/* $Id: GMHelpAction.java,v 1.38 2011/01/02 10:30:06 kymara Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2010 - Stendhal *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package games.stendhal.client.actions;
import games.stendhal.client.ClientSingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.client.gui.chatlog.HeaderLessEventLine;
import games.stendhal.common.NotificationType;
import games.stendhal.common.messages.SupportMessageTemplatesFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Display command usage. Eventually replace this with ChatCommand.usage().
class GMHelpAction implements SlashAction {
* Execute a chat command.
* @param params
* The formal parameters.
* @param remainder
* Line content after parameters.
* @return <code>true</code> if was handled.
public boolean execute(final String[] params, final String remainder) {
List<String> lines;
if (params[0] == null) {
lines = Arrays.asList(
"For a detailed reference, visit #http://stendhalgame.org/wiki/Stendhal:Administration",
"Here are the most-used GM commands:",
"- /gmhelp [alter|script|support] \t for more info about alter, script or the supportanswer shortcuts",
"- /supportanswer <player> <message> \t Replies to a support question. Replace <message> with $faq, $faqsocial, $ignore, $faqpvp, $wiki, $knownbug, $bugstracker, $rules, $notsupport or $spam shortcuts if desired.",
"- /adminnote <player> <note> \t\tLogs a note about this player",
"- /adminlevel <player> [<newlevel>] \t\tDisplay or set the adminlevel of the specified <player>",
"- /tellall <message> \t\tSend a private message to all logged-in players",
"- /jail <player> <minutes> <reason>\t\tImprisons the player for a given length of time",
"- /jailreport [<player>]\t\tList the jailed players and their sentences",
"- /gag <player> <minutes> <reason>\t\tGags the player for a given length of time (player is unable to send messages to anyone)",
"- /ban <character> <hours> <reason>\t\tBans the account of the character from logging onto the game server or website for the specified anmount of hours (-1 till end of time).",
"- /script <scriptname> \t\tLoad (or reload) a script on the server. See /gmhelp script for details",
"- /teleport <player> <zone> <x> <y> \tTeleport the specified <player> to the given location",
"- /teleportto <player> \t\tTeleport yourself near the specified player",
"- /teleclickmode \t\t\t Makes you teleport to the location you double click",
"- /ghostmode \t\t\t Makes yourself invisible and intangible",
"- /alter <player> <attrib> <mode> <value> \tAlter stat <attrib> of <player> by the given amount; <mode> can be ADD, SUB, SET or UNSET. See /gmhelp alter for details",
"- /altercreature <id> name;atk;def;hp;xp \tChange values of the creature. Use - as a placeholder to keep default value. Useful in raids",
"- /alterquest <player> <questslot> <value> \tUpdate the <questslot> for <player> to be <value>",
"- /summon <creature|item> [x] [y]\tSummon the specified item or creature at co-ordinates <x>, <y> in the current zone",
"- /summonat <player> <slot> [amount] <item> Summon the specified item into the specified slot of <player>; <amount> defaults to 1 if not specified",
"- /invisible \t\t\tToggles whether or not you are invisible to creatures",
"- /inspect <player> \t\t\tShow complete details of <player>",
"- /destroy <entity> \t\t\tDestroy an entity completely");
} else if ((params.length == 1) && (params[0] != null)) {
if ("alter".equals(params[0])) {
lines = Arrays.asList(
"/alter <player> <attrib> <mode> <value> \tAlter stat <attrib> of <player> by the given amount; <mode> can be ADD, SUB, SET or UNSET",
"Examples of <attrib>: atk, def, base_hp, hp, atk_xp, def_xp, xp, outfit",
"When modifying 'outfit', you should use SET mode and provide an 8-digit number; the first 2 digits are the 'hair' setting, then 'head', 'outfit', then 'body'",
"For example: #'/alter testplayer outfit set 12109901'",
"This will make <testplayer> look like danter" );
} else if ("script".equals(params[0])) {
lines = Arrays.asList(
"usage: /script [-list|-load|-unload|-execute] [params]",
"-list : shows available scripts. In this mode can be given one optional parameter for filenames filtering, with using well-known wildcards for filenames ('*' and '?', for example \"*.class\" for java-only scripts).",
"-load : load script with first parameter's filename.",
"-unload : unload script with first parameter's filename from server",
"-execute : run choosed script.",
"All scripts are ran using: /script scriptname [params]. After running a script you can remove any traces of it with /script -unload scriptname, this would remove any summoned creatures, for example. It's good practise to do this after summoning creatures for a raid using scripts.",
"#/script #AdminMaker.class : For test servers only, summons an adminmaker to aid testing.",
"#/script #AdminSign.class #zone #x #y #text : Makes an AdminSign in zone at (x,y) with text. To put it next to you do /script AdminSign.class - - - text.",
"#/script #AlterQuest.class #player #questname #state : Update the quest for a player to be in a certain state. Omit #state to remove the quest.",
"#/script #DeepInspect.class #player : Deep inspects a player and all his/her items.",
"#/script #DropPlayerItems.class #player #[amount] #item : Drop the specified amount of items from the player if they are equipped in the bag or body.",
"#/script #EntitySearch.class #nonrespawn : Shows the locations of all creatures that don't respawn, for example creatures that were summoned by a GM, deathmatch creatures, etc.",
"#/script #FixDM.class #player : sets a player's DeathMatch slot to victory status.",
"#/script #ListNPCs.class : lists all npcs and their position.",
"#/script #LogoutPlayer.class #player : kicks a player from the game.",
"#/script #NPCShout.class #npc #text : NPC shouts text.",
"#/script #NPCShoutZone.class #npc #zone #text : NPC shouts text to players in given zone. Use - in place of zone to make it your current zone.",
"#/script #Plague.class #1 #creature : summon a plague of raid creatures around you.",
"#/script #WhereWho.class : Lists where all the online players are",
"#/script #Maria.class : Summons Maria, who sells food&drinks. Don't forget to -unload her after you're done.",
"#/script #ServerReset.class : use only in a real emergency to shut down server. If possible please warn the players to logout and give them some time. It kills the server the hard way.",
"#/script #ResetSlot.class #player #slot : Resets the named slot such as !kills or !quests. Useful for debugging."
} else if ("support".equals(params[0])) {
lines = buildHelpSupportResponse();
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
for (final String line : lines) {
ClientSingletonRepository.getUserInterface().addEventLine(new HeaderLessEventLine(line, NotificationType.CLIENT));
return true;
private List<String> buildHelpSupportResponse() {
List<String> lines = new LinkedList<String>();
Map<String, String> templates = new SupportMessageTemplatesFactory().getTemplates();
for (Entry<String, String> template : templates.entrySet()) {
lines.add(template.getKey() + " - " + template.getValue());
return lines;
* Get the maximum number of formal parameters.
* @return The parameter count.
public int getMaximumParameters() {
return 1;
* Get the minimum number of formal parameters.
* @return The parameter count.
public int getMinimumParameters() {
return 0;