* soapUI, copyright (C) 2004-2011 eviware.com
* soapUI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation.
* soapUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at gnu.org.
package com.eviware.soapui.actions;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.support.CompressionSupport;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.settings.Settings;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.components.SimpleForm;
import com.eviware.soapui.support.types.StringToStringMap;
* Preferences class for HttpSettings
* @author ole.matzura
public class HttpPrefs implements Prefs
public static final String AUTHENTICATE_PREEMPTIVELY = "Authenticate Preemptively";
public static final String EXPECT_CONTINUE = "Expect Continue";
public static final String INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN = "Include request in time taken";
public static final String INCLUDE_RESPONSE_IN_TIME_TAKEN = "Include response in time taken";
public static final String REQUEST_COMPRESSION = "Request compression";
public static final String RESPONSE_COMPRESSION = "Response compression";
public static final String CLOSE_CONNECTIONS_AFTER_REQUEST = "Close connections after request";
public static final String USER_AGENT_HEADER = "User-Agent Header";
public static final String SOCKET_TIMEOUT = "Socket Timeout";
public static final String MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE = "Max response size";
public static final String ENCODED_URLS = "Pre-encoded Endpoints";
public static final String MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST = "Max Connections Per Host";
public static final String MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS = "Max Total Connections";
public static final String BIND_ADDRESS = "Bind Address";
public static final String LEAVE_MOCKENGINE = "Leave MockEngine";
// public static final String DISABLE_CHUNKING = "Disable Chunking";
public static final String CHUNKING_THRESHOLD = "Chunking Threshold";
public static final String HTTP_VERSION = "HTTP Version";
public static final String ENABLE_MOCK_WIRE_LOG = "Enable Mock HTTP Log";
public static final String DISABLE_RESPONSE_DECOMPRESSION = "Disable Response Decompression";
public static final String FORWARD_SLASHES = "Normalize Forward Slashes";
private static TreeMap<String, String> compressionAlgs = new TreeMap<String, String>();
compressionAlgs.put( "None", "None" );
compressionAlgs.put( CompressionSupport.ALG_GZIP, "GZIP" );
compressionAlgs.put( CompressionSupport.ALG_DEFLATE, "DEFLATE" );
private SimpleForm httpForm;
private final String title;
public HttpPrefs( String title )
this.title = title;
public SimpleForm getForm()
if( httpForm == null )
httpForm = new SimpleForm();
httpForm.addSpace( 5 );
httpForm.appendComboBox( HttpPrefs.HTTP_VERSION, new String[] { HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION_1_1,
HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION_1_0 }, "Select HTTP Version to use" );
httpForm.appendTextField( HttpPrefs.USER_AGENT_HEADER,
"User-Agent HTTP header to send, blank will send default" );
httpForm.appendComboBox( HttpPrefs.REQUEST_COMPRESSION, compressionAlgs );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.RESPONSE_COMPRESSION, "Accept compressed responses from hosts", true );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.DISABLE_RESPONSE_DECOMPRESSION,
"Disable decompression of compressed responses", true );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS_AFTER_REQUEST,
"Closes the HTTP connection after each HTTP request", true );
// httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.DISABLE_CHUNKING,
// "Disables content-chunking", true );
httpForm.appendTextField( HttpPrefs.CHUNKING_THRESHOLD,
"Uses content-chunking for requests larger than threshold, blank to disable" );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.AUTHENTICATE_PREEMPTIVELY,
"Adds authentication information to outgoing request", true );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.EXPECT_CONTINUE,
"Activates 'Expect: 100-Continue' handshake for the entity enclosing methods", true );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.ENCODED_URLS, "Do not URL-escape service endpoints", true );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.FORWARD_SLASHES,
"Replaces duplicate forward slashes in HTTP request endpoints with a single slash", false );
httpForm.appendTextField( HttpPrefs.BIND_ADDRESS, "Default local address to bind to when sending requests" );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN,
"Includes the time it took to write the request in time-taken", true );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.INCLUDE_RESPONSE_IN_TIME_TAKEN,
"Includes the time it took to read the entire response in time-taken", true );
httpForm.appendTextField( HttpPrefs.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, "Socket timeout in milliseconds" );
httpForm.appendTextField( HttpPrefs.MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE, "Maximum size to read from response (0 = no limit)" );
httpForm.appendTextField( HttpPrefs.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST, "Maximum number of Connections Per Host" );
httpForm.appendTextField( HttpPrefs.MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, "Maximum number of Total Connections" );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.LEAVE_MOCKENGINE, "Leave MockEngine running when stopping MockServices",
false );
httpForm.appendCheckBox( HttpPrefs.ENABLE_MOCK_WIRE_LOG, "Logs wire content of all mock requests", false );
httpForm.addSpace( 5 );
return httpForm;
public void getFormValues( Settings settings )
StringToStringMap httpValues = new StringToStringMap();
httpForm.getValues( httpValues );
storeValues( httpValues, settings );
public void storeValues( StringToStringMap httpValues, Settings settings )
settings.setString( HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION, httpValues.get( HTTP_VERSION ) );
// settings.setString( HttpSettings.DISABLE_CHUNKING, httpValues.get(
settings.setString( HttpSettings.CHUNKING_THRESHOLD, httpValues.get( CHUNKING_THRESHOLD ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.USER_AGENT, httpValues.get( USER_AGENT_HEADER ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.REQUEST_COMPRESSION, httpValues.get( REQUEST_COMPRESSION ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.RESPONSE_COMPRESSION, httpValues.get( RESPONSE_COMPRESSION ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.EXPECT_CONTINUE, httpValues.get( EXPECT_CONTINUE ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS, httpValues.get( CLOSE_CONNECTIONS_AFTER_REQUEST ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.AUTHENTICATE_PREEMPTIVELY, httpValues.get( AUTHENTICATE_PREEMPTIVELY ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, httpValues.get( SOCKET_TIMEOUT ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.ENCODED_URLS, httpValues.get( ENCODED_URLS ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.FORWARD_SLASHES, httpValues.get( FORWARD_SLASHES ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE, httpValues.get( MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN, httpValues.get( INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST, httpValues.get( MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, httpValues.get( MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.BIND_ADDRESS, httpValues.get( BIND_ADDRESS ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.LEAVE_MOCKENGINE, httpValues.get( LEAVE_MOCKENGINE ) );
settings.setString( HttpSettings.ENABLE_MOCK_WIRE_LOG, httpValues.get( ENABLE_MOCK_WIRE_LOG ) );
public void setFormValues( Settings settings )
getForm().setValues( getValues( settings ) );
public StringToStringMap getValues( Settings settings )
StringToStringMap httpValues = new StringToStringMap();
httpValues.put( HTTP_VERSION, settings.getString( HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION, HttpSettings.HTTP_VERSION_1_1 ) );
// httpValues.put( DISABLE_CHUNKING, settings.getString(
// HttpSettings.DISABLE_CHUNKING, null ) );
httpValues.put( CHUNKING_THRESHOLD, settings.getString( HttpSettings.CHUNKING_THRESHOLD, null ) );
httpValues.put( USER_AGENT_HEADER, settings.getString( HttpSettings.USER_AGENT, null ) );
compressionAlgs.get( settings.getString( HttpSettings.REQUEST_COMPRESSION, "None" ) ) );
httpValues.put( RESPONSE_COMPRESSION, settings.getString( HttpSettings.RESPONSE_COMPRESSION, null ) );
settings.getString( HttpSettings.DISABLE_RESPONSE_DECOMPRESSION, null ) );
httpValues.put( EXPECT_CONTINUE, settings.getString( HttpSettings.EXPECT_CONTINUE, null ) );
httpValues.put( CLOSE_CONNECTIONS_AFTER_REQUEST, settings.getString( HttpSettings.CLOSE_CONNECTIONS, null ) );
httpValues.put( AUTHENTICATE_PREEMPTIVELY, settings.getString( HttpSettings.AUTHENTICATE_PREEMPTIVELY, null ) );
settings.getString( HttpSettings.INCLUDE_REQUEST_IN_TIME_TAKEN, null ) );
settings.getString( HttpSettings.INCLUDE_RESPONSE_IN_TIME_TAKEN, null ) );
httpValues.put( SOCKET_TIMEOUT, settings.getString( HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, null ) );
httpValues.put( ENCODED_URLS, settings.getString( HttpSettings.ENCODED_URLS, null ) );
httpValues.put( MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE, settings.getString( HttpSettings.MAX_RESPONSE_SIZE, "0" ) );
httpValues.put( MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST, settings.getString( HttpSettings.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST, "500" ) );
httpValues.put( MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, settings.getString( HttpSettings.MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, "2000" ) );
httpValues.put( BIND_ADDRESS, settings.getString( HttpSettings.BIND_ADDRESS, "" ) );
httpValues.put( FORWARD_SLASHES, settings.getString( HttpSettings.FORWARD_SLASHES, "" ) );
httpValues.put( LEAVE_MOCKENGINE, settings.getString( HttpSettings.LEAVE_MOCKENGINE, null ) );
httpValues.put( ENABLE_MOCK_WIRE_LOG, settings.getString( HttpSettings.ENABLE_MOCK_WIRE_LOG, null ) );
return httpValues;
public String getTitle()
return title;