* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.endpoint;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException;
import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.DefaultEndpointStrategyConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.EndpointConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.ProjectConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.support.AbstractHttpRequestInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.support.AbstractInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProject;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.filters.HttpAuthenticationRequestFilter;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.filters.WssAuthenticationRequestFilter;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.submit.transports.http.BaseHttpRequestTransport;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Interface;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Request;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Response;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.SubmitContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.project.EndpointStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.project.Project;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.project.ProjectListener;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpander;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansion;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionContainer;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionsResult;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.support.ProjectListenerAdapter;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.StringUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringList;
public class DefaultEndpointStrategy implements EndpointStrategy, PropertyExpansionContainer
private WsdlProject project;
private DefaultEndpointStrategyConfig config;
private Map<String, EndpointDefaults> defaults = new HashMap<String, EndpointDefaults>();
private PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener = new InternalPropertyChangeListener();
private ProjectListener projectListener = new InternalProjectListener();
private DefaultEndpointStrategyConfigurationPanel configurationPanel;
public void init( Project project )
this.project = ( WsdlProject )project;
project.addProjectListener( projectListener );
for( Interface iface : project.getInterfaceList() )
for( String endpoint : iface.getEndpoints() )
// ensure we have defaults
getEndpointDefaults( endpoint );
iface.addPropertyChangeListener( AbstractInterface.ENDPOINT_PROPERTY, propertyChangeListener );
private void initConfig()
ProjectConfig projectConfig = this.project.getConfig();
if( !projectConfig.isSetEndpointStrategy() )
config = ( DefaultEndpointStrategyConfig )projectConfig.getEndpointStrategy().changeType(
DefaultEndpointStrategyConfig.type );
for( EndpointConfig endpointConfig : config.getEndpointList() )
if( !endpointConfig.isSetMode() )
endpointConfig.setMode( EndpointConfig.Mode.COMPLEMENT );
defaults.put( endpointConfig.getStringValue(), new EndpointDefaults( endpointConfig ) );
private void removeUnusedEndpoints()
if( config == null )
Set<String> endpoints = new HashSet<String>();
for( Interface iface : project.getInterfaceList() )
endpoints.addAll( Arrays.asList( iface.getEndpoints() ) );
StringList keys = new StringList();
synchronized( defaults )
for( String key : defaults.keySet() )
if( !endpoints.contains( key ) )
keys.add( key );
for( String key : keys )
EndpointDefaults def = defaults.remove( key );
config.getEndpointList().remove( def );
public void filterRequest( SubmitContext context, Request wsdlRequest )
HttpMethod httpMethod = ( HttpMethod )context.getProperty( BaseHttpRequestTransport.HTTP_METHOD );
URI uri = ( URI )context.getProperty( BaseHttpRequestTransport.REQUEST_URI );
if( uri == null )
uri = httpMethod.getURI();
catch( URIException e )
SoapUI.logError( e,
"Error for path: " + httpMethod.getPath() + ", QueryString: " + httpMethod.getQueryString() );
EndpointDefaults def = defaults.get( uri.toString() );
if( def == null )
synchronized( defaults )
for( String ep : defaults.keySet() )
URL tempUri = new URL( PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, ep ) );
if( tempUri.toString().equals( uri.toString() ) )
def = defaults.get( ep );
catch( Exception e )
// we can hide this exception for now, it could happen for
// invalid property-expansions, etc
// if the endpoint really is wrong there will be other
// exception later on
if( def == null )
applyDefaultsToWsdlRequest( context, ( AbstractHttpRequestInterface<?> )wsdlRequest, def );
protected void applyDefaultsToWsdlRequest( SubmitContext context, AbstractHttpRequestInterface<?> wsdlRequest,
EndpointDefaults def )
String requestUsername = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, wsdlRequest.getUsername() );
String requestPassword = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, wsdlRequest.getPassword() );
String requestDomain = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, wsdlRequest.getDomain() );
String defUsername = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, def.getUsername() );
String defPassword = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, def.getPassword() );
String defDomain = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, def.getDomain() );
if( def.getMode() == EndpointConfig.Mode.OVERRIDE )
overrideRequest( context, wsdlRequest, def, requestUsername, requestPassword, requestDomain, defUsername,
defPassword, defDomain );
else if( def.getMode() == EndpointConfig.Mode.COPY )
copyToRequest( context, wsdlRequest, def, requestUsername, requestPassword, requestDomain, defUsername,
defPassword, defDomain );
else if( def.getMode() == EndpointConfig.Mode.COMPLEMENT )
complementRequest( context, wsdlRequest, def, requestUsername, requestPassword, requestDomain, defUsername,
defPassword, defDomain );
private void overrideRequest( SubmitContext context, AbstractHttpRequestInterface<?> wsdlRequest,
EndpointDefaults def, String requestUsername, String requestPassword, String requestDomain,
String defUsername, String defPassword, String defDomain )
String username = StringUtils.hasContent( defUsername ) ? defUsername : requestUsername;
String password = StringUtils.hasContent( defPassword ) ? defPassword : requestPassword;
if( StringUtils.hasContent( username ) || StringUtils.hasContent( password ) )
// only set if not set in request
String wssType = def.getWssType();
String wssTimeToLive = def.getWssTimeToLive();
if( wssType == null )
String domain = StringUtils.hasContent( defDomain ) ? defDomain : requestDomain;
HttpAuthenticationRequestFilter.initRequestCredentials( context, username, project.getSettings(), password,
domain );
if( StringUtils.hasContent( wssType ) || StringUtils.hasContent( wssTimeToLive ) )
// set to null so existing don't get removed
if( wssTimeToLive != null && wssTimeToLive.length() == 0 )
wssTimeToLive = null;
WssAuthenticationRequestFilter.setWssHeaders( context, username, password, wssType, wssTimeToLive );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
private void copyToRequest( SubmitContext context, AbstractHttpRequestInterface<?> wsdlRequest,
EndpointDefaults def, String requestUsername, String requestPassword, String requestDomain,
String defUsername, String defPassword, String defDomain )
// only set if not set in request
String wssType = def.getWssType();
if( wssType != null )
HttpAuthenticationRequestFilter.initRequestCredentials( context, null, project.getSettings(), null, null );
HttpAuthenticationRequestFilter.initRequestCredentials( context, defUsername, project.getSettings(),
defPassword, defDomain );
String wssTimeToLive = def.getWssTimeToLive();
if( wssTimeToLive == null )
wssTimeToLive = "";
WssAuthenticationRequestFilter.setWssHeaders( context, defUsername, defPassword, wssType, wssTimeToLive );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
private void complementRequest( SubmitContext context, AbstractHttpRequestInterface<?> httpRequest,
EndpointDefaults def, String requestUsername, String requestPassword, String requestDomain,
String defUsername, String defPassword, String defDomain )
String username = StringUtils.hasContent( requestUsername ) ? requestUsername : defUsername;
String password = StringUtils.hasContent( requestPassword ) ? requestPassword : defPassword;
if( httpRequest instanceof WsdlRequest )
WsdlRequest wsdlRequest = ( WsdlRequest )httpRequest;
// only set if not set in request
String wssType = StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( wsdlRequest.getWssPasswordType() ) ? def.getWssType()
: ( StringUtils.hasContent( username ) && StringUtils.hasContent( password ) ) ? null : wsdlRequest
String wssTimeToLive = StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( wsdlRequest.getWssTimeToLive() ) ? def.getWssTimeToLive()
: null;
if( !StringUtils.hasContent( wssType )
&& ( StringUtils.hasContent( username ) || StringUtils.hasContent( password ) ) )
String domain = StringUtils.hasContent( requestDomain ) ? requestDomain : defDomain;
HttpAuthenticationRequestFilter.initRequestCredentials( context, username, project.getSettings(), password,
domain );
else if( StringUtils.hasContent( wssType ) || StringUtils.hasContent( wssTimeToLive ) )
// set to null so existing don't get removed
if( wssTimeToLive != null && wssTimeToLive.length() == 0 )
wssTimeToLive = null;
if( StringUtils.hasContent( username ) || StringUtils.hasContent( password ) )
WssAuthenticationRequestFilter.setWssHeaders( context, username, password, wssType, wssTimeToLive );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
if( ( StringUtils.hasContent( username ) || StringUtils.hasContent( password ) ) )
String domain = StringUtils.hasContent( requestDomain ) ? requestDomain : defDomain;
HttpAuthenticationRequestFilter.initRequestCredentials( context, username, project.getSettings(), password,
domain );
public void release()
project.removeProjectListener( projectListener );
for( Interface iface : project.getInterfaceList() )
iface.removePropertyChangeListener( AbstractInterface.ENDPOINT_PROPERTY, propertyChangeListener );
if( configurationPanel != null )
private class InternalProjectListener extends ProjectListenerAdapter
public void interfaceAdded( Interface iface )
for( String endpoint : iface.getEndpoints() )
// ensure we have defaults
getEndpointDefaults( endpoint );
iface.addPropertyChangeListener( AbstractInterface.ENDPOINT_PROPERTY, propertyChangeListener );
public void interfaceRemoved( Interface iface )
iface.removePropertyChangeListener( AbstractInterface.ENDPOINT_PROPERTY, propertyChangeListener );
private class InternalPropertyChangeListener implements PropertyChangeListener
public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt )
// new endpoint?
String newValue = evt.getNewValue() == null ? null : evt.getNewValue().toString();
if( evt.getOldValue() == null )
getEndpointDefaults( newValue );
// changed endpoint?
else if( newValue != null )
String oldValue = evt.getOldValue().toString();
EndpointDefaults def = defaults.containsKey( newValue ) ? defaults.get( newValue )
: getEndpointDefaults( oldValue );
def.endpointConfig.setStringValue( newValue );
synchronized( defaults )
defaults.remove( oldValue );
defaults.put( newValue, def );
public class EndpointDefaults implements PropertyExpansionContainer
private final EndpointConfig endpointConfig;
public EndpointDefaults( EndpointConfig endpointConfig )
this.endpointConfig = endpointConfig;
if( !endpointConfig.isSetMode() )
endpointConfig.setMode( EndpointConfig.Mode.COMPLEMENT );
public String getDomain()
return endpointConfig.getDomain();
public String getPassword()
return endpointConfig.getPassword();
public String getUsername()
return endpointConfig.getUsername();
public String getWssTimeToLive()
return endpointConfig.getWssTimeToLive();
public String getWssType()
String wssPasswordType = endpointConfig.getWssType();
return StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( wssPasswordType ) || WsdlRequest.PW_TYPE_NONE.equals( wssPasswordType ) ? null
: wssPasswordType;
public void setDomain( String arg0 )
endpointConfig.setDomain( arg0 );
public void setPassword( String arg0 )
endpointConfig.setPassword( arg0 );
public void setUsername( String arg0 )
endpointConfig.setUsername( arg0 );
public void setWssTimeToLive( String arg0 )
endpointConfig.setWssTimeToLive( arg0 );
public String getIncomingWss()
return endpointConfig.getIncomingWss();
public String getOutgoingWss()
return endpointConfig.getOutgoingWss();
public void setIncomingWss( String arg0 )
endpointConfig.setIncomingWss( arg0 );
public void setOutgoingWss( String arg0 )
endpointConfig.setOutgoingWss( arg0 );
public void setWssType( String wssPasswordType )
if( wssPasswordType == null || wssPasswordType.equals( WsdlRequest.PW_TYPE_NONE ) )
if( endpointConfig.isSetWssType() )
endpointConfig.setWssType( wssPasswordType );
public EndpointConfig.Mode.Enum getMode()
return endpointConfig.getMode();
public void setMode( EndpointConfig.Mode.Enum mode )
endpointConfig.setMode( mode );
protected EndpointConfig getConfig()
return endpointConfig;
public PropertyExpansion[] getPropertyExpansions()
PropertyExpansionsResult result = new PropertyExpansionsResult( project, this );
result.extractAndAddAll( "username" );
result.extractAndAddAll( "password" );
result.extractAndAddAll( "domain" );
return result.toArray();
public EndpointDefaults getEndpointDefaults( String endpoint )
if( config == null )
if( !defaults.containsKey( endpoint ) )
synchronized( defaults )
EndpointConfig newEndpoint = config.addNewEndpoint();
newEndpoint.setStringValue( endpoint );
defaults.put( endpoint, new EndpointDefaults( newEndpoint ) );
return defaults.get( endpoint );
public void onSave()
if( config == null )
// remove unused
for( int c = 0; c < config.sizeOfEndpointArray(); c++ )
EndpointConfig ec = config.getEndpointArray( c );
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( ec.getDomain() ) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( ec.getUsername() )
&& StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( ec.getPassword() ) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( ec.getWssType() )
&& StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( ec.getWssTimeToLive() ) && StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( ec.getIncomingWss() )
&& StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( ec.getOutgoingWss() ) && ec.getMode() == EndpointConfig.Mode.COMPLEMENT )
synchronized( defaults )
defaults.remove( ec.getStringValue() );
config.removeEndpoint( c );
c-- ;
if( config.sizeOfEndpointArray() == 0 )
config = null;
public void importEndpoints( Interface iface )
EndpointStrategy ep = iface.getProject().getEndpointStrategy();
if( ep instanceof DefaultEndpointStrategy )
DefaultEndpointStrategy dep = ( DefaultEndpointStrategy )ep;
String[] endpoints = iface.getEndpoints();
for( String endpoint : endpoints )
getEndpointDefaults( endpoint ).getConfig().set( dep.getEndpointDefaults( endpoint ).getConfig() );
public JComponent getConfigurationPanel( Interface iface )
configurationPanel = new DefaultEndpointStrategyConfigurationPanel( iface, this );
return configurationPanel;
public void afterRequest( SubmitContext context, Response response )
public PropertyExpansion[] getPropertyExpansions()
PropertyExpansionsResult result = new PropertyExpansionsResult( project, this );
for( EndpointDefaults ed : defaults.values() )
result.addAll( ed.getPropertyExpansions() );
return result.toArray();
public void changeEndpoint( String oldEndpoint, String newEndpoint )
synchronized( defaults )
EndpointDefaults endpointDefaults = defaults.remove( oldEndpoint );
if( endpointDefaults != null )
endpointDefaults.getConfig().setStringValue( newEndpoint );
defaults.put( newEndpoint, endpointDefaults );
public void afterRequest( SubmitContext context, Request request )