Package tigase.xmpp.impl

Source Code of tigase.xmpp.impl.Privacy

* Tigase Jabber/XMPP Server
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 "Artur Hefczyc" <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. Look for COPYING file in the top folder.
* If not, see
* $Rev: 1251 $
* Last modified by $Author: kobit $
* $Date: 2008-12-01 22:36:02 +0000 (Mon, 01 Dec 2008) $
package tigase.xmpp.impl;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import tigase.xml.Element;
import tigase.xmpp.NotAuthorizedException;
import tigase.xmpp.XMPPResourceConnection;
import tigase.db.TigaseDBException;
import tigase.xml.DomBuilderHandler;
import tigase.xml.SimpleParser;
import tigase.xml.SingletonFactory;

* Class defining data structure for privacy lists.
* Sample data storage:
* <node name="privacy">
*   <entry value="private" type="String" key="default"/>
*  List name:
<node name="private">
*   <map/>
*    Item order:
*    <node name="1">
*     <map>
*      <entry value="jid" type="String" key="type"/>
*      <entry value="" type="String" key="value"/>
*      <entry value="deny" type="String" key="action"/>
*      <entry type="String[]" key="stanzas">
*       <item value="message"/>
*       <item value="iq"/>
*      </entry>
*     </map>
*   </node>
* </node>
* Created: Mon Oct  9 20:50:09 2006
* @author <a href="">Artur Hefczyc</a>
* @version $Rev: 1251 $
public class Privacy {

   * Private logger for class instancess.
  private static Logger log =  Logger.getLogger("tigase.xmpp.impl.Privacy");

  protected static final String PRIVACY = "privacy";
  protected static final String LIST = "list";
  protected static final String ITEM = "item";
  protected static final String NAME = "name";
  protected static final String ORDER = "order";
  protected static final String TYPE = "type";
  protected static final String VALUE = "value";
  protected static final String ACTION = "action";
  protected static final String STANZAS = "stanzas";
  protected static final String DEFAULT = "default-list";
  protected static final String ACTIVE = "active-list";
  protected static final String PRIVACY_LIST = "privacy-list";

  public static String[] getLists(XMPPResourceConnection session)
    throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
    return session.getDataGroups(PRIVACY);

  public static String listNode(final String list) {
    return PRIVACY + "/" + list;

  public static void setDefaultList(XMPPResourceConnection session,
    Element list) throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
    if (list.getAttribute(NAME) != null) {
      session.setData(PRIVACY, DEFAULT, list.getAttribute(NAME));
    } else {
      session.removeData(PRIVACY, DEFAULT);

  public static String getDefaultList(XMPPResourceConnection session)
    throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
    return session.getData(PRIVACY, DEFAULT, null);

  public static void setActiveList(XMPPResourceConnection session, String lName)
    throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
    if (lName != null) {
      Element list = getList(session, lName);
      session.putSessionData(ACTIVE, list);
    } else {
      session.putSessionData(ACTIVE, null);

  public static Element getActiveList(XMPPResourceConnection session)
    throws NotAuthorizedException {
    return (Element)session.getSessionData(ACTIVE);

  public static String getActiveListName(XMPPResourceConnection session)
    throws NotAuthorizedException {
    Element list = getActiveList(session);
    if (list != null) {
      return list.getAttribute(NAME);
    } else {
      return null;
    } // end of if (list != null) else

  public static void addList(XMPPResourceConnection session,
          Element list)
          throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
    log.finest("Saving privacy list: " + list.toString());
    String lNode = listNode(list.getAttribute(NAME));
    session.setData(lNode, PRIVACY_LIST, list.toString());

  public static Element getList(XMPPResourceConnection session,
          String list)
          throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
    log.finest("Loading privacy list: " + list);
    String lNode = listNode(list);
    String list_str = session.getData(lNode, PRIVACY_LIST, null);
    if (list_str != null && !list_str.isEmpty()) {
      SimpleParser parser = SingletonFactory.getParserInstance();
      DomBuilderHandler domHandler = new DomBuilderHandler();
      parser.parse(domHandler, list_str.toCharArray(), 0, list_str.length());
      Queue<Element> elems = domHandler.getParsedElements();
      Element result = elems.poll();
      log.finest("Loaded privacy list: " + result.toString());
      return result;
    } else {
      return getListOld(session, list);

  public static Element getListOld(XMPPResourceConnection session,
          String list)
          throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
    String lNode = listNode(list);
    String[] items = session.getDataGroups(lNode);
    if (items != null) {
      Element eList = new Element(LIST,
        new String[] {NAME}, new String[] {list});
      for (String item: items) {
        String iNode = lNode + "/" + item;
        String type = session.getData(iNode, TYPE, null);
        String value = session.getData(iNode, VALUE, null);
        String action = session.getData(iNode, ACTION, null);
        String[] stanzas = session.getDataList(iNode, STANZAS);
        Element eItem = new Element(ITEM,
          new String[] {ORDER, ACTION},
          new String[] {item, action});
        if (type != null) {
          eItem.addAttribute(TYPE, type);
        } // end of if (type != null)
        if (value != null) {
          eItem.addAttribute(VALUE, value);
        } // end of if (value != null)
        if (stanzas != null) {
          for (String stanza: stanzas) {
          eItem.addChild(new Element(stanza));
          } // end of for (String stanza: stanzas)
        } // end of if (stanzas != null)
      } // end of for (String item: items)
      return eList;
    } // end of if (items != null)
    return null;

//  public static void addListOld(XMPPResourceConnection session,
//          Element list)
//          throws NotAuthorizedException, TigaseDBException {
//    String lNode = listNode(list.getAttribute(NAME));
//    // Always remove this list as it is either removed or replaced
//    // by new one. To make sure there are no old data left, let's
//    // remove it here.
//    session.removeDataGroup(lNode);
//    if (list.getChildren() != null && list.getChildren().size() > 0) {
//      for (Element item: list.getChildren()) {
//        String iNode = lNode + "/" + item.getAttribute(ORDER);
//        if (item.getAttribute(TYPE) != null) {
//          session.setData(iNode, TYPE, item.getAttribute(TYPE));
//        } // end of if (item.getAttribute(TYPE) != null)
//        if (item.getAttribute(VALUE) != null) {
//          session.setData(iNode, VALUE, item.getAttribute(VALUE));
//        } // end of if (item.getAttribute(VALUE) != null)
//        session.setData(iNode, ACTION, item.getAttribute(ACTION));
//        List<Element> stanzas_list = item.getChildren();
//        if (stanzas_list != null && stanzas_list.size() > 0) {
//          String[] stanzas = new String[stanzas_list.size()];
//          int cnt = -1;
//          for (Element stanza: stanzas_list) {
//            stanzas[++cnt] = stanza.getName();
//          } // end of for (Element stanza: stanzas_list)
//          session.setDataList(iNode, STANZAS, stanzas);
//        } // end of if (stanzas_list != null && stanzas_list.size() > 0)
//      } // end of for (Element item: list.getChildren())
//    }
//  }

} // Privacy

Related Classes of tigase.xmpp.impl.Privacy

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