Package com.sourcetap.sfa.replication

Source Code of com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.EntityReplicator

* Copyright (c) 2004 SourceTap -
*  The contents of this file are subject to the SourceTap Public License
* ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

package com.sourcetap.sfa.replication;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericDelegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericPK;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;

import com.sourcetap.sfa.util.UserInfo;

* This class is used for entity instance replication. <P>
* Typically this class, or its descendant, is used to replicate a single instance
* of an entity.  This is accomplished by instantiating this class and calling its
* replicateInstance() method. <P>
* For each instance replicated, one or more related entity instances may be replicated
* when the replicateAllRelated() method is called automatically by the replicateInstance()
* method.  If the relatedEntityMapVector attribute has been populated, the
* replicateAllRelated() method will call the replicateOneRelated() method for each item in
* the vector to replicate one entities instances.  The related entities are located in the
* findOneRelated() method, which is called by replicateOneRelated().  For each related
* entity instance found, another instance of this class is used to replicate it. <P>
* Entity replication is used to do full replication.  Full replication is required to
* populate a newly registered replication node, or to re-populate an inactive
* replication node.  To perform full replication, the relatedEntityMapVector should be
* populated with a list of all entities to be removed and replicated, and the information
* required to find them.  Then the removeAll() and replicateAll() methods
* should be called.
* @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
public class EntityReplicator extends GenericReplicator {
    private static final boolean TIMER = false;
  public static final String module = EntityReplicator.class.getName();

     * The name of the entity to be replicated.
    protected String entityName;

     * Related Entity Map Vector <P>
     * Each vector element contains a HashMap describing a related entity to be replicated
     * for each instance of the main entity that is replicated. <P>
     * Each HashMap contains: <P>
     *   String relationTitle <BR>
     *   String relatedEntityName <BR>
     *   HashMap filterMap <BR>
     *   String replicatorClassName <BR>
     *   Boolean replicateAll
     *   Boolean removeAll
    protected Vector relatedEntityMapVector = new Vector();

     * User Information
    protected UserInfo userInfo;

     * Constructor with no args.
    public EntityReplicator() {

     * Constructor with args.
     * @param mainInstance Main entity instance for which related entities will be replicated
     * @param localDelegator Delegator to attach to local data base
     * @param masterDelegator Delegator to attach to master data base
     * @param entityName Name of the entity to be replicated
     * @param userInfo UserInfo object containing user information
    public EntityReplicator(GenericDelegator localDelegator,
        GenericDelegator masterDelegator, String entityName, UserInfo userInfo) {
        super(localDelegator, masterDelegator);

     * Gets the name of the entity to be replicated.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @return Name of the entity to be replicated
    public String getEntityName() {
        return entityName;

     * Sets the name of the entity to be replicated.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param entityName_ Name of the entity to be replicated
    public void setEntityName(String entityName_) {
        entityName = entityName_;


     * Adds a related entity map to the related entity map vector.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param relatedEntityMap HashMap containing information about a releated entity
    public void addRelatedEntityMap(HashMap relatedEntityMap) {



     * Adds a related entity map to the related entity map vector.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param relationTitle Relation title to be used by the entity engine to find related
     *   entity instances
     * @param relatedEntityName Name of the related entity to be replicated
     * @param filterMap HashMap containing additional filter values to be used by the entity
     *   engine when finding related entity instances
     * @param replicateAll Flag indicating to replicate all instances of this entity
     *   instead of just the ones related to the main entity.
     * @param removeAll Flag indicating to remove all instances of this entity instead of
     *   just the ones related to the main entity.
     * @param replicatorClassName Name of a descendant class of this class which will be used
     *   to replicate the related entity instances
    public void addRelatedEntityMap(String relationTitle,
        String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap, boolean replicateAll,
        boolean removeAll, String replicatorClassName) {

        HashMap relatedEntityMap = new HashMap();
        relatedEntityMap.put("relationTitle", relationTitle);
        relatedEntityMap.put("relatedEntityName", relatedEntityName);
        relatedEntityMap.put("filterMap", filterMap);
        relatedEntityMap.put("replicateAll", new Boolean(replicateAll));
        relatedEntityMap.put("removeAll", new Boolean(removeAll));
        relatedEntityMap.put("replicatorClassName", replicatorClassName);


     * Populate the related entity map vector. This method is called from the constructors
     * to allow the related entities to be specified before replication begins.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
    public void populateRelatedEntityMapVector() {

     * Gets the related entity map vector.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @return Related entity map vector.
    public Vector getRelatedEntityMapVector() {
        return relatedEntityMapVector;

     * Gets the user information
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @return UserInfo object
    public UserInfo getUserInfo() {
        return userInfo;

     * Sets the user information
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param userInfo_ UserInfo object
    public void setUserInfo(UserInfo userInfo_) {
        userInfo = userInfo_;


     * This method replicates one instance of the entity named in the entityName attribute. <P>
     * Ths instance passed in the instance argument is copied from the master data base
     * to the local data base.  Then the replicateRelatedEntities() method is
     * called so child entity instance can be replicated. <P>
     * This method requires that all arguments passed to the constructor were not null and
     * not empty.  Alternatively, this method requires the setEntityName, setLocalDelegator,
     * and setMasterDelegator methods to have been called since construction.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param mainInstance Entity instance being replicated
     * @return The status of the replication.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR,
    public int replicateInstance(GenericValue mainInstance) {

        // Check pre-conditions.
        if (mainInstance == null) {
                "[replicateInstance] Main entity instance is required.  " +
                "Replication canceled.", module);

            return STATUS_ERROR;


        // Insert the instance into the local data base.
        int status = insertLocalInstance(mainInstance);

        if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
            return status;

        // Insert all related entity instances.
        status = replicateAllRelated(mainInstance);

        if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
            return status;

        return STATUS_CONTINUE;

     * This method removes one instance of the entity named in the entityName attribute. <P>
     * First the removeRelatedEntities() method is called so child entity instances
     * can be removed from the local data base. Then the instance passed in the
     * instance argument is removed from the local data base.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param mainInstance Entity instance being replicated
     * @return The status of the replication.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR,
    public int removeInstance(GenericValue mainInstance) {
        if (mainInstance == null) {
                "[replicateInstance] Main entity instance is required.", module);

            return STATUS_ERROR;

        // Remove all related entity instances.
        int status = removeAllRelated(mainInstance);

        if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
            return status;

        // Remove the instance from the local data base.
        status = removeLocalInstance(mainInstance);

        if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
            return status;

        return STATUS_CONTINUE;

     * This method stores the instance in the local data base.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param masterInstance Entity instance from the master data base
     * @return Status.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_CANCELED
    public int insertLocalInstance(GenericValue masterInstance) {

        if (masterInstance == null) {
                "[replicateInstance] Master entity instance is required.", module);

            return STATUS_ERROR;


        if (getLocalDelegator() == null) {
            Debug.logError("[insertLocalInstance] Local delegator is required.", module);

            return STATUS_ERROR;


        // Copy the instance, and assign it to the local delegator instead of the master one.
        GenericValue localInstance = new GenericValue(masterInstance);

        GenericPK localInstancePK = localInstance.getPrimaryKey();

        try {
            Debug.logVerbose("Inserted key " + localInstancePK.toString(), module);

            return STATUS_CONTINUE;
        } catch (GenericEntityException gee) {
            if (gee.getLocalizedMessage().indexOf("Duplicate entry") > 0) {
                Debug.logError("[insertLocalInstance] Duplicate key " +
                    localInstancePK.toString(), module);

                return STATUS_CONTINUE;
            } else {
                Debug.logError("[insertLocalInstance] Error inserting key " +
                    localInstancePK.toString() + ":", module);
                Debug.logError("[insertLocalInstance] " +
                    gee.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

                return STATUS_ERROR;

     * This method removes an instance of the main entity from the local data base.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param localInstance Entity instance being removed
     * @return Status.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_CANCELED
    public int removeLocalInstance(GenericValue localInstance) {

        if (localInstance == null) {
                "[replicateInstance] Local entity instance is required.", module);

            return STATUS_ERROR;


        if (getLocalDelegator() == null) {
            Debug.logError("[insertLocalInstance] Local delegator is required.", module);

            return STATUS_ERROR;


        GenericPK localInstancePK = localInstance.getPrimaryKey();

        try {
            Debug.logVerbose("Removed key " + localInstancePK.toString(), module);

            return STATUS_CONTINUE;
        } catch (GenericEntityException gee) {
            Debug.logError("[removeLocalInstance] Error removing key " +
                localInstancePK.toString() + ":", module);
            Debug.logError("[removeLocalInstance] " +
                gee.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

            return STATUS_ERROR;

     * This method replicates all instances for all related entities. <P>
     * This method uses the relatedEntityMapVector to determine what related
     * entities need to be replicated.  For each related entity, this method calls
     * replicateOneRelated().  Each call to replicateOneRelated() calls
     * findOneRelated(), which finds all instances of the specified entity.  Then
     * replicateOneRelated() calls replicateInstance for each instance of the
     * related entity to recursively replicate the tree of instances.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param mainInstance Main entity instance for which related entities will be replicated
     * @return Status.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_CANCELED
    public int replicateAllRelated(GenericValue mainInstance) {
        Debug.logVerbose("[replicateAllRelated] Start", module);

        //    if (mainInstance == null) {
        //      Debug.logError("[replicateInstance] Entity instance is required.");
        //      return STATUS_ERROR;
        //    };
        Iterator relatedEntityMapVectorI = getRelatedEntityMapVector().iterator();

        while (relatedEntityMapVectorI.hasNext()) {
            HashMap relatedEntityMap = (HashMap);
            String relationTitle = (String) relatedEntityMap.get(
            String relatedEntityName = (String) relatedEntityMap.get(
            String replicatorClassName = (String) relatedEntityMap.get(
            Boolean replicateAll = (Boolean) relatedEntityMap.get(
            HashMap filterMap = (HashMap) relatedEntityMap.get("filterMap");
            int status = replicateOneRelated(mainInstance, relationTitle,
                    relatedEntityName, filterMap, replicateAll.booleanValue(),

            if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
                return status;

        return STATUS_CONTINUE;

     * This method removes all instances for all related entities. <P>
     * This method uses the relatedEntityMapVector to determine what related
     * entities need to be removed.  For each related entity, this method calls
     * removeOneRelated().  Each call to removeOneRelated() calls
     * findOneRelated(), which finds all instances of the specified entity.  Then
     * removeOneRelated() calls removeLocalInstance for each instance of the
     * related entity to recursively replicate the tree of instances.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param localInstance Local entity from which related entity instances are to be removed
     * @return Status.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_CANCELED
    public int removeAllRelated(GenericValue localInstance) {
        Debug.logVerbose("[removeAllRelated] Start", module);

        //    if (localInstance == null) {
        //      Debug.logError("[replicateInstance] Entity instance is required.");
        //      return STATUS_ERROR;
        //    };
        // Remove the entities in reverse order in case RI is turned on.
        for (int relatedEntityNbr = getRelatedEntityMapVector().size() - 1;
                relatedEntityNbr >= 0; relatedEntityNbr--) {
            //    Iterator relatedEntityMapVectorI = getRelatedEntityMapVector().iterator();
            //    while (relatedEntityMapVectorI.hasNext()) {
            HashMap relatedEntityMap = (HashMap) getRelatedEntityMapVector()

            //      HashMap relatedEntityMap = (HashMap);
            String relationTitle = (String) relatedEntityMap.get(
            String relatedEntityName = (String) relatedEntityMap.get(
            Boolean removeAll = (Boolean) relatedEntityMap.get("removeAll");
            String replicatorClassName = (String) relatedEntityMap.get(
            HashMap filterMap = (HashMap) relatedEntityMap.get("filterMap");
            int status = removeOneRelated(localInstance, relationTitle,
                    relatedEntityName, filterMap, removeAll.booleanValue(),

            if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
                return status;

        return STATUS_CONTINUE;

     * This method replicates all instances for one entity related to the main entity. <P>
     * This method calls findOneRelated(), which finds all instances of the related entity.
     * Then this method calls replicateInstance for each instance of the
     * related entity to recursively replicate the tree of instances.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param mainInstance Main entity instance for which related entities will be replicated
     * @param relationTitle Relation title to be used by the entity engine to find related
     *   entity instances
     * @param relatedEntityName Name of the related entity to be replicated
     * @param filterMap HashMap containing additional filter values to be used by the entity
     *   engine when finding related entity instances
     * @param replicatorClassName Name of a descendant class of this class which will be used
     *   to replicate the related entity instances
     * @return Status.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_CANCELED
    protected int replicateOneRelated(GenericValue mainInstance,
        String relationTitle, String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap,
        boolean replicateAll, String replicatorClassName) {
        UtilTimer timer = new UtilTimer();

        if (TIMER) {
            timer.timerString(1, "[replicateOneRelated] Start");

        Debug.logVerbose("[replicateOneRelated] Start", module);

        Debug.logVerbose("[replicateOneRelated] relationTitle: " + relationTitle, module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[replicateOneRelated] relatedEntityName: " + relatedEntityName, module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[replicateOneRelated] replicatorClassName: " + replicatorClassName, module);

        // Instantiate related replicator class.
        EntityReplicator relatedReplicator = getEntityReplicator(replicatorClassName,
                getLocalDelegator(), getMasterDelegator(), relatedEntityName,

        if (relatedReplicator == null) {
            return STATUS_ERROR;

        String entityName = "*";

        if (mainInstance != null) {
            entityName = mainInstance.getEntityName();

        if (TIMER) {
                "[EntityReplicator.replicateOneRelated] Starting findOneRelated (" +
                entityName + "/" + relationTitle + relatedEntityName + ")");

        List relatedGVL = findOneRelated(getMasterDelegator(), mainInstance,
                relationTitle, relatedEntityName, filterMap, replicateAll);

        if (relatedGVL == null) {
            return STATUS_ERROR;

        if (TIMER) {
                "[EntityReplicator.replicateOneRelated] Finished findOneRelated (" +
                entityName + "/" + relationTitle + relatedEntityName + ")");

        Iterator relatedGVI = relatedGVL.iterator();

        while (relatedGVI.hasNext()) {
            GenericValue relatedGV = (GenericValue);
            int status = relatedReplicator.replicateInstance(relatedGV);

            if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
                return status;

        if (TIMER) {
            timer.timerString(1, "[replicateOneRelated] End");

        return STATUS_CONTINUE;

     * This method removes all instances for one entity related to the main entity. <P>
     * This method calls findOneRelated(), which finds all instances of the related entity.
     * Then this method calls removeInstance for each instance of the
     * related entity to recursively replicate the tree of instances.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param mainInstance Main entity instance for which related entities will be replicated
     * @param relationTitle Relation title to be used by the entity engine to find related
     *   entity instances
     * @param relatedEntityName Name of the related entity to be replicated
     * @param filterMap HashMap containing additional filter values to be used by the entity
     *   engine when finding related entity instances
     * @param removeAll Flag indicating to remove all instances of this entity instead of
     *   just removing the ones related to the main entity.
     * @param replicatorClassName Name of a descendant class of this class which will be used
     *   to replicate the related entity instances
     * @return Status.  Possible values: STATUS_CONTINUE, STATUS_ERROR, STATUS_CANCELED
    protected int removeOneRelated(GenericValue mainInstance,
        String relationTitle, String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap,
        boolean removeAll, String replicatorClassName) {

        // Instantiate related replicator class.
        EntityReplicator relatedReplicator = getEntityReplicator(replicatorClassName,
                getLocalDelegator(), getMasterDelegator(), relatedEntityName,

        if (relatedReplicator == null) {
            return STATUS_ERROR;

        List relatedGVL = findOneRelated(getLocalDelegator(), mainInstance,
                relationTitle, relatedEntityName, filterMap, removeAll);

        if (relatedGVL == null) {
            return STATUS_ERROR;

        Iterator relatedGVI = relatedGVL.iterator();

        while (relatedGVI.hasNext()) {
            GenericValue relatedGV = (GenericValue);
            int status = relatedReplicator.removeInstance(relatedGV);

            if (status != STATUS_CONTINUE) {
                return status;

        return STATUS_CONTINUE;

     * This method finds all instances of an entity related to the main entity.
     * This is used for replicating and removing, so it accepts the delegator as an
     * argument to point it to the correct data base.
     * @author  <a href=''>John Nutting</a>
     * @param mainInstance Main entity instance for which related entities will be replicated
     * @param relationTitle Relation title to be used by the entity engine to find related
     *   entity instances
     * @param relatedEntityName Name of the related entity to be replicated
     * @param filterMap HashMap containing additional filter values to be used by the entity
     *   engine when finding related entity instances
     * @param findAll Flag indicating to find all instances of the entity instead of using
     *   a relation
     * @return List of generic values related to the main entity instance
    protected List findOneRelated(GenericDelegator delegator,
        GenericValue mainInstance, String relationTitle,
        String relatedEntityName, HashMap filterMap, boolean findAll) {

        UtilTimer timer = new UtilTimer();

        if (TIMER) {
            timer.timerString(2, "[EntityReplicator.findOneRelated] Start");

        String entityName = "*";

        if (mainInstance != null) {
            entityName = mainInstance.getEntityName();

        if (delegator == null) {
            Debug.logError("[findOneRelated] Delegator is required.", module);

            return null;

        if (userInfo == null) {
            Debug.logError("[findOneRelated] User info object is required.", module);

            return null;

        GenericPK entityPK = null;

        String entityKeyString = null;
        List relatedGVL = null;

        if (findAll) {
            // Need to find all entity instances, not just the ones related to
            // the main entity instance.
            try {
                if (TIMER) {
                        "[EntityReplicator.findOneRelated] Start findByAnd");

                relatedGVL = delegator.findByAnd(relatedEntityName, filterMap);

                if (TIMER) {
                        "[EntityReplicator.findOneRelated] Finished findByAnd");

                return relatedGVL;
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                Debug.logError("[findOneRelated] Error getting " +
                    relatedEntityName + " records by and: " +
                    e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

                return null;
        } else {
            // Need to find just the entity instances related to the main entity instance.
            if (mainInstance == null) {
                    "[findOneRelated] Main instance is required if findAll is false.", module);

                return null;

            entityPK = mainInstance.getPrimaryKey();
            entityKeyString = entityPK.toString();
            Debug.logVerbose("[findOneRelated] Retrieving all " +
                    relatedEntityName + " records related to " +
                    entityKeyString, module);

            try {
                if (TIMER) {
                        "[EntityReplicator.findOneRelated] Start getRelated");

                relatedGVL = delegator.getRelated(relationTitle +
                        relatedEntityName, filterMap, null, mainInstance);

                if (TIMER) {
                        "[EntityReplicator.findOneRelated] Finished getRelated");

                return relatedGVL;
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                Debug.logError("[findOneRelated] Error getting the related " +
                    relatedEntityName + " records: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), module);

                return null;

     * Instantiates EntityReplicator or one of its descendant classes.
     * @param className The class to be instantiated
     * @return Object of class specified by className parameter
    public static EntityReplicator getEntityReplicator(String className,
        GenericDelegator localDelegator, GenericDelegator masterDelegator,
        String entityName, UserInfo userInfo) {
        Debug.logVerbose("[getEntityReplicator] className: " + className, module);
        Debug.logVerbose("[getEntityReplicator] entityName: " + entityName, module);
        Class entityReplicatorClass = null;
        EntityReplicator entityReplicator = null;

        if ((className.length() > 0) && !className.equals("null")) {
            try {
                entityReplicatorClass = Class.forName(className);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                Debug.logError("[getEntityReplicator] Class \"" + className +
                    "\" specified in relatedEntityMapVector could not be found.", module);
                Debug.logError(e, module);

                return null;

            try {
                entityReplicator = (EntityReplicator) entityReplicatorClass.newInstance();
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                    "[getEntityReplicator] EntityReplicator class \"" +
                    className + "\" could not be instantiated because " +
                    "the class or initializer is not accessible.", module);
                Debug.logError(e, module);

                return null;
            } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                    "[getEntityReplicator] EntityReplicator class \"" +
                    className + "\" cannot be instantiated because it is an " +
                    "abstract class, an interface, an array class, a primitive type, or void.", module);
                Debug.logError(e, module);

                return null;
        } else {
            // Class name was not specified in the display object. Use the default class.
            entityReplicator = new EntityReplicator();

        // Set the delegators on the new entity replicator object.

        // Return the new instance of EntityReplicator.
        return entityReplicator;

Related Classes of com.sourcetap.sfa.replication.EntityReplicator

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