/* Tigase Jabber/XMPP Server
* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 "Artur Hefczyc" <artur.hefczyc@tigase.org>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. Look for COPYING file in the top folder.
* If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
* $Rev: 1241 $
* Last modified by $Author: kobit $
* $Date: 2008-11-26 20:58:08 +0000 (Wed, 26 Nov 2008) $
package tigase.cluster;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import tigase.xmpp.StanzaType;
import tigase.xml.Element;
import tigase.server.Packet;
* Class ClusterElement is a utility class for handling tigase cluster
* specific packets. The cluster packet has the following form:
* <pre>
* <cluster xmlns="tigase:cluster" from="source" to="dest" type="set">
* <data>
* <message xmlns="jabber:client" from="source-u" to="dest-x" type="chat">
* <body>Hello world!</body>
* </message>
* </data>
* <control>
* <first-node>node1 JID address</first-node>
* <visited-nodes>
* <node-id>node1 JID address</node-id>
* <node-id>node2 JID address</node-id>
* </visited-nodes>
* <method-call name="method name">
* <par name="param1 name">value</par>
* <par name="param2 name">value</par>
* <results>
* <val name="val1 name">value</var>
* <val name="val2 name">value</var>
* </results>
* </method-call>
* </control>
* </cluster>
* </pre>
* If none of nodes could process the packet it goes back to the first node
* as this node is the most likely to process the packet correctly.
* Created: Fri May 2 09:40:40 2008
* @author <a href="mailto:artur.hefczyc@tigase.org">Artur Hefczyc</a>
* @version $Rev: 1241 $
public class ClusterElement {
* Variable <code>log</code> is a class logger.
private static final Logger log =
public static final String XMLNS = "tigase:cluster";
public static final String CLUSTER_EL_NAME = "cluster";
public static final String CLUSTER_CONTROL_EL_NAME = "control";
public static final String CLUSTER_CONTROL_PATH =
public static final String CLUSTER_DATA_EL_NAME = "data";
public static final String CLUSTER_DATA_PATH =
public static final String CLUSTER_METHOD_EL_NAME = "method-call";
public static final String CLUSTER_METHOD_PATH =
public static final String CLUSTER_NAME_ATTR = "name";
public static final String CLUSTER_METHOD_PAR_EL_NAME = "par";
public static final String CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_EL_NAME = "results";
public static final String CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_PATH =
public static final String CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_VAL_EL_NAME = "val";
public static final String VISITED_NODES_EL_NAME = "visited-nodes";
public static final String FIRST_NODE_EL_NAME = "first-node";
// public static final String PACKET_FROM_ATTR_NAME = "packet-from";
public static final String FIRST_NODE_PATH =
public static final String VISITED_NODES_PATH =
public static final String NODE_ID_EL_NAME = "node-id";
private Element elem = null;
private List<Element> packets = null;
private Set<String> visited_nodes = null;
private String first_node = null;
private String method_name = null;
private Map<String, String> method_results = null;
private Map<String, String> method_params = null;
* Creates a new <code>ClusterElement</code> instance.
public ClusterElement(Element elem) {
this.elem = elem;
packets = elem.getChildren(CLUSTER_DATA_PATH);
first_node = elem.getCData(FIRST_NODE_PATH);
visited_nodes = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
List<Element> nodes = elem.getChildren(VISITED_NODES_PATH);
if (nodes != null) {
for (Element node: nodes) {
Element method_call = elem.findChild(CLUSTER_METHOD_PATH);
if (method_call != null) {
public ClusterElement(String from, String to, StanzaType type, Packet packet) {
packets = new ArrayList<Element>();
visited_nodes = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
elem = createClusterElement(from, to, type, packet.getFrom());
if (packet != null) {
if (packet.getElement().getXMLNS() == null) {
public static Element clusterElement(String from, String to, StanzaType type) {
Element cluster_el = new Element(CLUSTER_EL_NAME,
new String[] {"from", "to", "type"},
new String[] {from, to, type.toString()});
cluster_el.addChild(new Element(CLUSTER_CONTROL_EL_NAME,
new Element[] {new Element(VISITED_NODES_EL_NAME)}, null, null));
return cluster_el;
public static Element createClusterElement(String from, String to,
StanzaType type, String packet_from) {
Element cluster_el = clusterElement(from, to, type);
cluster_el.addChild(new Element(CLUSTER_DATA_EL_NAME));
// new String[] {PACKET_FROM_ATTR_NAME}, new String[] {packet_from}));
return cluster_el;
public static ClusterElement createClusterMethodCall(String from, String to,
StanzaType type, String method_name, Map<String, String> params) {
Element cluster_el = clusterElement(from, to, type);
Element method_call = new Element(CLUSTER_METHOD_EL_NAME,
new String [] {CLUSTER_NAME_ATTR}, new String[] {method_name});
if (params != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: params.entrySet()) {
method_call.addChild(new Element(CLUSTER_METHOD_PAR_EL_NAME,
new String[] {CLUSTER_NAME_ATTR}, new String[] {entry.getKey()}));
ClusterElement result_cl = new ClusterElement(cluster_el);
return result_cl;
public ClusterElement createMethodResponse(String from, String type,
Map<String, String> results) {
return createMethodResponse(from, null, type, results);
public ClusterElement createMethodResponse(String from, String to,
String type, Map<String, String> results) {
Element result_el = elem.clone();
result_el.setAttribute("from", from);
result_el.setAttribute("to", (to != null ? to : first_node));
result_el.setAttribute("type", type);
Element res = new Element(CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_EL_NAME);
ClusterElement result_cl = new ClusterElement(result_el);
if (results != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: results.entrySet()) {
result_cl.addMethodResult(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return result_cl;
public void addMethodResult(String key, String val) {
Element res = elem.findChild(CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_PATH);
if (res == null) {
res.addChild(new Element(CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_VAL_EL_NAME, val,
new String[] {CLUSTER_NAME_ATTR}, new String[] {key}));
if (method_results == null) {
method_results = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
method_results.put(key, val);
public static ClusterElement createForNextNode(ClusterElement clel,
Set<String> cluster_nodes, String comp_id) {
log.finest("Calculating a next node from nodes: " + cluster_nodes.toString());
if (cluster_nodes.size() > 0) {
String next_node = null;
for (String cluster_node: cluster_nodes) {
if (!clel.isVisitedNode(cluster_node) && !cluster_node.equals(comp_id)) {
next_node = cluster_node;
log.finest("Found next cluster node: " + next_node);
// The next node can not be the node which is processing the
// packet now. adding now: getFirstNode() != comp_id
if (next_node == null && !comp_id.equals(clel.getFirstNode())) {
next_node = clel.getFirstNode();
log.finest("No more cluster nodes found, sending back to the first node: "
+ next_node);
if (next_node != null) {
ClusterElement result = clel.nextClusterNode(next_node);
return result;
return null;
protected void parseMethodCall(Element method_call) {
method_name = method_call.getAttribute(CLUSTER_NAME_ATTR);
method_params = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
List<Element> children = method_call.getChildren();
for (Element child: children) {
if (child.getName() == CLUSTER_METHOD_PAR_EL_NAME) {
String par_name = child.getAttribute(CLUSTER_NAME_ATTR);
method_params.put(par_name, child.getCData());
if (child.getName() == CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_EL_NAME) {
if (method_results == null) {
method_results = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
List<Element> res_children = child.getChildren();
if (res_children != null) {
for (Element res_child: res_children) {
if (res_child.getName() == CLUSTER_METHOD_RESULTS_VAL_EL_NAME) {
String val_name = res_child.getAttribute(CLUSTER_NAME_ATTR);
method_results.put(val_name, res_child.getCData());
public String getMethodName() {
return method_name;
public String getMethodParam(String par_name) {
return method_params == null ? null : method_params.get(par_name);
public long getMethodParam(String par_name, long def) {
String val_str = getMethodParam(par_name);
if (val_str == null) {
return def;
} else {
try {
return Long.parseLong(val_str);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return def;
public Map<String, String> getAllMethodParams() {
return method_params;
public String getMethodResultVal(String val_name) {
return method_results == null ? null : method_results.get(val_name);
public long getMethodResultVal(String val_name, long def) {
String val_str = getMethodResultVal(val_name);
if (val_str == null) {
return def;
} else {
try {
return Long.parseLong(val_str);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return def;
public Map<String, String> getAllMethodResults() {
return method_results;
public String getFirstNode() {
return first_node;
public ClusterElement nextClusterNode(String node_id) {
Element next_el = elem.clone();
String from = elem.getAttribute("to");
next_el.setAttribute("from", from);
next_el.setAttribute("to", node_id);
//next_el.setAttribute("type", StanzaType.set.toString());
ClusterElement next_cl = new ClusterElement(next_el);
return next_cl;
public void addDataPacket(Packet packet) {
public List<Element> getDataPackets() {
return packets;
// public String getDataPacketFrom() {
// return elem.getAttribute(CLUSTER_DATA_PATH, PACKET_FROM_ATTR_NAME);
// }
public Element getClusterElement() {
return elem;
public void addVisitedNode(String node_id) {
if (visited_nodes.size() == 0) {
first_node = node_id;
.addChild(new Element(FIRST_NODE_EL_NAME, node_id));
.addChild(new Element(NODE_ID_EL_NAME, node_id));
public boolean isVisitedNode(String node_id) {
return visited_nodes.contains(node_id);
public Set<String> getVisitedNodes() {
return visited_nodes;