* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.actions.loadtest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.loadtest.WsdlLoadTest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.HelpUrls;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.settings.Settings;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.UISupport;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.action.support.AbstractSoapUIAction;
import com.eviware.x.form.XFormDialog;
import com.eviware.x.form.XFormField;
import com.eviware.x.form.XFormFieldListener;
import com.eviware.x.form.support.ADialogBuilder;
import com.eviware.x.form.support.AField;
import com.eviware.x.form.support.AField.AFieldType;
import com.eviware.x.form.support.AForm;
import com.eviware.x.form.support.APage;
* Displays the LoadTest Options dialog
* @author Ole.Matzura
public class LoadTestOptionsAction extends AbstractSoapUIAction<WsdlLoadTest>
public static final String SOAPUI_ACTION_ID = "LoadTestOptionsAction";
private XFormDialog dialog;
public LoadTestOptionsAction()
super( "Options", "Sets options for this LoadTest" );
public void perform( WsdlLoadTest loadTest, Object param )
if( dialog == null )
dialog.setIntValue( SettingsForm.THREAD_STARTUP_DELAY, loadTest.getStartDelay() );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.RESET_STATISTICS, loadTest.getResetStatisticsOnThreadCountChange() );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CALC_TPS, loadTest.getCalculateTPSOnTimePassed() );
dialog.setIntValue( SettingsForm.SAMPLE_INTERVAL, ( int )loadTest.getSampleInterval() );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.DISABLE_HISTORY, loadTest.getHistoryLimit() == 0 );
dialog.setIntValue( SettingsForm.MAX_ASSERTIONS, ( int )loadTest.getMaxAssertionErrors() );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CANCEL_RUNNING, loadTest.getCancelOnReachedLimit() );
dialog.setIntValue( SettingsForm.STRATEGY_INTERVAL, ( int )loadTest.getStrategyInterval() );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CANCEL_EXCESSIVE, loadTest.getCancelExcessiveThreads() );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.TESTSTEP_STATISTICS, loadTest.getUpdateStatisticsPerTestStep() );
Settings settings = loadTest.getSettings();
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.INCLUDE_REQUEST,
settings.getBoolean( HttpSettings.INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN ) );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.INCLUDE_RESPONSE,
settings.getBoolean( HttpSettings.INCLUDE_RESPONSE_IN_TIME_TAKEN ) );
dialog.setBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS, settings.getBoolean( HttpSettings.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS ) );
dialog.setValue( LogForm.LOG_FOLDER, loadTest.getStatisticsLogFolder() );
dialog.setIntValue( LogForm.LOG_INTERVAL, ( int )loadTest.getStatisticsLogInterval() );
dialog.setBooleanValue( LogForm.LOG_ON_THREADCOUNT_CHANGE, loadTest.getLogStatisticsOnThreadChange() );
if( dialog.show() && !loadTest.isRunning() )
loadTest.setStartDelay( dialog.getIntValue( SettingsForm.THREAD_STARTUP_DELAY, loadTest.getStartDelay() ) );
loadTest.setResetStatisticsOnThreadCountChange( dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.RESET_STATISTICS ) );
loadTest.setCalculateTPSOnTimePassed( dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CALC_TPS ) );
loadTest.setSampleInterval( dialog.getIntValue( SettingsForm.SAMPLE_INTERVAL,
( int )loadTest.getSampleInterval() ) );
loadTest.setHistoryLimit( dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.DISABLE_HISTORY ) ? 0 : -1 );
loadTest.setMaxAssertionErrors( dialog.getIntValue( SettingsForm.MAX_ASSERTIONS, 1000 ) );
loadTest.setCancelOnReachedLimit( dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CANCEL_RUNNING ) );
loadTest.setStrategyInterval( dialog.getIntValue( SettingsForm.STRATEGY_INTERVAL,
loadTest.setCancelExcessiveThreads( dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CANCEL_EXCESSIVE ) );
loadTest.setUpdateStatisticsPerTestStep( dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.TESTSTEP_STATISTICS ) );
settings.setBoolean( HttpSettings.INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN,
dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.INCLUDE_REQUEST ) );
settings.setBoolean( HttpSettings.INCLUDE_RESPONSE_IN_TIME_TAKEN,
dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.INCLUDE_RESPONSE ) );
settings.setBoolean( HttpSettings.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS,
dialog.getBooleanValue( SettingsForm.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS ) );
loadTest.setLogStatisticsOnThreadChange( dialog.getBooleanValue( LogForm.LOG_ON_THREADCOUNT_CHANGE ) );
loadTest.setStatisticsLogFolder( dialog.getValue( LogForm.LOG_FOLDER ) );
loadTest.setStatisticsLogInterval( dialog.getIntValue( LogForm.LOG_INTERVAL,
( int )loadTest.getStatisticsLogInterval() ) );
catch( NumberFormatException ex )
private void buildDialog()
dialog = ADialogBuilder.buildTabbedDialog( WizardForm.class, null );
dialog.getFormField( SettingsForm.DISABLE_HISTORY ).addFormFieldListener( new XFormFieldListener()
public void valueChanged( XFormField sourceField, String newValue, String oldValue )
dialog.getFormField( SettingsForm.SAMPLE_INTERVAL ).setEnabled( !Boolean.parseBoolean( newValue ) );
} );
@AForm( description = "Set options for this LoadTest", name = "LoadTest Options", helpUrl = HelpUrls.LOADTESTOPTIONS_HELP_URL, icon = UISupport.TOOL_ICON_PATH )
private interface WizardForm
@APage( name = "Settings" )
public final static SettingsForm INPUT = null;
@APage( name = "Statistics Log" )
public final static LogForm LogForm = null;
@AForm( name = "LoadTest Options", description = "", helpUrl = HelpUrls.LOADTESTOPTIONS_HELP_URL, icon = UISupport.OPTIONS_ICON_PATH )
private interface SettingsForm
@AField( name = "Thread Startup Delay", description = "The delay before starting a thread in ms", type = AFieldType.INT )
public final static String THREAD_STARTUP_DELAY = "Thread Startup Delay";
@AField( name = "Reset Statistics", description = "when the number of threads changes", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String RESET_STATISTICS = "Reset Statistics";
@AField( name = "Calculate TPS/BPS", description = "based on actual time passed", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String CALC_TPS = "Calculate TPS/BPS";
@AField( name = "TestStep Statistics", description = "update statistics every TestStep", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String TESTSTEP_STATISTICS = "TestStep Statistics";
@AField( name = "Include Request Write", description = "in calculated time", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String INCLUDE_REQUEST = "Include Request Write";
@AField( name = "Include Response Read", description = "in calculated time", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String INCLUDE_RESPONSE = "Include Response Read";
@AField( name = "Close Connections", description = "between each request", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String CLOSE_CONNECTIONS = "Close Connections";
@AField( name = "Sample Interval", description = "statistics sample interval in milliseconds", type = AFieldType.INT )
public final static String SAMPLE_INTERVAL = "Sample Interval";
@AField( name = "Disable History", description = "to preserve memory (will disable diagrams)", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String DISABLE_HISTORY = "Disable History";
@AField( name = "Max Assertions in Log", description = "the maximum number of assertion errors to keep in log (to preserve memory)", type = AFieldType.INT )
public final static String MAX_ASSERTIONS = "Max Assertions in Log";
@AField( name = "Cancel Running", description = "Cancel running TestCases when Limit has been reached", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String CANCEL_RUNNING = "Cancel Running";
@AField( name = "Cancel Excessive", description = "Cancel excessive threads when ThreadCount decreases", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String CANCEL_EXCESSIVE = "Cancel Excessive";
@AField( name = "Strategy Interval", description = "LoadTest Strategy application interval in milliseconds", type = AFieldType.INT )
public final static String STRATEGY_INTERVAL = "Strategy Interval";
@AForm( name = "Logging", description = "", helpUrl = HelpUrls.LOADTESTOPTIONS_HELP_URL, icon = UISupport.OPTIONS_ICON_PATH )
private interface LogForm
@AField( name = "Log Folder", description = "The folder in which to create log files", type = AFieldType.FOLDER )
public final static String LOG_FOLDER = "Log Folder";
@AField( name = "Log Interval", description = "The log interval in milliseconds, 0 only logs at end", type = AFieldType.INT )
public final static String LOG_INTERVAL = "Log Interval";
@AField( name = "Log on ThreadCount change", description = "Log every time the number of threads changes", type = AFieldType.BOOLEAN )
public final static String LOG_ON_THREADCOUNT_CHANGE = "Log on ThreadCount change";