/* $Id: SourceObject.java,v 1.67 2011/04/18 05:42:55 nhnb Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.server.actions.equip;
import games.stendhal.common.EquipActionConsts;
import games.stendhal.common.MathHelper;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.ItemLogger;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.core.events.EquipListener;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.Entity;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Corpse;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Stackable;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.item.StackableItem;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.player.Player;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.slot.EntitySlot;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import marauroa.common.game.RPAction;
import marauroa.common.game.RPObject;
import marauroa.common.game.RPSlot;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* this encapsulates the equip/drop source.
class SourceObject extends MoveableObject {
private static InvalidSource invalidSource = new InvalidSource();
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SourceObject.class);
/** the item . */
private Item item;
private int quantity;
private boolean isLootingRewardable = false;
public static SourceObject createSourceObject(final RPAction action, final Player player) {
if ((action == null) || (player == null)) {
return invalidSource;
// source item must be there
if (!action.has(EquipActionConsts.SOURCE_PATH) && !action.has(EquipActionConsts.BASE_ITEM)) {
logger.warn("action does not have a base item. action: " + action);
return invalidSource;
if (player.getZone() == null) {
return invalidSource;
SourceObject source;
/* TODO: disabled because of
* if (action.has(EquipActionConsts.SOURCE_PATH)) {
source = createSource(action, player);
// Otherwise use compatibility mode
} else*/
if (action.has(EquipActionConsts.BASE_OBJECT)) {
source = createSourceForContainedItem(action, player);
} else {
source = createSourceForNonContainedItem(action, player);
if ((source.getEntity() != null) && source.getEntity().hasSlot("content") && source.getEntity().getSlot("content").size() > 0) {
player.sendPrivateText("Please empty your " + source.getEntityName() + " before moving it around");
return invalidSource;
adjustAmountForStackables(action, source);
return source;
private static SourceObject createSourceForContainedItem(final RPAction action, final Player player) {
SourceObject source;
final Entity parent = EquipUtil.getEntityFromId(player, action.getInt(EquipActionConsts.BASE_OBJECT));
if (!isValidParent(parent, player)) {
return invalidSource;
final String slotName = action.get(EquipActionConsts.BASE_SLOT);
if (!parent.hasSlot(slotName)) {
player.sendPrivateText("Source " + slotName + " does not exist");
logger.error(player.getName() + " tried to use non existing slot " + slotName + " of " + parent
+ " as source. player zone: " + player.getZone() + " object zone: " + parent.getZone());
return invalidSource;
final RPSlot baseSlot = ((EntitySlot) parent.getSlot(slotName)).getWriteableSlot();
if (!isValidBaseSlot(player, baseSlot)) {
return invalidSource;
final RPObject.ID baseItemId = new RPObject.ID(action.getInt(EquipActionConsts.BASE_ITEM), "");
if (!baseSlot.has(baseItemId)) {
logger.debug("Base item(" + parent + ") doesn't contain item(" + baseItemId + ") on given slot(" + slotName
+ ")");
// Remove message as discussed on #arianne 2010-04-25
// player.sendPrivateText("There is no such item in the " + slotName + " of "
// + parent.getDescriptionName(true));
return invalidSource;
final Entity entity = (Entity) baseSlot.get(baseItemId);
if (!(entity instanceof Item)) {
player.sendPrivateText("Oh, that " + entity.getDescriptionName(true)
+ " is not an item and therefore cannot be equipped");
return invalidSource;
if (parent instanceof Corpse) {
Corpse corpse = (Corpse) parent;
if (!corpse.mayUse(player)) {
logger.debug(player.getName() + " tried to access eCorpse owned by " + corpse.getCorpseOwner());
player.sendPrivateText("Only " + corpse.getCorpseOwner() + " may access the corpse for now.");
return invalidSource;
source = new SourceObject(player, parent, slotName, (Item) entity);
// handle logging of looting items
if (parent instanceof Corpse) {
Corpse corpse = (Corpse) parent;
checkIfLootingIsRewardable(player, corpse, source, (Item) entity);
return source;
* Create a SourceObject for an item path.
* @param action
* @param player
* @return source object
private static SourceObject createSource(RPAction action, final Player player) {
List<String> path = action.getList(EquipActionConsts.SOURCE_PATH);
Iterator<String> it = path.iterator();
// The ultimate parent object
Entity parent = EquipUtil.getEntityFromId(player, MathHelper.parseInt(it.next()));
if (parent == null) {
return invalidSource;
// Walk the slot path
Entity entity = parent;
String slotName = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
slotName = it.next();
if (!entity.hasSlot(slotName)) {
player.sendPrivateText("Source " + slotName + " does not exist");
logger.error(player.getName() + " tried to use non existing slot " + slotName + " of " + entity
+ " as source. player zone: " + player.getZone() + " object zone: " + parent.getZone());
final RPSlot slot = ((EntitySlot) entity.getSlot(slotName)).getWriteableSlot();
if (!isValidBaseSlot(player, slot)) {
return invalidSource;
if (!it.hasNext()) {
logger.error("Missing item id");
return invalidSource;
final RPObject.ID itemId = new RPObject.ID(MathHelper.parseInt(it.next()), "");
if (!slot.has(itemId)) {
logger.debug("Base item(" + entity + ") doesn't contain item(" + itemId + ") on given slot(" + slotName
+ ")");
return invalidSource;
entity = (Entity) slot.get(itemId);
if (!(entity instanceof Item)) {
player.sendPrivateText("Oh, that " + entity.getDescriptionName(true)
+ " is not an item and therefore cannot be equipped");
return invalidSource;
// wipe parent, if the item is not contained
if (parent == entity) {
parent = null;
SourceObject source = new SourceObject(player, parent, slotName, (Item) entity);
// handle logging of looting items
if (parent instanceof Corpse) {
Corpse corpse = (Corpse) parent;
checkIfLootingIsRewardable(player, corpse, source, (Item) entity);
return source;
private static boolean isValidBaseSlot(final Player player, final RPSlot baseSlot) {
if (! (baseSlot instanceof EntitySlot)) {
return false;
EntitySlot slot = (EntitySlot) baseSlot;
boolean res = slot.isReachableForTakingThingsOutOfBy(player);
if (!res) {
logger.debug("Unreachable slot");
return res;
private static SourceObject createSourceForNonContainedItem(final RPAction action, final Player player) {
final SourceObject source = new SourceObject(player);
final RPObject.ID baseItemId = new RPObject.ID(action.getInt(EquipActionConsts.BASE_ITEM), player.getID().getZoneID());
source.item = source.getNonContainedItem(baseItemId);
if (source.item == null) {
return invalidSource;
return source;
private static void adjustAmountForStackables(final RPAction action, final SourceObject source) {
if ((source.item instanceof Stackable< ? >) && action.has(EquipActionConsts.QUANTITY)) {
final int entityQuantity = ((Stackable< ? >) source.item).getQuantity();
source.quantity = action.getInt(EquipActionConsts.QUANTITY);
if ((entityQuantity < 1) || (source.quantity < 1) || (source.quantity >= entityQuantity)) {
// quantity == 0 performs a regular move
// of the entire item
source.quantity = 0;
* Represents the source of a movement of a contained Item as in Drop or Equip.
* @param player
* who want to do action
* @param parent
* who contains it right now
* @param slotName
* where to get it from
* @param entity
* the item to move
private SourceObject(final Player player, final Entity parent, final String slotName, final Item entity) {
this.parent = parent;
this.slot = slotName;
this.item = entity;
private static boolean isValidParent(final Entity parent, final Player player) {
if (parent == null) {
// Object doesn't exist.
return false;
// TODO: Check that this code is not required because this check is
// done in PlayerSlot
// is the container a player and not the current one?
if ((parent instanceof Player) && !parent.getID().equals(player.getID())) {
// trying to remove an item from another player
return false;
return true;
private Item getNonContainedItem(final RPObject.ID baseItemId) {
Entity entity = null;
if (SingletonRepository.getRPWorld().has(baseItemId)) {
entity = (Entity) SingletonRepository.getRPWorld().get(baseItemId);
if ((entity instanceof Item)) {
if (isItemBelowOtherPlayer((Item) entity)) {
entity = null;
} else {
entity = null;
return (Item) entity;
public SourceObject(final Player player) {
* moves this entity to the destination.
* @param dest
* to move to
* @param player
* who moves the Source
* @return true if successful
public boolean moveTo(final DestinationObject dest, final Player player) {
if (!((EquipListener) item).canBeEquippedIn(dest.getContentSlotName())) {
// give some feedback
player.sendPrivateText("You can't carry this " + item.getTitle() + " on your " + dest.getContentSlotName());
logger.warn("tried to equip an entity into disallowed slot: " + item.getClass() + "; equip rejected");
return false;
if (!dest.isValid() || !dest.preCheck(item, player)) {
// no extra logger warning needed here as each is inside the methods called above, where necessary
return false;
final String[] srcInfo = getLogInfo();
final Item entity = removeFromWorld();
logger.debug("item removed");
dest.addToWorld(entity, player);
logger.debug("item readded");
new ItemLogger().equipAction(player, entity, srcInfo, dest.getLogInfo());
return true;
/** returns true when this SourceObject is valid. */
public boolean isValid() {
return (item != null);
* returns true when this entity and the other is within the given distance.
public boolean checkDistance(final Entity other, final double distance) {
final Entity checker;
if (parent != null) {
checker = parent;
} else {
checker = item;
if (other.nextTo(checker, distance)) {
return true;
logger.debug("distance check failed " + other.squaredDistance(checker));
player.sendPrivateText("You cannot reach that far.");
return false;
* removes the entity from the world and returns it (so it may be added
* again). In case of splitted StackableItem the only item is reduced and a
* new StackableItem with the splitted off amount is returned.
* @return Entity to place somewhere else in the world
public Item removeFromWorld() {
if (quantity != 0) {
final StackableItem newItem = ((StackableItem) item).splitOff(quantity);
new ItemLogger().splitOff(player, item, newItem, quantity);
return newItem;
} else {
return item;
* Gets the entity that should be equipped.
* @return entity
public Entity getEntity() {
return item;
* @return the amount of objects.
public int getQuantity() {
int temp = quantity;
if (quantity == 0) {
// everything
temp = 1;
if (item instanceof StackableItem) {
temp = ((StackableItem) item).getQuantity();
return temp;
* Sets the quantity.
* @param amount
public void setQuantity(final int amount) {
quantity = amount;
* Checks whether the item is below <b>another</b> player.
* @param sourceItem
* to check
* @return true, if it cannot be taken; false otherwise
private boolean isItemBelowOtherPlayer(final Item sourceItem) {
final List<Player> players = player.getZone().getPlayers();
for (final Player otherPlayer : players) {
if (player.equals(otherPlayer)) {
if (otherPlayer.getArea().intersects(sourceItem.getArea())) {
player.sendPrivateText("You cannot take items which are below other players");
return true;
return false;
* Checks if looting the item is rewardable as looted item
* @return true iff the player deserves it
public boolean isLootingRewardable() {
return isLootingRewardable;
* Determines if looting should be logged for the player
* @param player
* @param corpse
* @param source
* @param item
private static void checkIfLootingIsRewardable(Player player, Corpse corpse, SourceObject source, Item item) {
if (item.isFromCorpse()) {
if (corpse.isItemLootingRewardable()) {
source.isLootingRewardable = true;
} else {
if (player.getName().equals(corpse.getKiller())) {
source.isLootingRewardable = true;
public String[] getLogInfo() {
final String[] res = new String[3];
if (parent != null) {
res[0] = "slot";
if (parent.has("name")) {
res[1] = parent.get("name");
} else {
res[1] = parent.getDescriptionName(false);
res[2] = slot;
} else {
res[0] = "ground";
res[1] = item.getZone().getName();
res[2] = item.getX() + " " + item.getY();
return res;
String getEntityName() {
Entity entity1 = getEntity();
final String itemName;
if (entity1.has("name")) {
itemName = entity1.get("name");
} else if (entity1 instanceof Item) {
itemName = "item";
} else {
itemName = "entity";
return itemName;
private static class InvalidSource extends SourceObject {
* Constructor.
public InvalidSource() {
* @return false
public boolean isValid() {
return false;