* @(#)DependencyElement.java 1.2 2006-10-10
* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Werner Randelshofer
* Hausmatt 10, Immensee, CH-6405, Switzerland.
* http://www.randelshofer.ch
* All rights reserved.
* The copyright of this software is owned by Werner Randelshofer.
* You may not use, copy or modify this software, except in
* accordance with the license agreement you entered into with
* Werner Randelshofer. For details see accompanying license terms.
package ch.randelshofer.scorm.cam;
import ch.randelshofer.scorm.AbstractElement;
import ch.randelshofer.util.*;
import ch.randelshofer.xml.DOMs;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
* Represents a SCORM 1.2 CAM 'dependency' element.
* <p>
* This element contains a reference to a single resource that can act as a
* container for multiple files that resources may be dependent on.
* <p>
* The 'dependency' element may occur 0 or more times within a 'resource'
* element.
* <p>
* A 'dependency' element has a structure as shown below.
* Square brackets [ ] denote zero or one occurences.
* Braces { } denote zero or more occurences.
* <pre>
* <dependency identifierref="identifier"/>
* </pre>
* Reference:
* ADL (2001c). Advanced Distributed Learning.
* Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM(TM)) Version 1.2.
* The SCORM Content Aggregation Model. October 1, 2001.
* Internet (2003-01-20): http://www.adlnet.org
* @author Werner Randelshofer
* @version 1.2 2006-10-10 Parse with XML namespaces.
* <br>1.1 2003-10-29 Method getResource added. HTML output in method
* toString changed.
* <br>1.0 August 22, 2003 Created.
public class DependencyElement extends AbstractElement{
* This attribute is set by validate().
private boolean isIdentifierrefValid = true;
* identifierref (required). An identifier for other resources to reference.
* This attribute is null if no identifierref was supplied in the XML document.
private String identifierref;
/** Creates a new instance. */
public DependencyElement() {
* Parses the specified DOM Element and incorporates its contents into this element.
* @param elem An XML element with the tag name 'dependency'.
public void parse(Element elem)
throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {
namespace = DOMs.getNamespaceURI(elem, getRequiredNamespace());
if (! elem.getLocalName().equals("dependency")) {
throw new IOException("'" + getRequiredNamespace() + ":dependency' element expected, but found '"+namespace+":"+elem.getTagName()+"' element.");
this.identifierref = DOMs.getAttributeNS(elem, CAM.IMSCP_NS, "identifierref", "");
// Read the child elements
NodeList nodes = elem.getChildNodes();
// FIXME - Make this a warning
if (nodes.getLength() > 0) {
throw new IOException("'dependency' is a leaf element, but found '"+nodes.getLength()+"' children.");
* Dumps the contents of this subtree into the provided string buffer.
public void dump(StringBuffer buf, int depth) {
for (int i=0; i < depth; i++) buf.append('.');
buf.append("<dependency identifierref=\""+identifierref+"\"/>\n");
* Exports this CAM subtree to JavaScript using the specified PrintWriter.
* @param out The output stream.
* @param depth The current depth of the tree (used for indention).
* @param gen The identifier generator used to generate short(er) identifiers
* whithin the JavaScript.
public void exportToJavaScript(PrintWriter out, int depth, IdentifierGenerator gen)
throws IOException {
public String getIdentifierref() {
return identifierref;
public ResourceElement getResource() {
return (getIdentifierref() == null)
? null
: getIMSManifestDocument().getResourcesElement().findResource(getIdentifierref());
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append("<html><font size=-1 face=SansSerif>");
if (! isValid()) buf.append("<font color=red>* </font>");
buf.append("<b>Dependency</b> identifierref:");
if (! isIdentifierrefValid()) buf.append("<font color=red>");
if (! isIdentifierrefValid()) buf.append(" <b>NO RESOURCE</b></font>");
return buf.toString();
* Validates this CAM element.
* @return Returns true if this elements is valid.
public boolean validate() {
isValid = super.validate();
if (identifierref == null) isIdentifierrefValid = false;
if (identifierref != null) {
isIdentifierrefValid = false;
Enumeration enm = getIMSManifestDocument().getResourcesElement().preorderEnumeration();
while (enm.hasMoreElements()) {
AbstractElement node = (AbstractElement) enm.nextElement();
if (node.getIdentifier() != null && node.getIdentifier().equals(identifierref)) {
isIdentifierrefValid = true;
if (! isIdentifierrefValid) isValid = false;
return isValid;
* The return value of this method is unspecified until
* validate() has been done.
* @return Returns true if the identifierref of this element references
* a ResourceElement in this tree.
public boolean isIdentifierrefValid() {
return isIdentifierrefValid;
protected String getRequiredNamespace() {
return CAM.IMSCP_NS;