* @(#) src/games/stendhal/server/entity/area/OccupantArea.java
* $Id: OccupantArea.java,v 1.9 2008/07/12 14:43:56 astridemma Exp $
package games.stendhal.server.entity.mapstuff.area;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.StendhalRPZone;
import games.stendhal.server.core.events.MovementListener;
import games.stendhal.server.core.events.TurnListener;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.ActiveEntity;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.RPEntity;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.player.Player;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import marauroa.common.game.IRPZone;
* An base area that performs actions on RPEntity's that are entering, leaving,
* moving in, or standing in it's space.
public class OccupantArea extends AreaEntity implements MovementListener,
TurnListener {
* How often an action is done while stationary (in turns).
protected int interval;
* Applies only to players.
protected boolean playersOnly;
* A list of entities [potentially] occupying this area.
protected List<RPEntity.ID> targets;
* Create an occupant area.
* @param width
* Width of this area
* @param height
* Height of this area
* @param interval
* Standing action interval.
public OccupantArea(final int width, final int height, final int interval) {
super(width, height);
this.interval = interval;
playersOnly = false;
targets = new LinkedList<RPEntity.ID>();
// OccupantArea
* Add an entity to the target list.
* @param entity
* The RPEntity to add.
protected void addTarget(final RPEntity entity) {
if (targets.size() == 1) {
SingletonRepository.getTurnNotifier().notifyInTurns(interval, this);
* Check if an entity is an [acknowledged] occupant of this area.
* @param entity to be tested
* @return true if is occupant
public boolean isOccupant(final RPEntity entity) {
return targets.contains(entity.getID());
* An entity has entered the area. This should not apply any actions that
* <code>handleMovement()</code> does.
* @param entity
* The RPEntity that was added.
* @return <code>false</code> if this entity should not be processed,
* <code>true</code> otherwise.
protected boolean handleAdded(final RPEntity entity) {
return true;
* Apply actions done at regular intervals.
* @param entity
* The RPEntity occupant.
* @return <code>false</code> if this entity should be removed from
* further processing, <code>true</code> otherwise.
protected boolean handleInterval(final RPEntity entity) {
return true;
* Apply actions done while moving.
* @param entity
* The RPEntity that moved.
* @return <code>false</code> if this entity should be removed from
* further processing, <code>true</code> otherwise.
protected boolean handleMovement(final RPEntity entity) {
return true;
* An entity has left the area. This should not apply any actions that
* <code>handleMovement()</code> does.
* @param entity
* The RPEntity that was added.
protected void handleRemoved(final RPEntity entity) {
// can be implemented by sub classes.
* Remove an entity from the target list.
* @param entity
* The RPEntity to remove.
protected void removeTarget(final RPEntity entity) {
if (targets.isEmpty()) {
* Set whether only players get affected.
* @param playersOnly
* Whether to only affect players.
public void setPlayersOnly(final boolean playersOnly) {
this.playersOnly = playersOnly;
// Entity
* Called when this object is added to a zone.
* @param zone
* The zone this was added to.
public void onAdded(final StendhalRPZone zone) {
* Called when this object is being removed from a zone.
* @param zone
* The zone this will be removed from.
public void onRemoved(final StendhalRPZone zone) {
* Handle object attribute change(s).
public void update() {
StendhalRPZone zone;
* Reregister incase coordinates/size changed (could be smarter)
zone = getZone();
if (zone != null) {
if (zone != null) {
// MovementListener
* Invoked when an entity enters the object area.
* @param entity
* The entity that moved.
* @param zone
* The new zone.
* @param newX
* The new X coordinate.
* @param newY
* The new Y coordinate.
public void onEntered(final ActiveEntity entity, final StendhalRPZone zone, final int newX,
final int newY) {
* Ignore non-RPEntity's
if (!(entity instanceof RPEntity)) {
final RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
* Only effect players?
if (playersOnly && !(rpentity instanceof Player)) {
if (handleAdded(rpentity)) {
* Invoked when an entity leaves the object area.
* @param entity
* The entity that entered.
* @param zone
* The old zone.
* @param oldX
* The old X coordinate.
* @param oldY
* The old Y coordinate.
public void onExited(final ActiveEntity entity, final StendhalRPZone zone, final int oldX,
final int oldY) {
* Ignore non-RPEntity's
if (!(entity instanceof RPEntity)) {
final RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
* Only effect players?
if (playersOnly && !(rpentity instanceof Player)) {
if (targets.contains(rpentity.getID())) {
* Invoked when an entity moves while over the object area.
* @param entity
* The entity that left.
* @param zone
* The zone.
* @param oldX
* The old X coordinate.
* @param oldY
* The old Y coordinate.
* @param newX
* The new X coordinate.
* @param newY
* The new Y coordinate.
public void onMoved(final ActiveEntity entity, final StendhalRPZone zone, final int oldX,
final int oldY, final int newX, final int newY) {
* Ignore non-RPEntity's
if (!(entity instanceof RPEntity)) {
final RPEntity rpentity = (RPEntity) entity;
if (targets.contains(rpentity.getID())) {
// TurnListener
* This method is called when the turn number is reached.
* @param currentTurn
* Current turn number.
public void onTurnReached(final int currentTurn) {
IRPZone zone;
Rectangle2D area;
zone = getZone();
area = getArea();
* Perform action on entities still in the area. Remove those that have
* gone missing.
final Iterator<RPEntity.ID> iter = targets.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final RPEntity.ID id = iter.next();
if (zone.has(id)) {
final RPEntity entity = (RPEntity) zone.get(id);
if (area.intersects(entity.getArea())) {
if (!handleInterval(entity)) {
} else {
} else {
if (!targets.isEmpty()) {
SingletonRepository.getTurnNotifier().notifyInTurns(interval, this);