* Tigase Jabber/XMPP Server
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 "Artur Hefczyc" <artur.hefczyc@tigase.org>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. Look for COPYING file in the top folder.
* If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* $Rev: 1298 $
* Last modified by $Author: kobit $
* $Date: 2008-12-13 10:25:49 +0000 (Sat, 13 Dec 2008) $
package tigase.server;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import tigase.xml.Element;
import tigase.xmpp.StanzaType;
import tigase.disco.XMPPService;
* Class Packet
* Represent one XMPP packet.
* Created: Tue Nov 22 07:07:11 2005
* @author <a href="mailto:artur.hefczyc@tigase.org">Artur Hefczyc</a>
* @version $Rev: 1298 $
public class Packet {
private static final String ERROR_NS = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas";
private Set<String> processorsIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
* Constant <code>OLDTO</code> is kind of hack to store old request address
* when the packet is processed by the session mamaner. The problem is that
* SessionManager may work for many virtual domains but has just one real
* address. So to forward the request to the SessionManager the 'to' address
* is replaced with the real SessionManager address. The response however
* needs to be sent with the 'from' address as the original request was 'to'.
* Therefore 'oldto' attribute temporarly stores the old 'to' address
* and after the packet processing is completed the 'from' attribute
* is replaced with original 'to' value.
public static final String OLDTO = "oldto";
private final Element elem;
private final Command command;
private final String strCommand;
private final boolean cmd;
private final boolean serviceDisco;
private final StanzaType type;
private final boolean routed;
private String to = null;
private String from = null;
private Permissions permissions = Permissions.NONE;
private String packetToString = null;
public Packet(final Element elem) {
if (elem == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} // end of if (elem == null)
this.elem = elem;
if (elem.getName() == "iq") {
Element child = elem.getChild("command", Command.XMLNS);
if (child != null) {
cmd = true;
strCommand = child.getAttribute("node");
command = Command.valueof(strCommand);
} else {
strCommand = null;
command = null;
cmd = false;
serviceDisco = (isXMLNS("/iq/query", XMPPService.INFO_XMLNS)
|| isXMLNS("/iq/query", XMPPService.ITEMS_XMLNS));
} else {
strCommand = null;
command = null;
cmd = false;
serviceDisco = false;
if (elem.getAttribute("type") != null) {
type = StanzaType.valueof(elem.getAttribute("type"));
} else {
type = null;
} // end of if (elem.getAttribute("type") != null) else
if (elem.getName().equals("route")) {
routed = true;
} // end of if (elem.getName().equals("route"))
else {
routed = false;
} // end of if (elem.getName().equals("route")) else
public Packet(String el_name, String from, String to, StanzaType type) {
this.elem = new Element(el_name,
new String[] {"from", "to", "type"},
new String[] {from, to, type.toString()});
this.type = type;
this.strCommand = null;
this.command = null;
this.cmd = false;
this.routed = false;
this.serviceDisco = false;
public void setPermissions(Permissions perm) {
packetToString = null;
permissions = perm;
public Permissions getPermissions() {
return permissions;
public void processedBy(String id) {
public boolean wasProcessed() {
return processorsIds.size() > 0;
public boolean wasProcessedBy(String id) {
return processorsIds.contains(id);
public Set<String> getProcessorsIds() {
return processorsIds;
public Command getCommand() {
return command;
public String getStrCommand() {
return strCommand;
public StanzaType getType() {
return type;
public Element getElement() {
return elem;
public String getElemName() {
return elem.getName();
public boolean isCommand() {
return cmd;
public boolean isServiceDisco() {
return serviceDisco;
public String getXMLNS() {
return elem.getXMLNS();
public boolean isXMLNS(String elementPath, String xmlns) {
String this_xmlns = elem.getXMLNS(elementPath);
if (this_xmlns == xmlns) {
return true;
return false;
public String getTo() {
return to != null ? to : getElemTo();
public void setTo(final String to) {
packetToString = null;
this.to = to;
public String getFrom() {
return from != null ? from : getElemFrom();
public void setFrom(final String from) {
packetToString = null;
this.from = from;
public String getAttribute(String key) {
return elem.getAttribute(key);
* Returns packet destination address.
public String getElemTo() {
return elem.getAttribute("to");
public String getAttribute(String path, String attr_name) {
return elem.getAttribute(path, attr_name);
* Returns packet source address.
public String getElemFrom() {
return elem.getAttribute("from");
public String getElemId() {
return elem.getAttribute("id");
public String getElemCData(final String path) {
return elem.getCData(path);
public List<Element> getElemChildren(final String path) {
return elem.getChildren(path);
public String getElemCData() {
return elem.getCData();
public byte[] getByteData() {
return elem.toString().getBytes();
public String getStringData() {
return elem.toString();
public char[] getCharData() {
return elem.toString().toCharArray();
public String toString() {
if (packetToString == null) {
packetToString = ", data=" + elem.toString() + ", XMLNS="+elem.getXMLNS();
return "to=" + to + ", from=" + from + packetToString;
public boolean isRouted() {
return routed;
public Packet unpackRouted() {
Packet result = new Packet(elem.getChildren().get(0));
return result;
// public Packet packRouted(final String from, final String to) {
// Element routed = new Element("route", null, new String[] {"to", "from"},
// new String[] {to, from});
// routed.addChild(elem);
// return new Packet(routed);
// }
public Packet packRouted() {
Element routed = new Element("route", new String[] {"to", "from"},
new String[] {getTo(), getFrom()});
return new Packet(routed);
public Packet swapFromTo(final Element el) {
Packet packet = new Packet(el);
return packet;
public Packet commandResult(String cmd_type) {
Packet result = new Packet(command.createIqCommand(getTo(), getFrom(),
StanzaType.result, elem.getAttribute("id"), strCommand, cmd_type));
return result;
public String getErrorCondition() {
List<Element> children = elem.getChildren(elem.getName() + "/error");
if (children != null) {
for (Element cond: children) {
if (!cond.getName().equals("text")) {
return cond.getName();
} // end of if (!cond.getName().equals("text"))
} // end of for (Element cond: children)
} // end of if (children == null) else
return null;
// public Packet errorResult(final String errorType, final String errorCondition,
// final String errorText, final boolean includeOriginalXML) {
// return errorResult(errorType, null, errorCondition, errorText, includeOriginalXML);
// }
public Packet errorResult(final String errorType, final Integer errorCode,
final String errorCondition, final String errorText,
final boolean includeOriginalXML) {
Element reply = new Element(elem.getName());
reply.setAttribute("type", StanzaType.error.toString());
if (getElemFrom() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("to", getElemFrom());
} // end of if (getElemFrom() != null)
if (getElemTo() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("from", getElemTo());
} // end of if (getElemTo() != null)
if (getElemId() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("id", getElemId());
} // end of if (getElemId() != null)
if (includeOriginalXML) {
} // end of if (includeOriginalXML)
if (getAttribute(OLDTO) != null) {
reply.setAttribute(OLDTO, getAttribute(OLDTO));
if(getAttribute("xmlns") != null){
reply.setAttribute("xmlns", getAttribute("xmlns"));
Element error = new Element("error");
if(errorCode != null) {
error.setAttribute("code", errorCode.toString());
error.setAttribute("type", errorType);
Element cond = new Element(errorCondition);
if (errorText != null) {
Element t = new Element("text", errorText,
new String[] {"xml:lang", "xmlns"},
new String[] {"en", ERROR_NS});
} // end of if (text != null && text.length() > 0)
return swapFromTo(reply);
public Packet okResult(final String includeXML, final int originalXML) {
Element reply = new Element(elem.getName());
reply.setAttribute("type", StanzaType.result.toString());
if (getElemFrom() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("to", getElemFrom());
} // end of if (getElemFrom() != null)
if (getElemTo() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("from", getElemTo());
} // end of if (getElemFrom() != null)
if (getElemId() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("id", getElemId());
} // end of if (getElemId() != null)
if (getAttribute(OLDTO) != null) {
reply.setAttribute(OLDTO, getAttribute(OLDTO));
Element old_child = elem;
Element new_child = reply;
for (int i = 0; i < originalXML; i++) {
old_child = old_child.getChildren().get(0);
Element tmp = new Element(old_child.getName());
new_child = tmp;
} // end of for (int i = 0; i < originalXML; i++)
if (includeXML != null) {
} // end of if (includeOriginalXML)
return swapFromTo(reply);
public Packet okResult(final Element includeXML, final int originalXML) {
Element reply = new Element(elem.getName());
reply.setAttribute("type", StanzaType.result.toString());
if (getElemFrom() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("to", getElemFrom());
} // end of if (getElemFrom() != null)
if (getElemTo() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("from", getElemTo());
} // end of if (getElemFrom() != null)
if (getElemId() != null) {
reply.setAttribute("id", getElemId());
} // end of if (getElemId() != null)
if (getAttribute(OLDTO) != null) {
reply.setAttribute(OLDTO, getAttribute(OLDTO));
Element old_child = elem;
Element new_child = reply;
for (int i = 0; i < originalXML; i++) {
old_child = old_child.getChildren().get(0);
Element tmp = new Element(old_child.getName());
new_child = tmp;
} // end of for (int i = 0; i < originalXML; i++)
if (includeXML != null) {
} // end of if (includeOriginalXML)
return swapFromTo(reply);
public Packet swapElemFromTo() {
Element copy = elem.clone();
copy.setAttribute("to", getElemFrom());
copy.setAttribute("from", getElemTo());
return new Packet(copy);
public Packet swapElemFromTo(final StanzaType type) {
Element copy = elem.clone();
copy.setAttribute("to", getElemFrom());
copy.setAttribute("from", getElemTo());
copy.setAttribute("type", type.toString());
return new Packet(copy);
public static Packet getMessage(String to, String from, StanzaType type,
String body, String subject, String thread) {
Element message = new Element("message",
new Element[] {new Element("body", body)},
new String[] {"to", "from", "type"},
new String[] {to, from, type.toString()});
if (subject != null) {
message.addChild(new Element("subject", subject));
if (thread != null) {
message.addChild(new Element("thread", thread));
return new Packet(message);