/* $Id: StuffForBaldemar.java,v 1.24 2011/05/01 19:50:05 martinfuchs Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.server.maps.quests;
import games.stendhal.common.MathHelper;
import games.stendhal.common.grammar.Grammar;
import games.stendhal.common.parser.Sentence;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.ChatAction;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.ConversationPhrases;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.ConversationStates;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.EventRaiser;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.SpeakerNPC;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.action.SetQuestAndModifyKarmaAction;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.condition.AndCondition;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.condition.QuestStartedCondition;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.condition.QuestStateStartsWithCondition;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.npc.condition.GreetingMatchesNameCondition;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.player.Player;
import games.stendhal.server.util.TimeUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* QUEST: The mithril shield forging.
* <ul>
* <li> Baldemar, mithrilbourgh elite wizard, will forge a mithril shield.
* </ul>
* <ul>
* <li> Baldemar tells you about shield.
* <li> He offers to forge a mithril shield for you if you bring him what he
* needs.
* <li> You give him all he asks for.
* <li> Baldemar checks if you have ever killed a black giant alone, or not
* <li> Baldemar forges the shield for you
* </ul>
* <ul>
* <li> mithril shield
* <li>95000 XP
* </ul>
* <ul>
* <li> None.
* </ul>
public class StuffForBaldemar extends AbstractQuest {
private static Map<Integer, ItemData> neededItems = initneededitems();
private static Map<Integer, ItemData> initneededitems() {
neededItems = new TreeMap<Integer, ItemData>();
ItemData data = new ItemData("mithril bar",
"I cannot #forge it without the missing ",
". After all, this IS a mithril shield.");
neededItems.put(1, data);
data = new ItemData("obsidian", REQUIRED_OBSIDIAN,
"I need several gems to grind into dust to mix with the mithril. I need ",
" still.");
neededItems.put(2, data);
data = new ItemData("diamond", REQUIRED_DIAMOND ,
"I need several gems to grind into dust to mix with the mithril. I need ",
" still.");
neededItems.put(3, data);
data = new ItemData("emerald", REQUIRED_EMERALD ,
"I need several gems to grind into dust to mix with the mithril. I need ",
" still.");
neededItems.put(4, data);
data = new ItemData("carbuncle", REQUIRED_CARBUNCLE ,
"I need several gems to grind into dust to mix with the mithril. I need ",
" still.");
neededItems.put(5, data);
data = new ItemData("sapphire", REQUIRED_SAPPHIRE,
"I need several gems to grind into dust to mix with the mithril. I need ",
" still.");
neededItems.put(6, data);
int i = 7;
data = new ItemData("black shield", REQUIRED_BLACK_SHIELD ,
"I need ",
" to form the framework for your new shield.");
neededItems.put(i, data);
i = 8;
data = new ItemData("magic plate shield", REQUIRED_MAGIC_PLATE_SHIELD ,
"I need ",
" for the pieces and parts for your new shield.");
neededItems.put(i, data);
i = 9;
data = new ItemData("gold bar", REQUIRED_GOLD_BAR ,
"I need ",
" to melt down with the mithril and iron.");
neededItems.put(i, data);
i = 10;
data = new ItemData("iron", REQUIRED_IRON ,
"I need ",
" to melt down with the mithril and gold.");
neededItems.put(i, data);
i = 11;
data = new ItemData("black pearl", REQUIRED_BLACK_PEARL ,
"I need ",
" to crush into fine powder to sprinkle onto shield to give it a nice sheen.");
neededItems.put(i, data);
i = 12;
data = new ItemData("shuriken", REQUIRED_SHURIKEN ,
"I need ",
" to melt down with the mithril, gold and iron. It is a 'secret' ingredient that only you and I know about. ;)");
neededItems.put(i, data);
i = 13;
data = new ItemData("marbles", REQUIRED_MARBLES ,
"My son wants some new toys. I need ",
" still.");
neededItems.put(i, data);
data = new ItemData("snowglobe", REQUIRED_SNOWGLOBE,
"I just LOVE those trinkets from athor. I need ",
" still.");
neededItems.put(14, data);
return neededItems;
protected static final class ItemData {
private int neededAmount;
private final String itemName;
private final String itemPrefix;
private final String itemSuffix;
private final int requiredAmount;
public ItemData(final String name, final int needed, final String prefix, final String suffix) {
this.requiredAmount = needed;
this.neededAmount = needed;
this.itemName = name;
this.itemPrefix = prefix;
this.itemSuffix = suffix;
public int getStillNeeded() {
return neededAmount;
public void setAmount(final int needed) {
neededAmount = needed;
public String getName() {
return itemName;
public String getPrefix() {
return itemPrefix;
public String getSuffix() {
return itemSuffix;
public void subAmount(final String string) {
String getAnswer() {
return itemPrefix
+ Grammar.quantityplnoun(
neededAmount, itemName, "a")
+ itemSuffix;
public int getRequired() {
return requiredAmount;
public int getAlreadyBrought() {
return requiredAmount - neededAmount;
public void subAmount(final int amount) {
neededAmount -= amount;
public void resetAmount() {
neededAmount = requiredAmount;
private static final int REQUIRED_MITHRIL_BAR = 20;
private static final int REQUIRED_OBSIDIAN = 1;
private static final int REQUIRED_DIAMOND = 1;
private static final int REQUIRED_EMERALD = 5;
private static final int REQUIRED_CARBUNCLE = 10;
private static final int REQUIRED_SAPPHIRE = 10;
private static final int REQUIRED_BLACK_SHIELD = 1;
private static final int REQUIRED_MAGIC_PLATE_SHIELD = 1;
private static final int REQUIRED_GOLD_BAR = 10;
private static final int REQUIRED_IRON = 20;
private static final int REQUIRED_BLACK_PEARL = 10;
private static final int REQUIRED_SHURIKEN = 20;
private static final int REQUIRED_MARBLES = 15;
private static final int REQUIRED_SNOWGLOBE = 1;
private static final String I_WILL_NEED_MANY_THINGS = "I will need many, many things: "
+ " mithril bars, "
+ " obsidian, "
+ " diamond, "
+ " emeralds,"
+ " carbuncles, "
+ " sapphires, "
+ " black shield, "
+ " magic plate shield, "
+ " gold bars, "
+ " iron bars, "
+ " black pearls, "
+ " shuriken, "
+ " marbles and "
+ " snowglobe. Come back when you have them in the same #exact order!";
private static final int REQUIRED_MINUTES = 10;
private static final String QUEST_SLOT = "mithrilshield_quest";
public String getSlotName() {
return QUEST_SLOT;
private void step_1() {
final SpeakerNPC npc = npcs.get("Baldemar");
ConversationPhrases.QUEST_MESSAGES, null,
ConversationStates.QUEST_OFFERED, null,
new ChatAction() {
public void fire(final Player player, final Sentence sentence, final EventRaiser raiser) {
if (!player.hasQuest(QUEST_SLOT) || "rejected".equals(player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT))) {
raiser.say("I can forge a shield made from mithril along with several other items. Would you like me to do that?");
} else if (player.isQuestCompleted(QUEST_SLOT)) {
raiser.say("I would prefer you left me to my entertainment.");
} else {
raiser.say("Why are you bothering me when you haven't completed your quest yet?");
ConversationPhrases.YES_MESSAGES, null,
ConversationStates.ATTENDING, null,
new ChatAction() {
public void fire(final Player player, final Sentence sentence, final EventRaiser raiser) {
player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, "start;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0");
"I can't believe you are going to pass up this opportunity! You must be daft!!!",
new SetQuestAndModifyKarmaAction(QUEST_SLOT, "rejected", -10.0));
"As I have listed them here, you must provide them in that order.");
private void step_2() {
/* Get the stuff. */
private void step_3() {
final SpeakerNPC npc = npcs.get("Baldemar");
npc.add(ConversationStates.IDLE, ConversationPhrases.GREETING_MESSAGES,
new AndCondition(new GreetingMatchesNameCondition(npc.getName()),
new QuestStateStartsWithCondition(QUEST_SLOT, "start")),
ConversationStates.ATTENDING, null,
new ChatAction() {
public void fire(final Player player, final Sentence sentence, final EventRaiser raiser) {
final String[] tokens = player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT).split(";");
int idx1 = 1;
for (ItemData itemdata : neededItems.values()) {
boolean missingSomething = false;
int size = neededItems.size();
for (int idx = 1; !missingSomething && idx <= size; idx++) {
ItemData itemData = neededItems.get(idx);
missingSomething = proceedItem(player, raiser,
if (player.hasKilledSolo("black giant") && !missingSomething) {
raiser.say("You've brought everything I need to forge the shield. Come back in "
+ " minutes and it will be ready.");
player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, "forging;" + System.currentTimeMillis());
} else {
if (!player.hasKilledSolo("black giant") && !missingSomething) {
raiser.say("This shield can only be given to those who have killed a black giant, and without the help of others.");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30);
for (ItemData id : neededItems.values()) {
player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, sb.toString());
private boolean proceedItem(final Player player,
final EventRaiser engine, final ItemData itemData) {
if (itemData.getStillNeeded() > 0) {
if (player.isEquipped(itemData.getName(), itemData.getStillNeeded())) {
player.drop(itemData.getName(), itemData.getStillNeeded());
} else {
final int amount = player.getNumberOfEquipped(itemData.getName());
if (amount > 0) {
player.drop(itemData.getName(), amount);
return true;
return false;
npc.add(ConversationStates.IDLE, ConversationPhrases.GREETING_MESSAGES,
new AndCondition(new GreetingMatchesNameCondition(npc.getName()),
new QuestStateStartsWithCondition(QUEST_SLOT, "forging;")),
ConversationStates.IDLE, null, new ChatAction() {
public void fire(final Player player, final Sentence sentence, final EventRaiser raiser) {
final String[] tokens = player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT).split(";");
final long timeRemaining = (Long.parseLong(tokens[1]) + delay)
- System.currentTimeMillis();
if (timeRemaining > 0L) {
raiser.say("I haven't finished forging your shield. Please check back in "
+ TimeUtil.approxTimeUntil((int) (timeRemaining / 1000L))
+ ".");
raiser.say("I have finished forging your new mithril shield. Enjoy. Now I will see what Trillium has stored behind the counter for me. ;)");
final Item mithrilshield = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager().getItem("mithril shield");
player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, "done");
Arrays.asList("forge", "missing"),
new QuestStartedCondition(QUEST_SLOT),
new ChatAction() {
public void fire(final Player player, final Sentence sentence, final EventRaiser raiser) {
final String[] tokens = player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT).split(";");
final int neededMithrilBar = REQUIRED_MITHRIL_BAR
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
final int neededObsidian = REQUIRED_OBSIDIAN
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]);
final int neededDiamond = REQUIRED_DIAMOND
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]);
final int neededEmerald = REQUIRED_EMERALD
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]);
final int neededCarbuncle = REQUIRED_CARBUNCLE
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[5]);
final int neededSapphire = REQUIRED_SAPPHIRE
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[6]);
final int neededBlackShield = REQUIRED_BLACK_SHIELD
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[7]);
final int neededMagicPlateShield = REQUIRED_MAGIC_PLATE_SHIELD
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[8]);
final int neededGoldBars = REQUIRED_GOLD_BAR
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[9]);
final int neededIron = REQUIRED_IRON
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[10]);
final int neededBlackPearl = REQUIRED_BLACK_PEARL
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[11]);
final int neededShuriken = REQUIRED_SHURIKEN
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[12]);
final int neededMarbles = REQUIRED_MARBLES
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[13]);
final int neededSnowglobe = REQUIRED_SNOWGLOBE
- Integer.parseInt(tokens[14]);
raiser.say("I will need " + neededMithrilBar + " mithril bars, "
+ neededObsidian + " obsidian, "
+ neededDiamond + " diamond, "
+ neededEmerald + " emeralds, "
+ neededCarbuncle + " carbuncles, "
+ neededSapphire + " sapphires, "
+ neededBlackShield + " black shield, "
+ neededMagicPlateShield + " magic plate shield, "
+ neededGoldBars + " gold bars, "
+ neededIron + " iron bars, "
+ neededBlackPearl + " black pearls, "
+ neededShuriken + " shuriken, "
+ neededMarbles + " marbles and "
+ neededSnowglobe + " snowglobe");
public void addToWorld() {
"Stuff for Baldemar",
"Baldemar, a friendly mithrilbourgh elite wizard, will forge a special shield.",
public String getName() {
return "StuffForBaldemar";
public List<String> getHistory(final Player player) {
final List<String> res = new ArrayList<String>();
if (!player.hasQuest(QUEST_SLOT)) {
return res;
final String questState = player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT);
res.add("I met Baldemar in the magic theater.");
if (questState.equals("rejected")) {
res.add("I'm not interested in his ideas about shields made from mithril.");
return res;
res.add("Baldemar told me: " + I_WILL_NEED_MANY_THINGS);
// yes, yes. this is the most horrible quest code and so you get a horrible quest history.
if(questState.startsWith("start") && !"start;20;1;1;5;10;10;1;1;10;20;10;20;15;1".equals(questState)){
res.add("I haven't brought everything yet. Baldemar will tell me what I need to take next.");
} else if ("start;20;1;1;5;10;10;1;1;10;20;10;20;15;1".equals(questState) || !questState.startsWith("start")) {
res.add("I took all the special items to Baldemar.");
if("start;20;1;1;5;10;10;1;1;10;20;10;20;15;1".equals(questState) && !player.hasKilledSolo("black giant")){
res.add("I will need to bravely face a black giant alone, before I am worthy of this shield.");
if (questState.startsWith("forging")) {
res.add("Baldemar is forging my mithril shield!");
if (isCompleted(player)) {
res.add("I brought Baldemar many items, killed a black giant solo, and he forged me a mithril shield.");
return res;
public int getMinLevel() {
return 100;