* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.integration.loadui;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.LoadTestLimitTypesConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.LoadTestAssertion;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.WsdlLoadTest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.assertions.TestStepAverageAssertion;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.assertions.TestStepMaxAssertion;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.assertions.TestStepTpsAssertion;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.strategy.BurstLoadStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.strategy.LoadStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.strategy.SimpleLoadStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.strategy.ThreadCountChangeLoadStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.strategy.VarianceLoadStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings;
public class ContextMapping
private static final String NOT_SELECTED = "-";
private static final String TEST_CASE = "testCase";
private static final String TEST_SUITE = "testSuite";
private static final String PROJECT_FILE = "projectFile";
public static final String MOCK_SERVICE = "mockService";
public static final String PATH = "path";
public static final String PORT = "port";
private static final String CLOSE_CONNECTIONS_AFTER_REQUEST = "closeConnectionsAfterRequest";
private static final String SOAPUI_RUNNER_LABEL = "soapuiSamplerLabel";
public static final String LOADUI_TEST_CASE_NAME = "loaduiTestCaseName";
public static final String LOADUI_PROJECT_NAME = "loaduiProjectName";
private static final String SOAPUI_RUNNER_PROPERTIES = "SoapUISamplerComponent_properties";
private static final String MOCKSERVICE_RUNNER_LABEL = "mockRunnerLabel";
private static final String MOCKSERVICE_RUNNER_PROPERTIES = "MockServiceComponent_properties";
private static final String ASSERTION_LABEL = "assertionLabel";
private static final String ASSERTION_TYPE = "assertionType";
private static final String ASSERTION_PROPERTIES = "assertionProperties";
private static final String ASSERTION = "Assertion";
private static final String ASSERTION_CREATE_NEW = "assertionCreateNew";
private static final String STATISTICS_LABEL = "statisticsLabel";
private static final String STATISTICS_TYPE = "statisticsType";
private static final String STATISTICS_PROPERTIES = "statisticsProperties";
private static final String STATISTICS = "Statistics";
private static final String STATISTICS_CREATE_NEW = "statisticsCreateNew";
private static final String TRIGGER_LABEL = "triggerLabel";
private static final String TRIGGER_TYPE = "triggerType";
protected static final String TRIGGER_PROPERTIES = "triggerProperties";
private static final String TRIGGER_CREATE_NEW = "triggerCreateNew";
private static final String DELAY_LABEL = "delayLabel";
private static final String DELAY_TYPE = "delayType";
private static final String DELAY_PROPERTIES = "delayProperties";
private static final String DELAY = "Delay";
private static final String DELAY_CREATE_NEW = "delayCreateNew";
protected static final String FIXED_LOAD_TRIGGER = "Fixed Load";
private static final String VARIANCE_TRIGGER = "Variance";
private static final String RAMP_TRIGGER = "Ramp";
private WsdlLoadTest loadTest;
private String loadUIProject;
private String loadUITestCase;
private String loadUISoapUISampler;
private String soapUIProjectPath;
private String soapUITestSuite;
private String soapUITestCase;
protected String loadUITriggerType;
private String soapUIMockService;
private String mockServicePath;
private String mockServicePort;
private String loadUIMockServiceRunner;
HashMap<String, String> triggerProperties;
HashMap<String, String> delayProperties;
List<HashMap<String, String>> assertionPropertiesList;
HashMap<String, String> statisticsProperties;
public ContextMapping( WsdlLoadTest loadTest, String loadUIProject, String loadUITestCase, String loadUISoapUISampler )
this.loadTest = loadTest;
this.loadUIProject = loadUIProject;
this.loadUITestCase = loadUITestCase;
this.loadUISoapUISampler = loadUISoapUISampler;
public ContextMapping( String soapUIProjectPath, String soapUITestSuite, String soapUITestCase,
String loadUIProject, String loadUITestCase, String loadUISoapUISampler )
this.loadUIProject = loadUIProject;
this.loadUITestCase = loadUITestCase;
this.loadUISoapUISampler = loadUISoapUISampler;
this.soapUIProjectPath = soapUIProjectPath;
this.soapUITestSuite = soapUITestSuite;
this.soapUITestCase = soapUITestCase;
public ContextMapping( String soapUIProjectPath, String soapUIMockService, String path, String port,
String loadUIProject, String loadUITestCase, String loadUIMockServiceRunner )
this.loadUIProject = loadUIProject;
this.loadUITestCase = loadUITestCase;
this.loadUIMockServiceRunner = loadUIMockServiceRunner;
this.soapUIProjectPath = soapUIProjectPath;
this.soapUIMockService = soapUIMockService;
this.mockServicePath = path;
this.mockServicePort = port;
public static String createProperyValue( Class clazz, String value )
return clazz.getName() + "@" + value;
public HashMap<String, Object> setCreateSoapUIRunnerContext( String generatorType, String analisysType )
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
properties.put( PROJECT_FILE, createProperyValue( File.class, soapUIProjectPath ) );
properties.put( TEST_SUITE, createProperyValue( String.class, soapUITestSuite ) );
properties.put( TEST_CASE, createProperyValue( String.class, soapUITestCase ) );
context.put( LOADUI_PROJECT_NAME, loadUIProject );
context.put( LOADUI_TEST_CASE_NAME, loadUITestCase );
context.put( SOAPUI_RUNNER_LABEL, loadUISoapUISampler );
context.put( SOAPUI_RUNNER_PROPERTIES, properties );
if( !NOT_SELECTED.equals( generatorType ) )
mapDefaultTriggerProperties( generatorType );
context.put( TRIGGER_PROPERTIES, triggerProperties );
context.put( TRIGGER_LABEL, loadUITriggerType );
context.put( TRIGGER_TYPE, loadUITriggerType );
context.put( TRIGGER_CREATE_NEW, new Boolean( true ) );
if( !NOT_SELECTED.equals( analisysType ) )
mapStatisticsProperties( null );
context.put( STATISTICS_PROPERTIES, statisticsProperties );
context.put( STATISTICS_CREATE_NEW, new Boolean( true ) );
return context;
public HashMap<String, Object> setCreateMockServiceRunnerContext()
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
properties.put( PROJECT_FILE, createProperyValue( File.class, soapUIProjectPath ) );
properties.put( MOCK_SERVICE, createProperyValue( String.class, soapUIMockService ) );
properties.put( PATH, createProperyValue( String.class, mockServicePath ) );
properties.put( PORT, createProperyValue( String.class, mockServicePort ) );
context.put( LOADUI_PROJECT_NAME, loadUIProject );
context.put( LOADUI_TEST_CASE_NAME, loadUITestCase );
context.put( MOCKSERVICE_RUNNER_LABEL, loadUIMockServiceRunner );
context.put( MOCKSERVICE_RUNNER_PROPERTIES, properties );
return context;
public HashMap<String, Object> setInitExportLoadTestToLoadUIContext()
HashMap<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
HashMap<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
properties.put( PROJECT_FILE,
createProperyValue( File.class, loadTest.getTestCase().getTestSuite().getProject().getPath() ) );
properties.put( TEST_SUITE, createProperyValue( String.class, loadTest.getTestCase().getTestSuite().getName() ) );
properties.put( TEST_CASE, createProperyValue( String.class, loadTest.getTestCase().getName() ) );
createProperyValue( Boolean.class,
Boolean.toString( loadTest.getSettings().getBoolean( HttpSettings.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS ) ) ) );
context.put( LOADUI_PROJECT_NAME, loadUIProject );
context.put( LOADUI_TEST_CASE_NAME, loadUITestCase );
context.put( SOAPUI_RUNNER_LABEL, loadUISoapUISampler );
context.put( SOAPUI_RUNNER_PROPERTIES, properties );
mapInitialTriggerProperties( loadTest );
context.put( TRIGGER_PROPERTIES, triggerProperties );
context.put( TRIGGER_LABEL, loadUITriggerType );
context.put( TRIGGER_TYPE, loadUITriggerType );
context.put( TRIGGER_CREATE_NEW, new Boolean( true ) );
if( delayProperties != null )
context.put( DELAY_PROPERTIES, delayProperties );
context.put( DELAY_LABEL, DELAY );
context.put( DELAY_TYPE, DELAY );
context.put( DELAY_CREATE_NEW, new Boolean( true ) );
mapAssertionProperties( loadTest );
for( int i = 0; i < assertionPropertiesList.size(); i++ )
context.put( ASSERTION_PROPERTIES + i, assertionPropertiesList.get( i ) );
context.put( ASSERTION_LABEL + i, ASSERTION + i );
context.put( ASSERTION_TYPE + i, ASSERTION );
context.put( ASSERTION_CREATE_NEW + i, new Boolean( true ) );
mapStatisticsProperties( loadTest );
context.put( STATISTICS_PROPERTIES, statisticsProperties );
context.put( STATISTICS_CREATE_NEW, new Boolean( true ) );
return context;
protected void mapInitialTriggerProperties( WsdlLoadTest loadTest )
triggerProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
LoadStrategy loadStrategy = loadTest.getLoadStrategy();
if( loadStrategy instanceof SimpleLoadStrategy )
SimpleLoadStrategy currentStrategy = ( SimpleLoadStrategy )loadStrategy;
triggerProperties.put( "load", createProperyValue( Long.class, Long.toString( loadTest.getThreadCount() ) ) );
long testDelay = currentStrategy.getTestDelay();
if( testDelay > 0 )
delayProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
delayProperties.put( "delay", createProperyValue( Long.class, Long.toString( testDelay ) ) );
int randomFactor = ( int )( currentStrategy.getRandomFactor() * 100 );
delayProperties.put( "randomDelay", createProperyValue( Long.class, Integer.toString( randomFactor ) ) );
if( loadStrategy instanceof VarianceLoadStrategy )
VarianceLoadStrategy currentStrategy = ( VarianceLoadStrategy )loadStrategy;
if( loadStrategy instanceof ThreadCountChangeLoadStrategy )
loadUITriggerType = RAMP_TRIGGER;
ThreadCountChangeLoadStrategy currentStrategy = ( ThreadCountChangeLoadStrategy )loadStrategy;
if( loadStrategy instanceof BurstLoadStrategy )
triggerProperties.put( "load", createProperyValue( Long.class, Long.toString( loadTest.getThreadCount() ) ) );
protected void mapDefaultTriggerProperties( String generatorType )
triggerProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
loadUITriggerType = generatorType;
public HashMap<String, Object> setFinalExportLoadTestToLoadUIContext( HashMap<String, Object> createdItemContext )
mapExistingTriggerProperties( loadTest, createdItemContext );
createdItemContext.put( TRIGGER_PROPERTIES, triggerProperties );
return createdItemContext;
// repopulates the properties with right values, if property is not set old
// value it means leave the old value
protected HashMap<String, String> mapExistingTriggerProperties( WsdlLoadTest loadTest,
HashMap<String, Object> createdItemContext )
LoadStrategy loadStrategy = loadTest.getLoadStrategy();
triggerProperties = ( HashMap<String, String> )createdItemContext.get( TRIGGER_PROPERTIES );
if( loadStrategy instanceof VarianceLoadStrategy )
VarianceLoadStrategy currentStrategy = ( VarianceLoadStrategy )loadStrategy;
long rate = extractLongProperty( "rate" );
triggerProperties.put( "shape", createProperyValue( String.class, "Sine-wave" ) );
triggerProperties.put( "amplitude",
createProperyValue( Long.class, Long.toString( ( ( long )( currentStrategy.getVariance() * rate ) ) ) ) );
triggerProperties.put( "period",
createProperyValue( Long.class, Long.toString( currentStrategy.getInterval() / 1000 ) ) );
if( loadStrategy instanceof ThreadCountChangeLoadStrategy )
loadUITriggerType = RAMP_TRIGGER;
ThreadCountChangeLoadStrategy currentStrategy = ( ThreadCountChangeLoadStrategy )loadStrategy;
long end = extractLongProperty( "end" );
Long.toString( end
* ( currentStrategy.getEndThreadCount() / currentStrategy.getStartThreadCount() ) ) ) );
if( loadTest.getLimitType().equals( LoadTestLimitTypesConfig.TIME ) )
.put( "period", createProperyValue( Long.class, Long.toString( loadTest.getTestLimit() ) ) );
return triggerProperties;
public Long extractLongProperty( String propertyKey )
Long value = null;
String[] parts = triggerProperties.get( propertyKey ).split( "@" );
value = new Long( parts[1] );
catch( NumberFormatException e )
SoapUI.logError( e, "property " + propertyKey + "is not a Long" );
return value;
private void mapAssertionProperties( WsdlLoadTest loadTest )
assertionPropertiesList = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
List<LoadTestAssertion> loadTestAssertions = loadTest.getAssertionList();
for( LoadTestAssertion loadTestAssertion : loadTestAssertions )
if( loadTestAssertion.getTargetStep().equals( LoadTestAssertion.ALL_TEST_STEPS ) )
HashMap<String, String> asrtProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
if( loadTestAssertion instanceof TestStepTpsAssertion )
asrtProperties.put( "value", createProperyValue( String.class, "Tps" ) );
if( loadTestAssertion instanceof TestStepMaxAssertion )
asrtProperties.put( "value", createProperyValue( String.class, "Max" ) );
if( loadTestAssertion instanceof TestStepAverageAssertion )
asrtProperties.put( "value", createProperyValue( String.class, "Avg" ) );
assertionPropertiesList.add( asrtProperties );
private void mapStatisticsProperties( WsdlLoadTest loadTest )
statisticsProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
public boolean isFinalTriggerMappingNeeded()
if( loadUITriggerType.equals( VARIANCE_TRIGGER ) || loadUITriggerType.equals( RAMP_TRIGGER ) )
return true;
return false;