* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.impl.rest.support;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlBoolean;
import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.rest.RestRequestInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.rest.support.RestParamsPropertyHolder.ParameterStyle;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.DefaultPropertyExpansionContext;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpander;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.StringUtils;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.Tools;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringList;
public class RestUtils
private final static Pattern splitPattern = Pattern.compile( "[^|]\\|[^|]" );
public static String[] extractTemplateParams( String path )
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( path ) )
return new String[0];
StringList result = new StringList();
int ix = path.indexOf( '{' );
while( ix != -1 )
int endIx = path.indexOf( '}', ix );
if( endIx == -1 )
if( endIx > ix + 1 && ( ix > 0 && path.charAt( ix - 1 ) != '$' ) )
result.add( path.substring( ix + 1, endIx ) );
ix = path.indexOf( '{', ix + 1 );
return result.toStringArray();
public static String extractParams( String pathOrEndpoint, RestParamsPropertyHolder params, boolean keepHost )
if( StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty( pathOrEndpoint ) )
return "";
String path = pathOrEndpoint;
String queryString = "";
URL url = null;
url = new URL( pathOrEndpoint );
path = url.getPath();
queryString = url.getQuery();
catch( MalformedURLException e )
int ix = path.indexOf( '?' );
if( ix >= 0 )
queryString = path.substring( ix + 1 );
path = path.substring( 0, ix );
String[] items = path.split( "/" );
int templateParamCount = 0;
StringBuffer resultPath = new StringBuffer();
for( int i = 0; i < items.length; i++ )
String item = items[i];
if( item.startsWith( "{" ) && item.endsWith( "}" ) )
String name = item.substring( 1, item.length() - 1 );
RestParamProperty property = params.getProperty( name );
if( !params.hasProperty( name ) )
property = params.addProperty( name );
property.setStyle( ParameterStyle.TEMPLATE );
property.setValue( name );
property.setDefaultValue( name );
String[] matrixParams = item.split( ";" );
if( matrixParams.length > 0 )
item = matrixParams[0];
for( int c = 1; c < matrixParams.length; c++ )
String matrixParam = matrixParams[c];
int ix = matrixParam.indexOf( '=' );
if( ix == -1 )
String name = URLDecoder.decode( matrixParam, "Utf-8" );
if( !params.hasProperty( name ) )
params.addProperty( name ).setStyle( ParameterStyle.MATRIX );
String name = URLDecoder.decode( matrixParam.substring( 0, ix ), "Utf-8" );
RestParamProperty property = params.getProperty( name );
if( property == null )
property = params.addProperty( name );
property.setStyle( ParameterStyle.MATRIX );
property.setValue( URLDecoder.decode( matrixParam.substring( ix + 1 ), "Utf-8" ) );
property.setDefaultValue( URLDecoder.decode( matrixParam.substring( ix + 1 ), "Utf-8" ) );
Integer.parseInt( item );
String name = "param" + templateParamCount++ ;
RestParamProperty property = params.getProperty( name );
if( !params.hasProperty( name ) )
property = params.addProperty( name );
property.setStyle( ParameterStyle.TEMPLATE );
property.setValue( item );
property.setDefaultValue( item );
item = "{" + property.getName() + "}";
catch( Throwable e )
if( StringUtils.hasContent( item ) )
resultPath.append( '/' ).append( item );
if( StringUtils.hasContent( queryString ) )
extractParamsFromQueryString( params, queryString );
if( path.endsWith( "/" ) )
resultPath.append( '/' );
if( keepHost && url != null )
return Tools.getEndpointFromUrl( url ) + resultPath.toString();
return resultPath.toString();
public static void extractParamsFromQueryString( RestParamsPropertyHolder params, String queryString )
String[] items;
items = queryString.split( "&" );
for( String item : items )
int ix = item.indexOf( '=' );
if( ix == -1 )
String name = URLDecoder.decode( item, "Utf-8" );
if( !params.hasProperty( name ) )
params.addProperty( name ).setStyle( ParameterStyle.QUERY );
String name = URLDecoder.decode( item.substring( 0, ix ), "Utf-8" );
RestParamProperty property = params.getProperty( name );
if( property == null )
property = params.addProperty( name );
property.setStyle( ParameterStyle.QUERY );
property.setValue( URLDecoder.decode( item.substring( ix + 1 ), "Utf-8" ) );
property.setDefaultValue( URLDecoder.decode( item.substring( ix + 1 ), "Utf-8" ) );
catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e )
@SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
public static String expandPath( String path, RestParamsPropertyHolder params, RestRequestInterface request )
StringBuffer query = request.isPostQueryString() || "multipart/form-data".equals( request.getMediaType() ) ? null
: new StringBuffer();
DefaultPropertyExpansionContext context = new DefaultPropertyExpansionContext( request );
for( int c = 0; c < params.getPropertyCount(); c++ )
RestParamProperty param = params.getPropertyAt( c );
String value = PropertyExpander.expandProperties( context, param.getValue() );
List<String> valueParts = splitMultipleParameters( value, request.getMultiValueDelimiter() );
if( value != null && !param.isDisableUrlEncoding() )
String encoding = System.getProperty( "soapui.request.encoding", request.getEncoding() );
if( StringUtils.hasContent( encoding ) )
value = URLEncoder.encode( value, encoding );
for( int i = 0; i < valueParts.size(); i++ )
valueParts.set( i, URLEncoder.encode( valueParts.get( i ), encoding ) );
value = URLEncoder.encode( value );
for( int i = 0; i < valueParts.size(); i++ )
valueParts.set( i, URLEncoder.encode( valueParts.get( i ) ) );
catch( UnsupportedEncodingException e1 )
SoapUI.logError( e1 );
value = URLEncoder.encode( value );
for( int i = 0; i < valueParts.size(); i++ )
valueParts.set( i, URLEncoder.encode( valueParts.get( i ) ) );
if( !StringUtils.hasContent( value ) && !param.getRequired() )
if( value == null )
value = "";
switch( param.getStyle() )
case QUERY :
if( query != null && valueParts != null )
for( String valuePart : valueParts )
if( query.length() > 0 )
query.append( '&' );
query.append( URLEncoder.encode( param.getName() ) );
query.append( '=' );
if( StringUtils.hasContent( valuePart ) )
query.append( valuePart );
path = path.replaceAll( "\\{" + param.getName() + "\\}", value );
case MATRIX :
if( param.getType().equals( XmlBoolean.type.getName() ) )
if( value.toUpperCase().equals( "TRUE" ) || value.equals( "1" ) )
path += ";" + param.getName();
path += ";" + param.getName();
if( StringUtils.hasContent( value ) )
path += "=" + value;
case PLAIN :
if( query != null && query.length() > 0 )
path += "?" + query.toString();
return path;
// private final static Pattern splitPattern = Pattern.compile( "[^|]\\|[^|]"
// );
public static List<String> splitMultipleParameters( String paramStr, String delimiter )
StringList result = new StringList();
if( StringUtils.hasContent( paramStr ) )
if( !StringUtils.hasContent( delimiter ) )
result.add( paramStr );
result.addAll( paramStr.split( delimiter ) );
return result;
// Matcher matcher = splitPattern.matcher( paramStr );
// List<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();
// int i = 0;
// while( matcher.find() )
// {
// parts.add( paramStr.substring( i, matcher.start() + 1 ).replaceAll(
// "\\|\\|", "|" ) );
// i = matcher.start() + 2;
// }
// parts.add( paramStr.substring( i, paramStr.length() ).replaceAll(
// "\\|\\|", "|" ) );
// return parts;
* specificaly used for adding empty parameters also in the list when
* "send empty parameters" are checked in HTTP TestRequest Properties
* @param paramStr
* @param delimiter
* @return
public static List<String> splitMultipleParametersEmptyIncluded( String paramStr, String delimiter )
StringList result = new StringList();
if( !StringUtils.hasContent( delimiter ) )
result.add( paramStr );
result.addAll( paramStr.split( delimiter ) );
return result;