* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaTypeLoader;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wsdl.UrlWsdlLoader;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.xsd.SchemaUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.TestCaseWithJetty;
public class SchemaUtilsTestCase extends TestCaseWithJetty
public void testFileImport() throws Exception
File file = new File( "src\\test-resources\\test1\\TestService.wsdl" );
validate( file.toURL().toString(), 3 );
public void testHttpImport() throws Exception
validate( "http://localhost:8082/test1/TestService.wsdl", 3 );
validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test1\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 3 );
public void testHttpImport2() throws Exception
validate( "http://localhost:8082/test2/TestService.wsdl", 3 );
validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test2\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 3 );
public void testHttpImport3() throws Exception
validate( "http://localhost:8082/test3/TestService.wsdl", 3 );
validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test3\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 3 );
public void testHttpImport4() throws Exception
validate( "http://localhost:8082/test4/TestService.wsdl", 3 );
validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test4\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 3 );
public void testHttpImport5() throws Exception
validate( "http://localhost:8082/test5/TestService.wsdl", 4 );
validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test5\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 4 );
public void testHttpImport6() throws Exception
SchemaTypeLoader schemaTypes = validate( "http://localhost:8082/test6/TestService.wsdl", 4 );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://schemas.eviware.com/TestService/v2/", "TestType" ) ) );
schemaTypes = validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test6\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 4 );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://schemas.eviware.com/TestService/v2/", "TestType" ) ) );
public void testHttpImport7() throws Exception
SchemaTypeLoader schemaTypes = validate( "http://localhost:8082/test7/TestService.wsdl", 4 );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://schemas.eviware.com/TestService/v2/", "TestType" ) ) );
schemaTypes = validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test7\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 4 );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://schemas.eviware.com/TestService/v2/", "TestType" ) ) );
public void testHttpImport8() throws Exception
SchemaTypeLoader schemaTypes = validate( "http://localhost:8082/test8/TestService.wsdl", 4 );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://schemas.eviware.com/TestService/v2/", "TestType" ) ) );
schemaTypes = validate( new File( "src\\test-resources\\test8\\TestService.wsdl" ).toURL().toString(), 4 );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://schemas.eviware.com/TestService/v2/", "TestType" ) ) );
public void testHttpImport9() throws Exception
String url = "http://localhost:8082/test9/testcase.wsdl";
SchemaTypeLoader schemaTypes = SchemaUtils.loadSchemaTypes( url, new UrlWsdlLoader( url ) );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findElement( new QName( "http://testcase/wsdl", "One" ) ) );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findElement( new QName( "http://testcase/wsdl", "Two" ) ) );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://testcase/one", "OneType" ) ) );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://testcase/two", "TwoType" ) ) );
url = new File( "src\\test-resources\\test9\\testcase.wsdl" ).toURI().toURL().toString();
schemaTypes = SchemaUtils.loadSchemaTypes( url, new UrlWsdlLoader( url ) );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findElement( new QName( "http://testcase/wsdl", "One" ) ) );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findElement( new QName( "http://testcase/wsdl", "Two" ) ) );
private SchemaTypeLoader validate( String url, int cnt ) throws Exception
SchemaTypeLoader schemaTypes = SchemaUtils.loadSchemaTypes( url, new UrlWsdlLoader( url ) );
Map<String, XmlObject> definitionUrls = SchemaUtils.getDefinitionParts( new UrlWsdlLoader( url ) );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes );
assertNotNull( definitionUrls );
assertEquals( cnt, definitionUrls.size() );
assertNotNull( schemaTypes.findType( new QName( "http://schemas.eviware.com/TestService/v1/", "PageReference" ) ) );
return schemaTypes;
public void testWadlImport() throws Exception
String file = new File( "src\\test-resources\\wadl\\YahooSearch.wadl" ).toURI().toURL().toString();
SchemaTypeLoader types = SchemaUtils.loadSchemaTypes( file, new UrlSchemaLoader( file ) );
assertNotNull( types.findElement( new QName( "urn:yahoo:yn", "ResultSet" ) ) );
assertNotNull( types.findElement( new QName( "urn:yahoo:api", "Error" ) ) );