* Copyright 1998-2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
* Portions of this software were developed by the Unidata Program at the
* University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.
* Access and use of this software shall impose the following obligations
* and understandings on the user. The user is granted the right, without
* any fee or cost, to use, copy, modify, alter, enhance and distribute
* this software, and any derivative works thereof, and its supporting
* documentation for any purpose whatsoever, provided that this entire
* notice appears in all copies of the software, derivative works and
* supporting documentation. Further, UCAR requests that the user credit
* UCAR/Unidata in any publications that result from the use of this
* software or in any product that includes this software. The names UCAR
* and/or Unidata, however, may not be used in any advertising or publicity
* to endorse or promote any products or commercial entity unless specific
* written permission is obtained from UCAR/Unidata. The user also
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* any support, consulting, training or assistance of any kind with regard
* to the use, operation and performance of this software nor to provide
* the user with any updates, revisions, new versions or "bug fixes."
// $Id: Grib2ProductDefinitionSection.java,v 1.25 2006/08/18 20:22:10 rkambic Exp $
* Grib2ProductDefinitionSection.java 1.1 08/29/2003.
* @author Robb Kambic
package ucar.grib.grib2;
import ucar.grib.GribNumbers;
import ucar.grib.NotSupportedException;
import ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* A class representing the product definition section (PDS) of a GRIB product.
* This is section 4 of a Grib record that contains information about the parameter
* @deprecated use Grib2Pds
public final class Grib2ProductDefinitionSection {
* Length in bytes of this PDS.
private final int length;
* Number of this section, should be 4.
private final int section;
* Number of this coordinates.
private final int coordinates;
* productDefinition.
private final int productDefinition;
* parameterCategory.
private int parameterCategory;
* parameterNumber.
private int parameterNumber;
* typeGenProcess.
private int typeGenProcess;
* backGenProcess.
private int backGenProcess;
* analysisGenProcess.
private int analysisGenProcess;
* hoursAfter.
private int hoursAfter;
* minutesAfter.
private int minutesAfter;
* timeRangeUnit.
protected int timeRangeUnit;
* forecastTime.
private int forecastTime;
* typeFirstFixedSurface.
private int typeFirstFixedSurface;
* value of FirstFixedSurface.
private float FirstFixedSurfaceValue;
* typeSecondFixedSurface.
private int typeSecondFixedSurface;
* SecondFixedSurface Value.
private float SecondFixedSurfaceValue;
* Type of Ensemble.
private int typeEnsemble;
* Perturbation number.
private int perturbNumber;
* number of Forecasts.
private int numberForecasts;
* number of bands.
private int nb;
* Model Run/Analysis/Reference time.
private Date endTI;
private int timeRanges;
private int[] timeIncrement;
private float lowerLimit, upperLimit;
* PDS as Variables from a byte[]
private final Grib2Pds pdsVars;
// *** constructors *******************************************************
* Constructs a Grib2ProductDefinitionSection object from a raf.
* @param raf RandomAccessFile with PDS content
* @param refTime reference time in msecs
* @throws IOException if raf contains no valid GRIB file
public Grib2ProductDefinitionSection(RandomAccessFile raf, long refTime) throws IOException {
long sectionEnd = raf.getFilePointer();
// octets 1-4 (Length of PDS)
length = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS length=" + length );
// read in whole PDS as byte[]
byte[] pdsData = new byte[ length ];
// reset to beginning of section and read data
raf.skipBytes( -4 );
raf.read( pdsData);
pdsVars = Grib2Pds.factory( pdsData, refTime, Calendar.getInstance() );
// reset for variable section read and set sectionEnd
raf.seek( sectionEnd +4 );
sectionEnd += length;
// octet 5
section = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS is 4, section=" + section );
// octet 6-7
coordinates = GribNumbers.int2(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS coordinates=" + coordinates );
// octet 8-9
productDefinition = GribNumbers.int2(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS productDefinition=" + productDefinition );
switch (productDefinition) {
// Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal
// layer at a point in time
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 11: {
// octet 10
parameterCategory = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterCategory=" +
//parameterCategory );
// octet 11
parameterNumber = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterNumber=" + parameterNumber );
// octet 12
typeGenProcess = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS typeGenProcess=" + typeGenProcess );
// octet 13
backGenProcess = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS backGenProcess=" + backGenProcess );
// octet 14
analysisGenProcess = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS analysisGenProcess=" +
//analysisGenProcess );
// octet 15-16
hoursAfter = GribNumbers.int2(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS hoursAfter=" + hoursAfter );
// octet 17
minutesAfter = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS minutesAfter=" + minutesAfter );
// octet 18
timeRangeUnit = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS timeRangeUnit=" + timeRangeUnit );
// octet 19-22
forecastTime = GribNumbers.int4(raf) * calculateIncrement(timeRangeUnit, 1);
//System.out.println( "PDS forecastTime=" + forecastTime );
// octet 23
typeFirstFixedSurface = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS typeFirstFixedSurface=" +
//typeFirstFixedSurface );
// octet 24
int scaleFirstFixedSurface = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS scaleFirstFixedSurface=" +
//scaleFirstFixedSurface );
// octet 25-28
int valueFirstFixedSurface = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS valueFirstFixedSurface=" +
//valueFirstFixedSurface );
FirstFixedSurfaceValue = (float) (((scaleFirstFixedSurface
== 0) || (valueFirstFixedSurface == 0))
? valueFirstFixedSurface
: valueFirstFixedSurface
* Math.pow(10, -scaleFirstFixedSurface));
//System.out.println( "PDS FirstFixedSurfaceValue ="+ FirstFixedSurfaceValue );
// octet 29
typeSecondFixedSurface = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS typeSecondFixedSurface=" +
//typeSecondFixedSurface );
// octet 30
int scaleSecondFixedSurface = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS scaleSecondFixedSurface=" +
//scaleSecondFixedSurface );
// octet 31-34
int valueSecondFixedSurface = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS valueSecondFixedSurface=" +
//valueSecondFixedSurface );
SecondFixedSurfaceValue = (float) (((scaleSecondFixedSurface
== 0) || (valueSecondFixedSurface == 0))
? valueSecondFixedSurface
: valueSecondFixedSurface
* Math.pow(10, -scaleSecondFixedSurface));
try { // catches NotSupportedExceptions
// Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a
// horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
if ((productDefinition == 1) || (productDefinition == 11)) {
// octet 35
typeEnsemble = raf.read();
// octet 36
perturbNumber = raf.read();
// octet 37
numberForecasts = raf.read();
System.out.println( "Cat ="+ parameterCategory
+" parameter ="+ parameterNumber +" Time ="+ forecastTime
+" typeEns ="+ typeEnsemble + " perturbation ="+ perturbNumber
+" numberOfEns ="+ numberForecasts );
if (productDefinition == 11) { // skip 38-74-nn detail info
// if (typeGenProcess == 4) { // ensemble var
// // TODO: should perturbNumber be numberForecasts
// typeGenProcess = 40000 + (1000 * typeEnsemble) + perturbNumber;
// }
//System.out.println( "typeGenProcess ="+ typeGenProcess );
//Derived forecast based on all ensemble members at a horizontal
// level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time
} else if (productDefinition == 2) {
// octet 35
typeEnsemble = raf.read();
// octet 36
numberForecasts = raf.read();
// if (typeGenProcess == 4) { // ensemble var
// typeGenProcess = 40000 + (1000 * typeEnsemble) + numberForecasts;
// }
// System.out.println( "typeGenProcess ="+ typeGenProcess );
// Derived forecasts based on a cluster of ensemble members over
// a rectangular area at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer
// at a point in time
} else if (productDefinition == 3) {
//System.out.println("PDS productDefinition == 3 not done");
throw new NotSupportedException("PDS productDefinition = 3 not implemented");
// Derived forecasts based on a cluster of ensemble members
// over a circular area at a horizontal level or in a horizontal
// layer at a point in time
} else if (productDefinition == 4) {
//System.out.println("PDS productDefinition == 4 not done");
throw new NotSupportedException("PDS productDefinition = 4 not implemented");
// Probability forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal
// layer at a point in time
} else if (productDefinition == 5) {
// 35
int probabilityNumber = raf.read();
// 36
numberForecasts = raf.read();
// 37
typeEnsemble = raf.read();
// 38
int scaleFactorLL = raf.read();
// 39-42
int scaleValueLL = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
lowerLimit = (float) (((scaleFactorLL == 0) || (scaleValueLL == 0))
? scaleValueLL
: scaleValueLL * Math.pow(10, -scaleFactorLL));
// 43
int scaleFactorUL = raf.read();
// 44-47
int scaleValueUL = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
upperLimit = (float) (((scaleFactorUL == 0) || (scaleValueUL == 0))
? scaleValueUL
: scaleValueUL * Math.pow(10, -scaleFactorUL));
// if (typeGenProcess == 5) { // Probability var
// typeGenProcess = 50000 + (1000 * typeEnsemble) + totalProbabilities;
// }
//System.out.print("PDS productDefinition == 5 PN="+probabilityNumber +" TP="+totalProbabilities +" PT="+probabilityType);
//System.out.println( " LL="+lowerLimit +" UL="+upperLimit);
//System.out.println( " typeGenProcess ="+ typeGenProcess );
// Percentile forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer
// at a point in time
} else if (productDefinition == 6) {
//System.out.println("PDS productDefinition == 6 not done");
throw new NotSupportedException("PDS productDefinition = 6 not implemented");
// Analysis or forecast error at a horizontal level or in a horizontal
// layer at a point in time
} else if (productDefinition == 7) {
//System.out.println("PDS productDefinition == 7 not done");
throw new NotSupportedException("PDS productDefinition = 7 not implemented");
// Average, accumulation, and/or extreme values at a horizontal
// level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous
// time interval
} else if (productDefinition == 8) {
//System.out.println( "PDS productDefinition == 8 " );
// 35-41 bytes
int year = GribNumbers.int2(raf);
int month = (raf.read()) - 1;
int day = raf.read();
int hour = raf.read();
int minute = raf.read();
int second = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS date:" + year +":" + month +
//":" + day + ":" + hour +":" + minute +":" + second );
GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
c.set(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
endTI = c.getTime();
// 42
timeRanges = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS timeRanges=" + timeRanges ) ;
// 43 - 46
int missingDataValues = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS missingDataValues=" + missingDataValues ) ;
timeIncrement = new int[timeRanges * 6];
for (int t = 0; t < timeRanges; t += 6) {
// 47 statProcess
timeIncrement[t] = raf.read();
// 48 timeType
timeIncrement[t + 1] = raf.read();
// 49 time Unit
timeIncrement[t + 2] = raf.read();
// 50 - 53 lenTimeRange
timeIncrement[t + 3] = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
// 54 indicatorTU
timeIncrement[t + 4] = raf.read();
// 55 - 58 timeIncrement
timeIncrement[t + 5] = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
// modify forecast time to reflect the end of the
// interval according to timeIncrement information.
// 1 accumulation
// 2 F.T. inc
// 1 Hour
// 3 number of hours to inc F.T.
// 255 missing
// 0 continuous processing
//if( timeRanges == 1 && timeIncrement[ 2 ] == 1) {
if (timeRanges == 1) {
forecastTime += calculateIncrement(timeIncrement[2], timeIncrement[3]);
} else { // throw flag
forecastTime = GribNumbers.UNDEFINED;
// Probability forecasts at a horizontal level or in a horizontal
// layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval
} else if (productDefinition == 9) {
// 35-71 bytes
// 35
int probabilityNumber = raf.read();
// 36
numberForecasts = raf.read();
// 37
typeEnsemble = raf.read();
// if (typeGenProcess == 5) { // Probability var
// typeGenProcess = 50000 + (1000 * typeEnsemble) + numberForecasts;
// }
// 38
int scaleFactorLL = raf.read();
// 39-42
int scaleValueLL = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
lowerLimit = (float) (((scaleFactorLL == 0) || (scaleValueLL == 0))
? scaleValueLL
: scaleValueLL * Math.pow(10, -scaleFactorLL));
// 43
int scaleFactorUL = raf.read();
// 44-47
int scaleValueUL = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
upperLimit = (float) (((scaleFactorUL == 0) || (scaleValueUL == 0))
? scaleValueUL
: scaleValueUL * Math.pow(10, -scaleFactorUL));
// 48-49
int year = GribNumbers.int2(raf);
// 50
int month = (raf.read()) - 1;
// 51
int day = raf.read();
// 52
int hour = raf.read();
// 53
int minute = raf.read();
// 54
int second = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS date:" + year +":" + month +
//":" + day + ":" + hour +":" + minute +":" + second );
GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
c.set(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
endTI = c.getTime();
// 55
timeRanges = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS timeRanges=" + timeRanges ) ;
// 56-59
int missingDataValues = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
//System.out.println( "PDS missingDataValues=" + missingDataValues ) ;
timeIncrement = new int[timeRanges * 6];
for (int t = 0; t < timeRanges; t += 6) {
// 60 statProcess
timeIncrement[t] = raf.read();
// 61 time type
timeIncrement[t + 1] = raf.read();
// 62 time Unit
timeIncrement[t + 2] = raf.read();
// 63 - 66 lenTimeRange
timeIncrement[t + 3] = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
// 67 indicatorTU
timeIncrement[t + 4] = raf.read();
// 68-71 time Inc
timeIncrement[t + 5] = GribNumbers.int4(raf);
// modify forecast time to reflect the end of the
// interval according to timeIncrement information.
// 1 accumulation
// 2 F.T. inc
// 1 Hour
// 3 number of hours to inc F.T.
// 255 missing
// 0 continuous processing
if (timeRanges == 1) {
forecastTime += calculateIncrement(timeIncrement[2], timeIncrement[3]);
} else { // throw flag
forecastTime = GribNumbers.UNDEFINED;
} catch (NotSupportedException nse) {
} // cases 0-14
// Radar product
case 20: {
parameterCategory = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterCategory=" +
//parameterCategory );
parameterNumber = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterNumber=" + parameterNumber );
typeGenProcess = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS typeGenProcess=" + typeGenProcess );
} // case 20
// Satellite Product
case 30: {
parameterCategory = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterCategory=" + parameterCategory );
parameterNumber = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterNumber=" + parameterNumber );
typeGenProcess = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS typeGenProcess=" + typeGenProcess );
backGenProcess = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS backGenProcess=" + backGenProcess );
nb = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS nb =" + nb );
// nb sometime 0 based, other times 1 base
for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
} // case 30
// CCITTIA5 character string
case 254: {
parameterCategory = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterCategory=" +
//parameterCategory );
parameterNumber = raf.read();
//System.out.println( "PDS parameterNumber=" + parameterNumber );
//numberOfChars = GribNumbers.int4( raf );
//System.out.println( "PDS numberOfChars=" +
//numberOfChars );
} // case 254
} // end switch
* calculates the increment between time intervals
* @param tui time unit indicator,
* @param length of interval
* returns increment
private int calculateIncrement(int tui, int length) {
switch (tui) {
case 1:
return length;
case 10:
return 3 * length;
case 11:
return 6 * length;
case 12:
return 12 * length;
case 0:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 13:
return length;
return GribNumbers.UNDEFINED;
* Number of this coordinates.
* @deprecated
* @return Coordinates number
public final int getCoordinates() {
return coordinates;
* productDefinition.
* @deprecated
* @return ProductDefinition
public final int getProductDefinition() {
return productDefinition;
* product Definition Name.
* @deprecated
* @return ProductDefinitionName
public final String getProductDefinitionName() {
return Grib2Tables.codeTable4_0(productDefinition);
* parameter Category .
* @deprecated
* @return parameterCategory as int
public final int getParameterCategory() {
return parameterCategory;
* parameter Number.
* @deprecated
* @return ParameterNumber
public final int getParameterNumber() {
return parameterNumber;
* type of Generating Process.
* @deprecated
* @return GenProcess
public final String getTypeGenProcess() {
if (typeGenProcess == 4) { //ensemble
String type;
if (typeEnsemble == 0) {
type = "C_high";
} else if (typeEnsemble == 1) {
type = "C_low";
} else if (typeEnsemble == 2) {
type = "P_neg";
} else if (typeEnsemble == 3) {
type = "P_pos";
} else {
type = "unknown";
return "4-" + type + "-" + Integer.toString(perturbNumber);
return Integer.toString(typeGenProcess);
* type of Generating Process.
* @deprecated
* @return GenProcess
public final int getTypeGenProcessNumeric() {
return typeGenProcess;
* backGenProcess.
* @deprecated
* @return BackGenProcess
public final int getBackGenProcess() {
return backGenProcess;
* analysisGenProcess.
* @deprecated
* @return analysisGenProcess
public final int getAnalysisGenProcess() {
return analysisGenProcess;
* hoursAfter.
* @deprecated
* @return HoursAfter
public final int getHoursAfter() {
return hoursAfter;
* minutesAfter.
* @deprecated
* @return MinutesAfter
public final int getMinutesAfter() {
return minutesAfter;
* returns timeRangeUnit .
* @deprecated
* @return TimeRangeUnitName
public final int getTimeRangeUnit() {
return timeRangeUnit;
* returns Time Range Unit Name.
* @deprecated
* @return TimeRangeUnitName
public final String getTimeRangeUnitName() {
return Grib2Tables.codeTable4_4(timeRangeUnit);
} */
* forecastTime.
* @deprecated
* @return ForecastTime
public final int getForecastTime() {
return forecastTime;
* typeFirstFixedSurface.
* @deprecated
* @return FirstFixedSurface as int
public final int getTypeFirstFixedSurface() {
return typeFirstFixedSurface;
* typeFirstFixedSurface Name.
* @deprecated
* @return FirstFixedSurfaceName
public final String getTypeFirstFixedSurfaceName() {
return Grib2Tables.codeTable4_5(typeFirstFixedSurface);
* valueFirstFixedSurface.
* @deprecated
* @return FirstFixedSurfaceValue
public final float getValueFirstFixedSurface() {
return FirstFixedSurfaceValue;
* typeSecondFixedSurface.
* @deprecated
* @return SecondFixedSurface as int
public final int getTypeSecondFixedSurface() {
return typeSecondFixedSurface;
* typeSecondFixedSurface Name.
* @deprecated
* @return SecondFixedSurfaceName
public final String getTypeSecondFixedSurfaceName() {
return Grib2Tables.codeTable4_5(typeSecondFixedSurface);
* valueSecondFixedSurface.
* @deprecated
* @return SecondFixedSurfaceValue
public final float getValueSecondFixedSurface() {
return SecondFixedSurfaceValue;
* @deprecated
* @return Date
public final Date getEndTI() {
return endTI;
* @deprecated
* @return int
public final int getTimeRanges() {
return timeRanges;
* extra information about timeRanges
* @deprecated
* @return int[]
public final int[] getTimeIncrement() {
return timeIncrement;
* @deprecated
* @param tr timeRange used for StatProcess
* @return int
public final int getStatProcess(int tr) {
return timeIncrement[(tr * 6)];
* @deprecated
* @param tr timeRange used for TimeType
* @return int
public final int getTimeType(int tr) {
return timeIncrement[(tr * 6) + 1];
* @deprecated
* @param tr timeRange used for TimeUnit
* @return int
public final int getTimeUnit(int tr) {
return timeIncrement[(tr * 6) + 2];
* @deprecated
* @param tr timeRange used for LenTimeRange
* @return int
public final int getLenTimeRange(int tr) {
return timeIncrement[(tr * 6) + 3];
* @deprecated
* @param tr timeRange used for IndicatorTU
* @return int
public final int getIndicatorTU(int tr) {
return timeIncrement[(tr * 6) + 4];
* @deprecated
* @param tr timeRange used for TimeIncrement
* @return int
public final int getTimeIncrement(int tr) {
return timeIncrement[(tr * 6) + 5];
* @deprecated
* number of forecasts for this parameter
* @return int
public final int getNumberForecasts() {
return numberForecasts;
* @deprecated
* length of PDS
* @return int length
public int getLength() {
return length;
* PDS as Grib2PDSVariables
* @return Grib2PDSVariables PDS vars
public Grib2Pds getPdsVars() {
return pdsVars;
* main.
* @param args Grib name and PDS offset in Grib
* @throws IOException on io error
// process command line switches
static public void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
RandomAccessFile raf = null;
PrintStream ps = System.out;
String infile = args[0];
raf = new RandomAccessFile(infile, "r");
raf.skipBytes( Integer.parseInt( args[1]));
Grib2ProductDefinitionSection pds = new Grib2ProductDefinitionSection( raf, 0 );
Grib2Pds gpv = pds.pdsVars;
ps.println( "Section = "+ gpv.getSection());
ps.println( "Length = "+ gpv.getLength());
ps.println( "ProductDefinition = "+ gpv.getProductDefinitionTemplate());
assert( pds.length == gpv.getLength());
assert( pds.section == gpv.getSection());
assert( pds.coordinates == gpv.getNumberCoordinates());
assert( pds.productDefinition == gpv.getProductDefinitionTemplate());
assert( pds.parameterCategory == gpv.getParameterCategory());
assert( pds.parameterNumber == gpv.getParameterNumber());
if ( pds.productDefinition < 20 ) { // NCEP models
assert( pds.typeGenProcess == gpv.getGenProcessType());
assert( pds.timeRangeUnit == gpv.getTimeUnit());
assert( pds.forecastTime == gpv.getForecastTime());
assert( pds.typeFirstFixedSurface == gpv.getLevelType1());
assert( pds.FirstFixedSurfaceValue == gpv.getLevelValue1());
assert( pds.typeSecondFixedSurface == gpv.getLevelType2());
assert( pds.SecondFixedSurfaceValue == gpv.getLevelValue2());
if ((pds.productDefinition == 1) || (pds.productDefinition == 11)) {
assert( pds.typeEnsemble == gpv.getPerturbationType());
assert( pds.perturbNumber == gpv.getPerturbationNumber());
assert( pds.numberForecasts == gpv.getNumberEnsembleForecasts());
} else if( pds.productDefinition == 2 ) {
assert( pds.typeEnsemble == gpv.getPerturbationType());
assert( pds.numberForecasts == gpv.getNumberEnsembleForecasts());
} else if( pds.productDefinition == 5 ) {
assert( pds.typeEnsemble == gpv.getPerturbationType() );
assert( pds.lowerLimit == gpv.getProbabilityLowerLimit() );
assert( pds.upperLimit == gpv.getProbabilityUpperLimit() );
} else if( pds.productDefinition == 9 ) {
assert( pds.typeEnsemble == gpv.getPerturbationType() );
assert( pds.numberForecasts == gpv.getNumberEnsembleForecasts());
// probability type
assert( pds.lowerLimit == gpv.getProbabilityLowerLimit() );
assert( pds.upperLimit == gpv.getProbabilityUpperLimit() );
} // end Grib2ProductDefinitionSection