Package lucandra.cluster

Source Code of lucandra.cluster.CassandraIndexManager$AllNodeRsvps

* Copyright T Jake Luciani
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package lucandra.cluster;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import lucandra.CassandraUtils;

import org.apache.cassandra.db.DeletedColumn;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ExpiringColumn;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.IColumn;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ReadCommand;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.RowMutation;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.SliceFromReadCommand;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.SuperColumn;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.QueryPath;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ColumnParent;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

//Instead of grabbing all of them just grab a contiguous slab via offset
public class CassandraIndexManager

    // To increase throughput we distribute docs across a number of shards at
    // once. The idea being different shards live on different boxes
    protected final int shardsAtOnce;

    private int[] randomSeq;

    private final Random r;
    public static final int maxDocsPerShard = Integer.valueOf(
            "", "131072"));
    public static final int reserveSlabSize = Integer.valueOf(
            "", "16384"));

    private final int offsetSlots = (maxDocsPerShard / reserveSlabSize);
    public final int expirationTime = 120; // seconds

    private final Map<String, AllNodeRsvps> indexReserves = new HashMap<String, AllNodeRsvps>();
    private final Map<String, ShardInfo> indexShards = new HashMap<String, ShardInfo>();
    private final Map<String, ShardInfo> indexUsed = new HashMap<String, ShardInfo>();

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CassandraIndexManager.class);

    private class ShardInfo
        public final String indexName;
        private long ttl;
        public final NavigableMap<Integer, NodeInfo> shards = new TreeMap<Integer, NodeInfo>();

        public ShardInfo(String indexName)
            this.indexName = indexName;
            ttl = getNewTTL();

        public void renew(long ttl)
            this.ttl = ttl;

        public long ttl()
            return ttl;

    private class NodeInfo
        public Integer shard;
        public Map<String, AtomicInteger> nodes = new HashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();

        public NodeInfo(Integer shard)
            this.shard = shard;

        public int hashCode()
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode();
            result = prime * result + ((nodes == null) ? 0 : nodes.hashCode());
            result = prime * result + ((shard == null) ? 0 : shard.hashCode());
            return result;

        public boolean equals(Object obj)
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;
            NodeInfo other = (NodeInfo) obj;
            if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType()))
                return false;
            if (nodes == null)
                if (other.nodes != null)
                    return false;
            } else if (!nodes.equals(other.nodes))
                return false;
            if (shard == null)
                if (other.shard != null)
                    return false;
            } else if (!shard.equals(other.shard))
                return false;
            return true;

        private CassandraIndexManager getOuterType()
            return CassandraIndexManager.this;

    private class AllNodeRsvps
        public final AtomicLong incrementor = new AtomicLong(0);
        public final List<RsvpInfo> rsvpList = new ArrayList<RsvpInfo>();

        public Long getNextId()
            if (rsvpList.isEmpty())
                return null;

            long len = rsvpList.size();

            for (long i = 0; i < len; i++)
                int pos = (int) (incrementor.incrementAndGet() % len);

                RsvpInfo info = rsvpList.get(pos);

                if (info == null)

                // clear expired ids
                if (info.ttl < System.currentTimeMillis())
                    rsvpList.set(pos, null);

                // We can only increment our token
                if (info.token.equals(getToken()))
                    int nextId = info.currentId.incrementAndGet();

                    if (nextId <= info.endId)
                        return (long) (maxDocsPerShard * info.shard) + nextId;
                        rsvpList.set(pos, null);

            return null;

    private class RsvpInfo
        public String token;
        public Integer shard;
        public AtomicInteger currentId;
        public final int endId;
        public final long ttl;

        public RsvpInfo(int startId, int endId, int shard, String token, final long ttl)
            currentId = new AtomicInteger(startId);
            this.endId = endId;
            this.token = token;
            this.shard = shard;
            this.ttl = ttl;

        public int hashCode()
            final int prime = 31;
            int result = 1;
            result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode();
            result = prime * result + ((shard == null) ? 0 : shard.hashCode());
            result = prime * result + ((token == null) ? 0 : token.hashCode());
            return result;

        public boolean equals(Object obj)
            if (this == obj)
                return true;
            if (obj == null)
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
                return false;
            RsvpInfo other = (RsvpInfo) obj;
            if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType()))
                return false;
            if (shard == null)
                if (other.shard != null)
                    return false;
            } else if (!shard.equals(other.shard))
                return false;
            if (token == null)
                if (other.token != null)
                    return false;
            } else if (!token.equals(other.token))
                return false;
            return true;

        private CassandraIndexManager getOuterType()
            return CassandraIndexManager.this;


    public CassandraIndexManager(int shardsAtOnce)
        this.shardsAtOnce = shardsAtOnce;"Shards at once: " + shardsAtOnce);

        // get our unique sequence

            r = new Random(getNodeSeed(getToken()));
        } catch (IOException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        randomSeq = new int[offsetSlots];

        for (int i = 0, offset = 0; i < CassandraIndexManager.maxDocsPerShard; i++)
            if (i % reserveSlabSize == 0)
                randomSeq[offset] = i;

        randomSeq = shuffle(randomSeq, r);

    private long getNewTTL()
        return System.currentTimeMillis() + (expirationTime * 1000) + r.nextInt(5000);

    private synchronized ShardInfo getShardInfo(String indexName, boolean force) throws IOException

        ShardInfo shards = indexShards.get(indexName);
        ShardInfo currentShards = shards;

        if (shards != null && !force)
            if (shards.ttl > System.currentTimeMillis())
                return shards;
            } else
      "ShardInfo for " + indexName + " has expired");

        synchronized (indexName)

            ByteBuffer key = CassandraUtils.hashKeyBytes(indexName.getBytes("UTF-8"), CassandraUtils.delimeterBytes,

            ReadCommand cmd = new SliceFromReadCommand(CassandraUtils.keySpace, key, new ColumnParent(
                    CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily), ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER,
                    ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, false, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

            List<Row> rows = CassandraUtils.robustRead(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, cmd);

            shards = new ShardInfo(indexName);
            AllNodeRsvps allNodeRsvps = new AllNodeRsvps();

            long nextTTL = shards.ttl();

            if (rows != null && !rows.isEmpty())
                assert rows.size() == 1;

                Row row = rows.get(0);

                if ( != null && !

                    assert != null;

                    // Each column represents each shard and latest id for each
                    // node
                    // {"shard1" : {"node1" : 1234}}
                    for (IColumn c :
                        String shardStr = ByteBufferUtil.string(;
                        Integer shardNum = Integer.valueOf(shardStr);

                        assert c instanceof SuperColumn;

                        NodeInfo nodes = new NodeInfo(shardNum);

                        for (IColumn subCol : c.getSubColumns())

                            String token = ByteBufferUtil.string(;

                            AtomicInteger offset = new AtomicInteger(Integer.valueOf(ByteBufferUtil.string(subCol
                            int startSeqOffset = getRandomSequenceOffset(offset.get());

                            // Leave a mark at each shard so we track the
                            // offsets
                            // hit.
                            nodes.nodes.put(token, offset);
                            shards.shards.put(shardNum, nodes);

                            // Load this reserve if there is at least 100 more to go.
                            if ((offset.get()+100) < (maxDocsPerShard - 1))
                                int seqOffset = getRandomSequenceOffset(offset.get() + 100);
                                int prevSeqOffset = getRandomSequenceOffset(offset.get() - 1);

                                // Only save if this is not on a slot boundry
                                if (startSeqOffset == seqOffset && prevSeqOffset == seqOffset)
                                    if (token.equals(getToken()))
                              "Found reserved shard" + shardStr + "(" + token + "):"
                                                + (offset.get() + 100) + " TO "
                                                + (randomSeq[seqOffset] + reserveSlabSize));
                                        allNodeRsvps.rsvpList.add(new RsvpInfo(offset.get() + 100   , (randomSeq[seqOffset]
                                                + reserveSlabSize - 1), nodes.shard, token, nextTTL));
            } else
      "No shard info found for :" + indexName);

            if (currentShards == null)
                currentShards = indexShards.put(indexName, shards);

                if (currentShards == null)
                    indexReserves.put(indexName, allNodeRsvps);

                    return shards;
            } else
                // Merge together active and new shards
                for (Map.Entry<Integer, NodeInfo> entry : shards.shards.entrySet())
                    Integer shard = entry.getKey();

                    if (currentShards.shards.get(shard) == null)
                        currentShards.shards.put(shard, entry.getValue());


            indexReserves.put(indexName, allNodeRsvps);

            return currentShards;

    // TODO
    public void deleteId(String indexName, long id)


    public long getMaxId(String indexName) throws IOException
        // find the max shard
        ShardInfo shards = getShardInfo(indexName, false);

        if (shards.shards.isEmpty())
            return 0;

        int highest = 0;

        // Find the highest *used* slab
        // loop is ordered by slab number
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, NodeInfo> e : shards.shards.entrySet())
            Integer currentOffset = null;
            for (Map.Entry<String, AtomicInteger> e1 : e.getValue().nodes.entrySet())
                int val = e1.getValue().get();

                if (val > 0)
                    currentOffset = val;

            if (currentOffset != null)
                highest = e.getKey();

        return (CassandraIndexManager.maxDocsPerShard * highest);

    public Long getId(String indexName, String key) throws IOException
        return checkForUpdate(indexName, key);

    public RowMutation getIdMutation(String indexName, String key, Long id) throws IOException

        int shard = getShardFromDocId(id);
        ByteBuffer idCol = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(String.valueOf(getShardedDocId(id)));
        ByteBuffer keyCol = ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes("UTF-8"));

        // Permanently mark the id as taken
        ByteBuffer idKey = CassandraUtils.hashKeyBytes((indexName + "~" + shard).getBytes("UTF-8"),
                CassandraUtils.delimeterBytes, "ids".getBytes("UTF-8"));

        RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(CassandraUtils.keySpace, idKey);
        rm.add(new QueryPath(CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily, idCol, ByteBuffer
                .wrap(getToken().getBytes("UTF-8"))), keyCol, System.currentTimeMillis());

        return rm;

    public Long checkForUpdate(String indexName, String key) throws IOException
        ByteBuffer keyCol = ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes("UTF-8"));
        ByteBuffer keyKey = CassandraUtils.hashKeyBytes((indexName + "~" + key).getBytes("UTF-8"),
                CassandraUtils.delimeterBytes, "keys".getBytes("UTF-8"));

        List<Row> rows = CassandraUtils.robustRead(keyKey, new QueryPath(CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily),
                Arrays.asList(keyCol), ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM);

        if (rows.size() == 1)
            Row row = rows.get(0);

            if ( != null)
                IColumn col =;

                if (col != null)
                    Collection<IColumn> subCols = col.getSubColumns();

                    if (subCols != null && !subCols.isEmpty())
                        ByteBuffer idVal = col.getSubColumns().iterator().next().name();
                        Long id = Long.valueOf(ByteBufferUtil.string(idVal));

                        return id;

        return null;

    public String getToken()
        if (StorageService.instance.isClientMode())
            return CassandraUtils.fakeToken;

        return StorageService.instance.getTokenMetadata().getToken(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()).toString();

    public long getNextId(String indexName, String key, RowMutation[] rowMutations) throws IOException
        if (rowMutations.length != 3)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("rowMutations must be length 3");

        String myToken = getToken();
        ShardInfo shards = null;
        NodeInfo nodes[] = null;
        Long id = null;

        synchronized (indexName.intern())

            int attempts = 0;
            while (attempts < CassandraUtils.retryAttempts)
                shards = getShardInfo(indexName, false);
                nodes = pickAShard(shards);

                id = nextReservedId(indexName, shards, nodes, myToken);

                if (id == null)
                    //"Failed to get an ID, trying again");

            if (id == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException(myToken + ": Unable to reserve an id");

            int shard = getShardFromDocId(id);
            int shardedId = getShardedDocId(id);

            ByteBuffer idCol = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(String.valueOf(shardedId));
            ByteBuffer keyCol = ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes("UTF-8"));

            // Permanently mark the id as taken
            ByteBuffer idKey = CassandraUtils.hashKeyBytes((indexName + "~" + shard).getBytes("UTF-8"),
                    CassandraUtils.delimeterBytes, "ids".getBytes("UTF-8"));

            RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(CassandraUtils.keySpace, idKey);
            rm.add(new QueryPath(CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily, idCol, ByteBuffer.wrap(myToken
                    .getBytes("UTF-8"))), keyCol, System.currentTimeMillis());

            // Permanently link the key to the id
            ByteBuffer keyKey = CassandraUtils.hashKeyBytes((indexName + "~" + key).getBytes("UTF-8"),
                    CassandraUtils.delimeterBytes, "keys".getBytes("UTF-8"));

            ByteBuffer idVal = ByteBuffer.wrap(id.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));

            RowMutation rm2 = new RowMutation(CassandraUtils.keySpace, keyKey);
            rm2.add(new QueryPath(CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily, keyCol, idVal),
                    CassandraUtils.finalTokenBytes, System.currentTimeMillis());

            // Update last offset info for this shard
            RowMutation rm3 = updateNodeOffset(indexName, myToken, shard, shardedId);

            rowMutations[0] = rm;
            rowMutations[1] = rm2;
            rowMutations[2] = rm3;

            return id;

    public long getNextId(String indexName, String key) throws IOException

        RowMutation[] rms = new RowMutation[3];

        Long val = getNextId(indexName, key, rms);

        // TODO: Delayed Insert!
        // Checks for more recent updates and disregards the older ones

        CassandraUtils.robustInsert(CassandraUtils.consistency, rms);
        return val;

    public void resetCounter(String indexName) throws IOException
        // update all shards to 0 for all tokens
        ShardInfo shards = getShardInfo(indexName, true);

        List<RowMutation> rms = new ArrayList<RowMutation>();

        for (NodeInfo nodes : shards.shards.values())
            for (String token : nodes.nodes.keySet())
                rms.add(updateNodeOffset(indexName, token, nodes.shard, -1));

        CassandraUtils.robustInsert(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, rms.toArray(new RowMutation[] {}));

    private Long nextReservedId(String indexName, ShardInfo shards, NodeInfo[] nodes, String myToken)
            throws IOException

        synchronized (indexName.intern())

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("in reserveIds for index " + indexName);

            AllNodeRsvps currentRsvpd = indexReserves.get(indexName);

            if (currentRsvpd != null)
                Long nextId = currentRsvpd.getNextId();

                if (nextId != null)               
                    return nextId;

                //if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
          "need more ids for " +indexName+" "+myToken);

            AllNodeRsvps allNewRsvps = new AllNodeRsvps();
            ShardInfo usedShardInfo = indexUsed.get(indexName);
            if (usedShardInfo == null)
                usedShardInfo = new ShardInfo(indexName);
                indexUsed.put(indexName, usedShardInfo);

            // Pick a new shard
            for (NodeInfo node : nodes)
                AtomicInteger offset = node.nodes.get(myToken);

                assert offset != null;

                int startingOffset = offset.get();
                int nextOffset = startingOffset;

                // goto next offset marker (unless its the first or last)
                int randomSequenceOffset = getRandomSequenceOffset(startingOffset);

                NodeInfo usedNodeInfo = usedShardInfo.shards.get(node.shard);
                if (usedNodeInfo == null)
                    usedNodeInfo = new NodeInfo(node.shard);
                    usedShardInfo.shards.put(node.shard, usedNodeInfo);

                if (startingOffset != randomSeq[0])
                    if (randomSequenceOffset != (offsetSlots - 1))
                        nextOffset = randomSeq[randomSequenceOffset + 1];
                    } else

                if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                    logger.trace(myToken + "  startingOffset = " + startingOffset + ", nextOffset = " + nextOffset);

                while (true)

                    // Avoid re-checking used slabs
                    if (usedNodeInfo != null)
                        if (usedNodeInfo.nodes.get("" + nextOffset) != null)
                            updateNodeOffset(indexName, myToken, node.shard, nextOffset);

                            // try next offset
                            int seqOffset = getRandomSequenceOffset(nextOffset);
                            if (seqOffset < (offsetSlots - 1))
                                nextOffset = randomSeq[seqOffset + 1];
                            } else

                    ByteBuffer key = CassandraUtils.hashKeyBytes((indexName + "~" + node.shard).getBytes("UTF-8"),
                            CassandraUtils.delimeterBytes, "rsvp".getBytes("UTF-8"));

                    // Write the reserves
                    RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(CassandraUtils.keySpace, key);

                    ByteBuffer id = ByteBufferUtil.bytes(String.valueOf(nextOffset));
                    ByteBuffer off = id;

                    rm.add(new QueryPath(CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily, id, ByteBuffer.wrap(myToken
                            .getBytes("UTF-8"))), off, System.currentTimeMillis(), expirationTime);

                    CassandraUtils.robustInsert(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, rm);

                    // Give it time to sink in, in-case clocks are off across
                    // nodes...
                    } catch (InterruptedException e1)

                    // Read the columns back
                    IColumn supercol = null;
                    int attempts = 0;
                    while (supercol == null && attempts < CassandraUtils.retryAttempts)
                            List<Row> rows = CassandraUtils.robustRead(key, new QueryPath(
                                    CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily), Arrays.asList(id), ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM);

                            if (rows == null || rows.size() == 0)

                            if (rows.size() == 1)
                                Row row = rows.get(0);

                                if ( == null ||

                                supercol = rows.get(0).cf.getColumn(id);
                        } catch (IOException e)
                            // let's try again...


                    if (supercol == null)
                        throw new IllegalStateException("just wrote " + offset + ", but didn't read it");

                    long minTtl = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                    ByteBuffer winningToken = null;

                    // See which ones we successfully reserved
                    for (IColumn c : supercol.getSubColumns())

                        // someone already took this id
                        if (!(c instanceof ExpiringColumn) && !(c instanceof DeletedColumn))
                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                                logger.debug(offset + " was taken by " + ByteBufferUtil.string(;

                            winningToken = null;

                        // expired reservation
                        if (c.isMarkedForDelete())

                        if (c.timestamp() < minTtl)
                            minTtl = c.timestamp();
                            winningToken =;

                        // incase of a tie the token is the tiebreaker
                        if (c.timestamp() == minTtl && winningToken.compareTo( <= 0)
                            winningToken =;

                    String winningTokenStr;
                        winningTokenStr = winningToken == null ? "" : ByteBufferUtil.string(winningToken);
                    } catch (CharacterCodingException e)
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);

                    // we won!
                    if (winningTokenStr.equals(myToken))
                        // Mark this as permanently taken
                        rm = new RowMutation(CassandraUtils.keySpace, key);

                        rm.add(new QueryPath(CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily, id, ByteBuffer.wrap(myToken
                                .getBytes("UTF-8"))), off, System.currentTimeMillis());

                        CassandraUtils.robustInsert(ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM, rm);

                        // Add to active rsvp list
                        // Start just ahead of the first offset because on expiration we check if the offset
                        //is on a boundry point of
                        allNewRsvps.rsvpList.add(new RsvpInfo(nextOffset+1, (nextOffset + reserveSlabSize - 1),
                                node.shard, myToken, shards.ttl()));

                        // if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
              "Reserved " + reserveSlabSize + " ids for " + indexName + "(" + myToken
                                + ") shard " + node.shard + " from slot " + getRandomSequenceOffset(nextOffset) + " "
                                + nextOffset + " TO " + (nextOffset + reserveSlabSize - 1));

                    } else
                        // Mark this offset as taken.
                        usedNodeInfo.nodes.put("" + nextOffset, new AtomicInteger(1));

                        // we lost, try try again...
                        int seqOffset = getRandomSequenceOffset(nextOffset);
                        if (seqOffset < (offsetSlots - 1))
                            nextOffset = randomSeq[seqOffset + 1];
                        } else

            // store new reserves
            indexReserves.put(indexName, allNewRsvps);

            if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
                logger.trace("Reserved " + allNewRsvps.rsvpList.size() + " shards for " + myToken);

            return allNewRsvps.getNextId();

    private int getRandomSequenceOffset(int offset)

        if (offset < 0)
            return -1;

        if (offset >= CassandraIndexManager.maxDocsPerShard)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("offset can not be >= " + CassandraIndexManager.maxDocsPerShard);

        for (int randomSeqOffset = 0; randomSeqOffset < randomSeq.length; randomSeqOffset++)
            int randomSequenceStart = randomSeq[randomSeqOffset];

            if (offset >= randomSequenceStart && offset < randomSequenceStart + reserveSlabSize)
                return randomSeqOffset;

        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to locate random sequence position for offset " + offset);

     * Looks for appropriate shard to reserve ids from
     * TODO: calculate where other tokens are in their sequence
     * @param shards
     * @return
    private NodeInfo[] pickAShard(ShardInfo shards) throws IOException

        assert shards != null;

        String myToken = getToken();

        NodeInfo[] picked = new NodeInfo[shardsAtOnce];

        int pickedShard = 0;

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, NodeInfo> shard : shards.shards.entrySet())
            NodeInfo nodes = shard.getValue();

            AtomicInteger offset = nodes.nodes.get(myToken);

            // initialize shards we didn't know about
            if (offset == null)
                updateNodeOffset(shards.indexName, myToken, shard.getKey(), -1);
                offset = nodes.nodes.get(myToken);

            int randomSeqOffset = getRandomSequenceOffset(offset.get());

            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug(shards.indexName + "(" + myToken + "): shard = " + shard.getKey() + ", offset = "
                        + offset.get() + ", offsetLookup = " + randomSeqOffset + ", offsetSlots =  " + offsetSlots);

            if (randomSeqOffset != (offsetSlots - 1))
                picked[pickedShard] = nodes;
                if (pickedShard >= shardsAtOnce)
                    return picked;


        // new shards
        for (int i = pickedShard; i < shardsAtOnce; i++)
            picked[i] = addNewShard(shards);

        return picked;


    private NodeInfo addNewShard(ShardInfo shards) throws IOException
        // get max shard not used by this token
        Integer shardNum = 0;

        if (!shards.shards.isEmpty())
            // find shards this my token has yet to use starting from 0
            while (true)
                NodeInfo shard = shards.shards.get(shardNum);

                if (shard != null && shard.nodes.containsKey(getToken()))
                } else

        NodeInfo nodes = new NodeInfo(shardNum);

        if (shards.shards.get(nodes.shard) == null)
            shards.shards.put(nodes.shard, nodes);"added new shard for " + shards.indexName + "(" + getToken() + ") " + nodes.shard);

        updateNodeOffset(shards.indexName, getToken(), nodes.shard, -1);

        return nodes;

    private RowMutation updateNodeOffset(String indexName, String myToken, Integer shard, Integer offset)
            throws IOException

        // Update last offset info for this shard
        ByteBuffer shardKey = CassandraUtils.hashKeyBytes(indexName.getBytes("UTF-8"), CassandraUtils.delimeterBytes,
        RowMutation rm = new RowMutation(CassandraUtils.keySpace, shardKey);

        rm.add(new QueryPath(CassandraUtils.schemaInfoColumnFamily, ByteBuffer.wrap(String.valueOf(shard).getBytes(
                "UTF-8")), ByteBuffer.wrap(myToken.getBytes("UTF-8"))),
                ByteBuffer.wrap(String.valueOf(offset).getBytes("UTF-8")), System.currentTimeMillis());

        // update locally
        ShardInfo si = getShardInfo(indexName, false);
        AtomicInteger o = null;
        NodeInfo n = si.shards.get(shard);

        if (!indexName.contains("~"))
            if (n != null)
                o = n.nodes.get(myToken);
                throw new RuntimeException("missing node info");

            if (o == null)
                n.nodes.put(myToken, new AtomicInteger(offset));

            // if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            //"updated node offset for " + indexName + "(" + shard
            // + ")(" + myToken + ") to " + offset);
        } else
            throw new RuntimeException("inner shard offset update attempt: " + indexName);

        return rm;

    private int getNodeSeed(String token) throws IOException
        // Calculate the seed from the token
        MessageDigest md;
            md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


        return new BigInteger(1, md.digest()).intValue();

     * When this node starts up, create a unique, but reproducible list of doc
     * ids.
     * from:
     * This list is used to find new ids to reserve while minimizing collisions
     * across nodes
     * @param array
     * @param rng
    private int[] shuffle(int array[], Random rng)
        // Always place maxVal at end (to avoid NPE)

        // i is the number of items remaining to be shuffled.
        for (int i = array.length - 1; i > 1; i--)
            // Pick a random element to swap with the i-th element.
            int j = rng.nextInt(i); // 0 <= j <= i-1 (0-based array)
            // Swap array elements.
            int tmp = array[j];
            array[j] = array[i - 1];
            array[i - 1] = tmp;

        return array;

    public static int getShardFromDocId(long docId)
        return (int) Math.floor(docId / CassandraIndexManager.maxDocsPerShard);

    public static int getShardedDocId(long docId)
        return (int) docId % CassandraIndexManager.maxDocsPerShard;

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