* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.security;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestStepConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.AbstractTestCaseRunner;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlTestCase;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.registry.WsdlTestStepFactory;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.registry.WsdlTestStepRegistry;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.security.SecurityScan;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.Assertable;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestAssertion;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStepResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStepResult.TestStepStatus;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.result.SecurityScanResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.result.SecurityTestStepResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.result.SecurityResult.ResultStatus;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.scan.AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.support.SecurityTestRunListener;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringToObjectMap;
public class SecurityTestRunnerImpl extends AbstractTestCaseRunner<SecurityTest, SecurityTestRunContext> implements
private SecurityTest securityTest;
// private boolean stopped;
private SecurityTestRunListener[] securityTestListeners = new SecurityTestRunListener[0];
private SecurityTestRunListener[] securityTestStepListeners = new SecurityTestRunListener[0];
private long timeTaken;
* holds index of current securityScan out of summary number of scans on
* SecurityTest level used in main progress bar on SecurityTest
private int currentScanOnSecurityTestIndex;
public SecurityTestRunnerImpl( SecurityTest test, StringToObjectMap properties )
super( test, properties );
this.securityTest = test;
this.currentScanOnSecurityTestIndex = 0;
public SecurityTestRunContext createContext( StringToObjectMap properties )
return new SecurityTestRunContext( this, properties );
public SecurityTest getSecurityTest()
return getTestRunnable();
public TestStepResult runTestStep( TestStep testStep, boolean discard, boolean process )
TestStepResult stepResult = testStep.run( this, getRunContext() );
getResults().add( stepResult );
setResultCount( getResultCount() + 1 );
// enforceMaxResults( getTestRunnable().getMaxResults() );
// discard?
// if( discard && stepResult.getStatus() == TestStepStatus.OK &&
// getTestRunnable().getDiscardOkResults()
// && !stepResult.isDiscarded() )
// {
// stepResult.discard();
// }
return stepResult;
* Clones original TestStep for security modification this does not alter the
* original test step
* @param sourceTestStep
* @return TestStep
public TestStep cloneForSecurityScan( WsdlTestStep sourceTestStep )
WsdlTestStep clonedTestStep = null;
TestStepConfig testStepConfig = ( TestStepConfig )sourceTestStep.getConfig().copy();
WsdlTestStepFactory factory = WsdlTestStepRegistry.getInstance().getFactory( testStepConfig.getType() );
if( factory != null )
clonedTestStep = factory.buildTestStep( securityTest.getTestCase(), testStepConfig, false );
if( clonedTestStep instanceof Assertable )
for( TestAssertion assertion : ( ( Assertable )clonedTestStep ).getAssertionList() )
( ( Assertable )clonedTestStep ).removeAssertion( assertion );
return clonedTestStep;
* Clones original TestStep for security modification this does not alter the
* original test step
* @param sourceTestStep
* @return TestStep
public static TestStep cloneTestStepForSecurityScan( WsdlTestStep sourceTestStep )
WsdlTestStep clonedTestStep = null;
TestStepConfig testStepConfig = ( TestStepConfig )sourceTestStep.getConfig().copy();
WsdlTestStepFactory factory = WsdlTestStepRegistry.getInstance().getFactory( testStepConfig.getType() );
if( factory != null )
clonedTestStep = factory.buildTestStep( sourceTestStep.getTestCase(), testStepConfig, false );
if( clonedTestStep instanceof Assertable )
for( TestAssertion assertion : ( ( Assertable )clonedTestStep ).getAssertionList() )
( ( Assertable )clonedTestStep ).removeAssertion( assertion );
return clonedTestStep;
protected int runCurrentTestStep( SecurityTestRunContext runContext, int currentStepIndex )
// flag for detecting if running has been interrupted either by canceling
// securityScanRequest
// or if request result is null(backward compatibility for running
// TestCase )
boolean jumpExit = false;
TestStep currentStep = runContext.getCurrentStep();
securityTestStepListeners = securityTest.getTestStepRunListeners( currentStep );
if( !currentStep.isDisabled() && !securityTest.skipTest( currentStep ) )
TestStepResult stepResult = runTestStep( currentStep, true, true );
if( stepResult == null )
jumpExit = true;
// if( !isRunning() )
// return -2;
SecurityTestStepResult securityStepResult = new SecurityTestStepResult( currentStep, stepResult );
for( int i = 0; i < securityTestListeners.length; i++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestListeners[i] ) )
securityTestListeners[i].afterOriginalStep( this, getRunContext(), securityStepResult );
for( int i = 0; i < securityTestListeners.length; i++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestListeners[i] ) )
securityTestListeners[i].beforeStep( this, getRunContext(), stepResult );
for( int i = 0; i < securityTestStepListeners.length; i++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() )
.contains( securityTestStepListeners[i] ) )
securityTestStepListeners[i].beforeStep( this, getRunContext(), stepResult );
Map<String, List<SecurityScan>> secScanMap = securityTest.getSecurityScansMap();
if( secScanMap.containsKey( currentStep.getId() ) )
List<SecurityScan> testStepScansList = secScanMap.get( currentStep.getId() );
for( int i = 0; i < testStepScansList.size(); i++ )
SecurityScan securityScan = testStepScansList.get( i );
// if security scan is disabled skip it.
if( securityScan.isDisabled() || securityScan.isSkipFurtherRunning() )
//if step is failed and scan not applicable to failed steps just set it to skipped
//run scan otherwise
if( stepResult.getStatus() == TestStepStatus.FAILED && !securityScan.isApplyForFailedStep() )
SecurityScanResult securityScanResult = new SecurityScanResult( securityScan );
if( securityScan.getAssertionCount() > 0 )
securityScanResult.setStatus( ResultStatus.OK );
else if( securityScan instanceof AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties )
if( ( ( AbstractSecurityScanWithProperties )securityScan ).getParameterHolder().getParameterList()
.size() > 0 )
securityScanResult.setStatus( ResultStatus.OK );
securityScanResult.setStatus( ResultStatus.SKIPPED );
securityScanResult.setStatus( ResultStatus.SKIPPED );
securityStepResult.addSecurityScanResult( securityScanResult );
runAfterListeners( runContext, securityScanResult );
runContext.setCurrentScanIndex( i );
runContext.setCurrentScanOnSecurityTestIndex( currentScanOnSecurityTestIndex++ );
SecurityScanResult securityScanResult = runTestStepSecurityScan( runContext, currentStep,
securityScan );
securityStepResult.addSecurityScanResult( securityScanResult );
if( securityScanResult.isCanceled() )
jumpExit = true;
else if( securityScanResult.getStatus() == ResultStatus.FAILED )
if( getTestRunnable().getFailOnError() )
// setError( stepResult.getError() );
fail( "Cancelling due to failed security scan" );
getRunContext().setProperty( SecurityTestRunner.Status.class.getName(),
SecurityTestRunner.Status.FAILED );
// in case no security scan is executed
if( securityStepResult.getStatus() == ResultStatus.INITIALIZED )
securityStepResult.setStatus( ResultStatus.UNKNOWN );
securityTest.putSecurityTestStepResult( currentStep, securityStepResult );
timeTaken += securityStepResult.getTimeTaken();
for( int i = 0; i < securityTestStepListeners.length; i++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() )
.contains( securityTestStepListeners[i] ) )
securityTestStepListeners[i].afterStep( this, getRunContext(), securityStepResult );
for( int i = 0; i < securityTestListeners.length; i++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestListeners[i] ) )
securityTestListeners[i].afterStep( this, getRunContext(), securityStepResult );
if( jumpExit )
return -2;
else if( getGotoStepIndex() != -1 )
currentStepIndex = getGotoStepIndex() - 1;
gotoStep( -1 );
runContext.setCurrentStep( currentStepIndex + 1 );
return currentStepIndex;
* @param runContext
* @param securityScanResult
private void runAfterListeners( SecurityTestRunContext runContext, SecurityScanResult securityScanResult )
for( int j = 0; j < securityTestStepListeners.length; j++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestStepListeners[j] ) )
securityTestStepListeners[j].afterSecurityScan( this, runContext, securityScanResult );
for( int j = 0; j < securityTestListeners.length; j++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestListeners[j] ) )
securityTestListeners[j].afterSecurityScan( this, runContext, securityScanResult );
public SecurityScanResult runTestStepSecurityScan( SecurityTestRunContext runContext, TestStep currentStep,
SecurityScan securityScan )
SecurityScanResult result = null;
for( int j = 0; j < securityTestStepListeners.length; j++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestStepListeners[j] ) )
securityTestStepListeners[j].beforeSecurityScan( this, runContext, securityScan );
for( int j = 0; j < securityTestListeners.length; j++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestListeners[j] ) )
securityTestListeners[j].beforeSecurityScan( this, runContext, securityScan );
result = securityScan.run( cloneForSecurityScan( ( WsdlTestStep )currentStep ), runContext, this );
if( securityScan.isRunOnlyOnce() )
securityScan.setSkipFurtherRunning( true );
if( securityTest.getFailOnError() && result.getStatus() == ResultStatus.FAILED )
fail( "Cancelling due to failed security scan" );
runAfterListeners( runContext, result );
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.AbstractTestCaseRunner#notifyBeforeRun
* ()
* The order of listeners notifications here is important, security listeners
* first, so while monitoring execution TestCase log is disabled before
* WsdlTestCaseDesktopPanel.InternalTestRunListener.beforeRun is executed
* otherwise SecurityTest execution will temper with functional log.
protected void notifyBeforeRun()
if( securityTestListeners == null || securityTestListeners.length == 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < securityTestListeners.length; i++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestListeners[i] ) )
securityTestListeners[i].beforeRun( this, getRunContext() );
catch( Throwable t )
SoapUI.logError( t );
private void reset()
timeTaken = 0;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.AbstractTestCaseRunner#notifyAfterRun
* ()
* The same as for notifyBeforeRun, security listeners come last
protected void notifyAfterRun()
if( securityTestListeners == null || securityTestListeners.length == 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < securityTestListeners.length; i++ )
if( Arrays.asList( getSecurityTest().getSecurityTestRunListeners() ).contains( securityTestListeners[i] ) )
securityTestListeners[i].afterRun( this, getRunContext() );
catch( Throwable t )
SoapUI.logError( t );
public WsdlTestCase getTestCase()
return getTestRunnable().getTestCase();
protected void clear( SecurityTestRunContext runContext )
super.clear( runContext );
securityTestListeners = null;
securityTestStepListeners = null;
protected void runSetupScripts( SecurityTestRunContext runContext ) throws Exception
super.runSetupScripts( runContext );
getTestRunnable().runStartupScript( runContext, this );
protected void runTearDownScripts( SecurityTestRunContext runContext ) throws Exception
getTestRunnable().runTearDownScript( runContext, this );
super.runTearDownScripts( runContext );
protected void fillInTestRunnableListeners()
securityTestListeners = getTestRunnable().getSecurityTestRunListeners();
protected void failTestRunnableOnErrors( SecurityTestRunContext runContext )
if( runContext.getProperty( SecurityTestRunner.Status.class.getName() ) == SecurityTestRunner.Status.FAILED
&& getTestRunnable().getFailSecurityTestOnScanErrors() )
fail( "Failing due to failed security scan" );
public long getTimeTaken()
return timeTaken;
public long getFunctionalTimeTaken()
return super.getTimeTaken();