/* Tigase Jabber/XMPP Server
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 "Artur Hefczyc" <artur.hefczyc@tigase.org>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. Look for COPYING file in the top folder.
* If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* $Rev: 1246 $
* Last modified by $Author: kobit $
* $Date: 2008-11-28 17:27:36 +0000 (Fri, 28 Nov 2008) $
package tigase.server.gateways;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import tigase.conf.Configurable;
import tigase.db.RepositoryFactory;
import tigase.db.TigaseDBException;
import tigase.db.UserExistsException;
import tigase.db.UserNotFoundException;
import tigase.db.UserRepository;
import tigase.disco.ServiceEntity;
import tigase.disco.ServiceIdentity;
import tigase.disco.XMPPService;
import tigase.server.AbstractMessageReceiver;
import tigase.server.Packet;
import tigase.util.DBUtils;
import tigase.util.JIDUtils;
import tigase.util.DNSResolver;
import tigase.xml.XMLUtils;
import tigase.xml.Element;
import tigase.xmpp.Authorization;
import tigase.xmpp.StanzaType;
import tigase.xmpp.PacketErrorTypeException;
* Describe class Gateway here.
* Created: Thu Nov 8 08:54:23 2007
* @author <a href="mailto:artur.hefczyc@tigase.org">Artur Hefczyc</a>
* @version $Rev: 1246 $
public class Gateway extends AbstractMessageReceiver
implements Configurable, XMPPService, GatewayListener {
* Private logger for class instancess.
private static Logger log =
public static final String GEN_GW_DB = "--gen-gw-db";
public static final String GEN_GW_DB_URI = "--gen-gw-db-uri";
public static final String GEN_GW_ADMINS = "--gen-gw-admins";
public static final String GW_REPO_CLASS_PROP_KEY = "gw-repo-class";
public static final String GW_REPO_URL_PROP_KEY = "gw-repo-url";
public static final String GW_CLASS_NAME_PROP_KEY = "gw-class-name";
public static final String GW_CLASS_NAME_PROP_VAL =
public static final String GW_DOMAIN_NAME_PROP_KEY = "gw-domain-name";
public static final String GW_DOMAIN_NAME_PROP_VAL = "msn.localhost";
public static final String GW_MODERATED_PROP_KEY = "is-moderated";
public static final boolean GW_MODERATED_PROP_VAL = false;
private static final String username_key = "user-name-key";
private static final String password_key = "password-key";
private static final String moderated_key = "moderated-key";
private static final String moderated_true = "true";
private static final String moderated_false = "false";
private static final String AUTHORIZED_KEY = "authorized-key";
private static final String NAME_KEY = "authorized-key";
private static final String PRESENCE_TYPE = "presence-type";
private static final String PRESENCE_SHOW = "presence-show";
private static final String PRESENCE_ELNAME = "presence";
// public static final String HOSTNAMES_PROP_KEY = "hostnames";
// public String[] HOSTNAMES_PROP_VAL = {"localhost", "hostname"};
private String[] ADMINS_PROP_VAL = {"admin@localhost", "admin@hostname"};
// private String[] hostnames = HOSTNAMES_PROP_VAL;
private ServiceEntity serviceEntity = null;
private String[] admins = ADMINS_PROP_VAL;
private String gw_class_name = GW_CLASS_NAME_PROP_VAL;
private boolean is_moderated = GW_MODERATED_PROP_VAL;
private String gw_name = "Undefined";
private String gw_type = "unknown";
//private String gw_hostname = GW_DOMAIN_NAME_PROP_VAL;
private String gw_desc = "empty";
private UserRepository repository = null;
private Map<String, GatewayConnection> gw_connections =
new LinkedHashMap<String, GatewayConnection>();
public void setProperties(final Map<String, Object> props) {
// hostnames = (String[])props.get(HOSTNAMES_PROP_KEY);
// if (hostnames == null || hostnames.length == 0) {
// log.warning("Hostnames definition is empty, setting 'localhost'");
// hostnames = new String[] {getName() + ".localhost"};
// } // end of if (hostnames == null || hostnames.length == 0)
// Arrays.sort(hostnames);
// clearRoutings();
// for (String host: hostnames) {
// addRouting(host);
// } // end of for ()
gw_class_name = (String)props.get(GW_CLASS_NAME_PROP_KEY);
GatewayConnection gc = gwInstance();
if (gc != null) {
gw_type = gc.getType();
gw_name = gc.getName();
gw_desc = gc.getPromptMessage();
serviceEntity = new ServiceEntity(getName(), null, "Transport");
new ServiceIdentity("gateway", gw_type, gw_name));
serviceEntity.addFeatures("jabber:iq:register", "jabber:iq:gateway");
admins = (String[])props.get(ADMINS_PROP_KEY);
//gw_hostname = (String)props.get(GW_DOMAIN_NAME_PROP_KEY);
is_moderated = (Boolean)props.get(GW_MODERATED_PROP_KEY);
try {
String cls_name = (String)props.get(GW_REPO_CLASS_PROP_KEY);
String res_uri = (String)props.get(GW_REPO_URL_PROP_KEY);
// if (!res_uri.contains("autoCreateUser=true")) {
// res_uri += "&autoCreateUser=true";
// } // end of if (!res_uri.contains("autoCreateUser=true"))
repository = RepositoryFactory.getUserRepository(getName(),
cls_name, res_uri, null);
try {
} catch (UserExistsException e) { /*Ignore, this is correct and expected*/ }
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can't initialize repository", e);
} // end of try-catch
public Map<String, Object> getDefaults(final Map<String, Object> params) {
Map<String, Object> defs = super.getDefaults(params);
String repo_class = XML_REPO_CLASS_PROP_VAL;
String repo_uri = XML_REPO_URL_PROP_VAL;
String[] db_params = DBUtils.decodeDBParams(params, GEN_GW_DB, GEN_USER_DB);
if (db_params[0] != null) {
repo_class = db_params[0];
if (db_params[1] != null) {
repo_uri = db_params[1];
if (params.get(GEN_GW_DB_URI) != null) {
repo_uri = (String)params.get(GEN_GW_DB_URI);
} else {
if (params.get(GEN_USER_DB_URI) != null) {
repo_uri = (String)params.get(GEN_USER_DB_URI);
} // end of if (params.get(GEN_USER_DB_URI) != null)
} // end of else
defs.put(GW_REPO_CLASS_PROP_KEY, repo_class);
defs.put(GW_REPO_URL_PROP_KEY, repo_uri);
if (params.get(GEN_GW_ADMINS) != null) {
ADMINS_PROP_VAL = ((String)params.get(GEN_GW_ADMINS)).split(",");
} else {
if (params.get(GEN_ADMINS) != null) {
ADMINS_PROP_VAL = ((String)params.get(GEN_ADMINS)).split(",");
} else {
ADMINS_PROP_VAL = new String[1];
ADMINS_PROP_VAL[0] = "admin@" + getDefHostName();
} // end of if (params.get(GEN_SREC_ADMINS) != null) else
// if (params.get(GEN_VIRT_HOSTS) != null) {
// HOSTNAMES_PROP_VAL = ((String)params.get(GEN_VIRT_HOSTS)).split(",");
// } else {
// HOSTNAMES_PROP_VAL = DNSResolver.getDefHostNames();
// }
// hostnames = new String[HOSTNAMES_PROP_VAL.length];
// int i = 0;
// for (String host: HOSTNAMES_PROP_VAL) {
// hostnames[i++] = getName() + "." + host;
// }
// defs.put(HOSTNAMES_PROP_KEY, hostnames);
return defs;
private GatewayConnection gwInstance() {
try {
Class<GatewayConnection> cls =
GatewayConnection gc = cls.newInstance();
return gc;
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem instantating gateway connection object", e);
return null;
private boolean isAdmin(String jid) {
for (String adm: admins) {
if (adm.equals(JIDUtils.getNodeID(jid))) {
return true;
return false;
private void sendToAdmins(Element elem) {
for (String adm: admins) {
Element msg = elem.clone();
msg.setAttribute("to", adm);
addOutPacket(new Packet(msg));
private void processRegister(Packet packet) throws PacketErrorTypeException {
if (packet.getType() != null) {
switch (packet.getType()) {
case get:
+ "Please enter your " + gw_type.toUpperCase() + " account details"
+ " into the fields below."
+ "</instructions>"
+ "<username/>"
+ "<password/>", 1));
case set:
String id = JIDUtils.getNodeID(packet.getElemFrom());
String new_username = packet.getElemCData("/iq/query/username");
String new_password = packet.getElemCData("/iq/query/password");
try {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), id, username_key, new_username);
repository.setData(getComponentId(), id, password_key, new_password);
addOutPacket(packet.okResult((String)null, 0));
addOutPacket(new Packet(new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"to", "from", "type"},
new String[] {id, packet.getElemTo(), "subscribe"})));
if (is_moderated && !isAdmin(id)) {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), id, moderated_key, moderated_true);
addOutPacket(new Packet(new Element("message",
new Element[] {
new Element("body",
"Your subscription to the gateway needs administrator approval."
+ " You will be notified when your request has been processed"
+ " and you will be able to use the gateway since then." )
new String[] {"to", "from", "type", "id"},
new String[] {id, packet.getElemTo(), "chat", "gw-ap-1"})));
sendToAdmins(new Element("message",
new Element[] {
new Element("body",
"Gateway subscription request is awaiting for: " + id)
new String[] {"from", "type", "id"},
new String[] {packet.getElemTo(), "chat", "gw-ap-1"}));
} else {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), id, moderated_key, moderated_false);
} catch (tigase.db.UserNotFoundException e) {
log.warning("This is most likely configuration error, please make"
+ " sure you have set '&autoCreateUser=true' property in your"
+ " database connection string.");
"Please notify administrator with the message below:\n"
+ "This is most likely configuration error, please make"
+ " sure you have set '&autoCreateUser=true' property in your"
+ " database connection string.", true));
} catch (TigaseDBException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Database access error: ", e);
"Please notify administrator with the message below:\n"
+ "Database access error: " + e, true));
private void processPresence(Packet packet) {
if (packet.getElemTo().startsWith(getName() + ".") &&
!packet.getElemTo().contains("@")) {
// if (Arrays.binarySearch(hostnames, packet.getElemTo()) >= 0) {
if (packet.getType() == null || packet.getType() == StanzaType.available) {
// Open new connection if it does not exist
findConnection(packet, true);
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.subscribe) {
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.unavailable) {
} else {
if (packet.getType() == null || packet.getType() == StanzaType.available) {
// Ignore
String id = JIDUtils.getNodeID(packet.getElemFrom());
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.subscribed) {
String buddy = decodeLegacyName(packet.getElemTo());
log.fine("Received subscribed presence for: " + buddy);
String roster_node = id + "/roster/" + buddy;
String authorized = "true";
String pres_type = "null";
String pres_show = "null";
try {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, AUTHORIZED_KEY, authorized);
pres_type = repository.getData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_TYPE);
pres_show = repository.getData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_SHOW);
log.fine("Added buddy do repository for: " + buddy);
} catch (TigaseDBException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem updating repository data", e);
Element pres_el = new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"to", "from"},
new String[] {packet.getElemFrom(), packet.getElemTo()});
if (!pres_type.equals("null")) {
pres_el.setAttribute("type", pres_type);
if (!pres_show.equals("null")) {
Element show = new Element("show", pres_show);
Packet presence = new Packet(pres_el);
log.finest("Sending out presence: " + presence.toString());
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.subscribe) {
String buddy = decodeLegacyName(packet.getElemTo());
log.fine("Received subscribe presence for: " + buddy);
String nick = JIDUtils.getNodeNick(buddy);
if (nick == null || nick.isEmpty()) {
nick = buddy;
GatewayConnection conn = findConnection(packet, true);
if (conn != null) {
try {
conn.addBuddy(buddy, nick);
log.fine("Added to roster buddy: " + buddy);
} catch (GatewayException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem with gateway when adding buddy: "
+ buddy, e);
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.unsubscribe) {
Packet presence = packet.swapElemFromTo(StanzaType.unsubscribe);
log.finest("Sending out presence: " + presence.toString());
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.unsubscribed) {
String buddy = decodeLegacyName(packet.getElemTo());
String roster_node = id + "/roster/" + buddy;
log.fine("Received unsubscribed presence for buddy: " + buddy);
try {
repository.removeSubnode(getComponentId(), roster_node);
log.fine("Removed from repository buddy: " + buddy);
} catch (TigaseDBException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem updating repository data", e);
GatewayConnection conn = findConnection(packet, true);
if (conn != null) {
try {
log.fine("Removed from roster buddy: " + buddy);
} catch (GatewayException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem with gateway when removing buddy: "
+ buddy, e);
private void processGateway(Packet packet) throws PacketErrorTypeException {
if (packet.getType() == null) {
log.info("Bad gateway request: " + packet.toString());
"IQ request must have either 'set' or 'get' type.", true));
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.get) {
Element query = new Element("query");
query.addChild(new Element("desc", gw_desc));
query.addChild(new Element("prompt"));
addOutPacket(packet.okResult(query, 0));
if (packet.getType() == StanzaType.set) {
String legacyName = packet.getElemCData("/iq/query/prompt");
String jid = formatJID(legacyName);
addOutPacket(packet.okResult(new Element("prompt", jid), 1));
private void processLocalPacket(Packet packet) throws PacketErrorTypeException {
if (packet.isXMLNS("/iq/query", "jabber:iq:register")) {
if (packet.isXMLNS("/iq/query", "jabber:iq:gateway")) {
private void removeJid(Packet packet) {
String id = JIDUtils.getNodeID(packet.getElemFrom());
GatewayConnection conn = gw_connections.get(id);
if (conn != null) {
log.info("Stopping connection for: " + packet.getElemFrom());
if (conn.getAllJids() == null || conn.getAllJids().length == 0) {
} else {
log.info("No connection for: " + packet.getElemFrom());
private void closeConnection(GatewayConnection conn) {
if (conn != null) {
public String formatJID(String legacyName) {
return XMLUtils.escape(legacyName.replace("@", "%") + "@" + getComponentId());
public String decodeLegacyName(String jid) {
return XMLUtils.unescape(jid).split("@")[0].replace("%", "@");
private GatewayConnection findConnection(Packet packet, boolean create) {
String id = JIDUtils.getNodeID(packet.getElemFrom());
GatewayConnection conn = gw_connections.get(id);
if (conn != null || !create) {
if (conn != null) {
addOutPacket(new Packet(new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"from", "to"},
new String[] {getComponentId(), packet.getElemFrom()})));
updateRosterPresence(conn.getRoster(), packet.getElemFrom());
return conn;
try {
if (is_moderated) {
String moderated = repository.getData(getComponentId(), id, moderated_key);
if (moderated == null || moderated.equals(moderated_true)) {
"Administrator approval awaiting.", true));
return null;
String username = repository.getData(getComponentId(), id, username_key);
String password = repository.getData(getComponentId(), id, password_key);
if (username != null && password != null) {
conn = gwInstance();
conn.setLogin(username, password);
gw_connections.put(id, conn);
return conn;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error initializing gateway connection", e);
return null;
public void processPacket(final Packet packet) {
try {
if (packet.getElemTo() == null) {
log.warning("Bad packet, 'to' is null: " + packet.toString());
if (packet.getElemName() == PRESENCE_ELNAME) {
if (packet.getElemTo().equals(getComponentId())) {
// Local processing.
log.fine("Local packet: " + packet.toString());
GatewayConnection conn = findConnection(packet, false);
if (conn != null) {
try {
} catch (GatewayException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Error initializing gateway connection", e);
} else {
log.finer("Gateway not connected, sending packet back: "
+ packet.toString());
"Gateway is not connected.", true));
} catch (PacketErrorTypeException e) {
log.info("This must have been an error already, dropping: "
+ packet.toString() + ", exception: " + e);
public List<Element> getDiscoFeatures() { return null; }
public List<Element> getDiscoItems(String node, String jid) {
if (jid.startsWith(getName()+".")) {
return serviceEntity.getDiscoItems(node, null);
} else {
Arrays.asList(serviceEntity.getDiscoItem(null, getName() + "." + jid));
public Element getDiscoInfo(String node, String jid) {
if (jid != null && jid.startsWith(getName()+".")) {
return serviceEntity.getDiscoInfo(node);
return null;
public void packetReceived(Packet packet) {
public void logout(GatewayConnection gc) {
String[] jids = gc.getAllJids();
for (String username: jids) {
addOutPacket(new Packet(new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"from", "to", "type"},
new String[] {getComponentId(), username, "unavailable"})));
List<RosterItem> roster = gc.getRoster();
for (RosterItem item: roster) {
String from = formatJID(item.getBuddyId());
Element pres_el = new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"to", "from", "type"},
new String[] {username, from, "unavailable"});
Packet presence = new Packet(pres_el);
log.finest("Sending out presence: " + presence.toString());
public void loginCompleted(GatewayConnection gc) {
String[] jids = gc.getAllJids();
for (String username: jids) {
addOutPacket(new Packet(new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"from", "to"},
new String[] {getComponentId(), username})));
public void gatewayException(GatewayConnection gc, Throwable exc) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Gateway exception", exc);
private void updateRosterPresence(List<RosterItem> roster, String ... to) {
if (roster == null) {
// It may happen when the transport's roster is not synchronized yet
for (RosterItem item: roster) {
log.fine("Received roster entry: " + item.getBuddyId());
String from = formatJID(item.getBuddyId());
for (String username: to) {
Element pres_el = new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"to", "from"},
new String[] {username, from});
if (item.getStatus().getType() != null) {
pres_el.setAttribute("type", item.getStatus().getType());
if (item.getStatus().getShow() != null) {
Element show = new Element("show", item.getStatus().getShow());
Packet presence = new Packet(pres_el);
log.finest("Sending out presence: " + presence.toString());
public void userRoster(GatewayConnection gc) {
String[] jids = gc.getAllJids();
String id = JIDUtils.getNodeID(jids[0]);
List<RosterItem> roster = gc.getRoster();
for (RosterItem item: roster) {
log.fine("Received roster entry: " + item.getBuddyId());
String from = formatJID(item.getBuddyId());
String roster_node = id + "/roster/" + item.getBuddyId();
String authorized = "false";
try {
authorized = repository.getData(getComponentId(), roster_node, AUTHORIZED_KEY);
if (authorized == null) {
// Add item to the roster and send subscription request to user...
authorized = "false";
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, AUTHORIZED_KEY, authorized);
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, NAME_KEY, item.getName());
if (item.getStatus().getType() != null) {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_TYPE,
} else {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_TYPE, "null");
if (item.getStatus().getShow() != null) {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_SHOW,
} else {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_SHOW, "null");
} catch (TigaseDBException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem updating repository data", e);
for (String username: jids) {
Packet presence = new Packet(new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"to", "from", "type"},
new String[] {username, from, "subscribe"}));
log.finest("Sending out presence: " + presence.toString());
updateRosterPresence(roster, jids);
public void updateStatus(GatewayConnection gc, RosterItem item) {
String[] jids = gc.getAllJids();
String id = JIDUtils.getNodeID(jids[0]);
String from = formatJID(item.getBuddyId());
String roster_node = id + "/roster/" + item.getBuddyId();
try {
if (item.getStatus().getType() != null) {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_TYPE,
} else {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_TYPE, "null");
if (item.getStatus().getShow() != null) {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_SHOW,
} else {
repository.setData(getComponentId(), roster_node, PRESENCE_SHOW, "null");
} catch (TigaseDBException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Problem updating repository data", e);
for (String username: jids) {
Element pres_el = new Element(PRESENCE_ELNAME,
new String[] {"to", "from"},
new String[] {username, from});
if (item.getStatus().getType() != null) {
pres_el.setAttribute("type", item.getStatus().getType());
if (item.getStatus().getShow() != null) {
Element show = new Element("show", item.getStatus().getShow());
Packet presence = new Packet(pres_el);
log.finest("Sending out presence: " + presence.toString());