* SweDBTvDataService.java
* Created on den 31 oktober 2005, 13:09
* To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under
* the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose
* Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor.
package swedbtvdataservice;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import tvdataservice.SettingsPanel;
import tvdataservice.TvDataUpdateManager;
import util.exc.TvBrowserException;
import util.io.IOUtilities;
import util.io.Mirror;
import util.misc.SoftReferenceCache;
import util.tvdataservice.IconLoader;
import util.ui.Localizer;
import devplugin.Channel;
import devplugin.ChannelGroup;
import devplugin.Date;
import devplugin.Plugin;
import devplugin.PluginInfo;
import devplugin.ProgressMonitor;
import devplugin.Version;
public class SweDBTvDataService extends devplugin.AbstractTvDataService {
/** The default plugins download URL */
private static final String DEFAULT_PLUGINS_DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://www.tvbrowser.org/mirrorlists";
private static final Localizer mLocalizer = Localizer.getLocalizerFor(SweDBTvDataService.class);
private static final Logger mLog = Logger.getLogger(SweDBTvDataService.class.getName());
private static final Version VERSION = new Version(3,0);
private File mWorkingDirectory;
private DataHydraSettings mSettings = new DataHydraSettings();
private HashMap<String, DataHydraChannelGroup> mChannelGroups;
private HashMap<Channel, DataHydraChannelContainer> mInternalChannels = new HashMap<Channel, DataHydraChannelContainer>();
private HashMap<ChannelGroup, Long> mLastGroupUpdate = new HashMap<ChannelGroup, Long>();
private ArrayList<Channel> mChannels;
private SoftReferenceCache<String, File> mIconCache = new SoftReferenceCache<String, File>();
private boolean mHasRightToDownloadIcons;
private DataHydraFileParser mParser = new DataHydraFileParser();
private IconLoader iconLoader;
static final String SHOW_REGISTER_TEXT = "showRegisterText";
* Creates a new instance of SweDBTvDataService
public SweDBTvDataService() {
mHasRightToDownloadIcons = false;
mChannelGroups = new HashMap<String, DataHydraChannelGroup>();
addGroup(new DataHydraChannelGroup("SweDB", "SweDB.se", "(c) swedb.se", "http://tv.swedb.se", "swedb_channels.xml.gz", "se"));
addGroup(new DataHydraChannelGroup("MSPC", "mspc.no", "(c) mspc.no", "http://www.mspc.no", "mspc_channels.xml.gz", "no"));
addGroup(new DataHydraChannelGroup("gonix", "gonix.net", "(c) gonix.net", "http://www.gonix.net", "hrv_channels.xml.gz", "hr", false));
addGroup(new DataHydraChannelGroup("oztivo", "oztivo.net", "(c) oztivo.net", "http://www.oztivo.net/", "au_channels.xml.gz", "au"));
private void addGroup(DataHydraChannelGroup dataHydraChannelGroup) {
mChannelGroups.put(dataHydraChannelGroup.getId(), dataHydraChannelGroup);
public boolean supportsDynamicChannelList() {
return true;
public boolean supportsDynamicChannelGroups() {
return true;
public boolean hasSettingsPanel() {
return false;
public SettingsPanel getSettingsPanel() {
return new DataHydraSettingsPanel(mSettings);
public void setWorkingDirectory(File dataDir) {
mLog.info("DataHydraTvDataService setting directory to " + dataDir.toString());
mWorkingDirectory = dataDir;
* @return an array of the available channel groups.
public ChannelGroup[] getAvailableGroups() {
Set<String> keys = mChannelGroups.keySet();
final ArrayList<ChannelGroup> groups = new ArrayList<ChannelGroup>();
for (String key : keys) {
return groups.toArray(new ChannelGroup[groups.size()]);
* Updates the TV listings provided by this data service.
* @throws util.exc.TvBrowserException
public void updateTvData(TvDataUpdateManager updateManager,
Channel[] channelArr, Date startDate, int dateCount,
ProgressMonitor monitor) throws TvBrowserException {
// Check for connection
if (!updateManager.checkConnection()) {
mHasRightToDownloadIcons = true;
mLog.info("Starting update for DataHydraTvDataService from " + startDate.toString() + " for " + dateCount + " days");
devplugin.Date testStart = new devplugin.Date(startDate);
int counter = 0;
for (Channel channel : channelArr) {
mParser.loadDataForChannel(this, updateManager, startDate, dateCount, monitor, testStart, mInternalChannels.get(channel), channel);
mHasRightToDownloadIcons = false;
* Called by the host-application during start-up. Implement this method to
* load your data services settings from the file system.
public void loadSettings(Properties properties) {
mLog.info("Loading settings in DataHydraTvDataService");
for (ChannelGroup group : getAvailableGroups()) {
long lastupdate = Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty("LastChannelUpdate-" + group.getId(), "0"));
mLastGroupUpdate.put(group, lastupdate);
int numChannels = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(
"NumberOfChannels", "0"));
ArrayList<Channel> channels = new ArrayList<Channel>();
// create channels sorted by group to avoid recreation of icon loader
for (ChannelGroup group : getAvailableGroups()) {
String groupId = group.getId();
DataHydraChannelGroup dataHydraChannelGroup = mChannelGroups.get(groupId);
for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
String channelGroupId = properties.getProperty("ChannelGroup-" + i);
if (channelGroupId == null) {
channelGroupId = "SweDB";
if (groupId.equals(channelGroupId)) {
// create the icon loader on demand to avoid disk access for non used groups
if (iconLoader == null) {
DataHydraChannelContainer container = new DataHydraChannelContainer(properties.getProperty(
"ChannelId-" + i, ""), properties.getProperty("ChannelTitle-" + i,
""), properties.getProperty("ChannelBaseUrl-" + i, ""), properties
.getProperty("ChannelIconUrl-" + i, ""), properties.getProperty(
"ChannelLastUpdate-" + i, ""));
Channel ch = createTVBrowserChannel(dataHydraChannelGroup, container);
mInternalChannels.put(ch, container);
mChannels = channels;
mSettings.setShowRegisterText(Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(SweDBTvDataService.SHOW_REGISTER_TEXT, "true")));
mLog.info("Finished loading settings for DataHydraTvDataService");
* Called by the host-application during shut-down. Implements this method to
* store your dataservices settings to the file system.
public Properties storeSettings() {
mLog.info("Storing settings for DataHydraTvDataService");
Properties properties = new Properties();
for (ChannelGroup group : getAvailableGroups()) {
String value = "0";
if (mLastGroupUpdate.get(group) != null) {
value = mLastGroupUpdate.get(group).toString();
properties.setProperty("LastChannelUpdate-" + group.getId(), value);
properties.setProperty("NumberOfChannels", Integer.toString(mChannels.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < mChannels.size(); i++) {
final Channel channel = mChannels.get(i);
DataHydraChannelContainer container = mInternalChannels.get(channel);
properties.setProperty("ChannelId-" + i, container.getId());
properties.setProperty("ChannelTitle-" + i, container.getName());
properties.setProperty("ChannelBaseUrl-" + i, container.getBaseUrl());
properties.setProperty("ChannelIconUrl-" + i, container.getIconUrl());
properties.setProperty("ChannelLastUpdate-" + i, container.getLastUpdateString());
properties.setProperty("ChannelGroup-" + i, channel.getGroup().getId());
properties.setProperty(SweDBTvDataService.SHOW_REGISTER_TEXT, String.valueOf(mSettings.getShowRegisterText()));
mLog.info("Finished storing settings for DataHydraTvDataService. Returning properties...");
return properties;
* Gets the list of the channels that are available for the given channel
* group.
public Channel[] getAvailableChannels(ChannelGroup group) {
if (mChannels == null) {
return new Channel[0];
ArrayList<Channel> tempList = new ArrayList<Channel>();
for (Channel channel : mChannels) {
if (channel.getGroup().getId().equalsIgnoreCase(group.getId())) {
return tempList.toArray(new Channel[tempList.size()]);
public Channel[] checkForAvailableChannels(ChannelGroup group, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws TvBrowserException {
if (!(group instanceof DataHydraChannelGroup)) {
return new Channel[0];
DataHydraChannelGroup hydraGroup = (DataHydraChannelGroup) group;
mHasRightToDownloadIcons = true;
Channel[] channels;
try {
if (monitor != null) {
"Getting messages"));
mLog.log(Level.ALL, "Loading Channel file : " + hydraGroup.getChannelFile());
String urlMirror = getMirror().getUrl();
URL url = new URL(urlMirror + (urlMirror.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + hydraGroup.getChannelFile());
// Download the mirror list for the next run
try {
IOUtilities.download(new URL(urlMirror + (urlMirror.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + "main_" + Mirror.MIRROR_LIST_FILE_NAME), new File(mWorkingDirectory , "main_" + Mirror.MIRROR_LIST_FILE_NAME));
} catch(Exception ee) {}
if (monitor != null) {
"Getting channel list from")
+ " " + hydraGroup.getProviderName());
long lastUpdate = 0;
if (mLastGroupUpdate.get(hydraGroup) != null) {
lastUpdate = mLastGroupUpdate.get(hydraGroup);
mLog.log(Level.ALL, "Loading URL : " + url.toString());
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == 200) {
if (monitor != null) {
"Parsing channel list"));
int fileSize = con.getContentLength();
if (fileSize == 0) {
throw new TvBrowserException(SweDBTvDataService.class,
"Channel list file for group \"{0}\" is empty: {1}.", group.getName(), url);
else {
DataHydraChannelContainer[] DataHydracontainers = DataHydraChannelParser.parse(IOUtilities.openSaveGZipInputStream(con.getInputStream()));
if (monitor != null) {
monitor.setMessage(mLocalizer.msg("Progressmessage.40", "Found {0} channels, downloading channel icons...", DataHydracontainers.length));
mLastGroupUpdate.put(hydraGroup, con.getLastModified());
ArrayList<Channel> loadedChannels = new ArrayList<Channel>();
for (DataHydraChannelContainer container : DataHydracontainers) {
Channel ch = createTVBrowserChannel(hydraGroup, container);
mInternalChannels.put(ch, container);
channels = loadedChannels.toArray(new Channel[loadedChannels.size()]);
if (monitor != null) {
"All channels have been retrieved"));
* Update Channel list of the data plugin
// Remove all Channels of current Group
Channel[] chs = getAvailableChannels(hydraGroup);
for (Channel ch : chs) {
// Add all Channels for current Group
} else if (responseCode == 304) {
channels = getAvailableChannels(hydraGroup);
} else {
throw new TvBrowserException(SweDBTvDataService.class,
"Unknown response during check for available channels in Swedb plugin: {0}", responseCode);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TvBrowserException(SweDBTvDataService.class,
"Error checking for available channels in Swedb plugin: {0}", e
mHasRightToDownloadIcons = false;
return channels;
private Mirror getMirror() {
File file = new File(mWorkingDirectory , "main_" + Mirror.MIRROR_LIST_FILE_NAME);
try {
return Mirror.chooseUpToDateMirror(Mirror.readMirrorListFromFile(file),null,"DataHydra", "main", SweDBTvDataService.class, mLocalizer.msg("error.additional"," Please inform the TV-Browser team."));
} catch (Exception exc) {
try {
String[] defaultMirrors = getDefaultMirrors();
if(defaultMirrors.length > 0) {
Mirror[] mirr = new Mirror[defaultMirrors.length];
for(int i = 0; i < defaultMirrors.length; i++) {
mirr[i] = new Mirror(defaultMirrors[i]);
return Mirror.chooseUpToDateMirror(mirr,null,"DataHydra", "main", SweDBTvDataService.class, mLocalizer.msg("error.additional"," Please inform the TV-Browser team."));
} else {
throw exc;
}catch (Exception exc2) {
private Channel createTVBrowserChannel(DataHydraChannelGroup group, DataHydraChannelContainer container) {
if (mWorkingDirectory != null) {
int category = Channel.CATEGORY_TV;
if (group.getId().equals("MSPC")) {
if (container.getName().startsWith("[R]")) {
category = Channel.CATEGORY_RADIO;
Channel channel = new Channel(this, container.getName(),
container.getId(), TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), group.getCountry(),
group.getCopyright(), group.getUrl(), group, null, category);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(container.getIconUrl())) {
try {
Icon icon = iconLoader.getIcon(container.getId(), container.getIconUrl());
} catch (IOException e) {
mLog.severe("Unable to load icon for "
+ container.getId() + " on URL "
+ container.getIconUrl());
return channel;
} else {
mLog.info("DataHydraTvDataService: Working directory has not been initialized yet. Icons not loaded");
return null;
private void closeIconLoader(DataHydraChannelGroup group) {
try {
if (iconLoader != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
mLog.severe("Unable to close IconLoader for group ID "
+ group.getId() + " in working directory "
+ this.mWorkingDirectory);
iconLoader = null;
private void initializeIconLoader(DataHydraChannelGroup group) {
iconLoader = null;
try {
iconLoader = getIconLoader(group.getId(), mWorkingDirectory);
} catch (IOException e) {
mLog.severe("Unable to initialize IconLoader for group ID "
+ group.getId() + " in working directory "
+ this.mWorkingDirectory);
public boolean hasRightToDownloadIcons() {
return mHasRightToDownloadIcons;
public SoftReferenceCache<String, File> getIconCache() {
return mIconCache;
public ChannelGroup[] checkForAvailableChannelGroups(ProgressMonitor monitor)
throws TvBrowserException {
return getAvailableGroups();
public static Version getVersion() {
return VERSION;
public PluginInfo getInfo() {
return new devplugin.PluginInfo(
mLocalizer.msg("PluginInfo.name", "DataHydra TV-Data Plugin"),
"A TV Data Service plugin which uses XMLTV-data from TV.SWEDB.SE and mspc.no"),
"TV-Browser Team",
"Support the SWEDB and the mspc crew - Don't forget to register with http://tv.swedb.se/ and http://www.mspc.no"));
public boolean getShowRegisterText() {
return mSettings.getShowRegisterText();