreakerStringWidth;
import util.settings.BooleanProperty;
import util.settings.ByteProperty;
import util.settings.ChannelArrayProperty;
import util.settings.ChoiceProperty;
import util.settings.ColorProperty;
import util.settings.DateProperty;
import util.settings.EncodedStringProperty;
import util.settings.FontProperty;
import util.settings.IntArrayProperty;
import util.settings.IntProperty;
import util.settings.PluginPictureSettings;
import util.settings.ProgramFieldTypeArrayProperty;
import util.settings.ProgramPanelSettings;
import util.settings.Property;
import util.settings.PropertyManager;
import util.settings.ShortProperty;
import util.settings.StringArrayProperty;
import util.settings.StringProperty;
import util.settings.VersionProperty;
import util.settings.WindowSetting;
import util.ui.Localizer;
import util.ui.view.SplitViewProperty;
import devplugin.Channel;
import devplugin.Date;
import devplugin.ProgramFieldType;
import devplugin.Version;
* The Settings class provides access to the settings of the whole application
* (except the plugins).
* @author Martin Oberhauser
public class Settings {
public static final String LAYOUT_OPTIMIZED_COMPACT_TIME_BLOCK = "optimizedCompactTimeBlock";
public static final String LAYOUT_COMPACT_TIME_BLOCK = "compactTimeBlock";
public static final String LAYOUT_TIME_BLOCK = "timeBlock";
public static final String LAYOUT_REAL_COMPACT = "realCompact";
public static final String LAYOUT_REAL_SYNCHRONOUS = "realSynchronous";
public static final String LAYOUT_COMPACT = "compact";
public static final String LAYOUT_TIME_SYNCHRONOUS = "timeSynchronous";
public static final String INFO_ID = "info.id";
public static final String PICTURE_ID = "picture.id";
private static final short INFO_DIALOG_WAITING_TIME = 1500;
private static final Logger mLog = Logger
private static DefaultSettings mDefaultSettings = new DefaultSettings();
private static final long PROXY_PASSWORD_SEED = 6528587292713416704L;
private static final String SETTINGS_FILE = "settings.prop";
private static final String DEFAULT_USER_DIR = ".tvbrowser";
private static final String WINDOW_SETTINGS_FILE = "window.settings.dat";
private static String DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = "Dialog";
Font.BOLD, 11);
Font.PLAIN, 10);
private static final Font DEFAULT_CHANNELNAMEFONT = new Font(
Font.BOLD, 11);
private static PropertyManager mProp = new PropertyManager();
private static boolean mShowWaiting;
private static boolean mShowSettingsCopyWaiting;
private static HashMap<String,WindowSetting> mWindowSettings;
private static boolean mCopyToSystem = false;
* Returns the Default-Settings. These Settings are stored in the mac, windows
* and linux.properties-Files
* @return Default-Settings
public static DefaultSettings getDefaultSettings() {
return mDefaultSettings;
* Enables the export
public static void copyToSystem() {
final File currentSettingsDir = new File(getUserSettingsDirName());
final File currentTvDataDir = new File(getDefaultTvDataDir());
mCopyToSystem = MainFrame.getInstance().getUserRequestCopyToSystem();
if(mCopyToSystem) {
Properties prop = new Properties();
if(OperatingSystem.isMacOs()) {
prop.setProperty("tvdatadir","${user.home}/Library/Application Support/TV-Browser/tvdata");
prop.setProperty("pluginsdir","${user.home}/Library/Application Support/TV-Browser/plugins");
else if(OperatingSystem.isLinux()) {
else if(OperatingSystem.isWindows()) {
mDefaultSettings = new DefaultSettings(prop);
final File targetSettingsDir = new File(getUserSettingsDirName());
final File targetTvDataDir = new File(getDefaultTvDataDir());
if(new File(getUserSettingsDirName(),SETTINGS_FILE).isFile()) {
String[] options = {MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("continue","Continue"),
MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("stop","Cancel copying now")};
String title = MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("copyToSystemTitleWarning","Settings already exists");
String msg = MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("copyToSystemWarningMsg","Settings already exist in the system settings directory!\nIf you continue the current settings will be overwritten!");
mCopyToSystem = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(MainFrame.getInstance(),msg,title,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,null,options,options[1]) == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION;
else if(!targetSettingsDir.isDirectory()){
mCopyToSystem = targetSettingsDir.mkdirs();
if(!targetTvDataDir.isDirectory()) {
mCopyToSystem = targetTvDataDir.mkdirs();
if(mCopyToSystem) {
try {
final CopyWaitingDlg waiting = new CopyWaitingDlg(new JFrame(), CopyWaitingDlg.EXPORT_SETTINGS_MSG);
mLog.info("Copy settings and TV data from TV-Browser transportable to system");
mShowWaiting = true;
Thread copyDataThread = new Thread("Copy TV data directory") {
public void run() {
try {
IOUtilities.copy(currentSettingsDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return !name.equalsIgnoreCase("tvdata")
&& !name.equals(targetSettingsDir.getName())
&& !name.equalsIgnoreCase("backup")
&& !name.equalsIgnoreCase("lang")
&& !name.equals(".lock");
}), targetSettingsDir);
IOUtilities.copy(currentTvDataDir.listFiles(), targetTvDataDir, true);
}catch(Exception e) {}
mShowWaiting = false;
}catch(Exception e) {
mCopyToSystem = false;
* Returns the user directory. (e.g.: ~/.tvbrowser/)
public static String getUserDirectoryName() {
String dir = new StringBuilder(System.getProperty("user.home")).append(
return (TVBrowser.isTransportable() && !mCopyToSystem) ? new File("settings").getAbsolutePath() : mDefaultSettings.getProperty("userdir", dir);
public static String getOSLibraryDirectoryName() {
if (OperatingSystem.isMacOs()) {
return "/Library/Application Support/TV-Browser/";
return "";
public static String getUserSettingsDirName() {
String version = TVBrowser.getCurrentVersionString();
if(version.toLowerCase().indexOf("nightly") != -1) {
version = StringUtils.substringBefore(version,"-");
return new StringBuilder(getUserDirectoryName())
* Store all settings. This method is called on quitting the application.
* @param log If it should be written into the log.
* @throws util.exc.TvBrowserException Exception while saving the settings
public static void storeSettings(boolean log) throws TvBrowserException {
File f = new File(getUserSettingsDirName());
if (!f.exists()) {
File settingsFile = new File(getUserSettingsDirName(), SETTINGS_FILE);
File firstSettingsBackupFile = new File(getUserSettingsDirName(), SETTINGS_FILE+ "_backup1");
File secondSettingsBackupFile = new File(getUserSettingsDirName(), SETTINGS_FILE+ "_backup2");
// Create backup of settings file backup
try {
if(firstSettingsBackupFile.isFile()) {
}catch(Exception e) {}
try {
try {
if(settingsFile.isFile()) {
}catch (Exception e) {}
} catch (IOException exc) {
throw new TvBrowserException(Settings.class, "error.1",
"Error when saving settings!\n({0})", settingsFile.getAbsolutePath(),
if(log) {
mLog.info("Storing window settings");
* Stores the window settings for this plugin
private static void storeWindowSettings() {
File windowSettingsFile = new File(Settings.getUserSettingsDirName(),
new ObjectOutputStreamProcessor() {
public void process(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
out.writeInt(1); // write version
for(String key : mWindowSettings.keySet()) {
WindowSetting setting = mWindowSettings.get(key);
if(setting != null) {
private static void startImportWaitingDlg() {
mShowSettingsCopyWaiting = true;
new Thread("settings import info thread") {
public void run() {
try {
if(mShowSettingsCopyWaiting) {
final CopyWaitingDlg waiting = new CopyWaitingDlg(new JFrame(),CopyWaitingDlg.IMPORT_SETTINGS_MSG);
new Thread("settings import waiting thread") {
public void run() {
while(mShowSettingsCopyWaiting) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
* Reads the settings from settings file. If there is no settings file,
* default settings are used.
public static void loadSettings() {
String oldDirectoryName = System.getProperty("user.home", "")
+ File.separator + ".tvbrowser";
String newDirectoryName = getUserSettingsDirName();
File settingsFile = new File(newDirectoryName, SETTINGS_FILE);
File firstSettingsBackupFile = new File(getUserSettingsDirName(), SETTINGS_FILE+ "_backup1");
File secondSettingsBackupFile = new File(getUserSettingsDirName(), SETTINGS_FILE+ "_backup2");
if (settingsFile.exists() || firstSettingsBackupFile.exists() || secondSettingsBackupFile.exists()) {
try {
if(((mProp.getProperty("subscribedchannels") == null || mProp.getProperty("subscribedchannels").trim().length() < 1) && (mProp.getProperty("channelsWereConfigured") != null && mProp.getProperty("channelsWereConfigured").equals("true")) )
&& (firstSettingsBackupFile.isFile() || secondSettingsBackupFile.isFile())) {
throw new IOException();
else {
mLog.info("Using settings from file " + settingsFile.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (IOException evt) {
if(firstSettingsBackupFile.isFile() || secondSettingsBackupFile.isFile()) {
Localizer localizer = Localizer.getLocalizerFor(Settings.class);
if(JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,localizer.msg("settingBroken","Settings file broken.\nWould you like to load the backup file?\n\n(If you select No, the\ndefault settings are used)"),Localizer.getLocalization(Localizer.I18N_ERROR),JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE) == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
boolean loadSecondBackup = !firstSettingsBackupFile.isFile();
if(firstSettingsBackupFile.isFile()) {
try {
if((mProp.getProperty("subscribedchannels") == null || mProp.getProperty("subscribedchannels").trim().length() < 1) && secondSettingsBackupFile.isFile()) {
loadSecondBackup = true;
else {
mLog.info("Using settings from file " + firstSettingsBackupFile.getAbsolutePath());
loadSecondBackup = false;
}catch(Exception e) {
loadSecondBackup = true;
if(loadSecondBackup && secondSettingsBackupFile.isFile()) {
try {
mLog.info("Using settings from file " + secondSettingsBackupFile.getAbsolutePath());
loadSecondBackup = false;
}catch(Exception e) {
loadSecondBackup = true;
if(loadSecondBackup) {
mLog.info("Could not read settings - using default user settings");
} else {
try {
}catch(Exception e) {}
} else {
mLog.info("Could not read settings - using default user settings");
* If the settings file doesn't exist, we try to import the settings created
* by a previous version of TV-Browser
else if (!oldDirectoryName.equals(newDirectoryName)) {
File oldDir = null;
File testFile = null;
int countValue = 1;
String firstDir = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/TV-Browser";
if(Launch.isOsWindowsNtBranch()) {
countValue = 3;
if(OperatingSystem.isWindows()) {
File test = new File(System.getenv("appdata"),"TV-Browser");
if(test.isDirectory()) {
firstDir = test.getAbsolutePath();
String[] directories = {getUserDirectoryName(),firstDir,System.getProperty("user.home") + "/TV-Browser",System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Library/Preferences/TV-Browser", System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.tvbrowser"};
for(int j = 0; j < (TVBrowser.isTransportable() ? directories.length : countValue); j++) {
String[] allVersions = TVBrowser.getAllVersionStrings();
for (int i = (j == 0 ? 1 : 0); i < allVersions.length; i++) {
testFile = new File(directories[j] + File.separator +
allVersions[i], SETTINGS_FILE);
if(testFile.isFile()) {
oldDir = new File(directories[j], allVersions[i]);
if(oldDir == null) {
testFile = new File(directories[j], SETTINGS_FILE);
if(testFile.isFile()) {
oldDir = new File(directories[j]);
} else {
testFile = new File(oldDirectoryName, SETTINGS_FILE);
if(testFile.isFile()) {
oldDir = new File(oldDirectoryName);
if(oldDir != null) {
if (oldDir != null && oldDir.isDirectory() && oldDir.exists() && TVBrowser.isTransportable() && !oldDir.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(new File("settings").getAbsolutePath())) {
try {
}catch(Exception e) { /*ignore*/}
String[] options = {MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("import","Import settings"),
MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("configureNew","Create new configuration")};
String title = MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("importInfoTitle","Import settings?");
String msg = MainFrame.mLocalizer.msg("importInfoMsg","TV-Browser has found settings for import.\nShould the settings be imported now?");
if(JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,msg,title,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION,JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,null,options,options[0]) == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
oldDir = null;
if (oldDir != null && oldDir.isDirectory() && oldDir.exists()) {
mLog.info("Try to load settings from a previous version of TV-Browser: " + oldDir);
final File newDir = new File(getUserSettingsDirName());
File oldTvDataDir = null;
final Properties prop = new Properties();
try {
StreamUtilities.inputStream(testFile, new InputStreamProcessor() {
public void process(InputStream input) throws IOException {
}catch(Exception e) {}
String versionString = prop.getProperty("version",null);
Version testVersion = null;
if(versionString != null) {
try {
int asInt = Integer.parseInt(versionString);
int major = asInt / 100;
int minor = asInt % 100;
testVersion = new Version(major,minor);
catch(NumberFormatException exc) {
// Ignore
String temp = prop.getProperty("dir.tvdata", null);
boolean versionTest = !TVBrowser.isTransportable() && Launch.isOsWindowsNtBranch() && testVersion != null && testVersion.compareTo(new Version(3,0,true)) < 0
&& (temp == null || temp.replace("/","\\").equals(System.getProperty("user.home")+"\\TV-Browser\\tvdata"));
if((TVBrowser.isTransportable() || versionTest)
&& !(new File(getUserDirectoryName(),"tvdata").isDirectory())) {
try {
if(temp != null) {
oldTvDataDir = new File(temp);
} else if(new File(oldDir, "tvdata").isDirectory()) {
oldTvDataDir = new File(oldDir, "tvdata");
} else if(new File(oldDir.getParent(), "tvdata").isDirectory()) {
oldTvDataDir = new File(oldDir.getParent(), "tvdata");
}catch(Exception e) {}
if (newDir.mkdirs()) {
try {
IOUtilities.copy(oldDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return !name.equalsIgnoreCase("tvdata")
&& !name.equals(newDir.getName())
&& !name.equalsIgnoreCase("backup")
&& !name.equalsIgnoreCase("lang");
}), newDir);
mShowSettingsCopyWaiting = false;
mLog.info("settings from previous version copied successfully");
File newSettingsFile = new File(newDir, SETTINGS_FILE);
mLog.info("settings from previous version read successfully");
* This is the .tvbrowser dir, if there are settings form version
* 1.0 change the name to start with java.
if (oldDirectoryName.equals(oldDir.getAbsolutePath())) {
File[] settings = newDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".prop") && name
.toLowerCase().indexOf("settings") == -1)
|| (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".dat") && name
.toLowerCase().indexOf("tv-data-inventory") == -1);
boolean version1 = false;
if (settings != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < settings.length; i++) {
String name = "java." + settings[i].getName();
if (!settings[i].getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("java.")) {
version1 = true;
settings[i].renameTo(new File(settings[i].getParent(), name));
if (version1
&& !(new File(oldDirectoryName, newDir.getName()))
.isDirectory()) {
oldDir.renameTo(new File(System.getProperty("user.home", "")
+ File.separator + "tvbrowser_BACKUP"));
* Test if and copy TV data for the portable version.
if(oldTvDataDir != null && oldTvDataDir.isDirectory()) {
final File targetDir = new File(getUserDirectoryName(),"tvdata");
if(!oldTvDataDir.equals(targetDir)) {
final CopyWaitingDlg waiting = new CopyWaitingDlg(new JFrame(), versionTest ? CopyWaitingDlg.APPDATA_MSG : CopyWaitingDlg.IMPORT_MSG);
mShowWaiting = true;
final File srcDir = oldTvDataDir;
Thread copyDataThread = new Thread("Copy TV data directory") {
public void run() {
try {
IOUtilities.copy(srcDir.listFiles(), targetDir, true);
}catch(Exception e) {}
mShowWaiting = false;
* Test if a settings file exist in the user directory, move the
* settings to backup.
if ((new File(getUserDirectoryName(), SETTINGS_FILE)).isFile()) {
final File backupDir = new File(getUserDirectoryName(), "BACKUP");
if (backupDir.mkdirs()) {
mLog.info("moving the settings of old settings dir to backup");
File[] files = oldDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return pathname.compareTo(newDir) != 0
&& pathname.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("tvdata") != 0
&& pathname.compareTo(backupDir) != 0;
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
file.renameTo(new File(backupDir,file.getName()));
} catch (IOException e) {
mLog.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not import user settings from '"
+ oldDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' to '"
+ newDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'", e);
} else {
mLog.info("Could not create directory '" + newDir.getAbsolutePath()
+ "' - using default user settings");
} else {
.info("No previous version of TV-Browser found - using default user settings");
mShowSettingsCopyWaiting = false;
File settingsDir = new File(newDirectoryName);
if (!settingsDir.exists()) {
mLog.info("Creating " + newDirectoryName);
private static void loadWindowSettings() {
File windowSettingsFile = new File(Settings.getUserSettingsDirName(),
if (windowSettingsFile.isFile() && windowSettingsFile.canRead()) {
try {
new ObjectInputStreamProcessor() {
public void process(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException {
if (in.available() > 0) {
in.readInt(); // read version
int n = in.readInt(); // read number of window settings
mWindowSettings = new HashMap<String, WindowSetting>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
mWindowSettings.put(in.readUTF(), new WindowSetting(in));
}catch(Exception e) {
// propably defect settings, create new settings
mWindowSettings = null;
if (mWindowSettings == null) {
mWindowSettings = new HashMap<String, WindowSetting>(1);
public static void handleChangedSettings() {
Property[] propArr;
MainFrame mainFrame = MainFrame.getInstance();
propArr = new Property[] { propProgramTitleFont, propProgramInfoFont,
propProgramTimeFont, propChannelNameFont, propUseDefaultFonts,
propEnableAntialiasing, propProgramTableOnAirProgramsShowingBorder,
propProgramPanelWithMarkingsShowingBoder, propProgramPanelUsedDefaultMarkPriority,
propProgramPanelMarkedLowerMediumPriorityColor, propProgramPanelMarkedMinPriorityColor,
propProgramPanelMarkedMediumPriorityColor, propProgramPanelMarkedMaxPriorityColor,
propProgramTableColorOnAirLight, propProgramTableColorOnAirDark, propProgramPanelForegroundColor,
propProgramTableBackgroundSingleColor, propProgramPanelAllowTransparency};
if (mProp.hasChanged(propArr)) {
ProgramTableScrollPane scrollPane = mainFrame.getProgramTableScrollPane();
propArr = new Property[] {propPictureType, propPictureStartTime,
propPictureEndTime, propIsPictureShowingDescription, propPicturePluginIds,
propPictureDuration, propProgramTableCutTitle,
propProgramTableCutTitleLines, propPictureDescriptionLines,
propProgramPanelMaxLines, propProgramPanelShortDurationActive,
if(mProp.hasChanged(propArr)) {
if(mProp.hasChanged(propProgramPanelHyphenation)) {
if (mProp.hasChanged(propColumnWidth)) {
ProgramTableScrollPane scrollPane = mainFrame.getProgramTableScrollPane();
if (mProp.hasChanged(propTableLayout)) {
ProgramTableScrollPane scrollPane = mainFrame.getProgramTableScrollPane();
if (mProp.hasChanged(propDeactivatedPlugins)) {
propArr = new Property[] { propTableBackgroundStyle,
propOneImageBackground, propTimeBlockSize, propTimeBlockBackground1,
propTimeBlockBackground2, propTimeBlockShowWest,
propTimeBlockWestImage1, propTimeBlockWestImage2,
propTimeOfDayBackgroundEdge, propTimeOfDayBackgroundEarly,
propTimeOfDayBackgroundMidday, propTimeOfDayBackgroundAfternoon,
propTimeOfDayBackgroundEvening };
if (mProp.hasChanged(propArr)) {
ProgramTableScrollPane scrollPane = mainFrame.getProgramTableScrollPane();
if(mProp.hasChanged(propTimeBlockSize)) {
propArr = new Property[] { propToolbarButtonStyle, propToolbarButtons,
propToolbarLocation, propIsToolbarVisible, propToolbarUseBigIcons };
if (mProp.hasChanged(propArr)) {
if (mProp.hasChanged(propTimeButtons)) {
if (mProp.hasChanged(propSubscribedChannels)) {
DefaultProgramTableModel model = mainFrame.getProgramTableModel();
propArr = new Property[] { propProgramTableStartOfDay,
propProgramTableEndOfDay };
if (mProp.hasChanged(propArr)) {
DefaultProgramTableModel model = mainFrame.getProgramTableModel();
int startOfDay = propProgramTableStartOfDay.getInt();
int endOfDay = propProgramTableEndOfDay.getInt();
model.setTimeRange(startOfDay, endOfDay);
model.setDate(mainFrame.getCurrentSelectedDate(), null, null);
propArr = new Property[] { propProgramTableIconPlugins,
propProgramInfoFields };
if (mProp.hasChanged(propArr)) {
// Force a recreation of the table content
DefaultProgramTableModel model = mainFrame.getProgramTableModel();
model.setDate(mainFrame.getCurrentSelectedDate(), null, null);
propArr = new Property[] {
propShowChannelIconsInProgramTable, propShowChannelIconsInChannellist,
propShowChannelNamesInProgramTable, propShowChannelNamesInChannellist };
if (mProp.hasChanged(propArr)) {
if(mProp.hasChanged(propTVDataDirectory)) {
TvDataServiceProxyManager.getInstance().setTvDataDir(new File(propTVDataDirectory.getString()));
if (mProp.hasChanged(propViewDateLayout)) {
MainFrame.getInstance().setShowDatelist(true, true); // set date list visible (and save), otherwise the setting has no effect on restart
try {
}catch(Exception e) {}
* @return The Time-Pattern for SimpleFormatter's
public static String getTimePattern() {
if (propTwelveHourFormat.getBoolean()) {
return "hh:mm a";
} else {
return "HH:mm";
public static final VersionProperty propTVBrowserVersion = new VersionProperty(
mProp, "version", null);
public static final BooleanProperty propTVBrowserVersionIsStable = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "versionIsStable", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propUseDefaultFonts = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "usedefaultfonts", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propEnableAntialiasing = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "enableantialiasing", true);
private static String getDefaultTvDataDir() {
return (TVBrowser.isTransportable() && !mCopyToSystem) ? "./settings/tvdata" : getUserDirectoryName() + File.separator + "tvdata";
private static String getDefaultPluginsDir() {
return getUserSettingsDirName() + "/plugins";
public static final StringProperty propTVDataDirectory = new StringProperty(
mProp, "dir.tvdata", mDefaultSettings.getProperty("tvdatadir",
public static final StringProperty propPluginsDirectory = new StringProperty(
mProp, "dir.plugins", mDefaultSettings.getProperty("pluginsdir",
* selected channel country filter in channel settings
* @since 3.0
public static final StringProperty propSelectedChannelCountry = new StringProperty(
mProp, "selectedChannelCountry", Locale.getDefault().getCountry().toLowerCase());
* subscribed channels
public static final ChannelArrayProperty propSubscribedChannels = new ChannelArrayProperty(
mProp, "subscribedchannels", new Channel[0]);
public static final ChoiceProperty propTableLayout = new ChoiceProperty(
mProp, "table.layout", LAYOUT_OPTIMIZED_COMPACT_TIME_BLOCK, new String[] {
public static final ChoiceProperty propTableBackgroundStyle = new ChoiceProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.style", LAYOUT_TIME_BLOCK, new String[] { "singleColor",
"oneImage", LAYOUT_TIME_BLOCK, "timeOfDay" });
public static final StringProperty propOneImageBackground = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.oneImage.image", "imgs/columns_evening.jpg");
public static final IntProperty propTimeBlockSize = new IntProperty(mProp,
"tablebackground.timeBlock.size", 2);
public static final StringProperty propTimeBlockBackground1 = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeBlock.image1", "imgs/time_block_white.png");
public static final StringProperty propTimeBlockBackground2 = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeBlock.image2", "imgs/time_block_gray.png");
public static final StringProperty propTimeBlockWestImage1 = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeBlock.west1", "imgs/time_block_white.png");
public static final StringProperty propTimeBlockWestImage2 = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeBlock.west2", "imgs/time_block_gray.png");
public static final BooleanProperty propTimeBlockShowWest = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeBlock.showWest", true);
public static final StringProperty propTimeOfDayBackgroundEdge = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeofday.edge", "imgs/columns_edge.jpg");
public static final StringProperty propTimeOfDayBackgroundEarly = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeofday.early", "imgs/columns_early.jpg");
public static final StringProperty propTimeOfDayBackgroundMidday = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeofday.midday", "imgs/columns_midday.jpg");
public static final StringProperty propTimeOfDayBackgroundAfternoon = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeofday.afternoon",
public static final StringProperty propTimeOfDayBackgroundEvening = new StringProperty(
mProp, "tablebackground.timeofday.evening", "imgs/columns_evening.jpg");
public static final BooleanProperty propShowAssistant = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "showassistant", true);
public static final StringProperty propUserDefinedWebbrowser = new StringProperty(
mProp, "webbrowser", null);
public static final StringProperty propUserDefinedWebbrowserParams = new StringProperty(
mProp, "webbrowserParams", "{0}");
public static final ColorProperty propProgramTableBackgroundSingleColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "backgroundSingleColor", Color.white);
* Basic tray settings
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayIsEnabled = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayIsEnabled", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayIsAntialiasing = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayIsAntialiasing", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayMinimizeTo = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "MinimizeToTray", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propOnlyMinimizeWhenWindowClosing = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "onlyMinimizeWhenWindowClosing", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propNowOnRestore = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "jumpNowOnRestore",true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayFilterNotMarked = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayFilterNotMarked",false);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayFilterNot = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayFilterAll",false);
* Channel settings for the tray.
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayUseSpecialChannels = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayUseSpecialChannels", false);
public static final ChannelArrayProperty propTraySpecialChannels = new ChannelArrayProperty(
mProp, "traySpecialChannels", new devplugin.Channel[] {});
public static final IntProperty propTrayChannelWidth = new IntProperty(
mProp, "trayChannelWidth", 72);
* Settings for the ON_TIME_TYPE of the ProgramMenuItem.
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsEnabled = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsEnabled", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsInSubMenu = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsInSubMenus", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsContainsTime = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsContainsTime", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsContainsIcon = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsContainsIcon", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsContainsName = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsContainsName", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsContainsToolTip = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsContainsToolTip", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsShowProgress = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsShowProgress", true);
public static final ColorProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsDarkBackground = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsDarkBackground", new Color(255, 150, 0, 80));
public static final ColorProperty propTrayOnTimeProgramsLightBackground = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "trayOnTimeProgramsLightBackground", new Color(255, 150, 0, 40));
* Settings for the NOW_TYPE of the ProgramMenuItem.
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayNowProgramsEnabled = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayNowProgramsEnabled", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayNowProgramsInSubMenu = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayNowProgramsInSubMenus", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayNowProgramsContainsTime = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayNowProgramsContainsTime", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayNowProgramsContainsIcon = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayNowProgramsContainsIcon", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayNowProgramsContainsName = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayNowProgramsContainsName", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayNowProgramsContainsToolTip = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayNowProgramsContainsToolTip", true);
* Settings for the SOON_TYPE of the ProgramMenuItem.
public static final BooleanProperty propTraySoonProgramsEnabled = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "traySoonProgramsEnabled", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTraySoonProgramsContainsTime = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "traySoonProgramsContainsTime", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTraySoonProgramsContainsIcon = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "traySoonProgramsContainsIcon", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTraySoonProgramsContainsName = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "traySoonProgramsContainsName", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTraySoonProgramsContainsToolTip = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "traySoonProgramsContainsToolTip", true);
* Settings for the IMPORTANT_TYPE of the ProgramMenuItem.
public static final IntProperty propTrayImportantProgramsPriority = new IntProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsPriority", 0
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayImportantProgramsEnabled = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsEnabled", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayImportantProgramsInSubMenu = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsInSubMenu", false);
public static final IntProperty propTrayImportantProgramsSize = new IntProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsSize", 5);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayImportantProgramsContainsIcon = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsContainsIcon", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayImportantProgramsContainsName = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsContainsName", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayImportantProgramsContainsDate = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsContainsDate", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayImportantProgramsContainsTime = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsContainsTime", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propTrayImportantProgramsContainsToolTip = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "trayImportantProgramsContainsToolTip", true);
* Toolbar settings
public static final ChoiceProperty propToolbarButtonStyle = new ChoiceProperty(
mProp, "buttontype", "icon", new String[] { "text&icon", "text", "icon" });
public static final BooleanProperty propIsToolbarVisible = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "isToolbarVisible", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propIsStatusbarVisible = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "isStatusbarVisible", true);
public static final StringProperty propSkinLFThemepack = new StringProperty(
mProp, "skinLF.themepack", "themepacks/themepack.zip");
public static final StringProperty propJGoodiesTheme = new JGoodiesThemeProperty(
mProp, "jgoodies.theme");
public static final BooleanProperty propJGoodiesShadow = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "jgoodies.dropshadow", false);
public static final StringProperty propLookAndFeel = new StringProperty(
mProp, "lookandfeel1_1", mDefaultSettings.getProperty("lookandfeel",
private static String getDefaultLookAndFeelClassName() {
String lnf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName();
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(lnf, "metal")) {
LookAndFeelInfo[] lnfs = UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels();
if (lnfs != null) {
for (LookAndFeelInfo lookAndFeel : lnfs) {
if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(lookAndFeel.getName(),"Nimbus")) {
lnf = lookAndFeel.getClassName();
return lnf;
public static final IntProperty propColumnWidth = new IntProperty(mProp,
"columnwidth", 200);
public static final IntArrayProperty propTimeButtons = new IntArrayProperty(
mProp, "timeButtons", new int[] { 6 * 60, 12 * 60, 18 * 60, 20 * 60 + 15 });
public static final StringArrayProperty propToolbarButtons = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "toolbarButtons_2.0", null // we show all buttons, if this property
// is not set
public static final BooleanProperty propToolbarUseBigIcons = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "toolbarUseBigIcons", true);
public static final StringProperty propToolbarLocation = new StringProperty(
mProp, "toolbarLocation", "north");
public static final StringProperty propLeftSingleClickIf = new StringProperty(
mProp, "leftSingleClickIf", ProgramInfo.getProgramInfoPluginId());
public static final StringProperty propDoubleClickIf = new StringProperty(
mProp, "contextmenudefaultplugin", ProgramInfo.getProgramInfoPluginId());
public static final StringProperty propMiddleClickIf = new StringProperty(
mProp, "middleclickplugin", ReminderPlugin.getReminderPluginId());
public static final StringProperty propMiddleDoubleClickIf = new StringProperty(
mProp, "middledoubleclickplugin", FavoritesPlugin.getFavoritesPluginId());
public static final StringProperty propLeftSingleCtrlClickIf = new StringProperty(
mProp, "leftSingleCtrlClickIf", null);
* the last active program filter
public static final StringProperty propLastUsedFilter = new StringProperty(
mProp, "lastusedfilter", null);
* the last active channel group for filtering the channel list
public static final StringProperty propLastUsedChannelGroup = new StringProperty(
mProp, "lastchannelgroup", null);
* The order of the plugin IDs.
* <p>
* In former times this property hold the list of plugin class names that
* should be activated on startup (in the right order). Now it holds IDs, not
* class names and activation is controlled by {@link #propDeactivatedPlugins}.
public static final StringArrayProperty propPluginOrder = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "plugins", null);
* Order of the Plugins in the Context-Menu.
public static final StringArrayProperty propContextMenuOrder = new StringArrayProperty(mProp, "contextMenuOrder",
new String[] { "programinfo.ProgramInfo", "searchplugin.SearchPlugin", "reminderplugin.ReminderPlugin",
"favoritesplugin.FavoritesPlugin", SeparatorMenuItem.SEPARATOR, "java.webplugin.WebPlugin",
"java.simplemarkerplugin.SimpleMarkerPlugin", "java.captureplugin.CapturePlugin" });
* All disabled Items of the ContextMenu
public static final StringArrayProperty propContextMenuDisabledItems = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "contextMenuDisabledItems", null);
* some plugins are installed by default, but not activated
private static final String[] DEFAULT_DISABLED_PLUGINS;
static {
ArrayList<String> plugins = new ArrayList<String>();
plugins.add("java.showviewplugin.ShowviewPlugin"); // no longer available
plugins.add("java.i18nplugin.I18NPlugin"); // developers only
if (!OperatingSystem.isMacOs()) {
plugins.add("java.growlplugin.GrowlPlugin"); // needs Growl for Windows
plugins.add("java.blogthisplugin.BlogThisPlugin"); // typical users don't blog
DEFAULT_DISABLED_PLUGINS = plugins.toArray(new String[plugins.size()]);
* The ID's of the plugins that have been deactivated.
* <p>
* NOTE: By remembering the deactivated plugins rather then the activated plugins
* new plugins are activated automatically.
public static final StringArrayProperty propDeactivatedPlugins = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "deactivatedPlugins", DEFAULT_DISABLED_PLUGINS);
public static final IntProperty propDownloadPeriod = new IntProperty(mProp,
"downloadperiod", 1);
public static final ChoiceProperty propAutoDownloadType = new ChoiceProperty(
mProp, "autodownload", "never", new String[] { "startup", "daily",
"every3days", "weekly", "never" });
public static final IntProperty propAutoDownloadPeriod = new IntProperty(
mProp, "autodownloadperiod", 0);
public static final BooleanProperty propAskForAutoDownload = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "askForAutoDownload", false);
public static final DateProperty propLastDownloadDate = new DateProperty(
mProp, "lastdownload", Date.getCurrentDate().addDays(-100));
public static final FontProperty propProgramTitleFont = new DeferredFontProperty(
mProp, "font.programtitle", DEFAULT_PROGRAMTITLEFONT);
public static final FontProperty propProgramInfoFont = new DeferredFontProperty(
mProp, "font.programinfo", DEFAULT_PROGRAMINFOFONT);
public static final FontProperty propChannelNameFont = new DeferredFontProperty(
mProp, "font.channelname", DEFAULT_CHANNELNAMEFONT);
public static final FontProperty propProgramTimeFont = new DeferredFontProperty(
mProp, "font.programtime", DEFAULT_PROGRAMTIMEFONT);
public static final ProgramFieldTypeArrayProperty propProgramInfoFields = new ProgramFieldTypeArrayProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.infoFields", new ProgramFieldType[] {
ProgramFieldType.GENRE_TYPE, ProgramFieldType.EPISODE_TYPE,
ProgramFieldType.ORIGIN_TYPE, ProgramFieldType.PRODUCTION_YEAR_TYPE,
public static final StringArrayProperty propProgramTableIconPlugins = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.iconPlugins", new String[] { PICTURE_ID,INFO_ID,
"tvraterplugin.TVRaterPlugin", });
/** Used to enable border for on air programs */
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramTableOnAirProgramsShowingBorder = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.onAirProgramsShowingBorder", false);
/** Color for Program on Air - This shows how much was shown until now */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramTableColorOnAirDark = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorOnAirDark", new Color(0, 0, 255, 60));
/** Color for Program on Air - This shows how much is not shown until now */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramTableColorOnAirLight = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorOnAirLight", new Color(0, 0, 255, 30));
* Used to track if a program panel should use additional space for the mark
* icons
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramPanelUsesExtraSpaceForMarkIcons = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.usesExtraSpaceForMarkIcons", true
/** Used to enable border on marked programs */
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramPanelWithMarkingsShowingBoder = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.markingsShowingBorder", true);
/** Used default mark priority for markings of plugins. */
public static final IntProperty propProgramPanelUsedDefaultMarkPriority = new IntProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.defaultMarkPriority", 0);
/** Color for Programs marked with MIN_PRIORITY */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramPanelMarkedMinPriorityColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorMarked", new Color(140, 255, 0, 60));
/** Color for Programs marked with LOWER_MEDIUM_PRIORITY */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramPanelMarkedLowerMediumPriorityColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorMarkedLowerMedium", new Color(0, 255, 255, 50));
/** Color for Programs marked with MEDIUM_PRIORITY */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramPanelMarkedMediumPriorityColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorMarkedMedium", new Color(255, 255, 0, 60));
/** Color for Programs marked with HIGHER_MEDIUM_PRIORITY */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramPanelMarkedHigherMediumPriorityColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorMarkedHigherMedium", new Color(255, 180, 0, 110));
/** Color for Programs marked with MAX_PRIORITY */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramPanelMarkedMaxPriorityColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorMarkedMax", new Color(255, 0, 0, 30));
/** Color of the foreground of a program panel */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramPanelForegroundColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ColorForeground", Color.black);
/** If plugins are allowed to set the transparency of a program */
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramPanelAllowTransparency = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.AllowTransparency", true);
* use hyphenation to break strings in a program panel
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramPanelHyphenation = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.Hyphenation", false);
* number of description lines show in program panel
public static final IntProperty propProgramPanelMaxLines = new IntProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.MaxLines", 3);
* show less description lines for very short programs
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramPanelShortDurationActive = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ShortActive", true);
* maximum duration in minutes to show no description
public static final IntProperty propProgramPanelShortDurationMinutes = new IntProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.ShortMinutes", 10);
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramTableMouseOver = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.MouseOver", true);
/** Color for Mouse-Over */
public static final ColorProperty propProgramTableMouseOverColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.MouseOverColor", new Color(200, 200, 0, 60));
/** Color for selected Program */
public static final ColorProperty propKeyboardSelectedColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "programpanel.KeyboardSelectedColor", new Color(130, 255, 0, 120));
public static final BooleanProperty propIsWindowMaximized = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "window.isMaximized", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propIsUsingFullscreen = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "isUsingFullscreen", false);
public static final IntProperty propWindowWidth = new IntProperty(mProp,
"window.width", 770);
public static final IntProperty propWindowHeight = new IntProperty(mProp,
"window.height", 500);
public static final IntProperty propWindowX = new IntProperty(mProp,
"window.x", -1);
public static final IntProperty propWindowY = new IntProperty(mProp,
"window.y", -1);
public static final IntProperty propSettingsDialogDividerLocation = new IntProperty(mProp,
"settingsDialogDividerLocation", 200);
* start of day in minutes after midnight
public static final IntProperty propProgramTableStartOfDay = new IntProperty(
mProp, "programtable.startofday", 0);
* end of day in minutes after midnight
public static final IntProperty propProgramTableEndOfDay = new IntProperty(
mProp, "programtable.endofday", 5 * 60);
public static final BooleanProperty propHttpProxyUseProxy = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "proxy.http.useProxy", false);
public static final IntProperty propDefaultNetworkConnectionTimeout = new IntProperty(
mProp, "network.defaultConnectionTimeout", 60000);
public static final IntProperty propNetworkCheckTimeout = new IntProperty(
mProp, "network.checkTimeout", 10000);
public static final IntProperty propPictureType = new IntProperty(
mProp, "pictures.type", ProgramPanelSettings.SHOW_PICTURES_FOR_DURATION);
public static final IntProperty propPictureDescriptionLines = new IntProperty(
mProp, "pictures.lines", 8);
public static final StringArrayProperty propPicturePluginIds = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "pictures.pluginIds", new String[0]);
public static final IntProperty propPictureStartTime = new IntProperty(
mProp, "pictures.startTime", 18 * 60);
public static final IntProperty propPictureEndTime = new IntProperty(
mProp, "pictures.endTime", 23 * 60);
public static final IntProperty propPictureDuration = new IntProperty(
mProp, "pictures.duration", 90);
public static final BooleanProperty propIsPictureShowingDescription = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "pictures.showDescription", true);
public static final StringProperty propHttpProxyHost = new StringProperty(
mProp, "proxy.http.host", "");
public static final StringProperty propHttpProxyPort = new StringProperty(
mProp, "proxy.http.port", "");
public static final BooleanProperty propHttpProxyAuthentifyAtProxy = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "proxy.http.authentifyAtProxy", false);
public static final StringProperty propHttpProxyUser = new StringProperty(
mProp, "proxy.http.user", "");
public static final EncodedStringProperty propHttpProxyPassword = new EncodedStringProperty(
mProp, "proxy.http.password", "", PROXY_PASSWORD_SEED);
public static final StringArrayProperty propDataServicesForUpdate = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "tvdataservices.update", null);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowPluginView = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "show.pluginview", false);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowTimeButtons = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "show.timebuttons", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowChannels = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "show.channels", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowDatelist = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "show.datelist", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowFilterBar = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "show.filterbar", true);
public static final SplitViewProperty propViewRoot = new SplitViewProperty(
mProp, "view.root", false, true, 200);
public static final SplitViewProperty propViewMainframe = new SplitViewProperty(
mProp, "view.mainframe", false, false, 150);
public static final SplitViewProperty propViewNavigation = new SplitViewProperty(
mProp, "view.navigation", true, true, 150);
public static final SplitViewProperty propViewDateChannel = new SplitViewProperty(
mProp, "view.date_channel", true, true, 150);
public static final BooleanProperty propSplashShow = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "splash.show", true);
* The Splash-Image
public static final StringProperty propSplashImage = new StringProperty(
mProp, "splash.file", "imgs/splash.png");
* The X-Position of the Text in the Splash
public static final IntProperty propSplashTextPosX = new IntProperty(mProp,
"splash.textPosX", 10);
* The Y-Position of the Text in the Splash
public static final IntProperty propSplashTextPosY = new IntProperty(mProp,
"splash.textPosY", 262);
* Foreground-Color
public static final ColorProperty propSplashForegroundColor = new ColorProperty(
mProp, "splash.ForegroundColor", Color.WHITE);
public static final StringProperty propLanguage = new StringProperty(mProp,
"language", System.getProperty("user.language"));
public static final StringProperty propCountry = new StringProperty(mProp,
"country", System.getProperty("user.country", ""));
public static final StringProperty propVariant = new StringProperty(mProp,
"variant", System.getProperty("user.variant",""));
public static final StringProperty propTimezone = new StringProperty(mProp,
"timeZone", null);
public static final BooleanProperty propMinimizeAfterStartup = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "minimizeAfterStartup", false);
public static final StringProperty propLogdirectory = new StringProperty(
mProp, "logdirectory", mDefaultSettings.getProperty("logdirectory", null));
public static final BooleanProperty propShowChannelIconsInProgramTable = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "showChannelIconsInProgramtable", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowChannelNamesInProgramTable = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "showChannelNamesInProgramtable", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowChannelIconsInChannellist = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "showChannelIconsInChannellist", true);
public static final BooleanProperty propShowChannelNamesInChannellist = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "showChannelNamesInChannellist", true);
public static final StringArrayProperty propUsedChannelGroups = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "usedChannelGroups", null);
public static final StringArrayProperty propDeleteFilesAtStart = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "deleteFilesAtStart", new String[0]);
* The IconTheme
public static final StringProperty propIcontheme = new StringProperty(mProp,
"icontheme", mDefaultSettings.getProperty("icontheme", null));
* Show the "The Browser was opened"-Dialog
public static final BooleanProperty propShowBrowserOpenDialog = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "showBrowserOpenDialog", true);
* Show the SearchField in the Toolbar
public static final BooleanProperty propIsSearchFieldVisible = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "isSearchFieldVisible", true);
* Use 12-Hour Format?
public static final BooleanProperty propTwelveHourFormat = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "uswTwelveHourFormat", false);
/** An array with the ids of the TV data service which license was accepted. */
public static final StringArrayProperty propAcceptedLicenseArrForServiceIds = new StringArrayProperty(
mProp, "licnseIds", new String[] {});
/** the class name of the last settings tab that has been closed with OK before */
public static final StringProperty propLastUsedSettingsPath = new StringProperty(mProp, "lastUsedSettingsTabClassName", "#channels");
* maximum width of the program table columns
public static final int MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH = 600;
* minimum width of the program table columns
public static final int MIN_COLUMN_WIDTH = 60;
/** The setting that contains the global picture settings value */
public static final IntProperty propPluginsPictureSetting = new IntProperty(
mProp, "pluginsPictureSetting", PluginPictureSettings.PICTURE_AND_DISCRIPTION_TYPE);
/** The user selected default filter */
public static final StringProperty propDefaultFilter = new StringProperty(
mProp, "defaultFilter", "");
/** If the plugin updates should be found automatically */
public static final BooleanProperty propAutoUpdatePlugins = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "autoUpdatePlugins", true);
public static final DateProperty propLastPluginsUpdate = new DateProperty(
mProp, "lastPluginsUpdate", null);
* enable checking date and time via NTP if no TV data can be downloaded
public static final BooleanProperty propNTPTimeCheck = new BooleanProperty(mProp, "ntpTimeCheckEnabled", true);
* date of last NTP internet time check
public static final DateProperty propLastNTPCheck = new DateProperty(mProp, "lastNTPCheck", null);
/** If the internet connection should be checked before accessing internet */
public static final BooleanProperty propInternetConnectionCheck = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "internetConnectionCheck", true);
* If the plugin view is on the left side and the channel list on the right side.
* @since 2.7
public static final BooleanProperty propPluginViewIsLeft = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "pluginViewIsLeft", true);
* if calendar view is active
* @since 3.0
public static final IntProperty propViewDateLayout = new IntProperty(
mProp, "propViewDateLayout", 1);
* The time between auto updates of data services
* @since 2.7
public static final IntProperty propDataServiceAutoUpdateTime = new IntProperty(
mProp, "dataServiceAutoUpdateTime", 30);
* list of hidden message boxes
* @since 2.7
public static final StringArrayProperty propHiddenMessageBoxes = new StringArrayProperty(mProp, "hideMessageBox", new String[] {});
* show tooltip with large channel icon
* @since 2.7
public static final BooleanProperty propShowChannelTooltipInProgramTable = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "showChannelTooltipInProgramtable", true);
/** Saves the date of the very first TV-Browser start */
public static final DateProperty propFirstStartDate = new DateProperty(
mProp, "firstStartDate", null);
/** Saves if the plugin info dialog was already shown */
public static final BooleanProperty propPluginInfoDialogWasShown = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "pluginInfoDialogWasShown", false);
/** Saves the selected channel category filter index */
public static final ByteProperty propSelectedChannelCategoryIndex = new ByteProperty(
mProp, "selectedChannelCategoryIndex", (byte)1);
public static final BooleanProperty propAutoDataDownloadEnabled = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "autoDataDownloadEnabled", true);
public static final ShortProperty propAutoDownloadWaitingTime = new ShortProperty(
mProp, "autoDownloadWaitingTime", (short) 5);
public static final BooleanProperty propAutoDownloadWaitingEnabled = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "autoDownloadWaitingEnabled", true);
* if a long program title is to be shown in the program table, shall it be
* cut?
* @since 3.0
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramTableCutTitle = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programTableCutTitle", true);
* how many lines of the title shall be shown if it is cut
* @since 3.0
public static final IntProperty propProgramTableCutTitleLines = new IntProperty(
mProp, "programTableCutTitleLines", 2);
* auto scroll table after panning?
* @since 3.0
public static final BooleanProperty propProgramTableMouseAutoScroll = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "programTableMouseAutoScroll", true);
* @since 3.0
public static final StringArrayProperty propCurrentlyUsedDataServiceIds = new StringArrayProperty(mProp, "currentDataServices", new String[0]);
public static final BlockedPluginArrayProperty propBlockedPluginArray = new BlockedPluginArrayProperty(mProp, "blockedPlugins");
* id of the last active program receive target plugin
* @since 3.0
public static final StringProperty propLastUsedReceivePlugin = new StringProperty(
mProp, "lastusedreceiveplugin", null);
* id of the last active program receive target
* @since 3.0
public static final StringProperty propLastUsedReceiveTarget = new StringProperty(
mProp, "lastusedreceivetarget", null);
* saves if the channels were configured
* @since 3.0
public static final BooleanProperty propChannelsWereConfigured = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "channelsWereConfigured", false);
* Stores if beta warining is enabled for plugin update.
* @since 3.0
public static final BooleanProperty propPluginBetaWarning = new BooleanProperty(
mProp, "pluginBetaWarning", true);
* Sets the window position and size for the given window with the values of
* the given id.
* @param windowId
* The id of the values to set.
* @param window
* The window to layout.
* @since 2.7
public static final void layoutWindow(String windowId, Window window) {
layoutWindow(windowId, window, null);
* Sets the window position and size for the given window with the values of the given id.
* @param windowId The id of the values to set.
* @param window The window to layout.
* @param defaultSize The default size for the window.
* @since 2.7
public static final void layoutWindow(String windowId, Window window, Dimension defaultSize) {
WindowSetting setting = mWindowSettings.get(windowId);
if(setting == null) {
setting = new WindowSetting(defaultSize);
mWindowSettings.put(windowId, setting);