* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.nodes;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.LoadTest;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestCase;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.AbstractModelItemTreeNode;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.AbstractTreeNode;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.SoapUITreeModel;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.SoapUITreeNode;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.nodes.support.SecurityTestsModelItem;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.nodes.support.WsdlLoadTestsModelItem;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.tree.nodes.support.WsdlTestStepsModelItem;
import com.eviware.soapui.security.SecurityTest;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.action.swing.ActionList;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.action.swing.ActionListBuilder;
* SoapUITreeNode for TestCase implementations
* @author Ole.Matzura
public class TestCaseTreeNode extends AbstractModelItemTreeNode<TestCase>
private TestStepsTreeNode testStepsNode;
private LoadTestsTreeNode loadTestsNode;
private SecurityTestsTreeNode securityTestsNode;
private PropertiesTreeNode<?> propertiesTreeNode;
private List<SoapUITreeNode> childNodes = new ArrayList<SoapUITreeNode>();
public TestCaseTreeNode( TestCase testCase, SoapUITreeModel treeModel )
super( testCase, testCase.getTestSuite(), treeModel );
testStepsNode = new TestStepsTreeNode();
loadTestsNode = new LoadTestsTreeNode();
securityTestsNode = new SecurityTestsTreeNode();
getTreeModel().mapModelItem( testStepsNode );
getTreeModel().mapModelItem( loadTestsNode );
getTreeModel().mapModelItem( securityTestsNode );
propertiesTreeNode = PropertiesTreeNode.createDefaultPropertiesNode( testCase, getTreeModel() );
getTreeModel().mapModelItem( propertiesTreeNode );
childNodes.add( propertiesTreeNode );
childNodes.add( testStepsNode );
childNodes.add( loadTestsNode );
childNodes.add( securityTestsNode );
public void release()
for( SoapUITreeNode treeNode : childNodes )
if( !( treeNode instanceof PropertiesTreeNode ) )
getTreeModel().unmapModelItem( treeNode.getModelItem() );
public int getChildCount()
int propMod = getTreeModel().isShowProperties() ? 0 : 1;
return childNodes.size() - propMod;
public SoapUITreeNode getChildNode( int index )
int propMod = getTreeModel().isShowProperties() ? 0 : 1;
return childNodes.get( index + propMod );
public int getIndexOfChild( Object child )
int propMod = getTreeModel().isShowProperties() ? 0 : 1;
if( child == propertiesTreeNode && propMod == 1 )
return 0;
return childNodes.indexOf( child ) - propMod;
public LoadTestsTreeNode getLoadTestsNode()
return loadTestsNode;
public SecurityTestsTreeNode getSecurityTestsNode()
return securityTestsNode;
public TestStepsTreeNode getTestStepsNode()
return testStepsNode;
public TestCase getTestCase()
return getModelItem();
public class TestStepsTreeNode extends AbstractTreeNode<WsdlTestStepsModelItem>
private List<TestStepTreeNode> testStepNodes = new ArrayList<TestStepTreeNode>();
protected TestStepsTreeNode()
super( new WsdlTestStepsModelItem( getTestCase() ) );
for( int c = 0; c < getTestCase().getTestStepCount(); c++ )
TestStep testStep = getTestCase().getTestStepAt( c );
testStepNodes.add( createTestStepTreeNode( testStep ) );
getTreeModel().mapModelItems( testStepNodes );
private TestStepTreeNode createTestStepTreeNode( TestStep testStep )
return new TestStepTreeNode( testStep, getModelItem(), getTreeModel() );
public int getChildCount()
return testStepNodes.size();
public int getIndexOfChild( Object child )
return testStepNodes.indexOf( child );
public SoapUITreeNode getChildNode( int index )
return testStepNodes.get( index );
public SoapUITreeNode getParentTreeNode()
return TestCaseTreeNode.this;
public void testStepInserted( TestStep testStep, int index )
TestStepTreeNode testStepTreeNode = createTestStepTreeNode( testStep );
testStepNodes.add( index, testStepTreeNode );
getTreeModel().notifyNodeInserted( testStepTreeNode );
getTreeModel().notifyNodeChanged( this );
public void testStepRemoved( TestStep testStep, int index )
SoapUITreeNode treeNode = getTreeModel().getTreeNode( testStep );
if( testStepNodes.contains( treeNode ) )
getTreeModel().notifyNodeRemoved( treeNode );
testStepNodes.remove( treeNode );
throw new RuntimeException( "Removing unkown testStep" );
public void testStepMoved( TestStep testStep, int fromIndex, int offset )
testStepRemoved( testStep, fromIndex );
testStepInserted( testStep, fromIndex + offset );
public ActionList getActions()
return ActionListBuilder.buildActions( "TestStepsTreeNodeActions", TestCaseTreeNode.this.getModelItem() );
public void release()
for( TestStepTreeNode testStepNode : testStepNodes )
public class LoadTestsTreeNode extends AbstractTreeNode<WsdlLoadTestsModelItem>
private List<LoadTestTreeNode> loadTestNodes = new ArrayList<LoadTestTreeNode>();
protected LoadTestsTreeNode()
super( new WsdlLoadTestsModelItem( getTestCase() ) );
for( int c = 0; c < getTestCase().getLoadTestCount(); c++ )
.add( new LoadTestTreeNode( getTestCase().getLoadTestAt( c ), getModelItem(), getTreeModel() ) );
getTreeModel().mapModelItems( loadTestNodes );
public int getChildCount()
return loadTestNodes.size();
public int getIndexOfChild( Object child )
return loadTestNodes.indexOf( child );
public SoapUITreeNode getChildNode( int index )
return loadTestNodes.get( index );
public SoapUITreeNode getParentTreeNode()
return TestCaseTreeNode.this;
public void loadTestInserted( LoadTest loadTest )
LoadTestTreeNode loadTestTreeNode = new LoadTestTreeNode( loadTest, getModelItem(), getTreeModel() );
loadTestNodes.add( loadTestTreeNode );
getTreeModel().notifyNodeInserted( loadTestTreeNode );
getTreeModel().notifyNodeChanged( this );
public void loadTestRemoved( LoadTest loadTest )
SoapUITreeNode treeNode = getTreeModel().getTreeNode( loadTest );
if( loadTestNodes.contains( treeNode ) )
getTreeModel().notifyNodeRemoved( treeNode );
loadTestNodes.remove( treeNode );
throw new RuntimeException( "Removing unkown loadTest" );
public void release()
for( LoadTestTreeNode loadTestNode : loadTestNodes )
public ActionList getActions()
return ActionListBuilder.buildActions( "LoadTestsTreeNodeActions", TestCaseTreeNode.this.getModelItem() );
public class SecurityTestsTreeNode extends AbstractTreeNode<SecurityTestsModelItem>
private List<SecurityTestTreeNode> securityTestNodes = new ArrayList<SecurityTestTreeNode>();
protected SecurityTestsTreeNode()
super( new SecurityTestsModelItem( getTestCase() ) );
for( int c = 0; c < getTestCase().getSecurityTestCount(); c++ )
securityTestNodes.add( new SecurityTestTreeNode( getTestCase().getSecurityTestAt( c ), getModelItem(),
getTreeModel() ) );
getTreeModel().mapModelItems( securityTestNodes );
public int getChildCount()
return securityTestNodes.size();
public int getIndexOfChild( Object child )
return securityTestNodes.indexOf( child );
public SoapUITreeNode getChildNode( int index )
return securityTestNodes.get( index );
public SoapUITreeNode getParentTreeNode()
return TestCaseTreeNode.this;
public void securityTestInserted( SecurityTest securityTest )
SecurityTestTreeNode securityTestTreeNode = new SecurityTestTreeNode( securityTest, getModelItem(),
getTreeModel() );
securityTestNodes.add( securityTestTreeNode );
getTreeModel().notifyNodeInserted( securityTestTreeNode );
getTreeModel().notifyNodeChanged( this );
public void securityTestRemoved( SecurityTest securityTest )
SoapUITreeNode treeNode = getTreeModel().getTreeNode( securityTest );
if( securityTestNodes.contains( treeNode ) )
getTreeModel().notifyNodeRemoved( treeNode );
securityTestNodes.remove( treeNode );
throw new RuntimeException( "Removing unkown loadTest" );
public void release()
for( SecurityTestTreeNode securityTestNode : securityTestNodes )
public ActionList getActions()
return ActionListBuilder.buildActions( "SecurityTestsTreeNodeActions", TestCaseTreeNode.this.getModelItem() );
public void testStepInserted( TestStep testStep, int index )
testStepsNode.testStepInserted( testStep, index );
public void testStepRemoved( TestStep testStep, int index )
testStepsNode.testStepRemoved( testStep, index );
public void loadTestInserted( LoadTest loadTest )
loadTestsNode.loadTestInserted( loadTest );
public void loadTestRemoved( LoadTest loadTest )
loadTestsNode.loadTestRemoved( loadTest );
public void testStepMoved( TestStep testStep, int fromIndex, int offset )
testStepsNode.testStepMoved( testStep, fromIndex, offset );
public void securityTestInserted( SecurityTest securityTest )
securityTestsNode.securityTestInserted( securityTest );
public void securityTestRemoved( SecurityTest securityTest )
securityTestsNode.securityTestRemoved( securityTest );