* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wss;
import java.security.Security;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.IncomingWssConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.KeyMaterialCryptoConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.OutgoingWssConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.WssContainerConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.ExternalDependency;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wss.crypto.KeyMaterialWssCrypto;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.ModelItem;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansion;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionsResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ResolveContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringList;
public class DefaultWssContainer implements WssContainer
private final ModelItem modelItem;
private List<WssCrypto> cryptos = new ArrayList<WssCrypto>();
private List<IncomingWss> incomingWssConfigs = new ArrayList<IncomingWss>();
private List<OutgoingWss> outgoingWssConfigs = new ArrayList<OutgoingWss>();
private final WssContainerConfig config;
private Set<WssContainerListener> listeners = new HashSet<WssContainerListener>();
Security.addProvider( new BouncyCastleProvider() );
public DefaultWssContainer( ModelItem modelItem, WssContainerConfig config )
this.modelItem = modelItem;
this.config = config;
for( KeyMaterialCryptoConfig cryptoConfig : config.getCryptoList() )
cryptos.add( new KeyMaterialWssCrypto( cryptoConfig, this ) );
for( IncomingWssConfig wssConfig : config.getIncomingList() )
incomingWssConfigs.add( new IncomingWss( wssConfig, this ) );
for( OutgoingWssConfig wssConfig : config.getOutgoingList() )
outgoingWssConfigs.add( new OutgoingWss( wssConfig, this ) );
public ModelItem getModelItem()
return modelItem;
public PropertyExpansion[] getPropertyExpansions()
PropertyExpansionsResult result = new PropertyExpansionsResult( getModelItem(), this );
for( OutgoingWss entry : outgoingWssConfigs )
result.addAll( entry.getPropertyExpansions() );
return result.toArray();
public List<WssCrypto> getCryptoList()
return new ArrayList<WssCrypto>( cryptos );
public WssCrypto addCrypto( String source, String password )
KeyMaterialWssCrypto result = new KeyMaterialWssCrypto( getConfig().addNewCrypto(), this, source, password );
cryptos.add( result );
fireCryptoAdded( result );
return result;
protected void fireCryptoAdded( WssCrypto crypto )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.cryptoAdded( crypto );
protected void fireCryptoRemoved( WssCrypto crypto )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.cryptoRemoved( crypto );
public WssContainerConfig getConfig()
return config;
public int getCryptoCount()
return cryptos.size();
public WssCrypto getCryptoAt( int index )
return cryptos.get( index );
public void removeCryptoAt( int row )
WssCrypto crypto = cryptos.remove( row );
fireCryptoRemoved( crypto );
getConfig().removeCrypto( row );
public List<IncomingWss> getIncomingWssList()
return new ArrayList<IncomingWss>( incomingWssConfigs );
public IncomingWss addIncomingWss( String label )
IncomingWss incomingWss = new IncomingWss( getConfig().addNewIncoming(), this );
incomingWss.setName( label );
incomingWssConfigs.add( incomingWss );
fireIncomingWssAdded( incomingWss );
return incomingWss;
public int getIncomingWssCount()
return incomingWssConfigs.size();
public IncomingWss getIncomingWssAt( int index )
return incomingWssConfigs.get( index );
public void removeIncomingWssAt( int row )
IncomingWss incomingWss = incomingWssConfigs.remove( row );
fireIncomingWssRemoved( incomingWss );
getConfig().removeIncoming( row );
protected void fireIncomingWssAdded( IncomingWss incomingWss )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.incomingWssAdded( incomingWss );
protected void fireIncomingWssRemoved( IncomingWss incomingWss )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.incomingWssRemoved( incomingWss );
public List<OutgoingWss> getOutgoingWssList()
return new ArrayList<OutgoingWss>( outgoingWssConfigs );
public OutgoingWss addOutgoingWss( String label )
OutgoingWss result = new OutgoingWss( getConfig().addNewOutgoing(), this );
result.setName( label );
outgoingWssConfigs.add( result );
fireOutgoingWssAdded( result );
return result;
protected void fireOutgoingWssAdded( OutgoingWss result )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.outgoingWssAdded( result );
protected void fireOutgoingWssRemoved( OutgoingWss result )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.outgoingWssRemoved( result );
public int getOutgoingWssCount()
return outgoingWssConfigs.size();
public OutgoingWss getOutgoingWssAt( int index )
return outgoingWssConfigs.get( index );
public void removeOutgoingWssAt( int row )
OutgoingWss outgoingWss = outgoingWssConfigs.remove( row );
fireOutgoingWssRemoved( outgoingWss );
getConfig().removeOutgoing( row );
public WssCrypto getCryptoByName( String cryptoName )
for( WssCrypto crypto : cryptos )
if( crypto.getLabel().equals( cryptoName ) )
return crypto;
return null;
public IncomingWss getIncomingWssByName( String incomingName )
for( IncomingWss incomingWss : incomingWssConfigs )
if( incomingWss.getName().equals( incomingName ) )
return incomingWss;
return null;
public OutgoingWss getOutgoingWssByName( String outgoingName )
for( OutgoingWss crypto : outgoingWssConfigs )
if( crypto.getName().equals( outgoingName ) )
return crypto;
return null;
public void addWssContainerListener( WssContainerListener listener )
listeners.add( listener );
public void removeWssContainerListener( WssContainerListener listener )
listeners.remove( listener );
public void fireWssEntryAdded( WssEntry newEntry )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.outgoingWssEntryAdded( newEntry );
public void fireWssEntryRemoved( WssEntry entry )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.outgoingWssEntryRemoved( entry );
public String[] getCryptoNames()
StringList result = new StringList();
for( WssCrypto crypto : getCryptoList() )
result.add( crypto.getLabel() );
return result.toStringArray();
public String[] getIncomingWssNames()
StringList result = new StringList();
for( IncomingWss crypto : getIncomingWssList() )
result.add( crypto.getName() );
return result.toStringArray();
public String[] getOutgoingWssNames()
StringList result = new StringList();
for( OutgoingWss crypto : getOutgoingWssList() )
result.add( crypto.getName() );
return result.toStringArray();
public void importConfig( WssContainer wssContainer )
public void resetConfig( WssContainerConfig config )
getConfig().set( config );
for( int c = 0; c < cryptos.size(); c++ )
( ( KeyMaterialWssCrypto )cryptos.get( c ) ).udpateConfig( getConfig().getCryptoArray( c ) );
for( int c = 0; c < incomingWssConfigs.size(); c++ )
incomingWssConfigs.get( c ).updateConfig( getConfig().getIncomingArray( c ) );
for( int c = 0; c < outgoingWssConfigs.size(); c++ )
outgoingWssConfigs.get( c ).updateConfig( getConfig().getOutgoingArray( c ) );
public void fireCryptoUpdated( KeyMaterialWssCrypto crypto )
for( WssContainerListener listener : listeners.toArray( new WssContainerListener[listeners.size()] ) )
listener.cryptoUpdated( crypto );
public void resolve( ResolveContext<?> context )
for( int c = 0; c < cryptos.size(); c++ )
( ( KeyMaterialWssCrypto )cryptos.get( c ) ).resolve( context );
for( int c = 0; c < incomingWssConfigs.size(); c++ )
incomingWssConfigs.get( c ).resolve( context );
for( int c = 0; c < outgoingWssConfigs.size(); c++ )
outgoingWssConfigs.get( c ).resolve( context );
public void addExternalDependency( List<ExternalDependency> dependencies )
for( int c = 0; c < cryptos.size(); c++ )
( ( KeyMaterialWssCrypto )cryptos.get( c ) ).addExternalDependency( dependencies );
public void release()