* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.schema.content;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.ConflictHandler;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.schema.Content;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.schema.Context;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.schema.Particle;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.schema.Schema;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wadl.inference.schema.Settings;
import com.eviware.soapui.inferredSchema.ParticleConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.inferredSchema.SequenceContentConfig;
import com.eviware.soapui.inferredSchema.SequenceContentConfig.ComesBefore;
* SequenceContent represents an xs:sequence, xs:choice, or xs:all. It infers
* ordering and occurrences of its children.
* @author Dain Nilsson
public class SequenceContent implements Content
private Schema schema;
private Map<QName, Particle> particles;
private HashMap<QName, List<QName>> comesBefore;
private boolean completed;
public SequenceContent( Schema schema, boolean completed )
this.schema = schema;
this.completed = completed;
particles = new LinkedHashMap<QName, Particle>(); // LinkedHashMap
// preserves order.
comesBefore = new HashMap<QName, List<QName>>();
public SequenceContent( SequenceContentConfig xml, Schema schema )
this.schema = schema;
completed = xml.getCompleted();
particles = new LinkedHashMap<QName, Particle>(); // LinkedHashMap
// preserves order.
for( ParticleConfig particleXml : xml.getParticleList() )
Particle p = Particle.Factory.parse( particleXml, schema );
// TODO: Fix namespace!
particles.put( p.getName(), p );
comesBefore = new HashMap<QName, List<QName>>();
for( ComesBefore item : xml.getComesBeforeList() )
List<QName> others = new ArrayList<QName>();
for( QName item2 : item.getOtherList() )
others.add( item2 );
comesBefore.put( item.getQname(), others );
public SequenceContentConfig save()
SequenceContentConfig xml = SequenceContentConfig.Factory.newInstance();
xml.setCompleted( completed );
List<ParticleConfig> particleList = new ArrayList<ParticleConfig>();
for( Particle item : particles.values() )
particleList.add( item.save() );
xml.setParticleArray( particleList.toArray( new ParticleConfig[0] ) );
for( Map.Entry<QName, List<QName>> entry : comesBefore.entrySet() )
ComesBefore comesBeforeEntry = xml.addNewComesBefore();
comesBeforeEntry.setQname( entry.getKey() );
for( QName item : entry.getValue() )
comesBeforeEntry.addOther( item );
return xml;
public Content validate( Context context ) throws XmlException
XmlCursor cursor = context.getCursor();
// Find element order
List<QName> orderSet = new ArrayList<QName>();
List<QName> orderList = new ArrayList<QName>();
if( !cursor.isEnd() )
QName qname = cursor.getName();
if( qname == null )
if( orderSet.contains( qname ) )
if( !orderSet.get( orderSet.size() - 1 ).equals( qname ) )
// Same element occurs more an once but not in a sequence!
throw new XmlException( "Same element occurs multiple times in sequence!" );
orderSet.add( qname );
orderList.add( qname );
while( cursor.toNextSibling() );
// Check element order against schema
if( validateOrder( context, orderSet ) && validateOccurances( context, orderList ) )
// Validate elements
for( QName item : orderList )
particles.get( item ).validate( context );
throw new XmlException( "Sequence validation" );
completed = true;
return this;
public String toString( String attrs )
if( particles.size() == 0 )
return attrs;
String type = isChoice() ? ":choice" : ( isAll() ? ":all" : ":sequence" );
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder( "<" + schema.getPrefixForNamespace( Settings.xsdns ) + type + ">" );
for( Particle item : particles.values() )
s.append( item );
s.append( "</" + schema.getPrefixForNamespace( Settings.xsdns ) + type + ">" + attrs );
return s.toString();
private void fixOrder()
List<QName> order = new ArrayList<QName>();
for( QName item : particles.keySet() )
int i;
for( i = order.size(); !canAppend( order.subList( 0, i ), item ); i-- )
order.add( i, item );
LinkedHashMap<QName, Particle> fixedParticles = new LinkedHashMap<QName, Particle>();
for( QName item : order )
fixedParticles.put( item, particles.get( item ) );
particles = fixedParticles;
private boolean verifyOrder()
List<QName> order = new ArrayList<QName>();
order.addAll( particles.keySet() );
for( int i = 1; i < particles.size(); i++ )
if( !canAppend( order.subList( 0, i ), order.get( i ) ) )
return false;
return true;
private boolean canAppend( List<QName> before, QName item )
for( QName item2 : before )
if( comesBefore.get( item ).contains( item2 ) )
return false;
return true;
private boolean validateOccurances( Context context, List<QName> sequence ) throws XmlException
Map<QName, Integer> seen = new HashMap<QName, Integer>();
for( QName item : particles.keySet() )
seen.put( item, 0 );
for( QName item : sequence )
seen.put( item, seen.get( item ) + 1 );
for( Map.Entry<QName, Integer> entry : seen.entrySet() )
Particle particle = particles.get( entry.getKey() );
if( Integer.parseInt( particle.getAttribute( "minOccurs" ) ) > entry.getValue() )
if( context.getHandler().callback( ConflictHandler.Event.MODIFICATION, ConflictHandler.Type.ELEMENT,
entry.getKey(), context.getPath(), "Element occurs less times than required." ) )
particle.setAttribute( "minOccurs", entry.getValue().toString() );
throw new XmlException( "Element '" + entry.getKey().getLocalPart()
+ "' required at least minOccurs times!" );
if( !particle.getAttribute( "maxOccurs" ).equals( "unbounded" )
&& Integer.parseInt( particle.getAttribute( "maxOccurs" ) ) < entry.getValue() )
if( context.getHandler().callback( ConflictHandler.Event.MODIFICATION, ConflictHandler.Type.TYPE,
new QName( schema.getNamespace(), context.getAttribute( "typeName" ) ), context.getPath(),
"Element occurs more times than allowed." ) )
particle.setAttribute( "maxOccurs", entry.getValue().toString() );
throw new XmlException( "Element '" + entry.getKey().getLocalPart()
+ "' must not occur more than maxOccurs times!" );
return true;
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
private boolean validateOrder( Context context, List<QName> sequence )
List<QName> seen = new ArrayList<QName>();
HashMap<QName, List<QName>> comesBefore = ( HashMap<QName, List<QName>> )this.comesBefore.clone();
for( QName item : sequence )
if( !particles.containsKey( item ) )
if( context.getHandler().callback( ConflictHandler.Event.CREATION, ConflictHandler.Type.ELEMENT, item,
context.getPath() + "/" + item.getLocalPart(), "Element has undeclared child element." ) )
if( item.getNamespaceURI().equals( schema.getNamespace() ) )
Particle element = Particle.Factory.newElementInstance( schema, item.getLocalPart() );
if( completed )
element.setAttribute( "minOccurs", "0" );
particles.put( item, element );
Schema otherSchema = context.getSchemaSystem().getSchemaForNamespace( item.getNamespaceURI() );
schema.putPrefixForNamespace( item.getPrefix(), item.getNamespaceURI() );
if( otherSchema == null )
otherSchema = context.getSchemaSystem().newSchema( item.getNamespaceURI() );
Particle ref = otherSchema.getParticle( item.getLocalPart() );
if( ref == null )
ref = otherSchema.newElement( item.getLocalPart() );
if( completed )
ref.setAttribute( "minOccurs", "0" );
particles.put( item, Particle.Factory.newReferenceInstance( schema, ref ) );
return false;
if( comesBefore.containsKey( item ) )
for( QName item2 : comesBefore.get( item ) )
if( seen.contains( item2 ) )
return false;
comesBefore.put( item, new ArrayList<QName>() );
for( QName item2 : seen )
if( !comesBefore.get( item2 ).contains( item ) )
comesBefore.get( item2 ).add( item );
seen.add( item );
this.comesBefore = comesBefore;
return true;
private boolean isChoice()
for( Particle e : particles.values() )
if( !( "0".equals( e.getAttribute( "minOccurs" ) ) && "1".equals( e.getAttribute( "maxOccurs" ) ) && comesBefore
.get( e.getName() ).size() == 0 ) )
return false;
return true;
private boolean isAll()
for( Particle e : particles.values() )
if( Integer.parseInt( e.getAttribute( "maxOccurs" ) ) > 1 )
return false;
return !verifyOrder();