/* $Id: TakeGoldforGrafindleTest.java,v 1.6 2010/12/02 20:21:52 kymara Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.server.maps.quests;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThan;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static utilities.SpeakerNPCTestHelper.getReply;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.StendhalRPZone;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.SpeakerNPC;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.fsm.Engine;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.player.Player;
import games.stendhal.server.maps.MockStendlRPWorld;
import games.stendhal.server.maps.nalwor.postoffice.PostNPC;
import games.stendhal.server.maps.nalwor.bank.BankNPC;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import utilities.PlayerTestHelper;
import utilities.QuestHelper;
public class TakeGoldforGrafindleTest {
private static String questSlot = "grafindle_gold";
private Player player = null;
private SpeakerNPC npc = null;
private Engine en = null;
public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
final StendhalRPZone zone = new StendhalRPZone("admin_test");
new PostNPC().configureZone(zone, null);
new BankNPC().configureZone(zone, null);
final AbstractQuest quest = new TakeGoldforGrafindle();
public void setUp() {
player = PlayerTestHelper.createPlayer("player");
* Tests for starting the quest.
public void testStartQuest() {
npc = SingletonRepository.getNPCList().get("Grafindle");
en = npc.getEngine();
final double karma = player.getKarma();
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Greetings. If you need #help, please ask.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "help");
assertEquals("That room has two chests owned by this bank and two owned by Semos bank.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "task");
assertEquals("I need someone who can be trusted with #gold.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "gold");
assertEquals("One of our customers needs to bank their gold bars here for safety. It's #Lorithien, she cannot close the Post Office so she never has time.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "Lorithien");
assertEquals("She works in the post office here in Nalwor. It's a big responsibility, as those gold bars could be sold for a lot of money. Can you be trusted?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "no");
assertEquals("Well, at least you are honest and told me from the start.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Goodbye, young human.", getReply(npc));
assertThat(player.getQuest(questSlot), is("rejected"));
assertThat(player.getKarma(), lessThan(karma));
final double karma2 = player.getKarma();
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Greetings. If you need #help, please ask.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "quest");
assertEquals("I need someone who can be trusted with #gold.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "gold");
assertEquals("One of our customers needs to bank their gold bars here for safety. It's #Lorithien, she cannot close the Post Office so she never has time.", getReply(npc));
// note we spelt this wrong but it was understood
en.step(player, "Lorithiten");
assertEquals("She works in the post office here in Nalwor. It's a big responsibility, as those gold bars could be sold for a lot of money. Can you be trusted?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "yes");
assertEquals("Thank you. I hope to see you soon with the gold bars ... unless you are tempted to keep them.", getReply(npc));
assertThat(player.getQuest(questSlot), is("start"));
assertThat(player.getKarma(), greaterThan(karma2));
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Greetings. If you need #help, please ask.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "task");
assertEquals("I need someone who can be trusted with #gold.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Goodbye, young human.", getReply(npc));
* Tests for speaking to Lorithien to get the gold
public void testGetGold() {
npc = SingletonRepository.getNPCList().get("Lorithien");
en = npc.getEngine();
player.setQuest(questSlot, "start");
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("I'm so glad you're here! I'll be much happier when this gold is safely in the bank.", getReply(npc));
assertTrue(player.isEquipped("gold bar", 25));
assertThat(player.getQuest(questSlot), is("lorithien"));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Bye - nice to meet you!", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Oh, please take that gold back to #Grafindle before it gets lost!", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "grafindle");
assertEquals("Grafindle is the senior banker here in Nalwor, of course!", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Bye - nice to meet you!", getReply(npc));
* Tests for taking the gold
public void testTakeGold() {
npc = SingletonRepository.getNPCList().get("Grafindle");
en = npc.getEngine();
player.setQuest(questSlot, "lorithien");
// the player in this case hasn't got the gold bars (we started a new test) so it's like he did get them but he put them on the ground
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Haven't you got the gold bars from #Lorithien yet? Please go get them, quickly!", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Goodbye, young human.", getReply(npc));
// the player did actually get them before so lets now equip him with them
PlayerTestHelper.equipWithStackableItem(player, "gold bar", 25);
final int xp = player.getXP();
final double karma3 = player.getKarma();
en.step(player, "hi");
// [09:40] kymara earns 200 experience points.
assertEquals("Oh, you brought the gold! Wonderful, I knew I could rely on you. Please, have this key to our customer room.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Goodbye, young human.", getReply(npc));
assertThat(player.getXP(), greaterThan(xp));
assertThat(player.getKarma(), greaterThan(karma3));
assertFalse(player.isEquipped("gold bar"));
assertTrue(player.isEquipped("nalwor bank key"));
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Greetings. If you need #help, please ask.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "task");
assertEquals("I ask only that you are honest.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Goodbye, young human.", getReply(npc));
* Tests for speaking to lorithien after completed quest
public void testSpeaToLorithienAfterQuestCompleted() {
npc = SingletonRepository.getNPCList().get("Lorithien");
en = npc.getEngine();
player.setQuest(questSlot, "done");
// return to post elf after quest done
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Hi, can I #help you?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("Bye - nice to meet you!", getReply(npc));