* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.security.support;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JTree;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode;
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.security.SecurityScan;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestCaseRunner;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStepResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.SecurityTest;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.SecurityTestRunContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.result.SecurityResult.ResultStatus;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.result.SecurityScanRequestResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.result.SecurityScanResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.result.SecurityTestStepResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.scan.AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties;
* Class that keeps a JProgressBars state in sync with a SecurityTest
* Progress bar status can be: 1. In Progreess while test is running. 2. Done
* when test is done. 3. Canced when is canceled execution 4. Missing
* Assertions/Parameters if assertions/parameters are missing in security scan.
* Importance/power of states: 1. Missing Assertions 2. Missing Parameters 3.
* Cancel 4. Done 5. In Progress 6. SKIPPED
* Progress bar color can be: 1. OK 2. FAILED 3. MISSING_ASSERTION - same color
* if parameters are missing.
* Color power: 1. FAILED 2. MISSING_ASSERTION 3. OK
public class ProgressBarSecurityTestStepAdapter
private JProgressBar progressBar;
private TestStep testStep;
private SecurityTest securityTest;
private InternalTestRunListener internalTestRunListener;
private JTree tree;
private DefaultMutableTreeNode node;
private JLabel counterLabel;
private static final Color OK_COLOR = new Color( 0, 204, 102 );
private static final Color FAILED_COLOR = new Color( 255, 102, 0 );
private static final Color MISSING_ASSERTION_COLOR = new Color( 204, 153, 255 );
private static final Color UNKNOWN_COLOR = new Color( 240, 240, 240 );
private static final String STATE_RUN = "In progress";
private static final String STATE_DONE = "Done";
private static final String STATE_CANCEL = "Canceled";
private static final String STATE_MISSING_ASSERTIONS = "Missing Assertions";
private static final String STATE_MISSING_PARAMETERS = "Missing Parameters";
public ProgressBarSecurityTestStepAdapter( JTree tree, DefaultMutableTreeNode node, JProgressBar progressBar,
SecurityTest securityTest, WsdlTestStep testStep, JLabel cntLabel )
this.tree = tree;
this.node = node;
this.progressBar = progressBar;
this.testStep = testStep;
this.securityTest = securityTest;
this.counterLabel = cntLabel;
internalTestRunListener = new InternalTestRunListener();
if( progressBar != null && cntLabel != null )
this.counterLabel.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 50, 18 ) );
this.counterLabel.setHorizontalTextPosition( SwingConstants.CENTER );
this.counterLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( SwingConstants.CENTER );
this.securityTest.addSecurityTestRunListener( internalTestRunListener );
public void release()
securityTest.removeSecurityTestRunListener( internalTestRunListener );
securityTest = null;
testStep = null;
public class InternalTestRunListener extends SecurityTestRunListenerAdapter
private int totalAlertsCounter;
public void beforeStep( TestCaseRunner testRunner, SecurityTestRunContext runContext, TestStepResult tsr )
if( tsr.getTestStep().getId().equals( testStep.getId() ) )
int count = securityTest.getStepSecurityApplicableScansCount( tsr );
progressBar.getModel().setMaximum( count );
if( securityTest.getSecurityScansMap().get( testStep.getId() ) != null
&& securityTest.getSecurityScansMap().get( testStep.getId() ).size() > 0 )
progressBar.setString( STATE_RUN );
progressBar.setForeground( OK_COLOR );
progressBar.setBackground( Color.white );
progressBar.setValue( 0 );
counterLabel.setText( "" );
counterLabel.setOpaque( false );
( ( DefaultTreeModel )tree.getModel() ).nodeChanged( node );
public void beforeRun( TestCaseRunner testRunner, SecurityTestRunContext runContext )
progressBar.setString( "" );
progressBar.setValue( 0 );
counterLabel.setText( "" );
counterLabel.setOpaque( false );
totalAlertsCounter = 0;
( ( DefaultTreeModel )tree.getModel() ).nodeChanged( node );
if( progressBar != null )
progressBar.setForeground( UNKNOWN_COLOR );
progressBar.setBackground( UNKNOWN_COLOR );
public void afterStep( TestCaseRunner testRunner, SecurityTestRunContext runContext, SecurityTestStepResult result )
if( runContext.getCurrentStep().getId().equals( testStep.getId() ) )
if( !( progressBar.getString().equals( STATE_CANCEL )
|| progressBar.getString().equals( STATE_MISSING_ASSERTIONS ) || progressBar.getString().equals(
&& securityTest.getSecurityTestStepResultMap().get( testStep ) != null )
SecurityTestStepResult results = securityTest.getSecurityTestStepResultMap().get( testStep );
* This is hack since SecurityTestStepResult.getStatus() do not
* returns real state of execution.
* SKIPPED state overides all except FAILED , which is wrong.
boolean skipped = results.getSecurityScanResultList().size() > 0;
for( SecurityScanResult res : results.getSecurityScanResultList() )
if( res.getStatus() == ResultStatus.SKIPPED )
skipped = false;
if( skipped )
progressBar.setString( "SKIPPED" );
progressBar.setForeground( UNKNOWN_COLOR );
progressBar.setString( STATE_DONE );
progressBar.setBackground( UNKNOWN_COLOR );
progressBar.setValue( progressBar.getMaximum() == 0 ? 1 : progressBar.getMaximum() );
( ( DefaultTreeModel )tree.getModel() ).nodeChanged( node );
public void beforeSecurityScan( TestCaseRunner testRunner, SecurityTestRunContext runContext,
SecurityScan securityScan )
if( securityScan.getTestStep().getId().equals( testStep.getId() ) )
// set progress bar color/state based on/if there is result
if( securityScan.getSecurityScanResult() != null
&& securityScan.getSecurityScanResult().getStatus() != ResultStatus.CANCELED )
if( progressBar.getString().equals( "" ) )
if( securityTest.getSecurityScansMap().get( testStep.getId() ) != null
&& securityTest.getSecurityScansMap().get( testStep.getId() ).size() > 0 )
progressBar.setString( STATE_RUN );
progressBar.setForeground( OK_COLOR );
// report is there is no assertions.
if( securityScan.getAssertionCount() == 0 )
if( !progressBar.getForeground().equals( FAILED_COLOR ) )
progressBar.setForeground( MISSING_ASSERTION_COLOR );
progressBar.setString( STATE_MISSING_ASSERTIONS );
// or if there is no parameters.
if( securityScan instanceof AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties
&& ( ( AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties )securityScan ).getParameterHolder().getParameterList()
.size() == 0 )
if( !progressBar.getForeground().equals( FAILED_COLOR ) )
progressBar.setForeground( MISSING_ASSERTION_COLOR );
if( !progressBar.getString().equals( STATE_MISSING_ASSERTIONS ) )
progressBar.setString( STATE_MISSING_PARAMETERS );
public void afterSecurityScan( TestCaseRunner testRunner, SecurityTestRunContext runContext,
SecurityScanResult securityCheckResult )
if( securityCheckResult.getSecurityScan().getTestStep().getId().equals( testStep.getId() ) )
if( securityCheckResult.getStatus() == ResultStatus.CANCELED )
progressBar.setString( STATE_CANCEL );
progressBar.setBackground( UNKNOWN_COLOR );
// progressbar can change its color only if not missing
// assertions or parameters
if( securityCheckResult.getStatus() == ResultStatus.FAILED )
progressBar.setForeground( FAILED_COLOR );
else if( securityCheckResult.getStatus() == ResultStatus.OK )
SecurityScan securityScan = securityCheckResult.getSecurityScan();
if( securityScan.getAssertionCount() == 0 )
if( !progressBar.getForeground().equals( FAILED_COLOR ) )
progressBar.setForeground( MISSING_ASSERTION_COLOR );
progressBar.setString( STATE_MISSING_ASSERTIONS );
// or if there is no parameters.
if( securityScan instanceof AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties
&& ( ( AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties )securityScan ).getParameterHolder().getParameterList()
.size() == 0 )
if( !progressBar.getForeground().equals( FAILED_COLOR ) )
progressBar.setForeground( MISSING_ASSERTION_COLOR );
if( !progressBar.getString().equals( STATE_MISSING_ASSERTIONS ) )
progressBar.setString( STATE_MISSING_PARAMETERS );
// can not change to OK color if any of previous scans
// failed or missing assertions/parameters
if( !progressBar.getForeground().equals( FAILED_COLOR )
&& !progressBar.getForeground().equals( MISSING_ASSERTION_COLOR ) )
progressBar.setForeground( OK_COLOR );
progressBar.setValue( ( ( SecurityTestRunContext )runContext ).getCurrentScanIndex() + 1 );
( ( DefaultTreeModel )tree.getModel() ).nodeChanged( node );
public void afterSecurityScanRequest( TestCaseRunner testRunner, SecurityTestRunContext runContext,
SecurityScanRequestResult securityCheckReqResult )
if( securityCheckReqResult.getSecurityScan().getTestStep().getId().equals( testStep.getId() ) )
if( securityCheckReqResult.getStatus() == ResultStatus.FAILED )
counterLabel.setOpaque( true );
counterLabel.setBackground( FAILED_COLOR );
totalAlertsCounter++ ;
counterLabel.setText( " " + totalAlertsCounter + " " );
( ( DefaultTreeModel )tree.getModel() ).nodeChanged( node );
progressBar.setForeground( FAILED_COLOR );