package captureplugin.drivers.thetubedriver;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import util.misc.AppleScriptRunner;
import captureplugin.CapturePlugin;
import captureplugin.drivers.simpledevice.SimpleChannel;
import captureplugin.drivers.simpledevice.SimpleConfig;
import captureplugin.drivers.simpledevice.SimpleConnectionIf;
import captureplugin.drivers.utils.ProgramTime;
import devplugin.Channel;
import devplugin.Date;
import devplugin.Program;
* Applescripts for The Tube
public class TheTubeConnection implements SimpleConnectionIf {
* Logger
private static final Logger mLog = Logger.getLogger(TheTubeConnection.class.getName());
* AppleScript Runner
private final AppleScriptRunner mAppleScript = new AppleScriptRunner();
private final static String CHANNELLIST = "set chList to {}\n"
"tell application \"TheTube\"\n" +
"\trepeat with ch in channels\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to unique id of contents of ch\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to name of contents of ch\n" +
"\tend repeat\n" +
"end tell\n" +
"\n" +
"set text item delimiters to \"-TRENNER-\"\n" +
"set outString to chList as text\n" +
private final static String SWITCHCHANNEL = "tell application \"TheTube\"\n"
"\trepeat with ch in channels\n" +
"\t\tif unique id of ch is {0} then\n" +
"\t\t\tselect ch\n" +
"\t\tend if\n" +
"\tend repeat\n" +
"end tell";
private final static String LISTRECORDINGS = "script x\n"
"\ton getIsoDate(dateObj)\n" +
"\t\ttell dateObj\n" +
"\t\t\treturn (its year as string) & \"-\" & text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + (its month as integer)) as string) & \"-\" & text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + (its day)) as string)\n" +
"\t\tend tell\n" +
"\tend getIsoDate\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\ton getIsoTime(dateObj)\n" +
"\t\ttell dateObj\n" +
"\t\t\treturn text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + ((its time) div hours as integer)) as string) & \":\" & text 2 thru 3 of ((100 + ((its time) mod hours div minutes)) as string)\n" +
"\t\tend tell\n" +
"\tend getIsoTime\n" +
"end script\n" +
"\n" +
"set chList to {}\n" +
"tell application \"TheTube\"\n" +
"\trepeat with r in scheduled recordings\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to channel id of contents of r\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to x's getIsoDate(rollIn date of contents of r)\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to x's getIsoTime(rollIn date of contents of r)\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to rollIn interval of contents of r\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to x's getIsoDate(rollOut date of contents of r)\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to x's getIsoTime(rollOut date of contents of r)\n" +
"\t\tset end of chList to rollOut interval of contents of r\n" +
"\tend repeat\n" +
"end tell\n" +
"set text item delimiters to \"-TRENNER-\"\n" +
"set outString to chList as text\n" +
private final static String CREATERECORDING = "on stringToList from theString for myDelimiters\n"
"\ttell AppleScript\n" +
"\t\tset theSavedDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters\n" +
"\t\tset text item delimiters to myDelimiters\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tset outList to text items of theString\n" +
"\t\tset text item delimiters to theSavedDelimiters\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\treturn outList\n" +
"\tend tell\n" +
"end stringToList\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"on getDateForISOdate(theISODate, theISOTime)\n" +
"\tlocal myDate\n" +
"\t-- converts an ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) and time to a date object\n" +
"\tset monthConstants to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\tset theISODate to (stringToList from (theISODate) for \"-\")\n" +
"\tset theISOTime to (stringToList from (theISOTime) for \":\")\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\tset myDate to current date\n" +
"\tset month of myDate to 1\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\ttell theISODate\n" +
"\t\tset year of myDate to item 1\n" +
"\t\tset day of myDate to item 3\n" +
"\t\tset month of myDate to item (item 2) of monthConstants\n" +
"\tend tell\n" +
"\ttell theISOTime\n" +
"\t\tset hours of myDate to item 1\n" +
"\t\tset minutes of myDate to item 2\n" +
"\t\tset seconds of myDate to 0\n" +
"\tend tell\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\treturn myDate\n" +
"end getDateForISOdate\n" +
"\n" +
"set a to getDateForISOdate(\"{1}\", \"{2}\")\n" +
"set b to getDateForISOdate(\"{3}\", \"{4}\")\n" +
"\n" +
"tell application \"TheTube\"\n" +
"\tshow scheduled recordings view\n" +
"\tmake new scheduled recording with properties {name:\"{5}\", description:\"{6}\", rollIn interval:120.0, rollOut interval:300.0, startDate:a, endDate:b, channel id:{7}}\n" +
"end tell";
private final static String DELETERECORDING = "on stringToList from theString for myDelimiters\n"
"\ttell AppleScript\n" +
"\t\tset theSavedDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters\n" +
"\t\tset text item delimiters to myDelimiters\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\tset outList to text items of theString\n" +
"\t\tset text item delimiters to theSavedDelimiters\n" +
"\t\t\n" +
"\t\treturn outList\n" +
"\tend tell\n" +
"end stringToList\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"on getDateForISOdate(theISODate, theISOTime)\n" +
"\tlocal myDate\n" +
"\tset monthConstants to {January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\tset theISODate to (stringToList from (theISODate) for \"-\")\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\tset myDate to date theISOTime\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\ttell theISODate\n" +
"\t\tset year of myDate to item 1\n" +
"\t\tset month of myDate to item (item 2) of monthConstants\n" +
"\t\tset day of myDate to item 3\n" +
"\tend tell\n" +
"\t\n" +
"\treturn myDate\n" +
"end getDateForISOdate\n" +
"\n" +
"set mystartdate to getDateForISOdate(\"{1}\", \"{2}\")\n" +
"\n" +
"tell application \"TheTube\"\n" +
"\tset counter to 0\n" +
"\trepeat with r in scheduled recordings\n" +
"\t\tset counter to counter + 1\n" +
"\t\tif channel id of contents of r is {3} and startDate of contents of r is mystartdate then\n" +
"\t\t\tdelete scheduled recording counter\n" +
"\t\tend if\n" +
"\tend repeat\n" +
"end tell";
public SimpleChannel[] getAvailableChannels() {
ArrayList<SimpleChannel> lists = new ArrayList<SimpleChannel>();
String res = null;
try {
res = mAppleScript.executeScript(CHANNELLIST);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (res == null) {
return new SimpleChannel[0];
String[] result = res.split("-TRENNER-");
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i += 2) {
try {
SimpleChannel channel = new SimpleChannel(Integer
.parseInt(result[i]), result[i + 1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
mLog.warning("Could not parse channel data!");
return null;
return lists.toArray(new SimpleChannel[lists.size()]);
public Program[] getAllRecordings(SimpleConfig conf) {
ArrayList<Program> programs = new ArrayList<Program>();
String res = null;
try {
res = mAppleScript.executeScript(LISTRECORDINGS);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(res)) {
return new Program[0];
String[] result = res.split("-TRENNER-");
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i += 7) {
try {
int channel = Integer.parseInt(result[i]);
String[] dateStr = result[i + 1].split("-");
Date date = new Date(Integer.parseInt(dateStr[0]), Integer
.parseInt(dateStr[1]), Integer.parseInt(dateStr[2]));
String[] hourStr = result[i + 2].split(":");
int hour = Integer.parseInt(hourStr[0]);
int min = Integer.parseInt(hourStr[1]);
int offset = Integer.parseInt(result[i + 3].split(",")[0]) / 60;
min += offset;
if (min >= 60) {
hour = hour + min / 60;
min = min - (60 * (min / 60));
Channel chan = conf.getChannelForExternalId(channel);
if (chan != null) {
for (Iterator<Program> it = CapturePlugin.getPluginManager().getChannelDayProgram(date, chan); it.hasNext();) {
Program prog =;
if ((prog.getHours() == hour) && (prog.getMinutes() == min)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return programs.toArray(new Program[programs.size()]);
public boolean addToRecording(SimpleConfig conf, ProgramTime prg) {
SimpleDateFormat dateformater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
SimpleDateFormat timeformater = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");
String call = CREATERECORDING.replaceAll("\\{1\\}", dateformater.format(prg.getStart()));
call = call.replaceAll("\\{2\\}", timeformater.format(prg.getStart()));
call = call.replaceAll("\\{3\\}", dateformater.format(prg.getEnd()));
call = call.replaceAll("\\{4\\}", timeformater.format(prg.getEnd()));
call = call.replaceAll("\\{5\\}", mAppleScript.formatTextAsParam(prg.getProgram().getTitle()));
if (prg.getProgram().getShortInfo() != null) {
call = call.replaceAll("\\{6\\}", mAppleScript.formatTextAsParam(prg.getProgram().getShortInfo()));
} else {
call = call.replaceAll("\\{6\\}", "");
call = call.replaceAll("\\{7\\}", Integer.toString(((SimpleChannel)conf.getExternalChannel(prg.getProgram().getChannel())).getNumber()));
String res = null;
try {
res = mAppleScript.executeScript(call);
} catch (IOException e) {
return res != null;
public void removeRecording(SimpleConfig conf, Program prg) {
SimpleDateFormat dateformater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
String call = DELETERECORDING.replaceAll("\\{1\\}", dateformater.format(prg.getDate().getCalendar().getTime()));
call = call.replaceAll("\\{2\\}", prg.getHours() + ":" + prg.getMinutes());
call = call.replaceAll("\\{3\\}", Integer.toString(((SimpleChannel)conf.getExternalChannel(prg.getChannel())).getNumber()));
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void switchToChannel(SimpleConfig conf, Channel channel) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {