Package jexifviewer

Source Code of jexifviewer.PngEncoderB

package jexifviewer;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import shared.cvshelper.Cvs;

* PngEncoderB takes a Java BufferedImage object and creates a byte string which can be saved as a PNG file.
* The encoder will accept BufferedImages with eight-bit samples
* or 4-byte ARGB samples.
* <p>There is also code to handle 4-byte samples returned as
* one int per pixel, but that has not been tested.</p>
* <p>Thanks to Jay Denny at KeyPoint Software
*    <code></code>
* who let me develop this code on company time.</p>
* <p>You may contact me with (probably very-much-needed) improvements,
* comments, and bug fixes at:</p>
*   <p><code></code></p>
* <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<p>
* <p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
* <p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
* A copy of the GNU LGPL may be found at
* <code></code></p>
* @author J. David Eisenberg
* @version 1.5, 19 Oct 2003
* --------
* 19-Sep-2003 : Fix for platforms using EBCDIC (contributed by Paulo Soares);
* 19-Oct-2003 : Change private fields to protected fields so that
*               PngEncoderB can inherit them (JDE)
*         Fixed bug with calculation of nRows
*         Added modifications for unsigned short images
*          (contributed by Christian at

    header = "$Header: /home/reiner/cvs/Java/JExifViewer/src/jexifviewer/,v 1.3 2010/04/02 12:12:13 reiner Exp $"
public class PngEncoderB extends PngEncoder

  /** PLTE tag. */
  private static final byte PLTE[] = { 80, 76, 84, 69 };

    protected BufferedImage image;
    protected WritableRaster wRaster;
    protected int tType;

     * Class constructor
    public PngEncoderB()
        this( null, false, FILTER_NONE, 0 );

     * Class constructor specifying BufferedImage to encode, with no alpha channel encoding.
     * @param image A Java BufferedImage object
    public PngEncoderB( BufferedImage image )
        this(image, false, FILTER_NONE, 0);

     * Class constructor specifying BufferedImage to encode, and whether to encode alpha.
     * @param image A Java BufferedImage object
     * @param encodeAlpha Encode the alpha channel? false=no; true=yes
    public PngEncoderB( BufferedImage image, boolean encodeAlpha )
        this( image, encodeAlpha, FILTER_NONE, 0 );

     * Class constructor specifying BufferedImage to encode, whether to encode alpha, and filter to use.
     * @param image A Java BufferedImage object
     * @param encodeAlpha Encode the alpha channel? false=no; true=yes
     * @param whichFilter 0=none, 1=sub, 2=up
    public PngEncoderB( BufferedImage image, boolean encodeAlpha,
       int whichFilter )
        this( image, encodeAlpha, whichFilter, 0 );

     * Class constructor specifying BufferedImage source to encode, whether to encode alpha, filter to use, and compression level
     * @param image A Java BufferedImage object
     * @param encodeAlpha Encode the alpha channel? false=no; true=yes
     * @param whichFilter 0=none, 1=sub, 2=up
     * @param compLevel 0..9
    public PngEncoderB( BufferedImage image, boolean encodeAlpha,
      int whichFilter, int compLevel )
        this.image = image;
        this.encodeAlpha = encodeAlpha;
        setFilter( whichFilter );
        if (compLevel >=0 && compLevel <=9)
            this.compressionLevel = compLevel;

     * Set the BufferedImage to be encoded
     * @param BufferedImage A Java BufferedImage object
    public void setImage( BufferedImage image )
        this.image = image;
        pngBytes = null;

     * Creates an array of bytes that is the PNG equivalent of the current image, specifying whether to encode alpha or not.
     * @param encodeAlpha boolean false=no alpha, true=encode alpha
     * @return an array of bytes, or null if there was a problem
    public byte[] pngEncode( boolean encodeAlpha )
        byte[]  pngIdBytes = { -119, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10 };
        int     i;

        if (image == null)
            System.err.println("pngEncode: image is null; returning null");
      return null;
        width = image.getWidth( null );
        height = image.getHeight( null );
        this.image = image;

        if (!establishStorageInfo())
      System.err.println("pngEncode: cannot establish storage info");
            return null;
         * start with an array that is big enough to hold all the pixels
         * (plus filter bytes), and an extra 200 bytes for header info
        pngBytes = new byte[((width+1) * height * 3) + 200];

         * keep track of largest byte written to the array
        maxPos = 0;

        bytePos = writeBytes( pngIdBytes, 0 );
//       hdrPos = bytePos;
//        dataPos = bytePos;
        if (writeImageData())
            pngBytes = resizeByteArray( pngBytes, maxPos );
      System.err.println("pngEncode: writeImageData failed => null");
            pngBytes = null;
        return pngBytes;

     * Creates an array of bytes that is the PNG equivalent of the current image.
     * Alpha encoding is determined by its setting in the constructor.
     * @return an array of bytes, or null if there was a problem
    public byte[] pngEncode()
        return pngEncode( encodeAlpha );

     * Get and set variables that determine how picture is stored.
     * Retrieves the writable raster of the buffered image,
     * as well its transfer type.
     * Sets number of output bytes per pixel, and, if only
     * eight-bit bytes, turns off alpha encoding.
     * @return true if 1-byte or 4-byte data, false otherwise
    protected boolean establishStorageInfo()
        int dataBytes;
        wRaster = image.getRaster();
        dataBytes = wRaster.getNumDataElements();
        tType = wRaster.getTransferType();

    if (((tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE  ) && (dataBytes == 4)) ||
      ((tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT   ) && (dataBytes == 1)) ||
           // on Win 2k/ME, tType == 1, dataBytes == 1
      ((tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT) && (dataBytes == 1)) )
            bytesPerPixel = (encodeAlpha) ? 4 : 3;
        else if ((tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) && (dataBytes == 1))
            bytesPerPixel = 1;
            encodeAlpha = false;    // one-byte samples
      System.err.println("PNG encoder cannot establish storage info:");
      System.err.println("  TransferType == " + tType );
      System.err.println("  NumDataElements == " + dataBytes);
      return false;
        return true;

     * Write a PNG "IHDR" chunk into the pngBytes array.
    protected void writeHeader()
        int startPos;

        startPos = bytePos = writeInt4( 13, bytePos );
        bytePos = writeBytes( IHDR, bytePos );
        width = image.getWidth( null );
        height = image.getHeight( null );
        bytePos = writeInt4( width, bytePos );
        bytePos = writeInt4( height, bytePos );
        bytePos = writeByte( 8, bytePos ); // bit depth
        if (bytesPerPixel != 1)
            bytePos = writeByte( (encodeAlpha) ? 6 : 2, bytePos ); // direct model
            bytePos = writeByte( 3, bytePos ); // indexed
        bytePos = writeByte( 0, bytePos ); // compression method
        bytePos = writeByte( 0, bytePos ); // filter method
        bytePos = writeByte( 0, bytePos ); // no interlace
        crc.update( pngBytes, startPos, bytePos-startPos );
        crcValue = crc.getValue();
        bytePos = writeInt4( (int) crcValue, bytePos );

    protected void writePalette( IndexColorModel icm )
        byte[] redPal = new byte[256];
        byte[] greenPal = new byte[256];
        byte[] bluePal = new byte[256];
        byte[] allPal = new byte[768];
        int i;

        icm.getReds( redPal );
        icm.getGreens( greenPal );
        icm.getBlues( bluePal );
        for (i=0; i<256; i++)
            allPal[i*] = redPal[i];
            allPal[i*3+1] = greenPal[i];
            allPal[i*3+2] = bluePal[i];
        bytePos = writeInt4( 768, bytePos );
        bytePos = writeBytes( PLTE, bytePos );
        crc.update( PLTE );
        bytePos = writeBytes( allPal, bytePos );
        crc.update( allPal );
        crcValue = crc.getValue();
        bytePos = writeInt4( (int) crcValue, bytePos );

     * Write the image data into the pngBytes array.
     * This will write one or more PNG "IDAT" chunks. In order
     * to conserve memory, this method grabs as many rows as will
     * fit into 32K bytes, or the whole image; whichever is less.
     * @return true if no errors; false if error grabbing pixels
    protected boolean writeImageData()
        int rowsLeft = height;  // number of rows remaining to write
        int startRow = 0;       // starting row to process this time through
        int nRows;              // how many rows to grab at a time

        byte[] scanLines;       // the scan lines to be compressed
        int scanPos;            // where we are in the scan lines
        int startPos;           // where this line's actual pixels start (used for filtering)
        int readPos;            // position from which source pixels are read

        byte[] compressedLines; // the resultant compressed lines
        int nCompressed;        // how big is the compressed area?

        byte[] pixels;          // storage area for byte-sized pixels
        int[] iPixels;          // storage area for int-sized pixels
    short[] sPixels;    // for Win 2000/ME ushort pixels
    final int type = image.getType();
    // TYPE_INT_RGB        = 1
    // TYPE_INT_ARGB       = 2
    // TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE   = 3
    // TYPE_INT_BGR        = 4
    // TYPE_3BYTE_BGR      = 5
    // TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR     = 6
    // TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE = 7
    // TYPE_BYTE_GRAY      = 10
    // TYPE_BYTE_BINARY    = 12
    // TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED   = 13
    // TYPE_USHORT_GRAY    = 11
    // TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB = 8
    // TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB = 9
    // TYPE_CUSTOM         = 0.

        Deflater scrunch = new Deflater( compressionLevel );
        ByteArrayOutputStream outBytes =
            new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
        DeflaterOutputStream compBytes =
            new DeflaterOutputStream( outBytes, scrunch );

        if (bytesPerPixel == 1)
            writePalette( (IndexColorModel) image.getColorModel() );

            while (rowsLeft > 0)
                nRows = Math.min( 32767 / (width*(bytesPerPixel+1)), rowsLeft );
                nRows = Math.max( nRows, 1 );

                 * Create a data chunk. scanLines adds "nRows" for
                 * the filter bytes.
                scanLines = new byte[width * nRows * bytesPerPixel +  nRows];

                if (filter == FILTER_SUB)
                    leftBytes = new byte[16];
                if (filter == FILTER_UP)
                    priorRow = new byte[width*bytesPerPixel];

        final Object data =
          wRaster.getDataElements( 0, startRow, width, nRows, null );

                pixels = null;
        iPixels = null;
        sPixels = null;
        if (tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE)
                    pixels = (byte[]) data;
                else if (tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_INT)
                    iPixels = (int[]) data;
        else if (tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT)
          sPixels = (short[]) data;

                scanPos = 0;
                readPos = 0;
                startPos = 1;
                for (int i=0; i<width*nRows; i++)
                    if (i % width == 0)
                        scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) filter;
                        startPos = scanPos;

                    if (bytesPerPixel == 1// assume TYPE_BYTE, indexed
                        scanLines[scanPos++] = pixels[readPos++];
                    else if (tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE)
                        scanLines[scanPos++] = pixels[readPos++];
                        scanLines[scanPos++] = pixels[readPos++];
                        scanLines[scanPos++] = pixels[readPos++];
                        if (encodeAlpha)
                            scanLines[scanPos++] = pixels[readPos++];
          else if (tType == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT)
            short pxl = sPixels[readPos++];
            if (type == BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB) {
              scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl >> 8) & 0xf8);
              scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl >> 2) & 0xfc);
            } else {                // assume USHORT_555_RGB
              scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl >> 7) & 0xf8);
              scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl >> 2) & 0xf8);
            scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl << 3) & 0xf8);
          else      // assume tType INT and type RGB or ARGB
            int pxl = iPixels[readPos++];
            scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl >> 16) & 0xff);
            scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl >>  8) & 0xff);
            scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl      ) & 0xff);
            if (encodeAlpha) {
              scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) ((pxl >> 24) & 0xff);

                    if ((i % width == width-1) && (filter != FILTER_NONE))
                        if (filter == FILTER_SUB)
                            filterSub( scanLines, startPos, width );
                        if (filter == FILTER_UP)
                            filterUp( scanLines, startPos, width );

                 * Write these lines to the output area
                compBytes.write( scanLines, 0, scanPos );

                startRow += nRows;
                rowsLeft -= nRows;

             * Write the compressed bytes
            compressedLines = outBytes.toByteArray();
            nCompressed = compressedLines.length;

            bytePos = writeInt4( nCompressed, bytePos );
            bytePos = writeBytes( IDAT, bytePos );
            crc.update( IDAT );
            bytePos = writeBytes( compressedLines, nCompressed, bytePos );
            crc.update( compressedLines, 0, nCompressed );

            crcValue = crc.getValue();
            bytePos = writeInt4( (int) crcValue, bytePos );
            return true;
        catch (IOException e)
            System.err.println( e.toString());
            return false;


Related Classes of jexifviewer.PngEncoderB

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