Package ucar.nc2.ft.fmrc

Source Code of ucar.nc2.ft.fmrc.FmrcInvLite$ValueB

* Copyright (c) 1998 - 2010. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
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package ucar.nc2.ft.fmrc;

import thredds.inventory.FeatureCollectionConfig;
import ucar.nc2.units.DateFormatter;
import ucar.nc2.util.Misc;

import java.util.*;

* A lightweight, serializable version of FmrcInv
* @author caron
* @since Apr 14, 2010
public class FmrcInvLite implements {
  static private org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(FmrcInvLite.class);
  static private final String BEST = "Best";

  // public for debugging
  public String collectionName;
  public Date base; // offsets are from here
  public int nruns; // runOffset[nruns]
  public double[] runOffset; // run time in offset hours since base
  public double[] forecastOffset; // all forecast times in offset hours since base, for "constant forecast" datasets
  public double[] offsets; // all the offset values, for "constant offset" datasets

  public List<String> locationList = new ArrayList<String>(); // dataset location, can be used in NetcdfDataset.acquireDataset()
  public Map<String,Integer> locationMap = new HashMap<String,Integer>(); // quick lookup of dataset location in locationList
  public List<Gridset> gridSets = new ArrayList<Gridset>(); // All Grids in Gridset have same time coordinate
  public List<Gridset.GridInventory> invList = new ArrayList<Gridset.GridInventory>(); // the actual inventory
                                                                                       // share these, they are expensive!

  public FmrcInvLite(FmrcInv fmrcInv) {
    this.collectionName = fmrcInv.getName();
    this.base = fmrcInv.getBaseDate();

    // store forecasts as offsets instead of Dates
    List<Date> forecasts = fmrcInv.getForecastTimes();
    this.forecastOffset = new double[forecasts.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < forecasts.size(); i++) {
      Date f = forecasts.get(i);
      this.forecastOffset[i] = FmrcInv.getOffsetInHours(base, f);

    // for each run
    List<FmrInv> fmrList = fmrcInv.getFmrInv();
    nruns = fmrList.size();
    runOffset = new double[nruns];

    int countIndex = 0;
    for (int run = 0; run < nruns; run++) {
      FmrInv fmr = fmrList.get(run);
      runOffset[run] = FmrcInv.getOffsetInHours(base, fmr.getRunDate());

      for (GridDatasetInv inv : fmr.getInventoryList()) {
        locationMap.put(inv.getLocation(), countIndex);

    // for each RunSeq
    for (FmrcInv.RunSeq runseq : fmrcInv.getRunSeqs()) {
      gridSets.add(new Gridset(runseq));

    // calc the offsets
    TreeSet<Double> tree = new TreeSet<Double>();
    for (Gridset gridset : gridSets) {
      for (int run = 0; run < nruns; run++) {
        double baseOffset = runOffset[run];
        for (int time = 0; time < gridset.noffsets; time++) {
          double offset = gridset.timeOffset[run * gridset.noffsets + time];
          if (!Double.isNaN(offset))
            tree.add(offset - baseOffset);
    offsets = new double[tree.size()];
    Iterator<Double> iter = tree.iterator();
    for (int i = 0; i < tree.size(); i++) {
      offsets[i] =;


  public int findRunIndex(Date want) {
    for (int i=0; i<runOffset.length; i++)
      if (want.equals(FmrcInv.makeOffsetDate(base, runOffset[i])))
        return i;
    return -1;

  public List<Date> getRunDates() {
    List<Date> result = new ArrayList<Date>(runOffset.length);
    for (double off : runOffset)
      result.add(FmrcInv.makeOffsetDate(base, off));
    return result;

  public List<Date> getForecastDates() {
    List<Date> result = new ArrayList<Date>(forecastOffset.length);
    for (double f : forecastOffset)
      result.add(FmrcInv.makeOffsetDate(base, f));
    return result;

  // for making constant offset datasets
  public double[] getForecastOffsets() {
    return offsets;

  public Gridset.Grid findGrid(String gridName) {
    for (Gridset gridset : gridSets) {
      for (Gridset.Grid grid : gridset.grids) {
        if (gridName.equals( return grid;
    return null;

  public Gridset findGridset(String gridName) {
    for (Gridset gridset : gridSets) {
      for (Gridset.Grid grid : gridset.grids) {
        if (gridName.equals( return gridset;
    return null;

  // debugging
  public void showGridInfo(String gridName, Formatter out) {
    Gridset.Grid grid = findGrid(gridName);
    if (grid == null ) {
      out.format("Cant find grid = %s%n", gridName);

    Gridset gridset = grid.getGridset();

    // show the 2D
    out.format("2D%n   run%n time  ");
    for (int i=0; i< gridset.noffsets; i++)
      out.format("%6d ", i);
    for (int run = 0; run < nruns; run++) {
      out.format("%6d", run);
      for (int time = 0; time < gridset.noffsets; time++) {
        out.format(" %6.0f", gridset.getTimeCoord(run, time));

    Gridset.GridInventory gridInv = grid.inv;
    out.format("%n=======================================%nFmrcLite.GridInventory Missing Data%n");

    // show missing inventory only  
    for (int run = 0; run < nruns; run++) {
      boolean hasMissing = false;
      for (int time = 0; time < gridset.noffsets; time++)
        if (gridInv.getLocation(run, time) == 0)
          hasMissing = true;

      if (hasMissing) {
        out.format("run %6d timeIdx=", run);
        for (int time = 0; time < gridset.noffsets; time++) {
          if (gridInv.getLocation(run, time) == 0)
            out.format(" %6d", time);

    out.format("%n=======================================%nFmrcLite.TimeInv Best%n");
    BestDatasetInventory best = new BestDatasetInventory( null);
    List<TimeInv> bestInv = gridset.timeCoordMap.get(BEST);
    if (bestInv == null) bestInv = gridset.makeBest(null);
    FmrcInvLite.ValueB coords = best.getTimeCoords( gridset); // must call this to be sure data is there

    // show the best
    out.format("        ");
    for (int i=0; i< bestInv.size(); i++)
      out.format(" %6d", i);

    out.format(" coord =");
    for (TimeInv inv : bestInv)
      out.format(" %6.0f", inv.offset);

    out.format(" run   =");
    for (TimeInv inv : bestInv)
      out.format(" %6d", inv.runIdx);

    out.format(" idx   =");
    for (TimeInv inv : bestInv)
      out.format(" %6d", inv.timeIdx);

  // group of Grids with the same time coordinate
  public class Gridset implements {
    String gridsetName;
    List<Grid> grids = new ArrayList<Grid>();
    int noffsets;
    double[] timeOffset;  // timeOffset(nruns,noffsets) in offset hours since base. this is the twoD time coordinate for this Gridset;
                          // Double.NaN for missing values; these are dense (a ragged array has missing all at end)
    double[] timeBounds;  // timeBounds(nruns,noffsets,2) in offset hours since base. null means not an interval time coordinate

    Map<String, List<TimeInv>> timeCoordMap = new HashMap<String, List<TimeInv>>();

    Gridset(FmrcInv.RunSeq runseq) {
      this.gridsetName = runseq.getName();
      List<TimeCoord> timeList = runseq.getTimes();
      boolean hasMissingTimes = (nruns != timeList.size()); // missing one or more variables in one or more runs
      noffsets = 0;
      for (TimeCoord tc : timeList)
        noffsets = Math.max(noffsets, tc.getNCoords());
     // noffsets = runseq.getUnionTimeCoord().getNCoords();

      // this is the twoD time coordinate for this Gridset
      timeOffset = new double[nruns * noffsets];
      for (int i = 0; i < timeOffset.length; i++) timeOffset[i] = Double.NaN;

      if (runseq.isInterval()) {
        timeBounds = new double[nruns * noffsets * 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < timeBounds.length; i++) timeBounds[i] = Double.NaN;

      DateFormatter df = new DateFormatter();

      // fill twoD time coordinate from the sequence of time coordinates
      int runIdx = 0;
      for (int seqIdx = 0; seqIdx < timeList.size(); seqIdx++) {
        TimeCoord tc = null;
        if (hasMissingTimes) {
          tc = timeList.get(seqIdx);
          double tc_offset = FmrcInv.getOffsetInHours(base, tc.getRunDate());

          while (true) { // incr run till we find it
            double run_offset = runOffset[runIdx];
            if (Misc.closeEnough(run_offset, tc_offset))
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
              String missingDate = df.toDateTimeStringISO(FmrcInv.makeOffsetDate(base, run_offset));
              String wantDate = df.toDateTimeStringISO(tc.getRunDate());
              log.debug(collectionName +": runseq missing time "+missingDate+" looking for "+ wantDate+" for var = "+ runseq.getUberGrids().get(0).getName());

        } else // common case
          tc = timeList.get(runIdx);

        double run_offset = FmrcInv.getOffsetInHours(base, tc.getRunDate());
        double[] offsets = tc.getOffsetTimes();
        int ntimes = offsets.length;
        for (int time = 0; time < ntimes; time++)
          timeOffset[runIdx * noffsets + time] = run_offset + offsets[time]// offset == bound2 when its an interval

        // optionally create 2D bounds
        if (runseq.isInterval()) {
          double[] bound1 = tc.getBound1();
          double[] bound2 = tc.getBound2();
          for (int time = 0; time < ntimes; time++) {
            timeBounds[2*(runIdx * noffsets + time)] = run_offset + bound1[time];
            timeBounds[2*(runIdx * noffsets + time)+1] = run_offset + bound2[time];


      for (FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid : runseq.getUberGrids()) {
        grids.add(new Grid(ugrid.getName(), getInventory(ugrid)));

    // create GridInventory, see if it matches other Grids
    private GridInventory getInventory(FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid) {
      GridInventory result = null;
      GridInventory need = new GridInventory(ugrid);

      // see if we already have it
      for (GridInventory got : invList) {
        if (got.equalData(need)) {
          result = got;
      if (result == null) {
        result = need;
      return result;

    double getTimeCoord(int run, int time) {
      return timeOffset[run * noffsets + time];

    private List<TimeInv> makeBest(FeatureCollectionConfig.BestDataset bd) {
      Map<TimeCoord.Tinv, TimeInv> map = new HashMap<TimeCoord.Tinv, TimeInv>();

      for (int run = 0; run < nruns; run++) {
        for (int time = 0; time < noffsets; time++) {
          double baseOffset = timeOffset[run * noffsets + time];
          if (Double.isNaN(baseOffset)) continue;
          if (bd != null && baseOffset < bd.greaterThan) continue; // skip it
          if (timeBounds == null)
            map.put(new TimeCoord.Tinv(baseOffset), new TimeInv(run, time, baseOffset)); // later ones override
          else {
            double b1 = timeBounds[2*(run*noffsets+time)];
            double b2 = timeBounds[2*(run*noffsets+time)+1];
            map.put(new TimeCoord.Tinv(b1, b2), new TimeInv(run, time, b1, b2)); // hmmmmm ????

      Collection<TimeInv> values = map.values();
      int n = values.size();
      List<TimeInv> best = Arrays.asList((TimeInv[]) values.toArray(new TimeInv[n]));
      timeCoordMap.put(BEST, best);
      return best;

    private List<TimeInv> makeRun(int runIdx) {
      List<TimeInv> result = new ArrayList<TimeInv>(noffsets);
      for (int time = 0; time < noffsets; time++) {
        double offset = timeOffset[runIdx * noffsets + time];
        if (Double.isNaN(offset)) continue;
        if (timeBounds == null)
          result.add(new TimeInv(runIdx, time, offset));
        else {
          double b1 = timeBounds[2*(runIdx*noffsets+time)];
          double b2 = timeBounds[2*(runIdx*noffsets+time)+1];
          result.add(new TimeInv(runIdx, time, b1, b2));
      timeCoordMap.put("run" + runIdx, result);
      return result;

    private List<TimeInv> makeConstantForecast(double offset) {
      List<TimeInv> result = new ArrayList<TimeInv>(noffsets);
      for (int run = 0; run < nruns; run++) {
        for (int time = 0; time < noffsets; time++) { // search for all offsets that match - presumably 0 or 1 per run
          double baseOffset = timeOffset[run * noffsets + time];
          if (Double.isNaN(baseOffset)) continue;
          if (Misc.closeEnough(baseOffset, offset))
            result.add(new TimeInv(run, time, offset - timeOffset[run * noffsets])); // use offset from start of run
      timeCoordMap.put("forecast" + offset, result);
      return result;

    private List<TimeInv> makeConstantOffset(double offset) {
      List<TimeInv> result = new ArrayList<TimeInv>(nruns);
      for (int run = 0; run < nruns; run++) {
        for (int time = 0; time < noffsets; time++) { // search for all offsets that match - presumably 0 or 1 per run
          double baseOffset = getTimeCoord(run, time);
          if (Double.isNaN(baseOffset)) continue;
          double runOffset = baseOffset - FmrcInvLite.this.runOffset[run]; // subtract the base offset for this run
          if (Misc.closeEnough(runOffset, offset))
            result.add(new TimeInv(run, time, baseOffset));
      timeCoordMap.put("offset" + offset, result);
      return result;

    public class Grid implements {
      String name;
      GridInventory inv; // shared

      Grid(String name, GridInventory inv) { = name;
        this.inv = inv;

      Gridset getGridset() {
        return Gridset.this;

      TimeInventory.Instance getInstance(int runIdx, int timeIdx) {
        int locIdx = inv.getLocation(runIdx, timeIdx);
        if (locIdx == 0) return null;

        int invIndex = inv.getInvIndex(runIdx, timeIdx);
        return new TimeInstance(locationList.get(locIdx - 1), invIndex);
    } // Grid

    // track inventory, shared amongst grids
    public class GridInventory implements {
      int[] location;  // (run,time) file location (index+1 into locationList, 0 = missing)
      int[] invIndex;  // (run,time) time index in file = 'location'

       * Create 2D location, time index representing the inventory for a Grid.
       * @param ugrid for this grid
      GridInventory(FmrcInv.UberGrid ugrid) {
        this.location = new int[nruns * noffsets];
        this.invIndex = new int[nruns * noffsets];

        // loop over runDates
        int gridIdx = 0;
        List<FmrInv.GridVariable> grids = ugrid.getRuns(); // must be sorted by rundate. extract needed info, do not keep reference

        for (int runIdx = 0; runIdx < nruns; runIdx++) {
          Date runDate = FmrcInv.makeOffsetDate(base, runOffset[runIdx]);

          // do we have a grid for this runDate?
          if (gridIdx >= grids.size()) {
            DateFormatter df = new DateFormatter();
            log.debug(collectionName+": cant find "+ugrid.getName()+" for "+df.toDateTimeStringISO(runDate)); // could be normal condition
          FmrInv.GridVariable grid = grids.get(gridIdx);
          if (!grid.getRunDate().equals(runDate))
          gridIdx++; // for next loop

          // loop over actual inventory
          for (GridDatasetInv.Grid inv : grid.getInventory()) {
            double invOffset = FmrcInv.getOffsetInHours(base,; // offset of this file

            for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
               int timeIdx = -1;

              if (timeBounds == null) {             
                timeIdx = findIndex(runIdx, invOffset +[i]);
              } else {
                timeIdx = findBounds(runIdx, invOffset +[i], invOffset +[i]);

              if (timeIdx >= 0) {
                location[runIdx * noffsets + timeIdx] = findLocation(inv.getLocation()) + 1;
                invIndex[runIdx * noffsets + timeIdx] = i;
            } // loop over time coordinates

          } // loop over files
        } // loop over run

      private boolean equalData(Object oo) {
        GridInventory o = (GridInventory) oo;
        if (o.location.length != location.length) return false;
        if (o.invIndex.length != invIndex.length) return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < location.length; i++)
          if (location[i] != o.location[i]) return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < invIndex.length; i++)
          if (invIndex[i] != o.invIndex[i]) return false;
        return true;

      // LOOK linear search!
      private int findIndex(int runIdx, double want) {
        for (int j = 0; j < noffsets; j++)
          if (Misc.closeEnough(timeOffset[runIdx * noffsets + j], want)) return j;
        return -1;

      // LOOK linear search!
      private int findBounds(int runIdx, double b1, double b2) {
        for (int j = 0; j < noffsets; j++)
          if (Misc.closeEnough(timeBounds[2*(runIdx * noffsets + j)], b1) && Misc.closeEnough(timeBounds[2*(runIdx * noffsets + j)+1], b2))
            return j;
        return -1;

      private int findLocation(String location) {
        return locationMap.get(location);

      int getLocation(int run, int time) {
        return location[run * noffsets + time];

      int getInvIndex(int run, int time) {
        return invIndex[run * noffsets + time];

    } // GridInventory

  } // Gridset

    // lightweight tracker of where a Grid lives
  static class TimeInstance implements TimeInventory.Instance {
    String location;
    int index; // time index in the file = 'location'

    TimeInstance(String location, int index) {
      this.location = location;
      this.index = index;

    public String getDatasetLocation() {
      return location;

    public int getDatasetIndex() {
      return index;

    public String toString() {
      return "TimeInstance{" +
              "location='" + location + '\'' +
              ", index=" + index +

  // represents 1 time coord in a 2d time matrix, point or interval
  private class TimeInv implements Comparable<TimeInv> {
    int runIdx;
    int timeIdx;
    double offset; // hours since base or hours since run time
    double startIntv = Double.NaN;
    boolean isInterval = false;

    TimeInv(int runIdx, int timeIdx, double b1, double b2) {
      this.runIdx = runIdx;
      this.timeIdx = timeIdx;
      this.startIntv = b1;
      this.offset = b2;
      isInterval = true;

    TimeInv(int runIdx, int timeIdx, double offset) {
      this.runIdx = runIdx;
      this.timeIdx = timeIdx;
      this.offset = offset;

    public int compareTo(TimeInv o) {
      int c1 =, o.offset);
      if ((c1 == 0) && isInterval) return, o.startIntv);
      return c1;

  // efficient representation of time coords - point or interval
  public static class ValueB {
    public double[] offset; // the forecast time
    public double[] bounds; // bounds of interval or null. shape = (ntimes, 2)

    public ValueB(List<TimeInv> invs) {
      boolean isInterval = invs.size() > 0 && invs.get(0).isInterval;
      offset = new double[invs.size()];

      if (isInterval) {
        bounds = new double[2 * invs.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < invs.size(); i++) {
          TimeInv b = invs.get(i);
          offset[i] = b.offset;
          bounds[2*i] = b.startIntv;
          bounds[2*i+1] = b.offset; // end of interval is also the forecast time

      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < invs.size(); i++) {
          TimeInv b = invs.get(i);
          offset[i] = b.offset;

  // public for debugging
  public TimeInventory makeBestDatasetInventory() {
    return new BestDatasetInventory(null);

  TimeInventory makeBestDatasetInventory(FeatureCollectionConfig.BestDataset bd) {
    return new BestDatasetInventory(bd);

  // public for debugging
  public TimeInventory makeRunTimeDatasetInventory(Date run) throws FileNotFoundException {
    return new RunTimeDatasetInventory(run);

  // public for debugging
  public TimeInventory getConstantForecastDataset(Date time) throws FileNotFoundException {
    return new ConstantForecastDataset(time);

  // public for debugging
  public TimeInventory getConstantOffsetDataset(double hour) throws FileNotFoundException {
    return new ConstantOffsetDataset(hour);

  /* The best dataset is based on the Gridset time coordinates, rather than the GridInventory. This means that
     one can have missing values, instead of using the "next best" runtime.
     The reason for this is so that all the fields come from the same runtime.
     If we did implement NextBest, we would need to have different run_time coordinates whenever there were missing values,
     possible one for each variable, to accurately reflect where the data came from.
  class BestDatasetInventory implements TimeInventory {
    FeatureCollectionConfig.BestDataset bd; // parameterized for offsets >= p. null means want all offsets

    BestDatasetInventory( FeatureCollectionConfig.BestDataset bd) { = bd;
    public String getName() {
      return (bd == null) ? BEST :;

    public int getTimeLength(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> best = gridset.timeCoordMap.get(getName());
      if (best == null) best = gridset.makeBest(bd);
      return best.size();

    public FmrcInvLite.ValueB getTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> best = gridset.timeCoordMap.get(getName());
      if (best == null) best = gridset.makeBest(bd);
      return new ValueB(best);

    public double[] getRunTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> best = gridset.timeCoordMap.get(getName());
      if (best == null)
        best = gridset.makeBest(bd);
      double[] result = new double[best.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < best.size(); i++) {
        TimeInv b = best.get(i);
        result[i] = gridset.getTimeCoord(b.runIdx, 0)// the first one for the run given by runIdx
      return result;

    public double[] getOffsetCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> best = gridset.timeCoordMap.get(getName());
      if (best == null)
        best = gridset.makeBest(bd);

      double[] result = new double[best.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < best.size(); i++) {
        TimeInv b = best.get(i);
        result[i] = b.offset - gridset.getTimeCoord(b.runIdx, 0)// offset from run start
      return result;

    public Instance getInstance(Gridset.Grid grid, int timeIdx) {
      Gridset gridset = grid.getGridset();
      List<TimeInv> best = gridset.timeCoordMap.get(getName());
      if (best == null)
        best = gridset.makeBest(bd);

      TimeInv b = best.get(timeIdx);
      int locIdx = grid.inv.getLocation(b.runIdx, b.timeIdx);
      if (locIdx == 0) return null;

      int invIndex = grid.inv.getInvIndex(b.runIdx, b.timeIdx);
      return new TimeInstance(locationList.get(locIdx - 1), invIndex);

  class RunTimeDatasetInventory implements TimeInventory {
    int runIdx = -1;

    RunTimeDatasetInventory(Date run) throws FileNotFoundException {
      double offset = FmrcInv.getOffsetInHours(base, run);
      for (int i = 0; i < runOffset.length; i++) {
        if (Misc.closeEnough(runOffset[i], offset)) {
          runIdx = i;
      if (runIdx < 0)
        throw new FileNotFoundException("No run date of " + run);

    public String getName() {
      DateFormatter df = new DateFormatter();
      return "Run " + df.toDateTimeStringISO(FmrcInv.makeOffsetDate(base, runOffset[runIdx]));

    public int getTimeLength(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("run" + runIdx);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeRun(runIdx);
      return coords.size();

    public FmrcInvLite.ValueB getTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("run" + runIdx);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeRun(runIdx);
      return new FmrcInvLite.ValueB(coords);

    public double[] getRunTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      return null;

    public double[] getOffsetCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("run" + runIdx);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeRun(runIdx);

      double startRun = gridset.getTimeCoord(runIdx, 0);
      double[] result = new double[coords.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) {
        TimeInv b = coords.get(i);
        result[i] = b.offset - startRun;
      return result;

    public Instance getInstance(Gridset.Grid grid, int timeIdx) {
      Gridset gridset = grid.getGridset();
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("run" + runIdx);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeRun(runIdx);

      TimeInv b = coords.get(timeIdx);
      return grid.getInstance(b.runIdx, b.timeIdx);

  class ConstantForecastDataset implements TimeInventory {
    double offset;

    ConstantForecastDataset(Date time) throws FileNotFoundException {
      this.offset = FmrcInv.getOffsetInHours(base, time);
      for (Date d : getForecastDates())
        if (d.equals(time))
          return; // ok

      throw new FileNotFoundException("No forecast date of " + time)// we dont got it

    public String getName() {
      DateFormatter df = new DateFormatter();
      return "Constant Forecast " + df.toDateTimeStringISO(FmrcInv.makeOffsetDate(base, offset));

    public int getTimeLength(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("forecast" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantForecast(offset);
      return coords.size();

    public FmrcInvLite.ValueB getTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      return null;

    public double[] getRunTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("forecast" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantForecast(offset);

      double[] result = new double[coords.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) {
        TimeInv b = coords.get(i);
        result[i] = gridset.getTimeCoord(b.runIdx, 0);
      return result;

    public double[] getOffsetCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("forecast" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantForecast(offset);

      double[] result = new double[coords.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) {
        TimeInv b = coords.get(i);
        result[i] = b.offset;
      return result;

    public Instance getInstance(Gridset.Grid grid, int timeIdx) {
      Gridset gridset = grid.getGridset();
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("forecast" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantForecast(offset);

      TimeInv b = coords.get(timeIdx);
      return grid.getInstance(b.runIdx, b.timeIdx);

  class ConstantOffsetDataset implements TimeInventory {
    double offset;

    ConstantOffsetDataset(double offset) throws FileNotFoundException {
      this.offset = offset;
      boolean ok = false;
      double[] offsets = getForecastOffsets();
      for (int i=0; i<offsets.length; i++)
        if (Misc.closeEnough(offsets[i], offset)) ok = true;

      if (!ok)
        throw new FileNotFoundException("No constant offset dataset for = " + offset);

    public String getName() {
      return "Constant Offset " + offset + " hours";

    public int getTimeLength(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("offset" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantOffset(offset);
      return coords.size();

    public FmrcInvLite.ValueB getTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("offset" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantOffset(offset);
      return new FmrcInvLite.ValueB(coords);

    public double[] getRunTimeCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("offset" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantOffset(offset);

      double[] result = new double[coords.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < coords.size(); i++) {
        TimeInv b = coords.get(i);
        result[i] = gridset.getTimeCoord(b.runIdx, 0);
      return result;

    public double[] getOffsetCoords(Gridset gridset) {
      return null;

    public Instance getInstance(Gridset.Grid grid, int timeIdx) {
      Gridset gridset = grid.getGridset();
      List<TimeInv> coords = gridset.timeCoordMap.get("offset" + offset);
      if (coords == null)
        coords = gridset.makeConstantOffset(offset);

      TimeInv b = coords.get(timeIdx);
      return grid.getInstance(b.runIdx, b.timeIdx);

Related Classes of ucar.nc2.ft.fmrc.FmrcInvLite$ValueB

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