* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.wsdl.Binding;
import javax.wsdl.BindingOperation;
import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.Port;
import javax.wsdl.Service;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.w3.x2007.x05.addressing.metadata.AddressingDocument.Addressing;
import org.w3.x2007.x05.addressing.metadata.AnonymousResponsesDocument.AnonymousResponses;
import org.w3.x2007.x05.addressing.metadata.NonAnonymousResponsesDocument.NonAnonymousResponses;
import org.xmlsoap.schemas.ws.x2004.x09.policy.Policy;
import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.AnonymousTypeConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.DefinitionCacheConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.OperationConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.SoapVersionTypesConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.WsaVersionTypeConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.config.WsdlInterfaceConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.WsdlInterfaceFactory;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.support.AbstractHttpRequest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.support.AbstractHttpRequestInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.support.AbstractInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.mock.WsdlMockResponse;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.ExternalDependency;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.FileAttachment;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.PathPropertyExternalDependency;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.PathUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.policy.PolicyUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.soap.SoapMessageBuilder;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.soap.SoapVersion;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wsdl.WsdlContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wsdl.WsdlLoader;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.wsdl.WsdlUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.BeanPathPropertySupport;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequest;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.ModelItem;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Operation;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpander;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.WsaSettings;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.WsdlSettings;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.StringUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.UISupport;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.resolver.ResolveContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringList;
* WSDL implementation of Interface, maps to a WSDL Binding
* @author Ole.Matzura
public class WsdlInterface extends AbstractInterface<WsdlInterfaceConfig>
public static final String STYLE_DOCUMENT = "Document";
public static final String STYLE_RPC = "RPC";
public static final String JBOSSWS_ACTIONS = "jbossws";
public static final String WSTOOLS_ACTIONS = "wstools";
public static final String XML_ACTIONS = "xml";
private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger( WsdlInterface.class );
private List<WsdlOperation> operations = new ArrayList<WsdlOperation>();
private WsdlProject project;
private SoapMessageBuilder soapMessageBuilder;
private WsdlContext wsdlContext;
private boolean updating = false;
private BeanPathPropertySupport definitionProperty;
private String interfaceAnonymous;
private String interfaceWsaVersion;
boolean policyFlag = false;
public WsdlInterface( WsdlProject project, WsdlInterfaceConfig interfaceConfig )
super( interfaceConfig, project, "/interface2.gif" );
if( !interfaceConfig.isSetWsaVersion() )
interfaceConfig.setWsaVersion( WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE );
this.project = project;
List<OperationConfig> operationConfigs = interfaceConfig.getOperationList();
for( int i = 0; i < operationConfigs.size(); i++ )
operations.add( new WsdlOperation( this, operationConfigs.get( i ) ) );
definitionProperty = new BeanPathPropertySupport( this, "definition" );
public WsdlOperation getOperationAt( int index )
return operations.get( index );
public int getOperationCount()
return operations.size();
public WsdlOperation addNewOperation( BindingOperation operation )
WsdlOperation operationImpl = new WsdlOperation( this, getConfig().addNewOperation() );
operations.add( operationImpl );
operationImpl.initFromBindingOperation( operation );
fireOperationAdded( operationImpl );
return operationImpl;
public WsdlProject getProject()
return project;
public void setDefinition( String wsdlUrl ) throws Exception
setDefinition( wsdlUrl, true );
public void setDefinition( String wsdlUrl, boolean updateCache ) throws Exception
String old = definitionProperty.set( wsdlUrl, false );
if( wsdlContext != null )
wsdlContext.setDefinition( definitionProperty.expandUrl(), updateCache );
notifyPropertyChanged( DEFINITION_PROPERTY, old, wsdlUrl );
notifyPropertyChanged( UPDATING_PROPERTY, true, false );
public DefinitionCacheConfig cacheDefinition( WsdlLoader loader ) throws Throwable
log.debug( "Caching definition for [" + loader.getBaseURI() + "]" );
if( getConfig().isSetDefinitionCache() )
DefinitionCacheConfig definitionCache = null;
definitionCache = getConfig().addNewDefinitionCache();
definitionCache.set( WsdlUtils.cacheWsdl( loader ) );
catch( Throwable e )
throw e;
return definitionCache;
public String getDefinition()
if( !getConfig().isSetDefinition() )
return null;
String result = definitionProperty.get();
if( PathUtils.isFilePath( result ) && !PathUtils.isRelativePath( result ) && !result.startsWith( "file:" )
&& !result.startsWith( "$" ) )
result = new File( result ).toURI().toURL().toString();
catch( MalformedURLException e )
return result;
public String getType()
return WsdlInterfaceFactory.WSDL_TYPE;
public boolean isDefinitionShareble()
return true;
public synchronized WsdlContext getWsdlContext()
if( wsdlContext == null )
wsdlContext = new WsdlContext( PathUtils.expandPath( getDefinition(), this ), this );
return wsdlContext;
* Used by importer so we dont need to reload the context after importing..
* @param wsdlContext
public void setWsdlContext( WsdlContext wsdlContext )
this.wsdlContext = wsdlContext;
this.wsdlContext.setInterface( this );
if( soapMessageBuilder != null )
soapMessageBuilder.setWsdlContext( wsdlContext );
public SoapMessageBuilder getMessageBuilder()
if( soapMessageBuilder == null )
soapMessageBuilder = new SoapMessageBuilder( this );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
return soapMessageBuilder;
public void setSoapMessageBuilder( SoapMessageBuilder builder )
soapMessageBuilder = builder;
soapMessageBuilder.setInterface( this );
public QName getBindingName()
return getConfig().getBindingName() == null ? null : QName.valueOf( getConfig().getBindingName() );
public void setBindingName( QName name )
getConfig().setBindingName( name.toString() );
public SoapVersion getSoapVersion()
if( getConfig().getSoapVersion() == SoapVersionTypesConfig.X_1_2 )
return SoapVersion.Soap12;
return SoapVersion.Soap11;
public void setSoapVersion( SoapVersion version )
if( version == SoapVersion.Soap11 )
getConfig().setSoapVersion( SoapVersionTypesConfig.X_1_1 );
else if( version == SoapVersion.Soap12 )
getConfig().setSoapVersion( SoapVersionTypesConfig.X_1_2 );
throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown soapVersion [" + version + "], must be 1.1 or 1.2" );
public boolean updateDefinition( String url, boolean createRequests ) throws Exception
WsdlContext.uncache( url );
WsdlContext newContext = new WsdlContext( url, ( WsdlInterface )null );
if( !newContext.load() )
return false;
BindingTuple tuple = findBinding( newContext );
if( tuple == null )
return false;
setBindingName( tuple.binding.getQName() );
// update name
if( getSettings().getBoolean( WsdlSettings.NAME_WITH_BINDING ) )
setName( tuple.binding.getQName().getLocalPart() );
// update context
setWsdlContext( newContext );
transferOperations( tuple.binding, createRequests );
setDefinition( url, false );
transferEndpoints( tuple.port );
updateWsaPolicy( url, newContext );
getProject().fireInterfaceUpdated( this );
return true;
private void updateWsaPolicy( String url, WsdlContext newContext ) throws Exception
Definition definition = newContext.getDefinition();
policyFlag = false;
processPolicy( PolicyUtils.getAttachedPolicy( getBinding(), definition ) );
Map<?, ?> serviceMap = definition.getAllServices();
if( serviceMap.isEmpty() )
log.info( "Missing services in [" + url + "], check for bindings" );
Iterator<?> i = serviceMap.values().iterator();
while( i.hasNext() )
Service service = ( Service )i.next();
Map<?, ?> portMap = service.getPorts();
Iterator<?> i2 = portMap.values().iterator();
while( i2.hasNext() )
Port port = ( Port )i2.next();
processPolicy( PolicyUtils.getAttachedPolicy( port, definition ) );
public BindingTuple prepareUpdateDefinition( String url ) throws Exception
WsdlContext newContext = new WsdlContext( url, getSoapVersion() );
if( !newContext.load() )
return null;
BindingTuple tuple = findBinding( newContext );
return tuple;
public void updateDefinition( BindingTuple tuple ) throws Exception
setBindingName( tuple.binding.getQName() );
if( getConfig().isSetDefinitionCache() )
// update name
if( getSettings().getBoolean( WsdlSettings.NAME_WITH_BINDING ) )
setName( tuple.binding.getQName().getLocalPart() );
// update context
wsdlContext = tuple.context;
wsdlContext.setInterface( this );
if( soapMessageBuilder != null )
soapMessageBuilder.setWsdlContext( wsdlContext );
public BindingOperation findBindingOperation( Definition definition, String bindingOperationName, String inputName,
String outputName )
Binding binding = definition.getBinding( getBindingName() );
return WsdlUtils.findBindingOperation( binding, bindingOperationName, inputName, outputName );
public Binding getBinding()
return findBinding( getWsdlContext() ).binding;
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
return null;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
private BindingTuple findBinding( WsdlContext newContext ) throws Exception
BindingTuple tuple = new BindingTuple();
tuple.context = newContext;
// start by finding the old binding in the new definition
Definition definition = newContext.getDefinition();
Map serviceMap = definition.getAllServices();
Iterator<String> i = serviceMap.keySet().iterator();
while( i.hasNext() )
tuple.service = ( Service )serviceMap.get( i.next() );
Map portMap = tuple.service.getPorts();
Iterator i2 = portMap.keySet().iterator();
while( i2.hasNext() )
tuple.port = ( Port )portMap.get( i2.next() );
if( tuple.port.getBinding().getQName().equals( getBindingName() ) )
tuple.binding = tuple.port.getBinding();
if( tuple.binding != null )
tuple.service = null;
if( tuple.service == null && tuple.binding == null )
tuple.binding = definition.getBinding( getBindingName() );
// missing matching binding, prompt for new one to use instead (will
// happen if binding has been renamed)
if( tuple.binding == null )
Map bindings = definition.getAllBindings();
Object retval = UISupport.prompt( "Missing matching binding [" + getBindingName()
+ "] in definition, select new\nbinding to map to", "Map Binding", bindings.keySet().toArray() );
if( retval == null )
return null;
tuple.binding = ( Binding )bindings.get( retval );
return tuple;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void transferOperations( Binding binding, boolean createRequests )
// prepare for transfer of operations/requests
List<BindingOperation> newOperations = new ArrayList<BindingOperation>( binding.getBindingOperations() );
Map<String, WsdlOperation> oldOperations = new HashMap<String, WsdlOperation>();
for( int c = 0; c < operations.size(); c++ )
oldOperations.put( operations.get( c ).getBindingOperationName(), operations.get( c ) );
// clear existing from both collections
for( int c = 0; c < newOperations.size(); c++ )
BindingOperation newOperation = newOperations.get( c );
String bindingOperationName = newOperation.getName();
if( oldOperations.containsKey( bindingOperationName ) )
log.info( "Synchronizing existing operation [" + bindingOperationName + "]" );
WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = oldOperations.get( bindingOperationName );
WsdlUtils.getAnonymous( wsdlOperation );
wsdlOperation.initFromBindingOperation( newOperation );
fireOperationUpdated( wsdlOperation );
oldOperations.remove( bindingOperationName );
newOperations.remove( c );
c-- ;
// remove leftover operations
Iterator<String> i = oldOperations.keySet().iterator();
while( i.hasNext() )
String name = i.next();
if( newOperations.size() > 0 )
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
list.add( "none - delete operation" );
for( int c = 0; c < newOperations.size(); c++ )
list.add( newOperations.get( c ).getName() );
String retval = ( String )UISupport.prompt( "Binding operation [" + name
+ "] not found in new interface, select new\nbinding operation to map to", "Map Operation", list
.toArray(), "none/cancel - delete operation" );
int ix = retval == null ? -1 : list.indexOf( retval ) - 1;
// delete operation?
if( ix < 0 )
deleteOperation( name );
// change operation?
BindingOperation newOperation = newOperations.get( ix );
WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = oldOperations.get( name );
wsdlOperation.initFromBindingOperation( newOperation );
fireOperationUpdated( wsdlOperation );
newOperations.remove( ix );
oldOperations.remove( name );
deleteOperation( name );
oldOperations.remove( name );
i = oldOperations.keySet().iterator();
// add leftover new operations
if( newOperations.size() > 0 )
for( int c = 0; c < newOperations.size(); c++ )
BindingOperation newOperation = newOperations.get( c );
WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = addNewOperation( newOperation );
if( createRequests )
WsdlRequest request = wsdlOperation.addNewRequest( "Request 1" );
request.setRequestContent( wsdlOperation.createRequest( true ) );
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
public void transferEndpoints( Port port )
if( port != null )
String endpoint = WsdlUtils.getSoapEndpoint( port );
if( endpoint != null )
StringList list = new StringList( getEndpoints() );
// expand properties..
for( int c = 0; c < list.size(); c++ )
list.set( c, PropertyExpander.expandProperties( this, list.get( c ) ) );
if( !list.contains( endpoint ) )
if( UISupport.confirm( "Update existing requests with new endpoint\n[" + endpoint + "]",
"Update Definition" ) )
for( int c = 0; c < getOperationCount(); c++ )
Operation operation = getOperationAt( c );
for( int ix = 0; ix < operation.getRequestCount(); ix++ )
operation.getRequestAt( ix ).setEndpoint( endpoint );
addEndpoint( endpoint );
public void deleteOperation( String bindingOperationName )
for( int c = 0; c < operations.size(); c++ )
WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = operations.get( c );
if( wsdlOperation.getBindingOperationName().equals( bindingOperationName ) )
log.info( "deleting operation [" + bindingOperationName + "]" );
// remove requests first (should this be done by some listener?)
while( wsdlOperation.getRequestCount() > 0 )
wsdlOperation.removeRequest( wsdlOperation.getRequestAt( 0 ) );
operations.remove( c );
fireOperationRemoved( wsdlOperation );
getConfig().removeOperation( c );
public void removeOperation( WsdlOperation wsdlOperation )
int c = operations.indexOf( wsdlOperation );
if( c < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( wsdlOperation.getName() + " not found" );
log.info( "deleting operation [" + wsdlOperation.getName() + "]" );
// remove requests first (should this be done by some listener?)
while( wsdlOperation.getRequestCount() > 0 )
wsdlOperation.removeRequest( wsdlOperation.getRequestAt( 0 ) );
operations.remove( c );
fireOperationRemoved( wsdlOperation );
getConfig().removeOperation( c );
public WsdlOperation getOperationByName( String name )
return ( WsdlOperation )getWsdlModelItemByName( operations, name );
public Map<String, Operation> getOperations()
Map<String, Operation> result = new HashMap<String, Operation>();
for( Operation operation : operations )
result.put( operation.getName(), operation );
return result;
public boolean isCached()
if( wsdlContext != null && wsdlContext.isCached() )
return true;
DefinitionCacheConfig cacheConfig = getConfig().getDefinitionCache();
if( cacheConfig == null || cacheConfig.getRootPart() == null || cacheConfig.sizeOfPartArray() == 0 )
return false;
return true;
public String getStyle()
if( wsdlContext == null || !wsdlContext.isLoaded() )
return "<not loaded>";
Binding binding = wsdlContext.getDefinition().getBinding( getBindingName() );
if( binding == null )
return "<missing binding>";
if( WsdlUtils.isRpc( binding ) )
return STYLE_RPC;
catch( Exception e )
SoapUI.logError( e );
return "<error>";
public void release()
for( WsdlOperation operation : operations )
if( wsdlContext != null )
public List<Operation> getOperationList()
return new ArrayList<Operation>( operations );
public static class BindingTuple
public WsdlContext context = null;
public Service service = null;
public Port port = null;
public Binding binding = null;
public boolean isUpdating()
return updating;
public void setUpdating( boolean updating )
if( this.updating == updating )
if( updating )
List<AbstractWsdlModelItem<?>> messages = getAllMessages();
for( AbstractWsdlModelItem<?> modelItem : messages )
boolean oldValue = this.updating;
this.updating = updating;
notifyPropertyChanged( UPDATING_PROPERTY, oldValue, updating );
public List<AbstractWsdlModelItem<?>> getAllMessages()
ArrayList<AbstractWsdlModelItem<?>> list = new ArrayList<AbstractWsdlModelItem<?>>();
getAllMessages( getProject(), list );
return list;
private void getAllMessages( ModelItem modelItem, List<AbstractWsdlModelItem<?>> list )
if( modelItem instanceof AbstractHttpRequestInterface<?> )
AbstractHttpRequest<?> wsdlRequest = ( AbstractHttpRequest<?> )modelItem;
if( wsdlRequest.getOperation().getInterface() == this )
list.add( wsdlRequest );
else if( modelItem instanceof WsdlTestRequestStep )
WsdlTestRequestStep testRequestStep = ( WsdlTestRequestStep )modelItem;
WsdlTestRequest testRequest = testRequestStep.getTestRequest();
if( testRequest != null && testRequest.getOperation() != null
&& testRequest.getOperation().getInterface() == this )
list.add( testRequest );
else if( modelItem instanceof WsdlMockResponse )
WsdlMockResponse mockResponse = ( WsdlMockResponse )modelItem;
if( mockResponse.getMockOperation() != null && mockResponse.getMockOperation().getOperation() != null
&& mockResponse.getMockOperation().getOperation().getInterface() == this )
list.add( mockResponse );
// Traverse the ModelItem hierarchy.
for( ModelItem child : modelItem.getChildren() )
getAllMessages( child, list );
public void addExternalDependencies( List<ExternalDependency> dependencies )
super.addExternalDependencies( dependencies );
dependencies.add( new PathPropertyExternalDependency( definitionProperty ) );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
public void resolve( ResolveContext<?> context )
super.resolve( context );
String definition = definitionProperty.expandUrl();
if( !isCached() && definition.startsWith( "file:" ) )
File file = new File( definition.substring( 5 ) );
if( !file.exists() )
if( context.hasThisModelItem( this, "Missing WSDL file", definition ) )
context.addPathToResolve( this, "Missing WSDL file", definition, new ResolveContext.FileResolver(
"Select WSDL File", "wsdl", "WSDL Files (*.wsdl)", file.getParent() )
public boolean apply( File newFile )
setDefinition( newFile.toURI().toURL().toString() );
return true;
catch( Exception e )
log.error( "Invalid URL for new Definition", e );
return false;
} );
if( context.hasThisModelItem( this, "Missing WSDL file", definition ) )
context.getPath( this, "Missing WSDL file", definition ).setSolved( true );
catch( Exception e )
public String getInterfaceType()
return WsdlInterfaceFactory.WSDL_TYPE;
public String getTechnicalId()
return getBindingName().toString();
public String getWsaVersion()
if( getConfig().getWsaVersion().equals( WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200408 ) )
return WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200408.toString();
else if( getConfig().getWsaVersion().equals( WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200508 ) )
return WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200508.toString();
return WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE.toString();
public void setWsaVersion( String wsAddressing )
if( wsAddressing.equals( WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200508.toString() ) )
getConfig().setWsaVersion( WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200508 );
else if( wsAddressing.equals( WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200408.toString() ) )
getConfig().setWsaVersion( WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200408 );
getConfig().setWsaVersion( WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE );
public void setAnonymous( String anonymous )
if( anonymous.equals( AnonymousTypeConfig.REQUIRED.toString() ) )
getConfig().setAnonymous( AnonymousTypeConfig.REQUIRED );
else if( anonymous.equals( AnonymousTypeConfig.PROHIBITED.toString() ) )
getConfig().setAnonymous( AnonymousTypeConfig.PROHIBITED );
getConfig().setAnonymous( AnonymousTypeConfig.OPTIONAL );
public String getAnonymous()
// return WsdlUtils.getAnonymous(this);
if( getConfig().isSetAnonymous() )
if( getConfig().getAnonymous().equals( AnonymousTypeConfig.PROHIBITED ) )
return AnonymousTypeConfig.PROHIBITED.toString();
else if( getConfig().getAnonymous().equals( AnonymousTypeConfig.REQUIRED ) )
return AnonymousTypeConfig.REQUIRED.toString();
return AnonymousTypeConfig.OPTIONAL.toString();
public WsdlContext getDefinitionContext()
return getWsdlContext();
// need to fix removing mock response and test cases.
private void replace( WsdlOperation wsdlOperation, OperationConfig reloadedOperation )
int index = operations.indexOf( wsdlOperation );
int c = operations.indexOf( wsdlOperation );
if( c < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( wsdlOperation.getName() + " not found" );
log.info( "deleting operation [" + wsdlOperation.getName() + "]" );
// remove requests first (should this be done by some listener?)
while( wsdlOperation.getRequestCount() > 0 )
wsdlOperation.removeRequest( wsdlOperation.getRequestAt( 0 ) );
operations.remove( c );
fireOperationRemoved( wsdlOperation );
getConfig().removeOperation( c );
OperationConfig newConfig = ( OperationConfig )getConfig().addNewOperation().set( reloadedOperation ).changeType(
OperationConfig.type );
WsdlOperation newOperation = new WsdlOperation( this, newConfig );
operations.add( index, newOperation );
fireOperationAdded( newOperation );
* Method for processing policy on interface level it should include
* processing of all types of policies, but for now there's only Addressing
* policy implemented
* @param policy
* @return this interface changed in a proper way indicated by the policy
public void processPolicy( Policy policy ) throws Exception
// default is optional
// String anonymous = AnonymousTypeConfig.OPTIONAL.toString();
// if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(interfaceAnonymous) || policyFlag)
// interfaceAnonymous = AnonymousTypeConfig.OPTIONAL.toString() ;
// if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(interfaceWsaVersion)|| policyFlag)
// interfaceWsaVersion = WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE.toString();
if( !policyFlag )
interfaceAnonymous = AnonymousTypeConfig.OPTIONAL.toString();
interfaceWsaVersion = WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE.toString();
policyFlag = true;
if( policy != null )
List<Addressing> addressingList = policy.getAddressingList();
List<?> usingAddressingList = policy.getUsingAddressingList();
for( Addressing addressing : addressingList )
policyFlag = true;
String optional = addressing.getOptional().toString();
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( optional ) || optional.equals( "false" )
|| ( optional.equals( "true" ) && SoapUI.getSettings().getBoolean( WsaSettings.ENABLE_FOR_OPTIONAL ) ) )
interfaceWsaVersion = WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200508.toString();
Policy innerPolicy = addressing.getPolicy();
if( innerPolicy != null )
List<AnonymousResponses> anonymousList = innerPolicy.getAnonymousResponsesList();
List<NonAnonymousResponses> nonAnonymousList = innerPolicy.getNonAnonymousResponsesList();
if( anonymousList.size() > 0 && nonAnonymousList.size() > 0 )
throw new Exception(
"Wrong addressing policy, anonymousResponses and nonAnonymousResponses can not be specified together" );
if( anonymousList.size() > 0 )
interfaceAnonymous = AnonymousTypeConfig.REQUIRED.toString();
if( nonAnonymousList.size() > 0 )
interfaceAnonymous = AnonymousTypeConfig.PROHIBITED.toString();
if( interfaceWsaVersion == WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE.toString() && !usingAddressingList.isEmpty() )
* UsingAddressing can also be specified insde Policy check
* http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-wsdl/#id2263339
interfaceWsaVersion = WsaVersionTypeConfig.X_200508.toString();
setAnonymous( interfaceAnonymous );
// set wsaVersion to one from policy only if it was null from wsdl binding
if( getConfig().getWsaVersion().equals( WsaVersionTypeConfig.NONE ) )
setWsaVersion( interfaceWsaVersion );