/* $Id: SummonAction.java,v 1.28 2011/05/01 22:02:54 martinfuchs Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.server.actions.admin;
import static games.stendhal.common.constants.Actions.CREATURE;
import static games.stendhal.common.constants.Actions.SUMMON;
import static games.stendhal.common.constants.Actions.X;
import static games.stendhal.common.constants.Actions.Y;
import games.stendhal.common.grammar.Grammar;
import games.stendhal.server.actions.CommandCenter;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.GameEvent;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.StendhalRPZone;
import games.stendhal.server.core.rp.StendhalRPAction;
import games.stendhal.server.core.rule.EntityManager;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.Entity;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.BabyDragon;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Cat;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Creature;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.RaidCreature;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.creature.Sheep;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.mapstuff.portal.Gate;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.player.Player;
import marauroa.common.game.RPAction;
public class SummonAction extends AdministrationAction {
private static final String USAGE = "Usage: /summon <whatToSummon> [<x> <y>]";
public static void register() {
CommandCenter.register(SUMMON, new SummonAction(), 800);
* Inline class to create entities of all creature types including pets.
abstract static class EntityFactory {
final Player player;
final EntityManager manager = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager();
protected boolean searching = true;
public EntityFactory(final Player player) {
this.player = player;
boolean isSearching() {
return searching;
abstract void found(String type, Entity entity);
abstract void error(String message);
* Create the named entity (creature, pet or sheep) of type 'type'.
* @param type
private void createEntity(final String type) {
final Entity entity = manager.getEntity(type);
if (entity != null) {
found(type, entity);
} else if ("cat".equals(type)) {
if (player.hasPet()) {
error("You already own a pet!");
} else {
final Cat cat = new Cat(player);
found(type, cat);
} else if ("baby dragon".equals(type)) {
if (player.hasPet()) {
error("You already own a pet!");
} else {
final BabyDragon dragon = new BabyDragon(player);
found(type, dragon);
} else if ("sheep".equals(type)) {
if (player.hasSheep()) {
error("You already own a sheep!");
} else {
final Sheep sheep = new Sheep(player);
found(type, sheep);
public void perform(final Player player, final RPAction action) {
if ("gate".equals(action.get(CREATURE))) {
final Gate gate = new Gate();
gate.setPosition(action.getInt(X), action.getInt(Y));
try {
if (action.has(CREATURE) && action.has(X) && action.has(Y)) {
final StendhalRPZone zone = player.getZone();
final int x = action.getInt(X);
final int y = action.getInt(Y);
if (!zone.collides(player, x, y)) {
final EntityFactory factory = new EntityFactory(player) {
void found(final String type, final Entity entity) {
final Entity entityToBePlaced;
if (manager.isCreature(type)) {
entityToBePlaced = new RaidCreature((Creature) entity);
if (((Creature) entity).isRare() && System.getProperty("stendhal.testserver") == null) {
// Rare creatures should not be summoned even in raids
// Require parameter -Dstendhal.testserver=junk
error("Rare creatures may not be summoned.");
} else {
entityToBePlaced = entity;
StendhalRPAction.placeat(zone, entityToBePlaced, x, y);
new GameEvent(player.getName(), SUMMON, type).raise();
// We found what we are searching for.
searching = false;
void error(final String message) {
// Stop searching because of an error.
searching = false;
final String typeName = action.get(CREATURE);
String type = typeName;
if (factory.isSearching()) {
// see it the name was in plural
type = Grammar.singular(typeName);
if (factory.isSearching()) {
// see it the name was in singular but the registered type is in plural
type = Grammar.plural(typeName);
// Did we still not find any matching class?
if (factory.isSearching()) {
logger.info("onSummon: Entity \"" + typeName + "\" not found.");
factory.error("onSummon: Entity \"" + typeName + "\" not found.");
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {