/* $Id: SupportAnswerAction.java,v 1.34 2011/04/02 15:44:19 kymara Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.server.actions.admin;
import static games.stendhal.common.constants.Actions.SUPPORTANSWER;
import static games.stendhal.common.constants.Actions.TARGET;
import static games.stendhal.common.constants.Actions.TEXT;
import games.stendhal.common.NotificationType;
import games.stendhal.common.grammar.Grammar;
import games.stendhal.common.messages.SupportMessageTemplatesFactory;
import games.stendhal.server.actions.CommandCenter;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.GameEvent;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.dbcommand.StoreMessageCommand;
import games.stendhal.server.core.events.TurnListener;
import games.stendhal.server.core.events.TurnListenerDecorator;
import games.stendhal.server.core.events.TurnNotifier;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.player.Player;
import java.util.Map;
import marauroa.common.game.RPAction;
import marauroa.server.db.command.DBCommand;
import marauroa.server.db.command.DBCommandQueue;
import marauroa.server.db.command.ResultHandle;
public class SupportAnswerAction extends AdministrationAction implements TurnListener {
private static final Map<String, String> messageTemplates = new SupportMessageTemplatesFactory().getTemplates();
private ResultHandle handle = new ResultHandle();
public static void register() {
CommandCenter.register(SUPPORTANSWER, new SupportAnswerAction(), 50);
public void perform(final Player player, final RPAction action) {
if (!player.getChatBucket().checkAndAdd()) {
if (action.has(TARGET) && action.has(TEXT)) {
String reply = action.get(TEXT);
// test for use of standard response shortcut, and replace the reply message if so
// if you alter these please update client/actions/GMHelpAction (or put the string replies in a common file if you like)
final Player supported = SingletonRepository.getRuleProcessor().getPlayer(action.get(TARGET));
if (reply.startsWith("$")) {
if (messageTemplates.containsKey(reply)) {
reply = messageTemplates.get(reply);
reply = String.format(reply, action.get(TARGET));
} else {
player.sendPrivateText(reply + " is not a recognised shortcut. Please check #/gmhelp #support for a list.");
// send no support answer message if the shortcut wasn't understood
final String message = player.getTitle() + " answers " + Grammar.suffix_s(action.get(TARGET))
+ " support question: " + reply;
new GameEvent(player.getName(), SUPPORTANSWER, action.get(TARGET), reply).raise();
if (supported != null) {
supported.sendPrivateText(NotificationType.SUPPORT, "Support (" + player.getTitle() + ") tells you: " + reply + " \nIf you wish to reply, use /support.");
} else {
// that player is not logged in. Do they exist at all or are they just offline? Try sending a message with postman.
DBCommand command = new StoreMessageCommand(player.getName(), action.get(TARGET), "In answer to your support question:\n" + reply + " \nIf you wish to reply, use /support.", "S");
DBCommandQueue.get().enqueueAndAwaitResult(command, handle);
TurnNotifier.get().notifyInTurns(0, new TurnListenerDecorator(this));
* Completes handling the supportanswer action.
* @param currentTurn ignored
public void onTurnReached(int currentTurn) {
StoreMessageCommand checkcommand = DBCommandQueue.get().getOneResult(StoreMessageCommand.class, handle);
if (checkcommand == null) {
TurnNotifier.get().notifyInTurns(0, new TurnListenerDecorator(this));
boolean characterExists = checkcommand.targetCharacterExists();
String adminName = checkcommand.getSource();
String target = checkcommand.getTarget();
String supportmessage = checkcommand.getMessage();
final Player admin = SingletonRepository.getRuleProcessor().getPlayer(adminName);
if(!characterExists) {
if (admin != null) {
// incase admin logged out while waiting we want to avoid NPE
admin.sendPrivateText(NotificationType.ERROR, "Sorry, " + target + " could not be found.");
final String message = adminName + " answers " + Grammar.suffix_s(target)
+ " support question using postman: " + supportmessage;