/* $Id: InvasionPhase.java,v 1.11 2010/11/25 22:47:44 martinfuchs Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.server.maps.quests.piedpiper;
import games.stendhal.common.Rand;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.StendhalRPZone;
import games.stendhal.server.core.pathfinder.Node;
import games.stendhal.server.core.pathfinder.Path;
import games.stendhal.server.core.rp.StendhalRPAction;
import games.stendhal.server.core.rule.EntityManager;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.RPEntity;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.CircumstancesOfDeath;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Creature;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.player.Player;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;
public class InvasionPhase extends TPPQuest {
private int minPhaseChangeTime;
private int maxPhaseChangeTime;
protected LinkedList<Creature> rats = new LinkedList<Creature>();
* constructor
public InvasionPhase(Map<String, Integer> timings, LinkedList<Creature> rats) {
minPhaseChangeTime = timings.get(INVASION_TIME_MIN);
maxPhaseChangeTime = timings.get(INVASION_TIME_MAX);
public int getMinTimeOut() {
return minPhaseChangeTime;
public int getMaxTimeOut() {
return maxPhaseChangeTime;
* rats invasion starts :-)
* Iterate through each zone and select the min and max rat count based on zone size
* Places rat if possible, if not skip this rat (so if 6 rats chosen perhaps only 3 are placed)
private void summonRats() {
final EntityManager manager = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager();
final RatsObserver ratsObserver = new RatsObserver();
// generating rats in zones
for(int j=0; j<(RAT_ZONES.size()); j++) {
final StendhalRPZone zone = (StendhalRPZone) SingletonRepository.getRPWorld().getRPZone(
final int maxRats = (int) Math.round(Math.sqrt(zone.getWidth()*zone.getHeight())/4);
final int minRats = (int) Math.round(Math.sqrt(zone.getWidth()*zone.getHeight())/12);
final int ratsCount = Rand.rand(maxRats-minRats)+minRats;
logger.debug(ratsCount+ " rats selected at " + zone.getName());
for(int i=0 ; i<ratsCount; i++) {
final int x=Rand.rand(zone.getWidth());
final int y=Rand.rand(zone.getHeight());
// Gaussian distribution
int tc=Rand.randGaussian(0,RAT_TYPES.size());
if ((tc>(RAT_TYPES.size()-1)) || (tc<0)) {
// checking if EntityManager knows about this creature type.
final Creature tempCreature = new Creature((Creature) manager.getEntity(RAT_TYPES.get(tc)));
final Creature rat = new Creature(tempCreature.getNewInstance());
// chosen place is occupied
if (zone.collides(rat,x,y)) {
// Could not place the creature here.
// Treat it like it was never exists.
logger.debug("RATS " + zone.getName() + " " + x + " " + y + " collided.");
} else if (zone.getName().startsWith("0")) {
// If we can't make it here, we can't make it anywhere ...
// just checking the 0 level zones atm
// the rat is not in the zone yet so we can't call the smaller version of the searchPath method
final List<Node> path = Path.searchPath(zone, x, y, zone.getWidth()/2,
zone.getHeight()/2, (64+64)*2);
if (path == null || path.size() == 0){
logger.debug("RATS " + zone.getName() + " " + x + " " + y + " no path to " + zone.getWidth()/2 + " " + zone.getHeight()/2);
// spawn creature
/* -- commented because of these noises reflects on all archrats in game -- */
// add unique noises to humanoids
if (tc==RAT_TYPES.indexOf("archrat")) {
final LinkedList<String> ll = new LinkedList<String>(
Arrays.asList("We will capture Ados!",
"Our revenge will awesome!"));
LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<String>> lhm =
new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedList<String>>();
// add to all states except death.
lhm.put("idle", ll);
lhm.put("fight", ll);
lhm.put("follow", ll);
StendhalRPAction.placeat(zone, rat, x, y);
* function to control amount of alive rats.
* @param dead
* - creature that was just died.
private void notifyDead(final RPEntity dead) {
if (!rats.remove(dead)) {
logger.warn("killed creature isn't in control list ("+dead.toString()+").");
if (rats.size()==0) {
new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList("pied piper")));
* Rats are dead :-)
public String getSwitchingToDefPhaseMessage() {
final String text = "Mayor Chalmers shouts: No #rats in Ados survived, "+
"only those who always lived in the "+
"haunted house. "+
"Rat hunters are welcome to get their #reward.";
* Rats now living under all buildings. Need to call Pied Piper :-)
public String getSwitchingToNextPhaseMessage() {
final String text =
"Mayor Chalmers shouts: Suddenly, #rats have captured the city, "+
//"Mayor Chalmers shouts: The #rats left as suddenly as they arrived. "+
//"Perhaps they have returned to the sewers. "+
"I now need to call the Pied Piper, a rat exterminator. "+
"Anyway, thanks to all who tried to clean up Ados, "+
" you are welcome to get your #reward.";
* removing rats from the world
private void removeAllRats() {
final int sz=rats.size();
int i=0;
while(rats.size()!=0) {
try {
final Creature rat = rats.get(0);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe) {
// index is greater then size???
logger.error("removeAllRats IndexOutOfBoundException at "+
Integer.toString(i)+" position. Total "+
Integer.toString(sz)+" elements.", ioobe);
* Red alert! Rats in the Ados city!
protected String ratsProblem() {
final String text = "Mayor Chalmers shouts: Ados City is being invaded by #rats!"+
" Anyone who will help to clean up the city, will be rewarded!";
public void prepare() {
super.startShouts(timings.get(SHOUT_TIME), ratsProblem());
public void phaseToDefaultPhase(List<String> comments) {
comments.add("last rat killed");
public void phaseToNextPhase(ITPPQuest nextPhase, List<String> comments) {
comments.add("switch phase, "+rats.size()+" rats still alive.");
super.phaseToNextPhase(nextPhase, comments);
* Implementation of Observer interface.
* Update function will record the fact of rat's killing
* in player's quest slot.
class RatsObserver implements Observer {
public void update (Observable obj, Object arg) {
if (arg instanceof CircumstancesOfDeath) {
final CircumstancesOfDeath circs=(CircumstancesOfDeath)arg;
if(RAT_ZONES.contains(circs.getZone().getName())) {
if(circs.getKiller() instanceof Player) {
final Player player = (Player) circs.getKiller();
killsRecorder(player, circs.getVictim());
* method for making records about killing rats
* in player's quest slot.
* @param player
* - player which killed rat.
* @param victim
* - rat object
private void killsRecorder(Player player, final RPEntity victim) {
final String str = victim.getName();
final int i = RAT_TYPES.indexOf(str);
if(i==-1) {
//no such creature in reward table, will not count it
logger.warn("Unknown creature killed: "+
// player just killed his first creature.
player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, "rats;0;0;0;0;0;0");
// we using here and after "i+1" because player's quest index 0
// is occupied by quest stage description.
// something really wrong, will correct this...
int kills;
try {
kills = Integer.parseInt(player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT, i+1))+1;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// have no records about this creature in player's slot.
// treat it as he never killed this creature before.
player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, i+1, Integer.toString(kills));
public TPP_Phase getPhase() {
return TPP_Phase.TPP_INVASION;