* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.commons.ssl.OpenSSL;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlError;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.CrossSiteScriptingScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.GroovySecurityCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.GroovySecurityScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.InterfaceConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.InvalidSecurityCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.InvalidSecurityScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.MaliciousAttachmentConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.MaliciousAttachmentElementConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.MaliciousAttachmentSecurityScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.MockServiceConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.MockServiceDocumentConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.ParameterExposureCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.ProjectConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SQLInjectionCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SQLInjectionScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SchemaTypeForSecurityCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SchemaTypeForSecurityScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SecurityCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SecurityScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SecurityTestConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestAssertionConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestCaseConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestStepSecurityTestConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestSuiteConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestSuiteDocumentConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestSuiteRunTypesConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.Enum;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.XmlBombSecurityCheckConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.XmlBombSecurityScanConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.WorkspaceImpl;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.WsdlInterfaceFactory;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.rest.support.RestRequestConverter.RestConversionException;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.settings.XmlBeansSettingsImpl;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.support.AbstractInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.endpoint.DefaultEndpointStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockService;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.ExternalDependency;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.PathUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wsdl.UrlWsdlLoader;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wsdl.WsdlLoader;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wss.DefaultWssContainer;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.testcase.WsdlProjectRunner;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.ModelItem;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Interface;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.mock.MockService;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.project.EndpointStrategy;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.project.Project;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.project.ProjectListener;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.DefaultPropertyExpansionContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansion;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionContainer;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.settings.Settings;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.support.ModelSupport;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.ProjectRunContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.ProjectRunListener;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.ProjectRunner;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestRunnable;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestSuite;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestSuite.TestSuiteRunType;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.ProjectSettings;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.UISettings;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.WsdlSettings;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.SoapUIException;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.StringUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.Tools;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.UISupport;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ResolveContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ResolveDialog;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.scripting.SoapUIScriptEngine;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.scripting.SoapUIScriptEngineRegistry;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringToObjectMap;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.xml.XmlUtils;
* WSDL project implementation
* @author Ole.Matzura
public class WsdlProject extends AbstractTestPropertyHolderWsdlModelItem<ProjectConfig> implements Project,
PropertyExpansionContainer, PropertyChangeListener, TestRunnable
public final static String AFTER_LOAD_SCRIPT_PROPERTY = WsdlProject.class.getName() + "@setupScript";
public final static String BEFORE_SAVE_SCRIPT_PROPERTY = WsdlProject.class.getName() + "@tearDownScript";
public final static String RESOURCE_ROOT_PROPERTY = WsdlProject.class.getName() + "@resourceRoot";
private WorkspaceImpl workspace;
protected String path;
protected List<AbstractInterface<?>> interfaces = new ArrayList<AbstractInterface<?>>();
protected List<WsdlTestSuite> testSuites = new ArrayList<WsdlTestSuite>();
protected List<WsdlMockService> mockServices = new ArrayList<WsdlMockService>();
private Set<ProjectListener> projectListeners = new HashSet<ProjectListener>();
protected SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig projectDocument;
private ImageIcon disabledIcon;
private ImageIcon closedIcon;
private ImageIcon remoteIcon;
private ImageIcon openEncyptedIcon;
protected EndpointStrategy endpointStrategy = new DefaultEndpointStrategy();
protected long lastModified;
private boolean remote;
private boolean open = true;
private boolean disabled;
private SoapUIScriptEngine afterLoadScriptEngine;
private SoapUIScriptEngine beforeSaveScriptEngine;
private PropertyExpansionContext context = new DefaultPropertyExpansionContext( this );
protected DefaultWssContainer wssContainer;
private String projectPassword = null;
private String hermesConfig;
private boolean wrongPasswordSupplied;
* 3 state flag: 1. 0 - project not encrypted 2. 1 - encrypted , good
* password, means that it could be successfully decrypted 3. -1 - encrypted,
* but with bad password or no password.
protected int encrypted;
private ImageIcon closedEncyptedIcon;
private SoapUIScriptEngine afterRunScriptEngine;
private SoapUIScriptEngine beforeRunScriptEngine;
private Set<ProjectRunListener> runListeners = new HashSet<ProjectRunListener>();
protected final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( WsdlProject.class );
public WsdlProject() throws XmlException, IOException, SoapUIException
this( ( WorkspaceImpl )null );
public WsdlProject( String path ) throws XmlException, IOException, SoapUIException
this( path, ( WorkspaceImpl )null );
public WsdlProject( String projectFile, String projectPassword )
this( projectFile, null, true, true, null, projectPassword );
public WsdlProject( WorkspaceImpl workspace )
this( null, workspace, true );
public WsdlProject( String path, WorkspaceImpl workspace )
this( path, workspace, true );
public WsdlProject( String path, WorkspaceImpl workspace, boolean create )
this( path, workspace, create, true, null, null );
public WsdlProject( String path, WorkspaceImpl workspace, boolean create, boolean open, String tempName,
String projectPassword )
super( null, workspace, "/project.gif" );
this.workspace = workspace;
this.path = path;
this.projectPassword = projectPassword;
for( ProjectListener listener : SoapUI.getListenerRegistry().getListeners( ProjectListener.class ) )
addProjectListener( listener );
for( ProjectRunListener listener : SoapUI.getListenerRegistry().getListeners( ProjectRunListener.class ) )
addProjectRunListener( listener );
if( path != null && open )
File file = new File( path.trim() );
if( file.exists() )
loadProject( file.toURI().toURL() );
lastModified = file.lastModified();
catch( MalformedURLException e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
disabled = true;
if( !PathUtils.isHttpPath( path ) )
SoapUI.log.info( "File [" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "] does not exist, trying URL instead" );
remote = true;
loadProject( new URL( path ) );
catch( MalformedURLException e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
disabled = true;
catch( SoapUIException e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
disabled = true;
closedIcon = UISupport.createImageIcon( "/closedProject.gif" );
remoteIcon = UISupport.createImageIcon( "/remoteProject.gif" );
disabledIcon = UISupport.createImageIcon( "/disabledProject.gif" );
openEncyptedIcon = UISupport.createImageIcon( "/openEncryptedProject.gif" );
closedEncyptedIcon = UISupport.createImageIcon( "/closedEncryptedProject.gif" );
this.open = open && !disabled && ( this.encrypted != -1 );
if( projectDocument == null )
projectDocument = SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig.Factory.newInstance();
setConfig( projectDocument.addNewSoapuiProject() );
if( tempName != null || path != null )
getConfig().setName( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( tempName ) ? getNameFromPath() : tempName );
setPropertiesConfig( getConfig().addNewProperties() );
wssContainer = new DefaultWssContainer( this, getConfig().addNewWssContainer() );
// setResourceRoot("${projectDir}");
if( getConfig() != null )
endpointStrategy.init( this );
if( getSettings() != null )
setProjectRoot( path );
addPropertyChangeListener( this );
public boolean isRemote()
return remote;
public void loadProject( URL file ) throws SoapUIException
UrlWsdlLoader loader = new UrlWsdlLoader( file.toString(), this );
loader.setUseWorker( false );
projectDocument = SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig.Factory.parse( loader.load() );
// see if there is encoded data
this.encrypted = checkForEncodedData( projectDocument.getSoapuiProject() );
setConfig( projectDocument.getSoapuiProject() );
// removed cached definitions if caching is disabled
if( !getSettings().getBoolean( WsdlSettings.CACHE_WSDLS ) )
removeDefinitionCaches( projectDocument );
log.info( "Loaded project from [" + file.toString() + "]" );
// TODO remove this after beta2
updateChecksToScans( getConfig() );
int majorVersion = Integer
.parseInt( projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().getSoapuiVersion().split( "\\." )[0] );
if( majorVersion > Integer.parseInt( SoapUI.SOAPUI_VERSION.split( "\\." )[0] ) )
log.warn( "Project '" + projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().getName() + "' is from a newer version ("
+ projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().getSoapuiVersion() + ") of soapUI than this ("
+ SoapUI.SOAPUI_VERSION + ") and parts of it may be incompatible or incorrect. "
+ "Saving this project with this version of soapUI may cause it to function differently." );
catch( Exception e )
List<InterfaceConfig> interfaceConfigs = getConfig().getInterfaceList();
for( InterfaceConfig config : interfaceConfigs )
AbstractInterface<?> iface = InterfaceFactoryRegistry.build( this, config );
interfaces.add( iface );
List<TestSuiteConfig> testSuiteConfigs = getConfig().getTestSuiteList();
for( TestSuiteConfig config : testSuiteConfigs )
testSuites.add( buildTestSuite( config ) );
List<MockServiceConfig> mockServiceConfigs = getConfig().getMockServiceList();
for( MockServiceConfig config : mockServiceConfigs )
mockServices.add( new WsdlMockService( this, config ) );
if( !getConfig().isSetWssContainer() )
wssContainer = new DefaultWssContainer( this, getConfig().getWssContainer() );
endpointStrategy.init( this );
if( !getConfig().isSetProperties() )
if( !getConfig().isSetAbortOnError() )
getConfig().setAbortOnError( false );
// if( !getConfig().isSetFailOnErrors() )
// getConfig().setFailOnErrors( true );
if( !getConfig().isSetRunType() )
getConfig().setRunType( TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.SEQUENTIAL );
setPropertiesConfig( getConfig().getProperties() );
catch( Exception e )
if( e instanceof XmlException )
XmlException xe = ( XmlException )e;
XmlError error = xe.getError();
if( error != null )
System.err.println( "Error at line " + error.getLine() + ", column " + error.getColumn() );
if( e instanceof RestConversionException )
log.error( "Project file needs to be updated manually, please reload the project." );
throw new SoapUIException( "Failed to load project from file [" + file.toString() + "]", e );
throw new SoapUIException( "Failed to load project from file [" + file.toString() + "]", e );
protected WsdlTestSuite buildTestSuite( TestSuiteConfig config )
return new WsdlTestSuite( this, config );
public boolean isWrongPasswordSupplied()
return wrongPasswordSupplied;
* Decode encrypted data and restore user/pass
* @param soapuiProject
* @return 0 - not encrypted, 1 - successfull decryption , -1 error while
* decrypting, bad password, no password.
* @throws IOException
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
* @author robert nemet
protected int checkForEncodedData( ProjectConfig soapuiProject ) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException
byte[] encryptedContent = soapuiProject.getEncryptedContent();
char[] password = null;
// no encrypted data then go back
if( encryptedContent == null || encryptedContent.length == 0 )
return 0;
String projectPassword = null;
if( workspace != null )
projectPassword = workspace.getProjectPassword( soapuiProject.getName() );
projectPassword = this.projectPassword;
if( projectPassword == null )
password = UISupport.promptPassword( "Enter Password:", soapuiProject.getName() );
password = projectPassword.toCharArray();
byte[] data = null;
// no pass go back.
if( password == null )
return -1;
data = OpenSSL.decrypt( "des3", password, encryptedContent );
catch( Exception e )
return -1;
String decryptedData = new String( data, "UTF-8" );
if( decryptedData != null )
if( decryptedData.length() > 0 )
// projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().set(
// XmlObject.Factory.parse( decryptedData ) );
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().set( XmlUtils.createXmlObject( decryptedData ) );
wrongPasswordSupplied = false;
catch( XmlException e )
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Wrong password. Project needs to be reloaded." );
wrongPasswordSupplied = true;
getWorkspace().clearProjectPassword( soapuiProject.getName() );
return -1;
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Wrong project password" );
wrongPasswordSupplied = true;
getWorkspace().clearProjectPassword( soapuiProject.getName() );
return -1;
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().setEncryptedContent( null );
return 1;
public void afterLoad()
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].afterLoad( this );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
protected void setProjectRoot( String path )
if( path != null && projectDocument != null )
int ix = path.lastIndexOf( File.separatorChar );
if( ix > 0 )
getSettings().setString( ProjectSettings.PROJECT_ROOT, path.substring( 0, ix ) );
public void setResourceRoot( String resourceRoot )
String old = getResourceRoot();
getConfig().setResourceRoot( resourceRoot );
notifyPropertyChanged( RESOURCE_ROOT_PROPERTY, old, resourceRoot );
public String getResourceRoot()
if( !getConfig().isSetResourceRoot() )
getConfig().setResourceRoot( "" );
return getConfig().getResourceRoot();
public ImageIcon getIcon()
if( isDisabled() )
return disabledIcon;
else if( getEncrypted() != 0 )
if( isOpen() )
return openEncyptedIcon;
return closedEncyptedIcon;
else if( !isOpen() )
return closedIcon;
else if( isRemote() )
return remoteIcon;
return super.getIcon();
private String getNameFromPath()
int ix = path.lastIndexOf( isRemote() ? '/' : File.separatorChar );
String name = ix == -1 ? path : path.substring( ix + 1 );
return name;
public String getDescription()
if( isOpen() )
return super.getDescription();
String name = getName();
if( isDisabled() )
name += " - disabled [" + getPath() + "]";
name += " - closed [" + getPath() + "]";
return name;
public WorkspaceImpl getWorkspace()
return workspace;
public AbstractInterface<?> getInterfaceAt( int index )
return interfaces.get( index );
public AbstractInterface<?> getInterfaceByName( String interfaceName )
return ( AbstractInterface<?> )getWsdlModelItemByName( interfaces, interfaceName );
public AbstractInterface<?> getInterfaceByTechnicalId( String technicalId )
for( int c = 0; c < getInterfaceCount(); c++ )
if( getInterfaceAt( c ).getTechnicalId().equals( technicalId ) )
return getInterfaceAt( c );
return null;
public int getInterfaceCount()
return interfaces.size();
public String getPath()
return path;
public boolean save() throws IOException
return save( null );
public boolean save( String folder ) throws IOException
if( !isOpen() || isDisabled() || isRemote() )
return true;
if( path == null || isRemote() )
path = StringUtils.createFileName2( getName(), '-' ) + "-soapui-project.xml";
if( folder != null )
path = folder + File.separatorChar + path;
File file = null;
while( file == null
|| ( file.exists() && !UISupport.confirm( "File [" + file.getName() + "] exists, overwrite?",
"Overwrite File?" ) ) )
file = UISupport.getFileDialogs().saveAs( this, "Save project " + getName(), ".xml", "XML Files (*.xml)",
new File( path ) );
if( file == null )
return false;
path = file.getAbsolutePath();
File projectFile = new File( path );
while( projectFile.exists() && !projectFile.canWrite() )
if( UISupport.confirm( "Project file [" + path + "] can not be written to, save to new file?", "Save Project" ) )
projectFile = UISupport.getFileDialogs().saveAs( this, "Save project " + getName(), ".xml",
"XML Files (*.xml)", projectFile );
if( projectFile == null )
return false;
path = projectFile.getAbsolutePath();
return false;
// check modified
if( projectFile.exists() && lastModified != 0 && lastModified < projectFile.lastModified() )
if( !UISupport.confirm( "Project file for [" + getName() + "] has been modified externally, overwrite?",
"Save Project" ) )
return false;
if( projectFile.exists() && getSettings().getBoolean( UISettings.CREATE_BACKUP ) )
createBackup( projectFile );
return saveIn( projectFile );
public boolean saveBackup() throws IOException
File projectFile;
if( path == null || isRemote() )
projectFile = new File( StringUtils.createFileName2( getName(), '-' ) + "-soapui-project.xml" );
projectFile = new File( path );
File backupFile = getBackupFile( projectFile );
return saveIn( backupFile );
public boolean saveIn( File projectFile ) throws IOException
long size = 0;
// work with copy beacuse we do not want to change working project while
// working with it
// if user choose save project, save all etc.
SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig projectDocument = ( SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig )this.projectDocument.copy();
// check for caching
if( !getSettings().getBoolean( WsdlSettings.CACHE_WSDLS ) )
// no caching -> create copy and remove definition cachings
removeDefinitionCaches( projectDocument );
// remove project root
XmlBeansSettingsImpl tempSettings = new XmlBeansSettingsImpl( this, null, projectDocument.getSoapuiProject()
.getSettings() );
tempSettings.clearSetting( ProjectSettings.PROJECT_ROOT );
// check for encryption
String passwordForEncryption = getSettings().getString( ProjectSettings.SHADOW_PASSWORD, null );
// if it has encryptedContend that means it is not decrypted corectly( bad
// password, etc ), so do not encrypt it again.
if( projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().getEncryptedContent() == null )
if( passwordForEncryption != null )
if( passwordForEncryption.length() > 1 )
// we have password so do encryption
String data = getConfig().xmlText();
byte[] encrypted = OpenSSL.encrypt( "des3", passwordForEncryption.toCharArray(), data.getBytes() );
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().setEncryptedContent( encrypted );
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().setInterfaceArray( null );
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().setTestSuiteArray( null );
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().setMockServiceArray( null );
catch( GeneralSecurityException e )
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Encryption Error" );
// no password no encryption.
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().setEncryptedContent( null );
// end of encryption.
XmlOptions options = new XmlOptions();
if( SoapUI.getSettings().getBoolean( WsdlSettings.PRETTY_PRINT_PROJECT_FILES ) )
projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().setSoapuiVersion( SoapUI.SOAPUI_VERSION );
File tempFile = File.createTempFile( "project-temp-", ".xml", projectFile.getParentFile() );
// save once to make sure it can be saved
FileOutputStream tempOut = new FileOutputStream( tempFile );
projectDocument.save( tempOut, options );
if( getSettings().getBoolean( UISettings.LINEBREAK ) )
normalizeLineBreak( projectFile, tempFile );
// now save it for real
FileOutputStream projectOut = new FileOutputStream( projectFile );
projectDocument.save( projectOut, options );
// delete tempFile here so we have it as backup in case second save
// fails
if( !tempFile.delete() )
SoapUI.getErrorLog().warn( "Failed to delete temporary project file; " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath() );
size = projectFile.length();
catch( Throwable t )
SoapUI.logError( t );
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Failed to save project [" + getName() + "]: " + t.toString() );
return false;
lastModified = projectFile.lastModified();
log.info( "Saved project [" + getName() + "] to [" + projectFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - " + size + " bytes" );
setProjectRoot( getPath() );
return true;
private static void normalizeLineBreak( File target, File tmpFile )
FileReader fr = new FileReader( tmpFile );
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( fr );
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter( target );
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter( fw );
String line = "";
while( ( line = in.readLine() ) != null )
out.write( line );
catch( FileNotFoundException e )
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
catch( IOException e )
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if( !tmpFile.delete() )
SoapUI.getErrorLog().warn( "Failed to delete temporary file: " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() );
public void beforeSave()
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].beforeSave( this );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
// notify
for( AbstractInterface<?> iface : interfaces )
for( WsdlTestSuite testSuite : testSuites )
for( WsdlMockService mockService : mockServices )
protected void createBackup( File projectFile ) throws IOException
File backupFile = getBackupFile( projectFile );
log.info( "Backing up [" + projectFile + "] to [" + backupFile + "]" );
Tools.copyFile( projectFile, backupFile, true );
protected File getBackupFile( File projectFile )
String backupFolderName = getSettings().getString( UISettings.BACKUP_FOLDER, "" );
File backupFolder = new File( backupFolderName );
if( !backupFolder.isAbsolute() )
backupFolder = new File( projectFile.getParentFile(), backupFolderName );
if( !backupFolder.exists() )
File backupFile = new File( backupFolder, projectFile.getName() + ".backup" );
return backupFile;
protected void removeDefinitionCaches( SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig config )
for( InterfaceConfig ifaceConfig : config.getSoapuiProject().getInterfaceList() )
if( ifaceConfig.isSetDefinitionCache() )
log.info( "Removing definition cache from interface [" + ifaceConfig.getName() + "]" );
public AbstractInterface<?> addNewInterface( String name, String type )
AbstractInterface<?> iface = ( AbstractInterface<?> )InterfaceFactoryRegistry.createNew( this, type, name );
if( iface != null )
iface.getConfig().setType( type );
interfaces.add( iface );
fireInterfaceAdded( iface );
return iface;
public void addProjectListener( ProjectListener listener )
projectListeners.add( listener );
public void removeProjectListener( ProjectListener listener )
projectListeners.remove( listener );
public void fireInterfaceAdded( AbstractInterface<?> iface )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].interfaceAdded( iface );
public void fireInterfaceRemoved( AbstractInterface<?> iface )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].interfaceRemoved( iface );
public void fireInterfaceUpdated( AbstractInterface<?> iface )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].interfaceUpdated( iface );
public void fireTestSuiteAdded( WsdlTestSuite testSuite )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].testSuiteAdded( testSuite );
private void fireTestSuiteMoved( WsdlTestSuite testCase, int ix, int offset )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].testSuiteMoved( testCase, ix, offset );
public void fireTestSuiteRemoved( WsdlTestSuite testSuite )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].testSuiteRemoved( testSuite );
public void fireMockServiceAdded( WsdlMockService mockService )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].mockServiceAdded( mockService );
public void fireMockServiceRemoved( WsdlMockService mockService )
ProjectListener[] a = projectListeners.toArray( new ProjectListener[projectListeners.size()] );
for( int c = 0; c < a.length; c++ )
a[c].mockServiceRemoved( mockService );
public void removeInterface( AbstractInterface<?> iface )
int ix = interfaces.indexOf( iface );
interfaces.remove( ix );
fireInterfaceRemoved( iface );
getConfig().removeInterface( ix );
public void removeTestSuite( WsdlTestSuite testSuite )
int ix = testSuites.indexOf( testSuite );
testSuites.remove( ix );
fireTestSuiteRemoved( testSuite );
getConfig().removeTestSuite( ix );
public boolean isDisabled()
return disabled;
public int getTestSuiteCount()
return testSuites.size();
public WsdlTestSuite getTestSuiteAt( int index )
return testSuites.get( index );
public WsdlTestSuite getTestSuiteByName( String testSuiteName )
return ( WsdlTestSuite )getWsdlModelItemByName( testSuites, testSuiteName );
public WsdlTestSuite addNewTestSuite( String name )
WsdlTestSuite testSuite = buildTestSuite( getConfig().addNewTestSuite() );
testSuite.setName( name );
testSuites.add( testSuite );
fireTestSuiteAdded( testSuite );
return testSuite;
public boolean isCacheDefinitions()
return getSettings().getBoolean( WsdlSettings.CACHE_WSDLS );
public void setCacheDefinitions( boolean cacheDefinitions )
getSettings().setBoolean( WsdlSettings.CACHE_WSDLS, cacheDefinitions );
public boolean saveAs( String fileName ) throws IOException
if( !isOpen() || isDisabled() )
return false;
String oldPath = path;
path = fileName;
boolean result = save();
if( !result )
path = oldPath;
remote = false;
setProjectRoot( path );
return result;
public void release()
if( isOpen() )
for( WsdlTestSuite testSuite : testSuites )
for( WsdlMockService mockService : mockServices )
for( AbstractInterface<?> iface : interfaces )
if( wssContainer != null )
wssContainer = null;
if( afterLoadScriptEngine != null )
if( beforeSaveScriptEngine != null )
public WsdlMockService addNewMockService( String name )
WsdlMockService mockService = new WsdlMockService( this, getConfig().addNewMockService() );
mockService.setName( name );
mockServices.add( mockService );
fireMockServiceAdded( mockService );
return mockService;
public WsdlMockService getMockServiceAt( int index )
return mockServices.get( index );
public WsdlMockService getMockServiceByName( String mockServiceName )
return ( WsdlMockService )getWsdlModelItemByName( mockServices, mockServiceName );
public int getMockServiceCount()
return mockServices.size();
public void removeMockService( WsdlMockService mockService )
int ix = mockServices.indexOf( mockService );
mockServices.remove( ix );
fireMockServiceRemoved( mockService );
getConfig().removeMockService( ix );
public List<TestSuite> getTestSuiteList()
return new ArrayList<TestSuite>( testSuites );
public List<MockService> getMockServiceList()
return new ArrayList<MockService>( mockServices );
public List<Interface> getInterfaceList()
return new ArrayList<Interface>( interfaces );
public Map<String, Interface> getInterfaces()
Map<String, Interface> result = new HashMap<String, Interface>();
for( Interface iface : interfaces )
result.put( iface.getName(), iface );
return result;
public Map<String, TestSuite> getTestSuites()
Map<String, TestSuite> result = new HashMap<String, TestSuite>();
for( TestSuite iface : testSuites )
result.put( iface.getName(), iface );
return result;
public Map<String, MockService> getMockServices()
Map<String, MockService> result = new HashMap<String, MockService>();
for( MockService mockService : mockServices )
result.put( mockService.getName(), mockService );
return result;
public void reload() throws SoapUIException
reload( path );
public void reload( String path ) throws SoapUIException
this.path = path;
getWorkspace().reloadProject( this );
public boolean hasNature( String natureId )
Settings projectSettings = getSettings();
String projectNature = projectSettings.getString( ProjectSettings.PROJECT_NATURE, null );
return natureId.equals( projectNature );
public AbstractInterface<?> importInterface( AbstractInterface<?> iface, boolean importEndpoints, boolean createCopy )
InterfaceConfig ifaceConfig = ( InterfaceConfig )iface.getConfig().copy();
ifaceConfig = ( InterfaceConfig )getConfig().addNewInterface().set( ifaceConfig );
AbstractInterface<?> imported = InterfaceFactoryRegistry.build( this, ifaceConfig );
interfaces.add( imported );
if( iface.getProject() != this && importEndpoints )
endpointStrategy.importEndpoints( iface );
if( createCopy )
ModelSupport.unsetIds( imported );
fireInterfaceAdded( imported );
return imported;
public WsdlTestSuite importTestSuite( WsdlTestSuite testSuite, String name, int index, boolean createCopy,
String description )
TestSuiteConfig testSuiteConfig = index == -1 ? ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().addNewTestSuite().set(
testSuite.getConfig().copy() ) : ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().insertNewTestSuite( index ).set(
testSuite.getConfig().copy() );
testSuiteConfig.setName( name );
if( createCopy )
for( TestCaseConfig testCaseConfig : testSuiteConfig.getTestCaseList() )
testCaseConfig.setSecurityTestArray( new SecurityTestConfig[0] );
WsdlTestSuite oldTestSuite = testSuite;
testSuite = buildTestSuite( testSuiteConfig );
if( description != null )
testSuite.setDescription( description );
if( index == -1 )
testSuites.add( testSuite );
testSuites.add( index, testSuite );
if( createCopy )
ModelSupport.unsetIds( testSuite );
if( createCopy )
testSuite.afterCopy( oldTestSuite );
fireTestSuiteAdded( testSuite );
resolveImportedTestSuite( testSuite );
return testSuite;
public WsdlMockService importMockService( WsdlMockService mockService, String name, boolean createCopy,
String description )
MockServiceConfig mockServiceConfig = ( MockServiceConfig )getConfig().addNewMockService().set(
mockService.getConfig().copy() );
mockServiceConfig.setName( name );
if( mockServiceConfig.isSetId() && createCopy )
mockService = new WsdlMockService( this, mockServiceConfig );
mockService.setDescription( description );
mockServices.add( mockService );
if( createCopy )
ModelSupport.unsetIds( mockService );
fireMockServiceAdded( mockService );
return mockService;
public EndpointStrategy getEndpointStrategy()
return endpointStrategy;
public boolean isOpen()
return open;
public List<? extends ModelItem> getChildren()
ArrayList<ModelItem> list = new ArrayList<ModelItem>();
list.addAll( getInterfaceList() );
list.addAll( getTestSuiteList() );
list.addAll( getMockServiceList() );
return list;
public void setAfterLoadScript( String script )
String oldScript = getAfterLoadScript();
if( !getConfig().isSetAfterLoadScript() )
getConfig().getAfterLoadScript().setStringValue( script );
if( afterLoadScriptEngine != null )
afterLoadScriptEngine.setScript( script );
notifyPropertyChanged( AFTER_LOAD_SCRIPT_PROPERTY, oldScript, script );
public String getAfterLoadScript()
return getConfig().isSetAfterLoadScript() ? getConfig().getAfterLoadScript().getStringValue() : null;
public void setBeforeSaveScript( String script )
String oldScript = getBeforeSaveScript();
if( !getConfig().isSetBeforeSaveScript() )
getConfig().getBeforeSaveScript().setStringValue( script );
if( beforeSaveScriptEngine != null )
beforeSaveScriptEngine.setScript( script );
notifyPropertyChanged( BEFORE_SAVE_SCRIPT_PROPERTY, oldScript, script );
public String getBeforeSaveScript()
return getConfig().isSetBeforeSaveScript() ? getConfig().getBeforeSaveScript().getStringValue() : null;
public Object runAfterLoadScript() throws Exception
String script = getAfterLoadScript();
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( script ) )
return null;
if( afterLoadScriptEngine == null )
afterLoadScriptEngine = SoapUIScriptEngineRegistry.create( this );
afterLoadScriptEngine.setScript( script );
afterLoadScriptEngine.setVariable( "context", context );
afterLoadScriptEngine.setVariable( "project", this );
afterLoadScriptEngine.setVariable( "log", SoapUI.ensureGroovyLog() );
return afterLoadScriptEngine.run();
public Object runBeforeSaveScript() throws Exception
String script = getBeforeSaveScript();
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( script ) )
return null;
if( beforeSaveScriptEngine == null )
beforeSaveScriptEngine = SoapUIScriptEngineRegistry.create( this );
beforeSaveScriptEngine.setScript( script );
beforeSaveScriptEngine.setVariable( "context", context );
beforeSaveScriptEngine.setVariable( "project", this );
beforeSaveScriptEngine.setVariable( "log", SoapUI.ensureGroovyLog() );
return beforeSaveScriptEngine.run();
public PropertyExpansionContext getContext()
return context;
public DefaultWssContainer getWssContainer()
return wssContainer;
public void resolve( ResolveContext<?> context )
super.resolve( context );
wssContainer.resolve( context );
public PropertyExpansion[] getPropertyExpansions()
List<PropertyExpansion> result = new ArrayList<PropertyExpansion>();
result.addAll( Arrays.asList( wssContainer.getPropertyExpansions() ) );
// result.addAll(Arrays.asList(databaseConnectionContainer.
// getPropertyExpansions()));
return result.toArray( new PropertyExpansion[result.size()] );
protected void addExternalDependencies( List<ExternalDependency> dependencies )
super.addExternalDependencies( dependencies );
wssContainer.addExternalDependency( dependencies );
public String getPropertiesLabel()
return "Custom Properties";
public String getShadowPassword()
projectPassword = getSettings() == null ? projectPassword : getSettings().getString(
ProjectSettings.SHADOW_PASSWORD, null );
return projectPassword;
public void setShadowPassword( String password )
String oldPassword = getSettings().getString( ProjectSettings.SHADOW_PASSWORD, null );
getSettings().setString( ProjectSettings.SHADOW_PASSWORD, password );
notifyPropertyChanged( "projectPassword", oldPassword, password );
public String getHermesConfig()
hermesConfig = getSettings() == null ? hermesConfig : resolveHermesConfig();
return hermesConfig;
private String resolveHermesConfig()
String hermesConfigProperty = getSettings().getString( ProjectSettings.HERMES_CONFIG, null );
if( hermesConfigProperty != null && !hermesConfigProperty.equals( "" ) )
return hermesConfigProperty;
else if( System.getenv( "HERMES_CONFIG" ) != null )
return System.getenv( "HERMES_CONFIG" );
return "${#System#user.home}\\.hermes";
public void setHermesConfig( String hermesConfigPath )
String oldHermesConfigPath = getSettings().getString( ProjectSettings.HERMES_CONFIG, null );
getSettings().setString( ProjectSettings.HERMES_CONFIG, hermesConfigPath );
notifyPropertyChanged( "hermesConfig", oldHermesConfigPath, hermesConfigPath );
public void inspect()
if( !isOpen() )
byte data[] = projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().getEncryptedContent();
if( data != null && data.length > 0 )
catch( SoapUIException e )
public int getEncrypted()
return this.encrypted;
public int setEncrypted( int code )
return this.encrypted = code;
public void propertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt )
if( "projectPassword".equals( evt.getPropertyName() ) )
if( encrypted == 0 & ( evt.getOldValue() == null || ( ( String )evt.getOldValue() ).length() == 0 ) )
encrypted = 1;
if( encrypted == 1 & ( evt.getNewValue() == null || ( ( String )evt.getNewValue() ).length() == 0 ) )
encrypted = 0;
if( SoapUI.getNavigator() != null )
public SoapuiProjectDocumentConfig getProjectDocument()
return projectDocument;
public int getInterfaceCount( String type )
int result = 0;
for( AbstractInterface<?> iface : interfaces )
if( iface.getType().equals( type ) )
result++ ;
return result;
public List<AbstractInterface<?>> getInterfaces( String type )
ArrayList<AbstractInterface<?>> result = new ArrayList<AbstractInterface<?>>();
for( AbstractInterface<?> iface : interfaces )
if( iface.getType().equals( type ) )
result.add( iface );
return result;
public void importTestSuite( File file )
if( !file.exists() )
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Error loading test case " );
TestSuiteDocumentConfig newTestSuiteConfig = null;
newTestSuiteConfig = TestSuiteDocumentConfig.Factory.parse( file );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
if( newTestSuiteConfig == null )
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Not valild test case xml" );
TestSuiteConfig config = ( TestSuiteConfig )projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().addNewTestSuite()
.set( newTestSuiteConfig.getTestSuite() );
WsdlTestSuite testSuite = buildTestSuite( config );
ModelSupport.unsetIds( testSuite );
* security test keeps reference to test step by id, which gets changed
* during importing, so old values needs to be rewritten to new ones.
* Create tarnsition table ( old id , new id ) and use it to replace
* all old ids in new imported test case.
* Here needs to be done for all test cases separatly.
for( int cnt2 = 0; cnt2 < config.getTestCaseList().size(); cnt2++ )
TestCaseConfig newTestCase = config.getTestCaseList().get( cnt2 );
TestCaseConfig importTestCaseConfig = newTestSuiteConfig.getTestSuite().getTestCaseList().get( cnt2 );
LinkedHashMap<String, String> oldNewIds = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
for( int cnt = 0; cnt < importTestCaseConfig.getTestStepList().size(); cnt++ )
oldNewIds.put( importTestCaseConfig.getTestStepList().get( cnt ).getId(), newTestCase.getTestStepList()
.get( cnt ).getId() );
for( SecurityTestConfig scan : newTestCase.getSecurityTestList() )
for( TestStepSecurityTestConfig secStepConfig : scan.getTestStepSecurityTestList() )
if( oldNewIds.containsKey( secStepConfig.getTestStepId() ) )
secStepConfig.setTestStepId( oldNewIds.get( secStepConfig.getTestStepId() ) );
testSuites.add( testSuite );
fireTestSuiteAdded( testSuite );
resolveImportedTestSuite( testSuite );
private void resolveImportedTestSuite( WsdlTestSuite testSuite )
ResolveDialog resolver = new ResolveDialog( "Validate TestSuite", "Checks TestSuite for inconsistencies", null );
resolver.setShowOkMessage( false );
resolver.resolve( testSuite );
* @see com.eviware.soapui.impl.WsdlInterfaceFactory.importWsdl
* @deprecated
public WsdlInterface[] importWsdl( String url, boolean createRequests ) throws SoapUIException
return WsdlInterfaceFactory.importWsdl( this, url, createRequests );
* @see com.eviware.soapui.impl.WsdlInterfaceFactory.importWsdl
* @deprecated see WsdlInterfaceFactory
public WsdlInterface[] importWsdl( String url, boolean createRequests, WsdlLoader wsdlLoader )
throws SoapUIException
return WsdlInterfaceFactory.importWsdl( this, url, createRequests, null, wsdlLoader );
* @see com.eviware.soapui.impl.WsdlInterfaceFactory.importWsdl
* @deprecated see WsdlInterfaceFactory
public WsdlInterface[] importWsdl( String url, boolean createRequests, QName bindingName, WsdlLoader wsdlLoader )
throws SoapUIException
return WsdlInterfaceFactory.importWsdl( this, url, createRequests, bindingName, wsdlLoader );
public void setDefaultScriptLanguage( String id )
getConfig().setDefaultScriptLanguage( id );
public String getDefaultScriptLanguage()
if( getConfig().isSetDefaultScriptLanguage() )
return getConfig().getDefaultScriptLanguage();
return SoapUIScriptEngineRegistry.DEFAULT_SCRIPT_ENGINE_ID;
public int getIndexOfTestSuite( TestSuite testSuite )
return testSuites.indexOf( testSuite );
public String getBeforeRunScript()
return getConfig().isSetBeforeRunScript() ? getConfig().getBeforeRunScript().getStringValue() : null;
public void setBeforeRunScript( String script )
String oldScript = getBeforeRunScript();
if( !getConfig().isSetBeforeRunScript() )
getConfig().getBeforeRunScript().setStringValue( script );
if( beforeRunScriptEngine != null )
beforeRunScriptEngine.setScript( script );
notifyPropertyChanged( "beforeRunScript", oldScript, script );
public Object runBeforeRunScript( ProjectRunContext context, ProjectRunner runner ) throws Exception
String script = getBeforeRunScript();
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( script ) )
return null;
if( beforeRunScriptEngine == null )
beforeRunScriptEngine = SoapUIScriptEngineRegistry.create( this );
beforeRunScriptEngine.setScript( script );
beforeRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "runner", runner );
beforeRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "context", context );
beforeRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "project", this );
beforeRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "log", SoapUI.ensureGroovyLog() );
return beforeRunScriptEngine.run();
public String getAfterRunScript()
return getConfig().isSetAfterRunScript() ? getConfig().getAfterRunScript().getStringValue() : null;
public void setAfterRunScript( String script )
String oldScript = getAfterRunScript();
if( !getConfig().isSetAfterRunScript() )
getConfig().getAfterRunScript().setStringValue( script );
if( afterRunScriptEngine != null )
afterRunScriptEngine.setScript( script );
notifyPropertyChanged( "afterRunScript", oldScript, script );
public Object runAfterRunScript( ProjectRunContext context, ProjectRunner runner ) throws Exception
String script = getAfterRunScript();
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( script ) )
return null;
if( afterRunScriptEngine == null )
afterRunScriptEngine = SoapUIScriptEngineRegistry.create( this );
afterRunScriptEngine.setScript( script );
afterRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "runner", runner );
afterRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "context", context );
afterRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "project", this );
afterRunScriptEngine.setVariable( "log", SoapUI.ensureGroovyLog() );
return afterRunScriptEngine.run();
public void addProjectRunListener( ProjectRunListener projectRunListener )
runListeners.add( projectRunListener );
public void removeProjectRunListener( ProjectRunListener projectRunListener )
runListeners.remove( projectRunListener );
public WsdlProjectRunner run( StringToObjectMap context, boolean async )
WsdlProjectRunner runner = new WsdlProjectRunner( this, context );
runner.start( async );
return runner;
public boolean isAbortOnError()
return getConfig().getAbortOnError();
// public boolean isFailOnErrors()
// {
// return getConfig().getFailOnErrors();
// }
// public void setFailOnErrors( boolean arg0 )
// {
// getConfig().setFailOnErrors( arg0 );
// }
public void setAbortOnError( boolean arg0 )
getConfig().setAbortOnError( arg0 );
public long getTimeout()
return getConfig().getTimeout();
public void setTimeout( long timeout )
getConfig().setTimeout( timeout );
public ProjectRunListener[] getProjectRunListeners()
return runListeners.toArray( new ProjectRunListener[runListeners.size()] );
public TestSuiteRunType getRunType()
Enum runType = getConfig().getRunType();
if( TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.PARALLELL.equals( runType ) )
return TestSuiteRunType.PARALLEL;
return TestSuiteRunType.SEQUENTIAL;
public void setRunType( TestSuiteRunType runType )
TestSuiteRunType oldRunType = getRunType();
if( runType == TestSuiteRunType.PARALLEL && oldRunType != TestSuiteRunType.PARALLEL )
getConfig().setRunType( TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.PARALLELL );
notifyPropertyChanged( "runType", oldRunType, runType );
else if( runType == TestSuiteRunType.SEQUENTIAL && oldRunType != TestSuiteRunType.SEQUENTIAL )
getConfig().setRunType( TestSuiteRunTypesConfig.SEQUENTIAL );
notifyPropertyChanged( "runType", oldRunType, runType );
public WsdlTestSuite moveTestSuite( int ix, int offset )
WsdlTestSuite testSuite = testSuites.get( ix );
if( offset == 0 )
return testSuite;
testSuites.remove( ix );
testSuites.add( ix + offset, testSuite );
TestSuiteConfig[] configs = new TestSuiteConfig[testSuites.size()];
for( int c = 0; c < testSuites.size(); c++ )
if( offset > 0 )
if( c < ix )
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( c ).copy();
else if( c < ( ix + offset ) )
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( c + 1 ).copy();
else if( c == ix + offset )
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( ix ).copy();
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( c ).copy();
if( c < ix + offset )
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( c ).copy();
else if( c == ix + offset )
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( ix ).copy();
else if( c <= ix )
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( c - 1 ).copy();
configs[c] = ( TestSuiteConfig )getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( c ).copy();
getConfig().setTestSuiteArray( configs );
for( int c = 0; c < configs.length; c++ )
testSuites.get( c ).resetConfigOnMove( getConfig().getTestSuiteArray( c ) );
fireTestSuiteMoved( testSuite, ix, offset );
return testSuite;
public void importMockService( File file )
if( !file.exists() )
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Error loading test case " );
MockServiceDocumentConfig newMockServiceConfig = null;
newMockServiceConfig = MockServiceDocumentConfig.Factory.parse( file );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
if( newMockServiceConfig == null )
UISupport.showErrorMessage( "Not valid mock service xml" );
MockServiceConfig config = ( MockServiceConfig )projectDocument.getSoapuiProject().addNewMockService()
.set( newMockServiceConfig.getMockService() );
WsdlMockService mockService = new WsdlMockService( this, config );
ModelSupport.unsetIds( mockService );
mockServices.add( mockService );
fireMockServiceAdded( mockService );
resolveImportedMockService( mockService );
private void resolveImportedMockService( WsdlMockService mockService )
ResolveDialog resolver = new ResolveDialog( "Validate MockService", "Checks MockService for inconsistencies",
null );
resolver.setShowOkMessage( false );
resolver.resolve( mockService );
// we switch from check to scan, and then we work with scans only
// quick and dirty way to get this done
private static Map<String, String> checkToScanMap = initCheckToScanMap();
private static Map<String, String> initCheckToScanMap()
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put( "BoundaryCheck", "BoundaryScan" );
map.put( "ParameterExposureCheck", "CrossSiteScriptingScan" );
map.put( "FuzzingScan", "FuzzingScan" );
map.put( "GroovySecurityCheck", "GroovySecurityScan" );
map.put( "InvalidTypesSecurityCheck", "InvalidTypesSecurityScan" );
map.put( "MalformedXmlSecurityCheck", "MalformedXmlSecurityScan" );
map.put( "MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheck", "MaliciousAttachmentSecurityScan" );
map.put( "SQLInjectionCheck", "SQLInjectionScan" );
map.put( "XmlBombSecurityCheck", "XmlBombSecurityScan" );
map.put( "XPathInjectionSecurityCheck", "XPathInjectionSecurityScan" );
return map;
protected void updateChecksToScans( ProjectConfig config )
for( TestSuiteConfig testSuite : config.getTestSuiteList() )
for( TestCaseConfig testCase : testSuite.getTestCaseList() )
for( SecurityTestConfig securityTest : testCase.getSecurityTestList() )
if( securityTest.getFailSecurityTestOnCheckErrors() )
securityTest.setFailSecurityTestOnScanErrors( securityTest.getFailSecurityTestOnCheckErrors() );
for( TestStepSecurityTestConfig testStep : securityTest.getTestStepSecurityTestList() )
// get all checks
List<SecurityCheckConfig> checkList = testStep.getTestStepSecurityCheckList();
// transform to scans
for( SecurityCheckConfig check : checkList )
SecurityScanConfig scan = testStep.addNewTestStepSecurityScan();
scan.setName( check.getName() );
scan.setTestStep( check.getTestStep() );
scan.setExecutionStrategy( check.getExecutionStrategy() );
scan.setType( checkToScanMap.get( check.getType() ) );
for( TestAssertionConfig assertion : check.getAssertionList() )
TestAssertionConfig assertion2 = scan.addNewAssertion();
assertion2.setConfiguration( assertion.getConfiguration() );
assertion2.setType( assertion.getType() );
assertion2.setName( assertion.getName() );
if( assertion.isSetDescription() )
assertion2.setDescription( assertion.getDescription() );
if( assertion.isSetDisabled() )
assertion2.setDisabled( assertion.getDisabled() );
if( assertion.isSetId() )
assertion2.setId( assertion.getId() );
if( assertion.isSetTimestamp() )
assertion2.setTimestamp( assertion.getTimestamp() );
scan.setCheckedParameters( check.getCheckedPameters() );
XmlObject obj = check.getConfig();
if( obj instanceof InvalidSecurityCheckConfig )
InvalidSecurityScanConfig obj2 = InvalidSecurityScanConfig.Factory.newInstance();
for( SchemaTypeForSecurityCheckConfig el : ( ( InvalidSecurityCheckConfig )obj )
.getTypesListList() )
SchemaTypeForSecurityScanConfig type = obj2.addNewTypesList();
type.setType( el.getType() );
type.setValue( el.getValue() );
else if( obj instanceof GroovySecurityCheckConfig )
GroovySecurityScanConfig obj2 = GroovySecurityScanConfig.Factory.newInstance();
obj2.setExecuteScript( ( ( GroovySecurityCheckConfig )obj ).getExecuteScript() );
else if( obj instanceof ParameterExposureCheckConfig )
CrossSiteScriptingScanConfig obj2 = CrossSiteScriptingScanConfig.Factory.newInstance();
for( String el : ( ( ParameterExposureCheckConfig )obj ).getParameterExposureStringsList() )
obj2.addParameterExposureStrings( el );
else if( obj instanceof MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheckConfig )
MaliciousAttachmentSecurityScanConfig obj2 = MaliciousAttachmentSecurityScanConfig.Factory
obj2.setRequestTimeout( ( ( MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheckConfig )obj ).getRequestTimeout() );
for( MaliciousAttachmentElementConfig el : ( ( MaliciousAttachmentSecurityCheckConfig )obj )
.getElementList() )
MaliciousAttachmentElementConfig el2 = obj2.addNewElement();
el2.setKey( el.getKey() );
el2.setRemove( el.getRemove() );
for( MaliciousAttachmentConfig gen : el.getGenerateAttachmentList() )
MaliciousAttachmentConfig gen2 = el2.addNewGenerateAttachment();
gen2.setCached( gen.getCached() );
gen2.setContentType( gen.getContentType() );
gen2.setEnabled( gen.getEnabled() );
gen2.setFilename( gen.getFilename() );
gen2.setSize( gen.getSize() );
for( MaliciousAttachmentConfig repl : el.getReplaceAttachmentList() )
MaliciousAttachmentConfig repl2 = el2.addNewReplaceAttachment();
repl2.setCached( repl.getCached() );
repl2.setContentType( repl.getContentType() );
repl2.setEnabled( repl.getEnabled() );
repl2.setFilename( repl.getFilename() );
repl2.setSize( repl.getSize() );
else if( obj instanceof SQLInjectionCheckConfig )
SQLInjectionScanConfig obj2 = SQLInjectionScanConfig.Factory.newInstance();
for( String el : ( ( SQLInjectionCheckConfig )obj ).getSqlInjectionStringsList() )
obj2.addSqlInjectionStrings( el );
else if( obj instanceof XmlBombSecurityCheckConfig )
XmlBombSecurityScanConfig obj2 = XmlBombSecurityScanConfig.Factory.newInstance();
obj2.setAttachXmlBomb( ( ( XmlBombSecurityCheckConfig )obj ).getAttachXmlBomb() );
obj2.setXmlAttachmentPrefix( ( ( XmlBombSecurityCheckConfig )obj ).getXmlAttachmentPrefix() );
for( String el : ( ( XmlBombSecurityCheckConfig )obj ).getXmlBombsList() )
obj2.addXmlBombs( el );
// boundary scan, malformed xml, xpath
scan.setConfig( obj );
// finally, remove checks
testStep.setTestStepSecurityCheckArray( new SecurityCheckConfig[0] );