* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor.TokenType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.PropertyTransferConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.support.http.HttpRequestTestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.TestPropertyHolder;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.SubmitContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpander;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansion;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.support.TestPropertyListenerAdapter;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.support.TestSuiteListenerAdapter;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestCase;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestProperty;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.PropertyChangeNotifier;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.StringUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ChooseAnotherPropertySourceResolver;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ChooseAnotherPropertyTargetResolver;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.CreateMissingPropertyResolver;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.DisablePropertyTransferResolver;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ResolveContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ResolveContext.PathToResolve;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.xml.XmlUtils;
* Class for transferring a property value between 2 test steps. This class is
* relatively complex due to backwards compatibility issues and to gracefull
* handling of references test steps and properties.
* @author Ole.Matzura
public class PropertyTransfer implements PropertyChangeNotifier
private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( PropertyTransfer.class );
public final static String SOURCE_PATH_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@sourcePath";
public final static String SOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@sourceProperty";
public final static String SOURCE_STEP_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@sourceStep";
public final static String TARGET_PATH_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@targetPath";
public final static String TARGET_TYPE_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@targetProperty";
public final static String TARGET_STEP_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@targetStep";
public final static String NAME_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@name";
public final static String DISABLED_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@disabled";
public final static String CONFIG_PROPERTY = PropertyTransfer.class.getName() + "@config";
private TestStep testStep;
// create local copies since a deleted/changed valuetransfer can be referred
// to from a result
private PropertyTransferConfig config;
private String sourcePath;
private String sourceType;
private String targetPath;
private String name;
private String targetType;
private String sourceStep;
private String targetStep;
private TestPropertyHolder currentTargetStep;
private TestPropertyHolder currentSourceStep;
private TestProperty currentTargetProperty;
private TestProperty currentSourceProperty;
private PropertyChangeSupport propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( this );
private StepNameChangeListener stepNameChangeListener = new StepNameChangeListener();
private InternalTestPropertyListener propertyNameChangeListener = new InternalTestPropertyListener();
private TestCase testCase;
private InternalTestSuiteListener testSuiteListener = new InternalTestSuiteListener();
public PropertyTransfer( TestStep testStep )
this( testStep, PropertyTransferConfig.Factory.newInstance() );
public PropertyTransfer( TestStep testStep, PropertyTransferConfig config )
this.testStep = testStep;
if( testStep != null )
this.testCase = testStep.getTestCase();
testCase.getTestSuite().addTestSuiteListener( testSuiteListener );
setConfig( config );
void setConfigOnMove( PropertyTransferConfig config )
this.config = config;
void setConfig( PropertyTransferConfig config )
this.config = config;
if( !config.isSetSetNullOnMissingSource() )
config.setSetNullOnMissingSource( true );
if( !config.isSetTransferTextContent() )
config.setTransferTextContent( true );
sourceStep = config.getSourceStep();
if( sourceStep == null )
sourceStep = getSourceStepName();
if( sourceStep != null )
config.setSourceStep( sourceStep );
sourceStep = sourceStep.trim();
currentSourceStep = getPropertyHolder( sourceStep );
sourceType = config.getSourceType();
currentSourceProperty = currentSourceStep == null || sourceType == null ? null : currentSourceStep
.getProperty( sourceType );
sourcePath = config.getSourcePath();
targetStep = config.getTargetStep();
if( targetStep == null )
targetStep = getTargetStepName();
if( targetStep != null )
config.setTargetStep( targetStep );
targetStep = targetStep.trim();
currentTargetStep = getPropertyHolder( targetStep );
targetType = config.getTargetType();
currentTargetProperty = currentTargetStep == null || targetType == null ? null : currentTargetStep
.getProperty( targetType );
targetPath = config.getTargetPath();
name = config.getName();
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( CONFIG_PROPERTY, null, null );
private void initListeners()
if( currentSourceStep != null )
if( currentSourceStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentSourceStep )
.addPropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY, stepNameChangeListener );
currentSourceStep.addTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
if( currentTargetStep != null )
if( currentTargetStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentTargetStep )
.addPropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY, stepNameChangeListener );
currentTargetStep.addTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
public void releaseListeners()
if( currentSourceStep != null )
if( currentSourceStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentSourceStep ).removePropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY,
stepNameChangeListener );
currentSourceStep.removeTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
if( currentTargetStep != null )
if( currentTargetStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentTargetStep ).removePropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY,
stepNameChangeListener );
currentTargetStep.removeTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
PropertyChangeListener[] listeners = propertyChangeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners();
for( PropertyChangeListener listener : listeners )
propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener( listener );
public void release()
testCase.getTestSuite().removeTestSuiteListener( testSuiteListener );
public PropertyTransferConfig getConfig()
return config;
public String getSourcePath()
return sourcePath;
public String getTargetPath()
return targetPath;
public TestProperty getSourceProperty()
if( sourceType == null )
return null;
if( currentSourceProperty != null )
return currentSourceProperty;
TestPropertyHolder actualSourceStep = getSourceStep();
return actualSourceStep == null ? null : actualSourceStep.getProperty( sourceType );
public String[] transferProperties( SubmitContext context ) throws PropertyTransferException
TestProperty sourceProperty = getSourceProperty();
TestProperty targetProperty = getTargetProperty();
if( sourceProperty == null )
throw new Exception( "Missing source property" );
if( targetProperty == null )
throw new Exception( "Missing target property" );
if( sourceProperty.getValue() == null && !getSetNullOnMissingSource() && !getIgnoreEmpty() )
throw new Exception( "Source property is null" );
if( !hasSourcePath() && !hasTargetPath() )
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( sourceProperty.getValue() != null && sourceProperty.getValue().length() > 0 ) )
return transferStringToString( sourceProperty, targetProperty );
else if( hasSourcePath() && hasTargetPath() )
return transferXPathToXml( sourceProperty, targetProperty, context );
else if( hasSourcePath() && !hasTargetPath() )
return new String[] { transferXPathToString( sourceProperty, targetProperty, context ) };
else if( !hasSourcePath() && hasTargetPath() )
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( sourceProperty.getValue() != null && sourceProperty.getValue().length() > 0 ) )
return transferStringToXml( sourceProperty, targetProperty, context );
catch( Exception e )
throw new PropertyTransferException( e.getMessage(), getSourceStepName(), sourceProperty, getTargetStepName(),
targetProperty );
return new String[0];
private boolean hasTargetPath()
String path = getTargetPath();
return path != null && path.trim().length() > 0;
private boolean hasSourcePath()
String path = getSourcePath();
return path != null && path.trim().length() > 0;
protected String[] transferStringToString( TestProperty sourceProperty, TestProperty targetProperty )
String value = sourceProperty.getValue();
if( StringUtils.hasContent( value ) && getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
targetProperty.setValue( value );
return new String[] { value };
protected String[] transferXPathToXml( TestProperty sourceProperty, TestProperty targetProperty,
SubmitContext context ) throws Exception
XmlCursor sourceXml;
String sourcePropertyValue = sourceProperty.getValue();
// XmlObject sourceXmlObject = sourcePropertyValue == null ? null :
// XmlObject.Factory.parse( sourcePropertyValue );
XmlObject sourceXmlObject = sourcePropertyValue == null ? null : XmlUtils
.createXmlObject( sourcePropertyValue );
sourceXml = sourceXmlObject == null ? null : sourceXmlObject.newCursor();
catch( XmlException e )
throw new Exception( "Error parsing source property [" + e.getMessage() + "]" );
XmlObject targetXmlObject;
XmlCursor targetXml;
String targetPropertyValue = targetProperty.getValue();
// targetXmlObject = XmlObject.Factory.parse( targetPropertyValue );
targetXmlObject = XmlUtils.createXmlObject( targetPropertyValue );
targetXml = targetXmlObject.newCursor();
catch( XmlException e )
throw new Exception( "Error parsing target property [" + e.getMessage() + "]" );
XmlCursor lastSource = null;
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
String tp = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, getTargetPath() );
targetXml.selectPath( tp );
if( !targetXml.hasNextSelection() )
throw new Exception( "Missing match for Target XPath [" + tp + "]" );
if( sourceXml == null )
if( getSetNullOnMissingSource() )
while( targetXml.toNextSelection() )
result.add( setNodeValue( null, targetXml.getDomNode() ) );
if( !getTransferToAll() )
else if( getUseXQuery() )
String sp = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, getSourcePath() );
XmlCursor resultCursor = sourceXml.execQuery( sp );
sourceXml = resultCursor;
if( sourceXml.toNextToken() != TokenType.START )
if( getSetNullOnMissingSource() )
while( targetXml.toNextSelection() )
result.add( setNodeValue( null, targetXml.getDomNode() ) );
if( !getTransferToAll() )
else if( !getIgnoreEmpty() )
throw new Exception( "Missing match for Source XQuery [" + sp + "]" );
boolean hasTarget = targetXml.toNextSelection();
if( hasTarget )
lastSource = sourceXml.newCursor();
result.add( transferXmlValue( sourceXml, targetXml ) );
String sp = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, getSourcePath() );
sourceXml.selectPath( sp );
if( !sourceXml.hasNextSelection() )
if( getSetNullOnMissingSource() )
while( targetXml.toNextSelection() )
result.add( setNodeValue( null, targetXml.getDomNode() ) );
if( !getTransferToAll() )
else if( !getIgnoreEmpty() )
throw new Exception( "Missing match for Source XPath [" + sp + "]" );
boolean hasSource = sourceXml.toNextSelection();
boolean hasTarget = targetXml.toNextSelection();
while( hasSource && hasTarget )
if( lastSource != null )
lastSource = sourceXml.newCursor();
result.add( transferXmlValue( sourceXml, targetXml ) );
hasSource = sourceXml.toNextSelection();
hasTarget = targetXml.toNextSelection();
if( getTransferToAll() && !hasSource && hasTarget && lastSource != null )
while( hasTarget )
result.add( transferXmlValue( lastSource, targetXml ) );
hasTarget = targetXml.toNextSelection();
if( result.size() > 0 )
String value = targetXmlObject.xmlText( new XmlOptions().setSaveAggressiveNamespaces() );
// if( getEntitize() )
// value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
targetProperty.setValue( value );
return result.toArray( new String[result.size()] );
if( lastSource != null )
protected String[] transferStringToXml( TestProperty sourceProperty, TestProperty targetProperty,
SubmitContext context ) throws XmlException, Exception
if( !StringUtils.hasContent( targetProperty.getValue() ) )
throw new Exception( "Missing target property value" );
XmlObject targetXml = XmlObject.Factory.parse( targetProperty.getValue() );
XmlCursor targetCursor = targetXml.newCursor();
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
String tp = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, getTargetPath() );
targetCursor.selectPath( tp );
if( !targetCursor.toNextSelection() )
throw new Exception( "Missing match for Target XPath [" + tp + "]" );
String value = sourceProperty.getValue();
Node targetNode = targetCursor.getDomNode();
setNodeValue( value, targetNode );
result.add( value );
if( getTransferToAll() )
while( targetCursor.toNextSelection() )
targetNode = targetCursor.getDomNode();
setNodeValue( value, targetNode );
result.add( value );
targetProperty.setValue( targetXml.xmlText( new XmlOptions().setSaveAggressiveNamespaces() ) );
return result.toArray( new String[result.size()] );
private String setNodeValue( String value, Node node ) throws Exception
short targetNodeType = node.getNodeType();
if( targetNodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE )
node = node.getFirstChild();
if( node != null )
targetNodeType = node.getNodeType();
throw new Exception( "Missing source value for " + getSourcePropertyName() );
if( !XmlUtils.setNodeValue( node, value ) )
// if( targetNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || targetNodeType ==
// {
// node.setNodeValue( value );
// }
// else if( targetNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
// {
// XmlUtils.setElementText( (Element) node, value );
// }
// else
throw new Exception( "Failed to set value to node [" + node.toString() + "] of type [" + targetNodeType + "]" );
return value;
protected String transferXPathToString( TestProperty sourceProperty, TestProperty targetProperty,
SubmitContext context ) throws Exception
String sourceValue = sourceProperty.getValue();
if( !StringUtils.hasContent( sourceValue ) )
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() )
throw new Exception( "Missing source value" );
if( getSetNullOnMissingSource() )
targetProperty.setValue( null );
return null;
// XmlObject sourceXml = sourceValue == null ? null :
// XmlObject.Factory.parse( sourceValue );
XmlObject sourceXml = sourceValue == null ? null : XmlUtils.createXmlObject( sourceValue );
XmlCursor sourceCursor = sourceValue == null ? null : sourceXml.newCursor();
String value = null;
String xquery = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, getSourcePath() );
if( getUseXQuery() )
XmlCursor resultCursor = sourceCursor.execQuery( xquery );
sourceCursor = resultCursor;
sourceCursor.selectPath( xquery );
if( !getUseXQuery() && !sourceCursor.toNextSelection() )
if( !getSetNullOnMissingSource() && !getIgnoreEmpty() )
throw new Exception( "Missing match for Source XPath [" + xquery + "]" );
else if( getUseXQuery() && sourceCursor.toNextToken() != TokenType.START )
if( !getSetNullOnMissingSource() && !getIgnoreEmpty() )
throw new Exception( "Missing match for Source XQuery [" + xquery + "]" );
else if( sourceCursor != null )
Node sourceNode = sourceCursor.getDomNode();
short sourceNodeType = sourceNode.getNodeType();
if( sourceNodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE )
sourceNode = sourceNode.getFirstChild();
if( sourceNode != null )
sourceNodeType = sourceNode.getNodeType();
throw new Exception( "Missing source value for " + getSourcePropertyName() );
if( sourceNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || sourceNodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE )
value = sourceNode.getNodeValue();
else if( sourceNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
if( getTransferTextContent() )
value = XmlUtils.getElementText( ( Element )sourceNode );
if( value == null || !getTransferTextContent() )
value = sourceCursor.getObject().xmlText(
new XmlOptions().setSaveOuter().setSaveAggressiveNamespaces() );
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( value != null && value.length() > 0 )
|| ( getSetNullOnMissingSource() && !StringUtils.hasContent( value ) ) )
if( StringUtils.hasContent( value ) && getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
targetProperty.setValue( value );
value = "";
return value;
* Method called for transferring between 2 xml properties..
private String transferXmlValue( XmlCursor source, XmlCursor dest ) throws Exception
// just copy if nodes are of same type
Node destNode = dest.getDomNode();
Node sourceNode = source.getDomNode();
short destNodeType = destNode.getNodeType();
short sourceNodeType = sourceNode.getNodeType();
String value = null;
if( getTransferChildNodes() )
while( destNode.hasChildNodes() )
destNode.removeChild( destNode.getFirstChild() );
NodeList childNodes = sourceNode.getChildNodes();
for( int c = 0; c < childNodes.getLength(); c++ )
destNode.appendChild( destNode.getOwnerDocument().importNode( childNodes.item( c ), true ) );
return XmlUtils.serialize( destNode, false );
if( sourceNodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE )
sourceNode = sourceNode.getFirstChild();
if( sourceNode != null )
sourceNodeType = sourceNode.getNodeType();
throw new Exception( "Missing source value for " + source );
// same type of node?
if( destNodeType == sourceNodeType )
if( destNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE || destNodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE )
value = sourceNode.getNodeValue();
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( value != null && value.length() > 0 ) )
if( getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
destNode.setNodeValue( value );
else if( config.getTransferTextContent() && destNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
value = XmlUtils.getElementText( ( Element )sourceNode );
if( value == null && sourceNode.getFirstChild() != null )
value = source.getObject().xmlText( new XmlOptions().setSaveOuter().setSaveAggressiveNamespaces() );
if( getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
destNode.getParentNode().replaceChild( destNode.getOwnerDocument().importNode( sourceNode, true ),
destNode );
else if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( value != null && value.length() > 0 ) )
if( getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
XmlUtils.setElementText( ( Element )destNode, value );
destNode = destNode.getParentNode().replaceChild(
destNode.getOwnerDocument().importNode( sourceNode, true ), destNode );
value = dest.xmlText();
// text to attribute?
else if( ( sourceNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && destNodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE )
|| ( sourceNodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE && destNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE ) )
value = sourceNode.getNodeValue();
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( value != null && value.length() > 0 ) )
if( getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
destNode.setNodeValue( value );
else if( sourceNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && destNodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE
|| destNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE )
value = XmlUtils.getElementText( ( Element )sourceNode );
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( value != null && value.length() > 0 ) )
if( getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
destNode.setNodeValue( value );
else if( destNodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && sourceNodeType == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE
|| sourceNodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE )
// hmm.. not sure xmlbeans handles this ok
value = sourceNode.getNodeValue();
if( !getIgnoreEmpty() || ( value != null && value.length() > 0 ) )
if( getEntitize() )
value = XmlUtils.entitize( value );
XmlUtils.setElementText( ( Element )destNode, value );
return value;
* Returns the name of the source property.
public String getSourcePropertyName()
if( sourceType == null )
return null;
if( currentSourceProperty != null )
return currentSourceProperty.getName();
TestPropertyHolder actualSourceStep = getSourceStep();
if( actualSourceStep == null )
return sourceType;
TestProperty property = actualSourceStep.getProperty( sourceType );
return property == null ? sourceType : property.getName();
public void setSourcePropertyName( String name )
String old = getSourcePropertyName();
// check for change
if( ( name == null && old == null ) || ( name != null && old != null && name.equals( old ) ) )
// update
sourceType = name;
config.setSourceType( name );
// update actual property
TestPropertyHolder sourceStep2 = getSourceStep();
currentSourceProperty = sourceStep2 != null && sourceType != null ? sourceStep2.getProperty( sourceType ) : null;
// notify!
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( SOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, old, name );
public TestProperty getTargetProperty()
if( targetType == null )
return null;
if( currentTargetProperty != null )
return currentTargetProperty;
TestPropertyHolder actualTargetStep = getTargetStep();
return actualTargetStep == null ? null : actualTargetStep.getProperty( targetType );
public String getTargetPropertyName()
if( targetType == null )
return null;
if( currentTargetProperty != null )
return currentTargetProperty.getName();
TestPropertyHolder actualTargetStep = getTargetStep();
TestProperty property = actualTargetStep == null ? null : actualTargetStep.getProperty( targetType );
return actualTargetStep == null || property == null ? targetType : property.getName();
public void setTargetPropertyName( String name )
String old = getTargetPropertyName();
// check for change
if( ( name == null && old == null ) || ( name != null && old != null && name.equals( old ) ) )
// update
targetType = name;
config.setTargetType( name );
// update actual property
TestPropertyHolder targetStep2 = getTargetStep();
currentTargetProperty = targetStep2 != null && targetType != null ? targetStep2.getProperty( targetType ) : null;
// notify!
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( TARGET_TYPE_PROPERTY, old, name );
public String getName()
return config.getName();
public void setSourcePath( String path )
String old = sourcePath;
sourcePath = path;
config.setSourcePath( path );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( SOURCE_PATH_PROPERTY, old, path );
public void setTargetPath( String path )
String old = targetPath;
targetPath = path;
config.setTargetPath( path );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( TARGET_PATH_PROPERTY, old, path );
public void setName( String name )
String old = this.name;
this.name = name;
config.setName( name );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( NAME_PROPERTY, old, name );
public TestPropertyHolder getSourceStep()
return getPropertyHolder( getSourceStepName() );
public String getSourceStepName()
if( sourceStep != null )
return sourceStep;
if( testCase == null )
return null;
HttpRequestTestStep step = testCase.findPreviousStepOfType( this.testStep, HttpRequestTestStep.class );
return step == null ? null : step.getName();
public void setSourceStepName( String sourceStep )
String old = getSourceStepName();
// check for change
if( ( sourceStep == null && old == null ) || ( sourceStep != null && old != null && sourceStep.equals( old ) ) )
if( sourceStep == null )
log.debug( "Setting sourceStep for transfer [" + getName() + "] to null" );
this.sourceStep = sourceStep;
config.setSourceStep( sourceStep );
if( currentSourceStep != null )
if( currentSourceStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentSourceStep ).removePropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY,
stepNameChangeListener );
currentSourceStep.removeTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
currentSourceStep = getPropertyHolder( sourceStep );
if( currentSourceStep != null )
if( currentSourceStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentSourceStep )
.addPropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY, stepNameChangeListener );
currentSourceStep.addTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
log.warn( "Failed to get sourceStep [" + sourceStep + "]" );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( SOURCE_STEP_PROPERTY, old, sourceStep );
setSourcePropertyName( null );
public TestPropertyHolder getTargetStep()
return getPropertyHolder( getTargetStepName() );
public String getTargetStepName()
if( targetStep != null )
return targetStep;
if( testCase == null )
return null;
HttpRequestTestStep step = testCase.findNextStepOfType( this.testStep, HttpRequestTestStep.class );
return step == null ? null : step.getName();
public void setTargetStepName( String targetStep )
String old = getTargetStepName();
// check for change
if( ( targetStep == null && old == null ) || ( targetStep != null && old != null && targetStep.equals( old ) ) )
if( targetStep == null )
log.debug( "Setting targetStep for transfer [" + getName() + "] to null" );
this.targetStep = targetStep;
config.setTargetStep( targetStep );
if( currentTargetStep != null )
if( currentTargetStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentTargetStep ).removePropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY,
stepNameChangeListener );
currentTargetStep.removeTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
currentTargetStep = getPropertyHolder( targetStep );
if( currentTargetStep != null )
if( currentTargetStep instanceof TestStep )
( ( TestStep )currentTargetStep )
.addPropertyChangeListener( TestStep.NAME_PROPERTY, stepNameChangeListener );
currentTargetStep.addTestPropertyListener( propertyNameChangeListener );
log.warn( "Failed to get targetStep [" + targetStep + "]" );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( TARGET_STEP_PROPERTY, old, targetStep );
setTargetPropertyName( null );
private TestPropertyHolder getPropertyHolder( String name )
if( !StringUtils.hasContent( name ) || testCase == null )
return null;
if( name.charAt( 0 ) == PropertyExpansion.SCOPE_PREFIX )
if( name.equals( PropertyExpansion.GLOBAL_REFERENCE ) )
return PropertyExpansionUtils.getGlobalProperties();
if( name.equals( PropertyExpansion.PROJECT_REFERENCE ) )
return testCase.getTestSuite().getProject();
if( name.equals( PropertyExpansion.TESTSUITE_REFERENCE ) )
return testCase.getTestSuite();
if( name.equals( PropertyExpansion.TESTCASE_REFERENCE ) )
return testCase;
return testStep.getTestCase().getTestStepByName( name );
public void addPropertyChangeListener( String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener )
propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener( propertyName, listener );
public void addPropertyChangeListener( PropertyChangeListener listener )
propertyChangeSupport.addPropertyChangeListener( listener );
public void removePropertyChangeListener( PropertyChangeListener listener )
propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener( listener );
public void removePropertyChangeListener( String propertyName, PropertyChangeListener listener )
propertyChangeSupport.removePropertyChangeListener( propertyName, listener );
public boolean getFailOnError()
return config.getFailOnError();
public void setFailOnError( boolean failOnError )
config.setFailOnError( failOnError );
public boolean getTransferToAll()
return config.getTransferToAll();
public void setTransferToAll( boolean transferToAll )
config.setTransferToAll( transferToAll );
public boolean getUseXQuery()
return config.getUseXQuery();
public void setUseXQuery( boolean useXQuery )
config.setUseXQuery( useXQuery );
public boolean getEntitize()
return config.getEntitize();
public void setEntitize( boolean entitize )
config.setEntitize( entitize );
public boolean getIgnoreEmpty()
return config.getIgnoreEmpty();
public void setIgnoreEmpty( boolean ignoreEmpty )
config.setIgnoreEmpty( ignoreEmpty );
public boolean getSetNullOnMissingSource()
return config.getSetNullOnMissingSource();
public void setSetNullOnMissingSource( boolean setNullOnMissingSource )
config.setSetNullOnMissingSource( setNullOnMissingSource );
public boolean getTransferTextContent()
return config.getTransferTextContent();
public void setTransferTextContent( boolean transferTextContent )
config.setTransferTextContent( transferTextContent );
public boolean isDisabled()
return config.getDisabled();
public void setDisabled( boolean disabled )
config.setDisabled( disabled );
public boolean getTransferChildNodes()
return config.getTransferChildNodes();
public void setTransferChildNodes( boolean b )
config.setTransferChildNodes( b );
private final class InternalTestSuiteListener extends TestSuiteListenerAdapter
public void testStepRemoved( TestStep testStep, int index )
if( testStep.getTestCase() == testCase )
String stepName = testStep.getName();
if( stepName.equals( sourceStep ) )
setSourceStepName( null );
if( stepName.equals( targetStep ) )
setTargetStepName( null );
* Handle changes to source/target testStep names
* @author Ole.Matzura
private class StepNameChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener
public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt )
String oldName = ( String )evt.getOldValue();
String newValue = ( String )evt.getNewValue();
if( newValue == null )
log.error( "Tried to change stepname to null!" );
if( oldName.equals( sourceStep ) && currentSourceStep instanceof TestStep )
sourceStep = newValue;
config.setSourceStep( sourceStep );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( SOURCE_STEP_PROPERTY, oldName, sourceStep );
if( oldName.equals( targetStep ) && currentTargetStep instanceof TestStep )
targetStep = newValue;
config.setTargetStep( targetStep );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( TARGET_STEP_PROPERTY, oldName, targetStep );
* Handle changes to source/target property names
* @author Ole.Matzura
private class InternalTestPropertyListener extends TestPropertyListenerAdapter
public void propertyRenamed( String oldName, String newName )
if( oldName.equals( sourceType ) )
sourceType = newName;
config.setSourceType( sourceType );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( SOURCE_TYPE_PROPERTY, oldName, sourceType );
if( oldName.equals( targetType ) )
targetType = newName;
config.setTargetType( targetType );
propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange( TARGET_TYPE_PROPERTY, oldName, targetType );
public void propertyRemoved( String name )
if( name.equals( sourceType ) )
log.warn( "source property for transfer [" + getName() + "] in teststep [" + testStep.getName() + "/"
+ testStep.getTestCase().getName() + "/" + testStep.getTestCase().getTestSuite().getName()
+ "] set to null, was [" + name + "]" );
currentSourceProperty = null;
setSourcePropertyName( null );
if( name.equals( targetType ) )
log.warn( "target property for transfer [" + getName() + "] in teststep [" + testStep.getName() + "/"
+ testStep.getTestCase().getName() + "/" + testStep.getTestCase().getTestSuite().getName()
+ "] set to null, was [" + name + "]" );
currentTargetProperty = null;
setTargetPropertyName( null );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void resolve( ResolveContext<?> context, PropertyTransfersTestStep parent )
if( isDisabled() )
if( getSourceProperty() == null )
if( context.hasThisModelItem( parent, "Resolve source property", getConfig().getSourceStep() ) )
context.addPathToResolve( parent, "Resolve source property", getConfig().getSourceStep() ).addResolvers(
new DisablePropertyTransferResolver( this ), new CreateMissingPropertyResolver( this, parent ),
new ChooseAnotherPropertySourceResolver( this, parent ) );
if( context.hasThisModelItem( parent, "Resolve source property", getConfig().getSourceStep() ) )
PathToResolve path = context.getPath( parent, "Resolve source property", getConfig().getSourceStep() );
path.setSolved( true );
if( getTargetProperty() == null )
if( context.hasThisModelItem( parent, "Resolve target property", getConfig().getTargetStep() ) )
context.addPathToResolve( parent, "Resolve target property", getConfig().getTargetStep() ).addResolvers(
new DisablePropertyTransferResolver( this ), new CreateMissingPropertyResolver( this, parent ),
new ChooseAnotherPropertyTargetResolver( this, parent ) );
if( context.hasThisModelItem( parent, "Resolve target property", getConfig().getTargetStep() ) )
PathToResolve path = context.getPath( parent, "Resolve target property", getConfig().getTargetStep() );
path.setSolved( true );