* TV-Browser
* Copyright (C) 04-2003 Martin Oberhauser (darras@users.sourceforge.net)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* CVS information:
* $RCSfile$
* $Source$
* $Date: 2011-03-23 19:39:07 +0100 (Wed, 23 Mar 2011) $
* $Author: bananeweizen $
* $Revision: 6963 $
package primarydatamanager;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import tvbrowserdataservice.file.ChannelList;
import tvbrowserdataservice.file.DayProgramFile;
import tvbrowserdataservice.file.ProgramField;
import tvbrowserdataservice.file.ProgramFrame;
import tvdataservice.MutableProgram;
import util.io.FileFormatException;
import util.io.IOUtilities;
import devplugin.Channel;
import devplugin.Date;
import devplugin.ProgramFieldType;
* Compares the new raw data with the last prepared data and creates update
* files if nessesary.
* @author Til Schneider, www.murfman.de
public class RawDataProcessor {
private static final Logger mLog = Logger.getLogger(RawDataProcessor.class.getName());
* @deprecated use #{tvdataservice.MutableProgram#MAX_SHORT_INFO_LENGTH}
final public static int MAX_SHORT_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = MutableProgram.MAX_SHORT_INFO_LENGTH;
* The percentage of the number of frames that must stay in the version
* of a program to come into quarantine.
private static double MAX_DELETED_FRAMES = 0.25;
* The deadline day. All data files that contain TV data for days before that
* day count as outdated.
private Date mDeadlineDay;
private HashSet<String> mForceCompleteUpdateChannelSet;
private int mQuarantineCount;
public RawDataProcessor() {
mDeadlineDay = new Date().addDays(-2);
public void forceCompleteUpdateFor(String channel) {
if (mForceCompleteUpdateChannelSet == null) {
mForceCompleteUpdateChannelSet = new HashSet<String>();
public int getQuarantineCount() {
return mQuarantineCount;
public void processRawDataDir(File rawDir, File preparedDir, File workDir, ChannelList channelList)
throws PreparationException
if (! rawDir.exists()) {
throw new PreparationException("Raw directory does not exist: "
+ rawDir.getAbsolutePath());
// Go through the raw files and process them one by one
File[] fileArr = rawDir.listFiles();
if (fileArr == null) {
for (File element : fileArr) {
String fileName = element.getName();
// Extract the information from the file name
// Pattern: <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>_<country>_<channel>_raw_full.prog.gz
if (fileName.endsWith("_raw_full.prog.gz")) {
// Extract the information from the file name
Date date;
String country, channel;
try {
int year = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(0, 4));
int month = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(5, 7));
int day = Integer.parseInt(fileName.substring(8, 10));
date = new Date(year, month, day);
int countryEnd = fileName.indexOf('_', 11);
country = fileName.substring(11, countryEnd);
int channelEnd = fileName.indexOf('_', countryEnd + 1);
channel = fileName.substring(countryEnd + 1, channelEnd);
// if the file does not belong to our group, we ignore it
if (!RawDataProcessor.channelBelongsToGroup(channelList, channel, country)) {
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Raw file name has wrong pattern: "
+ fileName, exc);
// Ensure that the file is not outdated
if (date.compareTo(mDeadlineDay) >= 0) {
// Load the file
DayProgramFile rawFile;
try {
rawFile = new DayProgramFile();
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Loading raw file failed: "
+ fileName, exc);
// Process the file
try {
processRawFile(rawFile, date, country, channel, preparedDir, workDir);
catch (PreparationException exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Processing raw file failed: "
+ element.getAbsolutePath(), exc);
else {
public static boolean channelBelongsToGroup(ChannelList list, String channelId, String country) {
for (int i=0; i<list.getChannelCount(); i++) {
Channel ch = list.getChannelAt(i);
if (ch.getId().equals(channelId) && ch.getCountry().equals(country)) {
return true;
return false;
private void processRawFile(DayProgramFile rawProg, Date date,
String country, String channel, File preparedDir, File workDir)
throws PreparationException
System.out.println(date+"; "+channel+"...");
// Prepare the raw file (check mandatory fields, remove empty fields, ...)
prepareDayProgram(rawProg, date, country, channel);
// Get the file names of the level-complete-files
String[] levelFileNameArr = new String[DayProgramFile.getLevels().length];
for (int i = 0; i < levelFileNameArr.length; i++) {
levelFileNameArr[i] = DayProgramFile.getProgramFileName(date, country,
channel, DayProgramFile.getLevels()[i].getId());
// Load the level files if they exist
DayProgramFile[] levelProgArr = new DayProgramFile[levelFileNameArr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < levelProgArr.length; i++) {
File file = new File(preparedDir, levelFileNameArr[i]);
if (file.exists()) {
levelProgArr[i] = new DayProgramFile();
try {
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Loading complete file for level "
+ DayProgramFile.getLevels()[i] + " failed: " + levelFileNameArr[i],
// Create a file that contains all level files
DayProgramFile preparedProg = new DayProgramFile();
for (int i = 0; i < levelProgArr.length; i++) {
if (levelProgArr[i] != null) {
try {
catch (FileFormatException exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Complete file has wrong format: "
+ preparedDir + File.separator + levelFileNameArr[i], exc);
// Map the programs of the raw file to the programs of the prepared file
// in order to give them the right IDs
mapDayProgram(rawProg, preparedProg, date, country, channel, preparedDir);
// Check whether the new version should be in quarantine
File targetDir = workDir;
boolean quarantine = checkForQuarantine(preparedProg, rawProg);
if (quarantine) {
mLog.warning("Putting day program file in quarantine: "
+ date + ", " + country + ", " + channel);
targetDir = new File(workDir, "quarantine");
if (! targetDir.exists()) {
// Split the raw file in the levels
DayProgramFile[] newLevelProgArr
= new DayProgramFile[DayProgramFile.getLevels().length];
for (int i = 0; i < newLevelProgArr.length; i++) {
newLevelProgArr[i] = extractLevel(rawProg, i);
// Write the files into the work dir
for (int i = 0; i < newLevelProgArr.length; i++) {
if (levelProgArr[i] == null) {
// We don't have an old program file
// -> Create a new complete file if we have data now
if (newLevelProgArr[i].getProgramFrameCount() != 0) {
File file = new File(targetDir, levelFileNameArr[i]);
try {
mLog.fine("Created new day program file: " + levelFileNameArr[i]);
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Writing prepared file failed: "
+ file.getAbsolutePath(), exc);
} else {
// We already have an old program file
// Check whether the new version should come into quarantine
String level = DayProgramFile.getLevels()[i].getId();
if (quarantine) {
// Copy the old files
copyFiles(levelProgArr[i], date, country, channel, level,
preparedDir, workDir);
// Check whether something changed
if (levelProgArr[i].equals(newLevelProgArr[i])) {
// Nothing changed -> Just copy the files
copyFiles(levelProgArr[i], date, country, channel, level,
preparedDir, targetDir);
mLog.finest("Nothing to do for day program file: " + levelFileNameArr[i]);
} else {
// Something changed -> Create an update
createUpdate(levelProgArr[i], newLevelProgArr[i], date, country,
channel, level, preparedDir, targetDir);
mLog.finest("Updated day program file to version "
+ (levelProgArr[i].getVersion() + 1) + ": " + levelFileNameArr[i]);
* Prepares a day program.
* <p>
* Checks mandatory fields, removes empty fields, ...
private void prepareDayProgram(DayProgramFile prog, Date date,
String country, String channel)
throws PreparationException
// Go through the program frames and pepare them
for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < prog.getProgramFrameCount(); frameIdx++) {
ProgramFrame frame = prog.getProgramFrameAt(frameIdx);
// Trim text fields and remove all empty fields from the day program
for (int fieldIdx = frame.getProgramFieldCount() - 1; fieldIdx >= 0; fieldIdx--) {
ProgramField field = frame.getProgramFieldAt(fieldIdx);
// Trim text fields
if (field.getType().getFormat() == ProgramFieldType.TEXT_FORMAT) {
String oldText = field.getTextData();
if (oldText != null) {
String newText = oldText.trim();
if (oldText.length() != newText.length()) {
// Remove empty fields
byte[] data = field.getBinaryData();
if ((data == null) || (data.length == 0)) {
// Check the mandatory fields (start time and title)
ProgramField startTimeField = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.START_TIME_TYPE);
if (startTimeField == null) {
throw new PreparationException("Program frame has no start time. "
+ "ID: " + frame.getId() + ", Day program: " + date + ", " + country + ", " + channel);
ProgramField titleField = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.TITLE_TYPE);
if (titleField == null) {
frame.addProgramField(ProgramField.create(ProgramFieldType.TITLE_TYPE, "[Unknown title]"));
System.out.println("Program frame has no title. "
+ "ID: " + frame.getId() + ", Day program: " + date + ", " + country + ", " + channel);
// Try to create a short description
ProgramField shortDescField = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.SHORT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE);
if (shortDescField == null) {
ProgramField descField = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.DESCRIPTION_TYPE);
if (descField != null) {
// Generate a short description from the description
String shortDesc = descField.getTextData();
if (shortDesc.length() > MutableProgram.MAX_SHORT_INFO_LENGTH) {
int lastSpacePos = shortDesc.lastIndexOf(' ', MutableProgram.MAX_SHORT_INFO_LENGTH);
if (lastSpacePos == -1) {
shortDesc = shortDesc.substring(0, MutableProgram.MAX_SHORT_INFO_LENGTH);
} else {
shortDesc = shortDesc.substring(0, lastSpacePos);
// Add the short description to the frame
shortDescField = ProgramField.create(ProgramFieldType.SHORT_DESCRIPTION_TYPE, shortDesc);
private void mapDayProgram(DayProgramFile rawProg, DayProgramFile preparedFile,
Date date, String country, String channel, File preparedDir)
throws PreparationException
// Map the programs
if ((mForceCompleteUpdateChannelSet != null)
&& mForceCompleteUpdateChannelSet.contains(channel))
// We should force a complete update for this channel
// We do this by giving each program in the rawProg a ID of -1.
// This way, it will get a new ID
mLog.warning("Forcing complete update for Day program: " + date + ", "
+ country + ", " + channel);
for (int i = 0; i < rawProg.getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
} else {
new DayProgramMapper().map(rawProg, preparedFile);
// Check whether we have programs that did not find a match
boolean someProgramsAreUnmapped = false;
for (int i = 0; i < rawProg.getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
if (rawProg.getProgramFrameAt(i).getId() == -1) {
someProgramsAreUnmapped = true;
// If we have unmapped programs -> give them new IDs
if (someProgramsAreUnmapped) {
// Get the maximum ID from the complete file and all update files
int maxId = PrimaryDataUtilities.getMaxId(preparedFile);
for (int i = 0; i < DayProgramFile.getLevels().length; i++) {
String level = DayProgramFile.getLevels()[i].getId();
int updateMaxId = getMaxIdOfUpdateFiles(date, country, channel, level,
if (updateMaxId > maxId) {
maxId = updateMaxId;
int nextId = maxId + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < rawProg.getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
ProgramFrame frame = rawProg.getProgramFrameAt(i);
if (frame.getId() == -1) {
private DayProgramFile extractLevel(DayProgramFile prog, int levelIdx)
throws PreparationException
DayProgramFile levelProg = new DayProgramFile();
for (int i = 0; i < prog.getProgramFrameCount(); i++) {
ProgramFrame frame = prog.getProgramFrameAt(i);
ProgramFrame levelFrame = null;
if (levelIdx == 0) {
// base: All information but description and the image
levelFrame = (ProgramFrame) frame.clone();
// levelFrame.removeProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.IMAGE_TYPE);
} else {
ProgramField levelField1 = null;
ProgramField levelField2 = null;
ProgramField levelField3 = null;
switch (levelIdx) {
case 1:
// more00-16: Only the descriptions and the actor list
// between midnight and 16 pm
if (PrimaryDataUtilities.getProgramStartTime(frame) < (16 * 60)) {
levelField1 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.DESCRIPTION_TYPE);
levelField2 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.ACTOR_LIST_TYPE);
levelField3 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_TYPE);
case 2:
// more16-00: Only the descriptions and the actor list
// between 16 pm and midnight
if (PrimaryDataUtilities.getProgramStartTime(frame) >= (16 * 60)) {
levelField1 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.DESCRIPTION_TYPE);
levelField2 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.ACTOR_LIST_TYPE);
levelField3 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION_TYPE);
/* case 3:
// image00-16: Only the image between midnight and 16 pm
if (PrimaryDataUtilities.getProgramStartTime(frame) < (16 * 60)) {
levelField1 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.IMAGE_TYPE);
case 4:
// image16-00: Only the image between 16 pm and midnight
if (PrimaryDataUtilities.getProgramStartTime(frame) >= (16 * 60)) {
levelField1 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.IMAGE_TYPE);
case 3:
// picture00-16: Only the picture between midnight and 16 pm
if (PrimaryDataUtilities.getProgramStartTime(frame) < (16 * 60)) {
levelField1 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_TYPE);
levelField2 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_DESCRIPTION_TYPE);
levelField3 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_COPYRIGHT_TYPE);
case 4:
// picture16-00: Only the picture between 16 pm and midnight
if (PrimaryDataUtilities.getProgramStartTime(frame) >= (16 * 60)) {
levelField1 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_TYPE);
levelField2 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_DESCRIPTION_TYPE);
levelField3 = frame.getProgramFieldOfType(ProgramFieldType.PICTURE_COPYRIGHT_TYPE);
if ((levelField1 != null) || (levelField2 != null) || (levelField3 != null)) {
levelFrame = new ProgramFrame(frame.getId());
if (levelField1 != null) {
if (levelField2 != null) {
if (levelField3 != null) {
if (levelFrame != null) {
return levelProg;
private void copyFiles(DayProgramFile prog, Date date, String country,
String channel, String level, File fromDir, File toDir)
throws PreparationException
// Copy the complete file
String fileName = DayProgramFile.getProgramFileName(date, country, channel, level);
String additionalName = fileName.substring(0,fileName.indexOf(".prog.gz")) + "_additional.prog.gz";
File prepFile = new File(fromDir, fileName);
File additionalFile = new File(fromDir, additionalName);
File workFile = new File(toDir, fileName);
try {
IOUtilities.copy(prepFile, workFile);
if(additionalFile.isFile()) {
IOUtilities.copy(additionalFile, new File(toDir, additionalName));
catch (IOException exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Copying complete file from '"
+ prepFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' to '" + workFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ "' failed!", exc);
// Copy the update files
for (int version = 1; version < prog.getVersion(); version++) {
fileName = DayProgramFile.getProgramFileName(date, country, channel, level, version);
prepFile = new File(fromDir, fileName);
workFile = new File(toDir, fileName);
try {
IOUtilities.copy(prepFile, workFile);
catch (IOException exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Copying update file #" + version + " from '"
+ prepFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' to '" + workFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ "' failed!", exc);
private void createUpdate(DayProgramFile lastProg, DayProgramFile newProg,
Date date, String country, String channel, String level, File preparedDir,
File targetDir)
throws PreparationException
newProg.setVersion(lastProg.getVersion() + 1);
String completeFilename = DayProgramFile.getProgramFileName(date, country,
channel, level);
File file = new File(targetDir, completeFilename);
try {
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Writing complete file failed: "
+ file.getAbsolutePath(), exc);
// Create the new update file that updates from the last version to the
// new version
DayProgramFile newUpdateFile = createUpdateFile(lastProg, newProg);
// Save the update file
String newUpdateFileName = DayProgramFile.getProgramFileName(date, country,
channel, level, lastProg.getVersion());
file = new File(targetDir, newUpdateFileName);
try {
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Writing new update file failed: "
+ file.getAbsolutePath(), exc);
// Update the other update files
updateOldUpdateFiles(newUpdateFile, date, country, channel, level,
preparedDir, targetDir);
private DayProgramFile createUpdateFile(DayProgramFile lastCompleteFile,
DayProgramFile newCompleteFile)
DayProgramFile updateFile = new DayProgramFile();
// Determine the programs that should be deleted
for (int lastIdx = 0; lastIdx < lastCompleteFile.getProgramFrameCount(); lastIdx++) {
int id = lastCompleteFile.getProgramFrameAt(lastIdx).getId();
// Check whether this frame has an counterpart in the new file
int newIdx = newCompleteFile.getProgramFrameIndexForId(id);
if (newIdx == -1) {
// It has not -> Add an empty frame with this ID as a order for deletion
ProgramFrame frame = new ProgramFrame(id);
// Determine the programs that should be inserted or updated
for (int newIdx = 0; newIdx < newCompleteFile.getProgramFrameCount(); newIdx++) {
ProgramFrame newFrame = newCompleteFile.getProgramFrameAt(newIdx);
// Check whether there is a counterpart in the last file
int lastIdx = lastCompleteFile.getProgramFrameIndexForId(newFrame.getId());
if (lastIdx == -1) {
// There is no counterpart -> this is an insert
ProgramFrame insertFrame = (ProgramFrame) newFrame.clone();
} else {
// There is a counterpart -> this is an update
// -> Determine the changed fields and add them
ProgramFrame lastFrame = lastCompleteFile.getProgramFrameAt(lastIdx);
ProgramFrame updateFrame = createUpdateFrame(lastFrame, newFrame);
if (updateFrame != null) {
return updateFile;
private ProgramFrame createUpdateFrame(ProgramFrame lastFrame,
ProgramFrame newFrame)
ProgramFrame updateFrame = null;
// Determine the fields that should be deleted
for (int lastIdx = 0; lastIdx < lastFrame.getProgramFieldCount(); lastIdx++) {
ProgramField lastField = lastFrame.getProgramFieldAt(lastIdx);
// Check whether this field has an counterpart in the new frame
int newIdx = newFrame.getProgramFieldIndexForTypeId(lastField.getTypeId());
if (newIdx == -1) {
// It has not -> Add an empty field with this type ID as a order for
// deletion
ProgramField updateField = (ProgramField) lastField.clone();
if (updateFrame == null) {
updateFrame = new ProgramFrame(newFrame.getId());
// Determine the programs that should be inserted or updated
for (int newIdx = 0; newIdx < newFrame.getProgramFieldCount(); newIdx++) {
ProgramField newField = newFrame.getProgramFieldAt(newIdx);
// Check whether there is a counterpart in the last file and whether it
// has changed
int lastIdx = lastFrame.getProgramFieldIndexForTypeId(newField.getTypeId());
boolean hasChanged;
if (lastIdx == -1) {
// There is no counterpart -> It has changed
hasChanged = true;
} else {
// There is a counterpart -> Check whether the content changed
ProgramField lastField = lastFrame.getProgramFieldAt(lastIdx);
hasChanged = ! newField.equals(lastField);
// Add the field if it has changed
if (hasChanged) {
ProgramField field = (ProgramField) newField.clone();
if (updateFrame == null) {
updateFrame = new ProgramFrame(newFrame.getId());
return updateFrame;
private int getMaxIdOfUpdateFiles(Date date, String country,
String channel, String level, File preparedDir)
throws PreparationException
int maxId = 0;
// Get the max IDs of all update files
int updateVersion = 1;
boolean finished = false;
while (! finished) {
String filename = DayProgramFile.getProgramFileName(date, country,
channel, level, updateVersion);
File file = new File(preparedDir, filename);
if (! file.exists()) {
finished = true;
} else {
DayProgramFile updateFile;
try {
updateFile = new DayProgramFile();
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Loading prepared file failed: "
+ filename, exc);
// Get the max ID
int updateMaxId = PrimaryDataUtilities.getMaxId(updateFile);
if (updateMaxId > maxId) {
maxId = updateMaxId;
return maxId;
private void updateOldUpdateFiles(DayProgramFile newUpdateFile, Date date,
String country, String channel, String level, File preparedDir, File targetDir)
throws PreparationException
int newUpdateFileFromVersion = newUpdateFile.getVersion() - 1;
for (int version = 1; version < newUpdateFileFromVersion; version++) {
// Load the update file
String updateFileName = DayProgramFile.getProgramFileName(date, country,
channel, level, version);
File file = new File(preparedDir, updateFileName);
DayProgramFile updateFile;
try {
updateFile = new DayProgramFile();
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Loading update file for version "
+ version + " failed: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), exc);
// Update the update file
try {
catch (FileFormatException exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Updating the update file for version "
+ version + " failed: " + updateFileName, exc);
// Save the update file
file = new File(targetDir, updateFileName);
try {
catch (Exception exc) {
throw new PreparationException("Writing update file for version "
+ version + " failed: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), exc);
private boolean checkForQuarantine(DayProgramFile oldProg, DayProgramFile newProg) {
int oldFrameCount = oldProg.getProgramFrameCount();
// Count the number of frames that will be deleted
int deletedCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < oldFrameCount; i++) {
int oldFrameId = oldProg.getProgramFrameAt(i).getId();
// Check whether there is a frame with this ID in the new program
if (newProg.getProgramFrameIndexForId(oldFrameId) == -1) {
// This frame is missing in the new program
int maxDeletedFrames = (int) (oldFrameCount * MAX_DELETED_FRAMES);
return (deletedCount > maxDeletedFrames);