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import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.extension.Extension;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.NeighbourSelection;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Neighbour;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Variable;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.SolutionListener;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.ItcParameterWeightOscillation;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.ItcParameterWeightOscillation.OscillationListener;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.ItcLazyNeighbour;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.ItcLazyNeighbour.LazyNeighbourAcceptanceCriterion;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.selection.ItcNotConflictingMove;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.selection.ItcSwapMove;

* Great deluge algorithm. A move is accepted if the
* overall solution value of the new solution will not exceed
* given bound.
* <br><br>
* Bound is initialized to value GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate &times; value
* of the best solution. Bound is decreased after each iteration,
* it is multiplied by GreatDeluge.CoolRate (alternatively, GreatDeluge.CoolRateInv can be
* defined, which is GreatDeluge.CoolRate = 1 - (1 / GreatDeluge.CoolRateInv ) ). When
* a limit GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate &times; value of the best solution
* is reached, the bound is increased back to GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate &times
* value of the best solution.
* <br><br>
* If there was no improvement found between the increments of the bound, the new bound is changed to
* GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate^2 with the lower limit set to GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate^2,
* GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate^3 and GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate^3, etc. till there is an
* improvement found.
* <br><br>
* Custom neighbours can be set using GreatDeluge.Neighbours property that should
* contain semicolon separated list of {@link NeighbourSelection}. By default,
* each neighbour selection is selected with the same probability (each has 1 point in
* a roulette wheel selection). It can be changed by adding &nbsp;@n at the end
* of the name of the class, for example:<br>
* <code>
* GreatDeluge.Neighbours=net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimRoomMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimTimeMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimSwapMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.selection.ItcSwapMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimPrecedenceMove@0.1
* </code>
* <br>
* Selector TimPrecedenceMove is 10&times; less probable to be selected than other selectors.
* When GreatDeluge.Random is true, all selectors are selected with the same probability, ignoring these weights.
* <br><br>
* When Itc.NextHeuristicsOnReheat parameter is true, a chance is given to another
* search strategy by returning once null in {@link ItcGreatDeluge#selectNeighbour(Solution)}.
* When Itc.NextHeuristicsOnReheat.AlterBound is also true, the bound is altered after the null
* is returned (so that an improvement of the best solution made by some other search
* strategy is considered as well).
* <br><br>
* When GreatDeluge.Update is true, {@link NeighbourSelector#update(Neighbour, long)} is called
* after each iteration (on the selector that was used) and roulette wheel selection
* that is using {@link NeighbourSelector#getPoints()} is used to pick a selector in each iteration.
* See {@link NeighbourSelector} for more details.
* @version
* ITC2007 1.0<br>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Tomas Muller<br>
* <a href=""></a><br>
* Lazenska 391, 76314 Zlin, Czech Republic<br>
* <br>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* <br><br>
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* <br><br>
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
public class ItcGreatDeluge implements NeighbourSelection,
        SolutionListener, LazyNeighbourAcceptanceCriterion, OscillationListener {

    private static Logger sLog = Logger.getLogger(ItcGreatDeluge.class);
    private static boolean sInfo = sLog.isInfoEnabled();
    private static DecimalFormat sDF2 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    private static DecimalFormat sDF5 = new DecimalFormat("0.00000");
    private double iBound = 0.0;
    private double iCoolRate = 0.9999995;
    private long iIter;
    private double iUpperBoundRate = 1.05;
    private double iLowerBoundRate = 0.97;
    private int iMoves = 0;
    private int iAcceptedMoves = 0;
    private int iNrIdle = 0;
    private long iT0 = -1;
    private long iLastImprovingIter = 0;
    private boolean iNextHeuristicsOnReheat = false;
    private Vector iNeighbourSelectors = new Vector();
    private boolean iRandomSelection = false;
    private boolean iUpdatePoints = false;
    private double iTotalBonus;
    private boolean iAlterBound = false;
    private boolean iAlterBoundOnReheat = false;

     * Constructor. Following problem properties are considered:
     * <ul>
     * <li>GreatDeluge.CoolRate ... bound cooling rate (default 0.9999995)
     * <li>GreatDeluge.CoolRateInv ... inverse cooling rate (i.e., GreatDeluge.CoolRate = 1 - (1 / GreatDeluge.CoolRateInv ) )s
     * <li>GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate ... bound upper bound limit relative to best solution ever found (default 1.05)
     * <li>GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate ... bound lower bound limit relative to best solution ever found (default 0.97)
     * <li>GreatDeluge.Neighbours ... semicolon separated list of classes implementing {@link NeighbourSelection}
     * <li>GreatDeluge.Random ... when true, a neighbour selector is selected randomly
     * <li>GreatDeluge.Update ... when true, a neighbour selector is selected using {@link ItcHillClimber.NeighbourSelector#getPoints()} weights (roulette wheel selection)
     * <li>Itc.NextHeuristicsOnReheat ... when true, null is returned in {@link ItcGreatDeluge#selectNeighbour(Solution)} once just after a reheat
     * <li>Itc.NextHeuristicsOnReheat.AlterBound ... when true, bound is updated after null is returned
     * </ul>
     * @param properties problem properties
    public ItcGreatDeluge(DataProperties properties) throws Exception {
        iCoolRate = properties.getPropertyDouble("GreatDeluge.CoolRate", iCoolRate);
        if (properties.getProperty("GreatDeluge.CoolRateInv") != null) {
            iCoolRate = 1.0 - (1.0 / properties.getPropertyDouble("GreatDeluge.CoolRateInv", 1.0 / (1.0 - iCoolRate)));
  "Cool rate is " + iCoolRate + " (inv:" + properties.getProperty("GreatDeluge.CoolRateInv") + ")");
        iUpperBoundRate = properties.getPropertyDouble("GreatDeluge.UpperBoundRate", iUpperBoundRate);
        iLowerBoundRate = properties.getPropertyDouble("GreatDeluge.LowerBoundRate", iLowerBoundRate);
        iNextHeuristicsOnReheat = properties.getPropertyBoolean("Itc.NextHeuristicsOnReheat", iNextHeuristicsOnReheat);
        iAlterBoundOnReheat = properties.getPropertyBoolean("Itc.NextHeuristicsOnReheat.AlterBound", iAlterBoundOnReheat);
        iRandomSelection = properties.getPropertyBoolean("GreatDeluge.Random", iRandomSelection);
        iUpdatePoints = properties.getPropertyBoolean("GreatDeluge.Update", iUpdatePoints);
        String neighbours = properties.getProperty("GreatDeluge.Neighbours",
                ItcSwapMove.class.getName() + "@1;"
                + ItcNotConflictingMove.class.getName() + "@1");
        for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(neighbours, ";"); s.hasMoreTokens();) {
            String nsClassName = s.nextToken();
            double bonus = 1.0;
            if (nsClassName.indexOf('@') >= 0) {
                bonus = Double.parseDouble(nsClassName.substring(nsClassName.indexOf('@') + 1));
                nsClassName = nsClassName.substring(0, nsClassName.indexOf('@'));
            Class nsClass = Class.forName(nsClassName);
            NeighbourSelection ns = (NeighbourSelection) nsClass.getConstructor(new Class[]{DataProperties.class}).newInstance(new Object[]{properties});
            addNeighbourSelection(ns, bonus);

    /** Initialization */
    public void init(Solver solver) {
        iIter = -1;
        for (Enumeration e = solver.getExtensions().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            Extension ext = (Extension) e.nextElement();
            if (ext instanceof ItcParameterWeightOscillation)
                ((ItcParameterWeightOscillation) ext).addOscillationListener(this);
        iTotalBonus = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = iNeighbourSelectors.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            NeighbourSelector s = (NeighbourSelector) e.nextElement();
            iTotalBonus += s.getBonus();

    private void addNeighbourSelection(NeighbourSelection ns, double bonus) {
        iNeighbourSelectors.add(new NeighbourSelector(ns, bonus, iUpdatePoints));

    private long getTemperatureLength(Solver solver) {
        long len = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = solver.currentSolution().getModel().variables().elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            Variable variable = (Variable) e.nextElement();
            len += variable.values().size();
        }"Temperature length " + len);
        return len;

    private double totalPoints() {
        if (!iUpdatePoints)
            return iTotalBonus;
        double total = 0;
        for (Enumeration e = iNeighbourSelectors.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            NeighbourSelector ns = (NeighbourSelector) e.nextElement();
            total += ns.getPoints();
        return total;

    private void info(Solution solution) {"Iter=" + iIter / 1000 + "k, NonImpIter=" + sDF2.format((iIter - iLastImprovingIter) / 1000.0) + "k, Speed=" + sDF2.format(1000.0 * iIter / (System.currentTimeMillis() - iT0)) + " it/s");"Bound is " + sDF2.format(iBound) + ", "
                + "best value is " + sDF2.format(solution.getBestValue()) + " (" + sDF2.format(100.0 * iBound / solution.getBestValue()) + "%), "
                + "current value is " + sDF2.format(solution.getModel().getTotalValue()) + " (" + sDF2.format(100.0 * iBound / solution.getModel().getTotalValue()) + "%), "
                + "#idle=" + iNrIdle + ", "
                + "Pacc=" + sDF5.format(100.0 * iAcceptedMoves / iMoves) + "%");
        if (iUpdatePoints)
            for (Enumeration e = iNeighbourSelectors.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                NeighbourSelector ns = (NeighbourSelector) e.nextElement();
      "  " + ns + " (" + sDF2.format(ns.getPoints()) + " pts, " + sDF2.format(100.0 * (iUpdatePoints ? ns.getPoints() : ns.getBonus()) / totalPoints()) + "%)");
        iAcceptedMoves = iMoves = 0;

    private Neighbour genMove(Solution solution) {
        while (true) {
            if (incIter(solution)) {
                iAlterBound = iAlterBoundOnReheat;
                return null;
            if (iAlterBound) {
                iBound = Math.max(solution.getBestValue() + 2.0, Math.pow(iUpperBoundRate, Math.max(1, iNrIdle)) * solution.getBestValue());
                iAlterBound = false;
            NeighbourSelector ns = null;
            if (iRandomSelection) {
                ns = (NeighbourSelector) ToolBox.random(iNeighbourSelectors);
            } else {
                double points = (ToolBox.random() * totalPoints());
                for (Enumeration e = iNeighbourSelectors.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    ns = (NeighbourSelector) e.nextElement();
                    points -= (iUpdatePoints ? ns.getPoints() : ns.getBonus());
                    if (points <= 0)
            Neighbour n = ns.selectNeighbour(solution);
            if (n != null)
                return n;

    private boolean accept(Solution solution, Neighbour neighbour) {
        if (neighbour instanceof ItcLazyNeighbour) {
            ((ItcLazyNeighbour) neighbour).setAcceptanceCriterion(this);
            return true;
        } else
            return (neighbour.value() <= 0 || solution.getModel().getTotalValue() + neighbour.value() <= iBound);

    /** Implementation of {@link net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.ItcLazyNeighbour.LazyNeighbourAcceptanceCriterion} interface */
    public boolean accept(ItcLazyNeighbour neighbour, double value) {
        return (value <= 0 || neighbour.getModel().getTotalValue() <= iBound);

    private boolean incIter(Solution solution) {
        if (iIter < 0) {
            iIter = 0;
            iLastImprovingIter = 0;
            iT0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            iBound = iUpperBoundRate * solution.getBestValue();
        } else {
            iBound *= iCoolRate;
        if (sInfo && iIter % 100000 == 0) {
        if (iBound < Math.pow(iLowerBoundRate, 1 + iNrIdle) * solution.getBestValue()) {
  " -<[" + iNrIdle + "]>- ");
            iBound = Math.max(solution.getBestValue() + 2.0, Math.pow(iUpperBoundRate, iNrIdle) * solution.getBestValue());
            return iNextHeuristicsOnReheat;
        return false;

    /** Neighbour selection */
    public Neighbour selectNeighbour(Solution solution) {
        Neighbour neighbour = null;
        while ((neighbour = genMove(solution)) != null) {
            if (accept(solution, neighbour)) {
        return (neighbour == null ? null : neighbour);

    public void bestSaved(Solution solution) {
        iNrIdle = 0;
        iLastImprovingIter = iIter;

    public void solutionUpdated(Solution solution) {

    public void getInfo(Solution solution, java.util.Dictionary info) {

    public void getInfo(Solution solution, java.util.Dictionary info, java.util.Vector variables) {

    public void bestCleared(Solution solution) {

    public void bestRestored(Solution solution) {

    /** Update bound when {@link ItcParameterWeightOscillation} is changed.*/
    public void bestValueChanged(double delta) {
        iBound += delta;

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