/********************************************************* begin of preamble
** Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH.
** All rights reserved.
** This file may be used under the terms of either the
** GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL)
** as published by the Free Software Foundation
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this file.
** or the
** Agreement for Purchase and Licensing
** as offered by Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH
** in the respective terms of supply that ship with this file.
********************************************************** end of preamble*/
package sos.net.sosftp;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import sos.net.SOSFTP;
import sos.net.SOSFTPCommand;
import sos.util.SOSFile;
import sos.util.SOSFileOperations;
import sos.util.SOSGZip;
import sos.util.SOSLogger;
import sos.util.SOSStandardLogger;
import sos.util.SOSString;
* Sends files by FTP
* @see documentation sos.scheduler.jobdoc.JobSchedulerFTPSend.xml
* @author mueruevet.oeksuez@sos-berlin.com
public class SOSFTPCommandSend extends SOSFTPCommand {
public static final String RECURSIVE = "recursive";
public static final String FILE_SIZE = "file_size";
/** sos.util.SOSString Object */
private static SOSString sosString = new SOSString();
/** transfer filename*/
private File localFile = null;
/** count of successful transfer files*/
private int successful_transfers = 0;
/** count of failed transfer files*/
private int failed_transfer = 0;
/** ftp, sftp or ftps. If sftp is chosen, the ssh_* parameters will be considered. Default ftp*/
private String protocol = "ftp";
private boolean sshBasedProtocol = false;
/** Transfer mode can be either ascii or binary. Default binary */
private String transferMode = "binary";
/** Passive mode is often used with firewalls. Valid values are 0 or 1 . Default 0.*/
private boolean passiveMode = false;
/** Directory on the FTP server to which files should be transferred.*/
private String remoteDir = "./";
/** Local directory from which files should be transferred*/
private String localDir = ".";
private String defaultLocalDir = ".";
/** This parameter specifies a regular expression to select files to be transferred from a local directory.*/
private String fileSpec = ".*";
/** This parameter specifies whether target files should created with a suffix as "~", and then be renamed to the target file name after the file transfer has been completed*/
private String atomicSuffix = "";
/** This parameter determines whether the original file size and the number of bytes transferred should be compared after a file transfer and whether an error should be raised if they do not match.*/
private boolean checkSize = true;
/** This parameter specifies whether existing files on the remote host should be overwritten.*/
private boolean overwriteFiles = true;
/** This parameter specifies whether the content of the source files should be appended to the target files if the target files exist.*/
private boolean appendFiles = false;
/** This parameter specifies if the local file should be removed after transfer. */
private boolean removeFiles = false;
/** If this Parameter is set to "true", everything except the transfer itself will be performed. This can be used to just trigger for files or to only delete files on the ftp server.*/
private boolean skipTransfer = false;
private boolean makeDirs = false;
/** This parameter specifies whether an error should be raised if no files could be found for transfer. */
private boolean forceFiles = true;
/** This parameter specifies whether files should be compressed for transfer. A gzip-compatible compression is used, no further software components are required. */
private boolean compressFiles = false;
/** This parameter specifies the file extension should target file compression be specified using the ftp_compress_files parameter. */
private String compressedFileExtension = "";
/** This parameter specifies whether zero byte files should be transferred and processed by subsequent jobs. The following settings are available */
private boolean zeroByteFiles = true;
private boolean zeroByteFilesStrict = false;
private boolean zeroByteFilesRelaxed = false;
/** notification by e-mail in case of transfer of empty files. */
private String fileNotificationTo = "";
private String fileNotificationCC = "";
private String fileNotificationBCC = "";
private String fileNotificationSubject = "";
private String fileNotificationBody = "";
private String fileZeroByteNotificationTo = "";
private String fileZeroByteNotificationCC = "";
private String fileZeroByteNotificationBCC = "";
private String fileZeroByteNotificationSubject = "";
private String fileZeroByteNotificationBody = "";
private boolean keepConnection = false;
private boolean sameConnection = false;
private int count = 0;
private int zeroByteCount = 0;
/** Regular Expression for filename replacement with replacement . */
private String replacing = null;
private String replacement = null;
/** This parameter specifies if files from subdirectories should be transferred recursively*/
private boolean recursive = false;
private String filePath = "";
private boolean isFilePath = false;
/** Use of alternative access data and credentials */
private String alternativeHost = "";
private int alternativePort = 0;
private String alternativeUser = "";
private String alternativePassword = "";
private String alternativeAccount = "";
private String alternativeRemoteDir = "";
private boolean alternativePassiveMode = false;
private String alternativeTransferMode = "";
private String lastHost = "";
private int lastPort = 0;
private String lastUser = "";
private String lastAccount = "";
private static String state = "";
* Resource filenames for operation = install
// private String installpaths =
// "%{local_dir}/banner_english.gif;%{local_dir}/banner_german.gif;%{local_dir}/sosftp.xml;%{local_dir}/sosftp.xsl;%{local_dir}/sos.net.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.settings.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.util.jar;%{local_dir}/trilead-ssh2-build211.jar;%{local_dir}/commons-net-1.2.2.jar";
// private String installpaths =
// "%{local_dir}/lib/sos.net.jar;%{local_dir}/lib/sos.settings.jar;%{local_dir}/lib/sos.util.jar;%{local_dir}/lib/trilead-ssh2-build211.jar;%{local_dir}/lib/commons-net-1.2.2.jar;%{local_dir}/readme.txt;%{local_dir}/ThirdParty_sosftp.txt";
// private String installDocPaths =
// "%{local_dir}/doc/banner_english.gif;%{local_dir}/doc/banner_german.gif;%{local_dir}/doc/sosftp.xml;%{local_dir}/doc/scheduler_job_documentation.xsl";
// private String installpaths =
// "%{local_dir}/sos.net.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.settings.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.util.jar;%{local_dir}/trilead-ssh2-build211.jar;%{local_dir}/commons-net-1.2.2.jar;%{local_dir}/readme.txt;%{local_dir}/ThirdParty.txt";
// wegen Redesign sind 4 neue Bibliotheken hinzugekommen: sos.xml.jar; xercesImpl.jar; xml-apis.jar; sos.connection.jar;
// private String installpaths =
// "%{local_dir}/sos.xml.jar;%{local_dir}/xercesImpl.jar;%{local_dir}/xml-apis.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.connection.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.net.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.settings.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.util.jar;%{local_dir}/trilead-ssh2-build211.jar;%{local_dir}/commons-net-1.2.2.jar;%{local_dir}/readme.txt;%{local_dir}/ThirdParty.txt";
// 03.03.2010 ab jdk 1.5 werden die xerces Bibliotheken mitgeliefert
// private String installpaths =
// "%{local_dir}/sos.xml.jar;%{local_dir}/xalan.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.connection.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.net.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.settings.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.util.jar;%{local_dir}/trilead-ssh2-build211.jar;%{local_dir}/commons-net-1.2.2.jar;%{local_dir}/readme.txt;%{local_dir}/ThirdParty.txt";
// 29.03.2009 die Bibliotheken haben jetzt revisionsnummer und datum
// private String installpaths =
// "%{local_dir}/sos.xml.jar;%{local_dir}/xalan.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.connection.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.net.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.settings.jar;%{local_dir}/sos.util.jar;%{local_dir}/trilead-ssh2-build211.jar;%{local_dir}/commons-net-1.2.2.jar;%{local_dir}/readme.txt;%{local_dir}/ThirdParty.txt";
private String installpathsWithRevNr = "%{local_dir}/com.sos.xml.*[.]jar$;%{local_dir}/com.sos.connection.*[.]jar$;%{local_dir}/com.sos.net.*[.]jar$;%{local_dir}/com.sos.settings.*[.]jar$;%{local_dir}/com.sos.util.*[.]jar$;%{local_dir}/com.sos.configuration.*[.]jar$";
private String installpaths = "%{local_dir}/xalan.jar;%{local_dir}/trilead-ssh2-build211.jar;%{local_dir}/commons-net-1.2.2.jar;%{local_dir}/readme.txt;%{local_dir}/ThirdParty.txt";
private String installDocPaths = "%{local_dir}/doc/banner_english.gif;%{local_dir}/doc/banner_german.gif;%{local_dir}/doc/sosftp.xml;%{local_dir}/doc/sosftp.xsl";
private ArrayList<File> transActionalLocalFiles = null;
private String transActionalRemoteFiles = null;
/** Polling for files */
private int pollTimeout = 0;
private int pollIntervall = 60;
/** testmode is on. No files will be transfer. There is only looking for connection*/
private boolean testmode = false;
private boolean simpleTransfer = false;
* @param settingsFile
* @param settingsSection
* @param logger
* @param arguments_
public SOSFTPCommandSend(SOSLogger logger, Properties arguments_) throws Exception {
super(logger, arguments_);
public SOSFTPCommandSend(sos.configuration.SOSConfiguration sosConfiguration_, SOSLogger logger) throws Exception {
super(sosConfiguration_, logger);
* Sends files by FTP/SFTP to a remote server
* @return boolean
* @throws Exception
public boolean send() throws Exception {
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
Vector filelist = null;
boolean rc = false;
try {
setParam("successful_transfers", "0");
setParam("failed_transfers", "0");
if (this.getLogger() == null)
this.setLogger(new SOSStandardLogger(0));
if (!sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("operation")).startsWith("install") || jump) {// argumente wurden in install gelesen
// und ver�ndert. Es darf nicht
// nochmals �berschrieben werden
try { // to get the parameters
simpleTransfer = isSimpleTransfer();
catch (Exception e) {
throw (new Exception("could not process job parameters: " + e.getMessage()));
if (!arguments.contains("port"))// falls noch execute anschliessend ausgef�hrt werden soll
setParam("port", String.valueOf(port));
try { // to check parameters
if (host == null || host.length() == 0)
throw new Exception("no host was specified");
if (user == null || user.length() == 0)
throw new Exception("no user was specified");
catch (Exception e) {
throw (new Exception("invalid or insufficient parameters: " + e.getMessage()));
try { // to process ftp
if (!sameConnection) {
if (localDir.startsWith(conRegExpBackslash)) {
// replaceAll has bugs
while (localDir.indexOf("\\") != -1) {
localDir = localDir.replace('\\', '/');
if (localDir.startsWith("file://")) {
if (!new File(createURI(localDir)).exists()) {
throw new Exception("local directory does not exist or is not accessible: " + localDir);
"connecting by " + protocol + " to host " + host + ", port " + port + ", local directory " + localDir + ", remote directory "
+ remoteDir + (isFilePath ? ", file " + filePath : ", file specification " + fileSpec));
boolean alternativeUse = true;// Wiederholungskriterien
int isAlternativeParameterUse = 0;// Abbruchbedingug, versuch mit alternative Parameter nur einmal
while (alternativeUse && isAlternativeParameterUse <= 1) {
try {
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("ftp")) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("sftp")) {
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("ftps")) {
else {
throw new Exception("Unknown protocol: " + protocol);
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments, "user").length() == 0 && sosString.parseToString(user).equals("anonymous")) {
setParam("user", "anonymous");
alternativeUse = false;
catch (Exception ex) {
"..error in ftp server init with [host=" + host + "], [port=" + port + "] " + SOSFTPCommand.getErrorMessage(ex));
alternativeUse = (alternativeHost.concat(alternativeUser).concat(alternativePassword).concat(alternativeAccount).length() > 0 || alternativePort != 0);
if (alternativeUse && isAlternativeParameterUse == 0) {
// try to connect with alternative parameters
if (ftpClient != null) {
int orderQueueLength = 0;
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if ((ftpClient.isConnected() && !keepConnection) || (ftpClient.isConnected() && keepConnection && orderQueueLength < 1)) {
if (isLoggedIn)
try {
catch (Exception e) {
} // no error handling
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [logout]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
try {
catch (Exception e) {
} // no error handling
"..try login with alternative parameter [host=" + host + "], [port=" + port + "] " + "[user=" + user + "], [account="
+ account + "], [remoteDir=" + remoteDir + "], [passiveMode=" + passiveMode + "], " + "[transferMode="
+ transferMode + "]");
else {
throw new Exception("..error in ftp server init with [host=" + host + "], [port=" + port + "] " + ex, ex);
else {
this.getLogger().debug1("reusing connection from previous transfer");
if (ftpClient instanceof SOSFTP) {
SOSFTP sosftp = (SOSFTP) ftpClient;
if (passiveMode) {
* this method is not changing the Replystring. Therefore we don't have to check the response.
// if (sosftp.getReplyCode() > ERROR_CODE) {
// throw new Exception("..ftp server reply [enterLocalPassiveMode]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
// }
// else {
// this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [enterLocalPassiveMode]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
// }
if (sosftp.getReplyCode() > ERROR_CODE) {
throw new Exception("..ftp server reply [passive]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [passive]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (transferMode.equalsIgnoreCase("ascii")) {
if (sosftp.ascii()) {
this.getLogger().debug("..using ASCII mode for file transfer");
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [ascii]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
throw new Exception(".. could not switch to ASCII mode for file transfer ..ftp server reply [ascii]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
if (sosftp.binary()) {
this.getLogger().debug("using binary mode for file transfer");
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [binary]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
throw new Exception(".. could not switch to binary mode for file transfer .. ftp server reply [ascii]: "
+ ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (strPreFtpCommands.length() > 0) {
String[] strA = strPreFtpCommands.split(";");
for (String strCmd : strA) {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [" + strCmd + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (strControlEncoding.length() > 0) {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [" + strControlEncoding + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (simpleTransfer) {
return sendSimpleTransfer();
if (isFilePath) {
filelist = getFilePaths();
else {
if (this.createFile(localDir).isDirectory()) {
this.getLogger().debug1("local directory: " + localDir + ", remote directory: " + remoteDir + ", file specification: " + fileSpec);
filelist = SOSFile.getFilelist(this.createFile(localDir).getAbsolutePath(), fileSpec, 0, recursive);
else {
this.getLogger().debug1("local file: " + localDir + ", remote directory: " + remoteDir + ", file specification: " + fileSpec);
filelist = new Vector();
Iterator iterator = filelist.iterator();
if (!zeroByteFiles) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
File checkFile = (File) iterator.next();
if (checkFile.exists()) {
if (checkFile.length() == 0) {
this.getLogger().debug1("skipping transfer of local file: " + checkFile.getAbsolutePath() + " due to zero byte constraint");
if (removeFiles) {
if (!checkFile.delete()) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred, could not remove local file: " + checkFile.getAbsolutePath());
else {
this.getLogger().debug1("removing file: " + checkFile.getAbsolutePath());
fileZeroByteNotificationBody += checkFile.getName() + "\n";
if (skipTransfer) {
if (sosString.parseToString(replacement).length() > 0 && sosString.parseToString(replacing).length() == 0 && !testmode)
return true;
else {
// if(!polling(filelist))
// return false;
int intStep = 1;
boolean flgError = false;
try {
// if (transActional) {
* austauschen. Erst auf dem Zielserver umbenennen, dann im source-server l�schen
* kb 2011-06-07
// getDeleteTransferFiles();//nur wenn transactional=yes ist
intStep = 2;
intStep = 3;
// }
catch (Exception e) {
flgError = true;
if (transActional) {
getLogger().warn("could not complete transaction, cause " + e.toString());
else {
getLogger().warn("could not complete transaction, cause " + e.toString());
throw e;
finally {
if (flgError = true) {
switch (intStep) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
// nothing to do ?
rc = printState(rc);
setParam("successful_transfers", String.valueOf(count));
// return the number of transferred files
setParam("status", "success");
return rc;
catch (Exception e) {
setParam("status", "error");
setParam("failed_transfers", String.valueOf(failed_transfer));
rc = false;
throw (new Exception("could not process file transfer: " + e.getMessage()));
finally {
if (ftpClient != null) {
int orderQueueLength = 0;
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if ((ftpClient.isConnected() && !keepConnection) || (ftpClient.isConnected() && keepConnection && orderQueueLength < 1)) {
if (isLoggedIn)
try {
catch (Exception e) {
} // no error handling
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [logout]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
try {
catch (Exception e) {
} // no error handling
if (jump) {// jump host ist angegeben, hier m�ssen z.B. tempor�r generierte Verzeichnisse auf Remote host gel�scht werden
rc = doPostCommands(rc, filelist);
catch (Exception e) {
this.getLogger().warn("ftp processing failed: " + e.getMessage());
if (sosString.parseToString(getLogger().getWarning()).length() > 0 || sosString.parseToString(getLogger().getError()).length() > 0) {
getArguments().put("last_error", getLogger().getWarning() + " " + getLogger().getError());
writeHistory(localFile != null ? localFile.getAbsolutePath() : "", "");
// getRemoveTransferFiles();//nur wenn transactional=yes ist
return false;
* Parameter auslesen
* @throws Exception
private void getParameter() throws Exception {
try {
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("keep_connection")).length() > 0) {
String keep = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("keep_connection"));
if (keep.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || keep.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) {
keepConnection = true;
else {
keepConnection = false;
else {
keepConnection = false;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("protocol")).length() > 0)
protocol = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("protocol"));
port = 21;
if (protocol.equalsIgnoreCase("sftp")) {
sshBasedProtocol = true;
port = 22;
host = getParam("host", "");
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("port")).length() > 0)
port = Integer.parseInt(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("port")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("user")).length() > 0)
user = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("user"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("password")).length() > 0)
password = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("password"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("account")).length() > 0)
account = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("account"));
if (keepConnection) {
sameConnection = ftpClient != null && ftpClient.isConnected() && lastHost.equalsIgnoreCase(host) && lastPort == port
&& lastUser.equalsIgnoreCase(user) && lastAccount.equalsIgnoreCase(account);
if (ftpClient != null && ftpClient.isConnected() && !sameConnection) {
try {
if (isLoggedIn)
catch (Exception e) {
lastHost = host;
lastPort = port;
lastUser = user;
lastAccount = account;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("transfer_mode")).length() > 0)
transferMode = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("transfer_mode"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("passive_mode")).length() > 0)
passiveMode = sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("passive_mode"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("remote_dir")).length() > 0)
remoteDir = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("remote_dir"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("local_dir")).length() > 0)
localDir = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("local_dir"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_spec")).length() > 0)
fileSpec = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_spec"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("atomic_suffix")).length() > 0)
atomicSuffix = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("atomic_suffix"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("check_size")).length() > 0)
checkSize = !sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("check_size")).equals("1")
&& !sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("check_size")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
&& !sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("check_size")).equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ? false : true;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("overwrite_files")).length() > 0)
overwriteFiles = (!sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("overwrite_files")).equals("1")
&& !sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("overwrite_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
&& !sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("overwrite_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ? false : true);
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("append_files")).length() > 0)
appendFiles = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("append_files")).equals("1")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("append_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("append_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ? true : false);
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("remove_files")).length() > 0)
removeFiles = (sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("remove_files")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments, "skip_transfer").length() > 0)
skipTransfer = sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("skip_transfer"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("make_dirs")).length() > 0)
makeDirs = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("make_dirs")).equals("1")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("make_dirs")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("make_dirs")).equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ? true : false);
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("force_files")).length() > 0) {
forceFiles = (!sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("force_files")).equals("1")
&& !sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("force_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
&& !sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("force_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ? false : true);
else {
forceFiles = true;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("compress_files")).length() > 0)
compressFiles = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("compress_files")).equals("1")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("compress_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("compress_files")).equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ? true : false);
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("compressed_file_extension")).length() > 0) {
compressedFileExtension = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("compressed_file_extension"));
else {
compressedFileExtension = ".gz";
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_transfer")).length() > 0) {
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_transfer")).equals("1")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_transfer")).equalsIgnoreCase("true")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_transfer")).equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
zeroByteFiles = true;
zeroByteFilesStrict = false;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_transfer")).equalsIgnoreCase("strict")) {
zeroByteFiles = false;
zeroByteFilesStrict = true;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_transfer")).equalsIgnoreCase("relaxed")) {
zeroByteFiles = false;
zeroByteFilesStrict = false;
zeroByteFilesRelaxed = true;
else {
zeroByteFiles = false;
zeroByteFilesStrict = false;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_to")).length() > 0) {
fileNotificationTo = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_to"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_cc")).length() > 0) {
fileNotificationCC = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_cc"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_bcc")).length() > 0) {
fileNotificationBCC = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_bcc"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_subject")).length() > 0) {
fileNotificationSubject = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_subject"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_body")).length() > 0) {
fileNotificationBody = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_notification_body"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_to")).length() > 0) {
fileZeroByteNotificationTo = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_to"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_cc")).length() > 0) {
fileZeroByteNotificationCC = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_cc"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_bcc")).length() > 0) {
fileZeroByteNotificationBCC = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_bcc"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_subject")).length() > 0) {
fileZeroByteNotificationSubject = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_subject"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_body")).length() > 0) {
fileZeroByteNotificationBody = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_zero_byte_notification_body"));
/*if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("replacing")).length()>0 ) {
replacing = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("replacing"));
replacement = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("replacement"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("replacement")).length() > 0) {
replacement = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("replacement"));
replacing = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("replacing"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get(RECURSIVE)).length() > 0) {
String sRecursive = "";
sRecursive = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get(RECURSIVE));
recursive = sosString.parseToBoolean(sRecursive);
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("poll_timeout")).length() > 0) {
pollTimeout = Integer.parseInt(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("poll_timeout")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("poll_interval")).length() > 0) {
pollIntervall = Integer.parseInt(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("poll_interval")));
// alternative Parameter
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_host")).length() > 0)
alternativeHost = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_host"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_port")).length() > 0)
alternativePort = Integer.parseInt(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_port")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_password")).length() > 0)
alternativePassword = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_password"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_user")).length() > 0)
alternativeUser = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_user"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_account")).length() > 0)
alternativeAccount = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_account"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_remote_dir")).length() > 0)
alternativeRemoteDir = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_remote_dir"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_passive_mode")).length() > 0)
alternativePassiveMode = (sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("alternative_passive_mode")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_transfer_mode")).length() > 0)
alternativeTransferMode = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_transfer_mode"));
if (sshBasedProtocol) {
// parameters for ssh-based protocols
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_host")).length() > 0) {
proxyHost = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_host"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_port")).length() > 0) {
try {
proxyPort = (Integer.parseInt(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_port"))));
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception("illegal non-numeric value for parameter [ssh_proxy_port]: "
+ sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_port")));
else {
proxyPort = 3128;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_user")).length() > 0) {
proxyUser = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_user")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_password")).length() > 0) {
proxyPassword = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_proxy_password")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_auth_method")).length() > 0) {
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_auth_method")).equalsIgnoreCase("publickey")
|| sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_auth_method")).equalsIgnoreCase("password")) {
authenticationMethod = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_auth_method")));
else {
throw new Exception("invalid authentication method [publickey, password] specified: "
+ sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_auth_method")));
else {
authenticationMethod = ("publickey");
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_auth_file")).length() > 0) {
authenticationFilename = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("ssh_auth_file"));
else {
if (authenticationMethod.equalsIgnoreCase("publickey"))
throw new Exception("no authentication filename was specified as parameter [ssh_auth_file]");
// check if http proxy set for SSL/TLS connection
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("http_proxy_host")).length() > 0) {
proxyHost = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("http_proxy_host"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("http_proxy_port")).length() > 0) {
try {
proxyPort = (Integer.parseInt(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("http_proxy_port"))));
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new NumberFormatException("illegal non-numeric value for parameter [http_proxy_port]: "
+ sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("http_proxy_port")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("transactional")).length() > 0)
transActional = (sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("transactional")));
testmode = sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("testmode"));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("mail_smtp")).length() > 0)
mailSMTP = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("mail_smtp")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("mail_from")).length() > 0)
mailFrom = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("mail_from")));
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("mail_queue_dir")).length() > 0)
mailQueueDir = (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("mail_queue_dir")));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error while processing parameters in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + ". cause: " + e.toString());
* �berpr�fen der Parameter
* @throws Exception
private void checkParameter() throws Exception {
if (replacing != null && replacement == null) {
throw new Exception("job parameter is missing for specified parameter [replacing]: [replacement]");
if (replacing == null && replacement != null) {
throw new Exception("job parameter is missing for specified parameter [replacement]: [replacing]");
if (appendFiles && compressFiles) {
throw new Exception("unsupported parameter settings [append_files, compress_files]: cannot append to compressed files");
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_path")).length() > 0) {
filePath = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_path"));
isFilePath = true;
private void getFileNotificationParameter() throws Exception {
try {
if (fileNotificationTo != null && fileNotificationTo.length() > 0) {
if (fileNotificationSubject == null || fileNotificationSubject.length() == 0) {
fileNotificationSubject = "[debug1] SOSFTPCommand";
if (fileNotificationBody == null || fileNotificationBody.length() == 0) {
fileNotificationBody = "The following files have been sent:\n\n";
if (fileZeroByteNotificationTo != null && fileZeroByteNotificationTo.length() > 0) {
if (fileZeroByteNotificationSubject == null || fileZeroByteNotificationSubject.length() == 0) {
fileZeroByteNotificationSubject = "[warning] SOSFTPCommand";
if (fileZeroByteNotificationBody == null || fileZeroByteNotificationBody.length() == 0) {
fileZeroByteNotificationBody = "The following files have not been sent and were removed due to zero byte constraints:\n\n";
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " , cause: " + e);
* Loggt die Parameterwerte aus
* @throws Exception
private void printParameter() throws Exception {
try {
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [protocol] : " + protocol);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [host] : " + host);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [port] : " + port);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [user] : " + user);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [account] : " + account);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [transfer_mode] : " + transferMode);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [passive_mode] : " + passiveMode);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [remote_dir] : " + remoteDir);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [local_dir] : " + localDir);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_spec] : " + fileSpec);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [atomic_suffix] : " + atomicSuffix);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [check_size] : " + checkSize);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [append_files] : " + appendFiles);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [overwrite_files] : " + overwriteFiles);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [remove_files] : " + removeFiles);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [force_files] : " + forceFiles);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [skip_transfer] : " + skipTransfer);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [make_dirs] : " + makeDirs);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [compress_files] : " + compressFiles);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [compressed_file_extension] : " + compressedFileExtension);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [zero_byte_transfer] zeroByte : " + zeroByteFiles);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [zero_byte_transfer] strict : " + zeroByteFilesStrict);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [zero_byte_transfer] relaxed : " + zeroByteFilesRelaxed);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_notification_to] : " + fileNotificationTo);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_notification_cc] : " + fileNotificationCC);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_notification_bcc] : " + fileNotificationBCC);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_notification_subject] : " + fileNotificationSubject);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_notification_body] : " + fileNotificationBody);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_zero_byte_notification_to] : " + fileZeroByteNotificationTo);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_zero_byte_notification_cc] : " + fileZeroByteNotificationCC);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_zero_byte_notification_bcc] : " + fileZeroByteNotificationBCC);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_zero_byte_notification_subject]: " + fileZeroByteNotificationSubject);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_zero_byte_notification_body] : " + fileZeroByteNotificationBody);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [replacing] : " + replacing);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [replacement] : " + replacement);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [recursive] : " + recursive);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [file_path] : " + filePath);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [transactional] : " + transActional);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [poll_timeout] : " + pollTimeout);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [poll_interval] : " + pollIntervall);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [testmode] : " + testmode);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [mail_smtp] : " + mailSMTP);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [mail_from] : " + mailFrom);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [mail_queue_dir] : " + mailQueueDir);
// alternative Parameter
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_host] : " + alternativeHost);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_port] : " + alternativePort);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_user] : " + alternativeUser);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_password] : " + alternativePassword);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_account] : " + alternativeAccount);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_remote_dir] : " + alternativeRemoteDir);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_passive_mode] : " + alternativePassiveMode);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [alternative_transfer_mode] : " + alternativeTransferMode);
if (sshBasedProtocol) {
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [ssh_proxy_host] : " + proxyHost);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [ssh_proxy_port] : " + proxyPort);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [ssh_proxy_user] : " + proxyUser);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [ssh_auth_method] : " + authenticationMethod);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [ssh_auth_file] : " + authenticationFilename);
try {
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [http_proxy_host] : " + proxyHost);
this.getLogger().debug(".. job parameter [http_proxy_port] : " + proxyPort);
catch (Exception e) {
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " could not read parameters, cause: " + e);
* FTP Verbindung hat nicht geklappt.
* Versuche mit Alternativen Parametern
* @throws Exception
private void setAlternativeParameter() throws Exception {
try {
host = getAlternative(host, alternativeHost);
port = getAlternative(port, alternativePort);
user = getAlternative(user, alternativeUser);
password = getAlternative(password, alternativePassword);
account = getAlternative(account, alternativeAccount);
remoteDir = getAlternative(remoteDir, alternativeRemoteDir);
passiveMode = alternativePassiveMode;
transferMode = getAlternative(transferMode, alternativeTransferMode);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("..error in setAlternativeParameter, cause: " + e);
* Verzeichnis generieren
* @throws Exception
private void makeDirs() throws Exception {
try {
boolean cd = true;
if (makeDirs) {
if (ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remoteDir)) { // error code signals non-existing directory
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [directory exists] [" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
cd = true;
else {
boolean ok = ftpClient.mkdir(remoteDir);
if (!ok) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred creating directory [" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [mkdir] [" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
cd = ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remoteDir);
if (remoteDir != null && remoteDir.length() > 0) {
cd = ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remoteDir);
if (!cd && sosString.parseToString(alternativeRemoteDir).length() > 0) {// alternative Parameter
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [cd] [remoteDir=" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
this.getLogger().debug1("..try with alternative parameter [remoteDir=" + alternativeRemoteDir + "]");
cd = ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(alternativeRemoteDir);
remoteDir = alternativeRemoteDir;
if (!cd) {
throw new Exception("..ftp server reply [cd] [remoteDir=" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [cd] [remoteDir=" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("..error in makeDirs, cause: " + e);
* Wenn keine Datei transferiert werden.
* @throws Exception
private void foundFiles(Vector filelist_) throws Exception {
try {
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
Iterator iterator = filelist_.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object fn = iterator.next();
getLogger().debug1(fn + " found");
if (banner)
getLogger().info(filelist_.size() + " files found.");
getLogger().debug1(filelist_.size() + " files found.");
filelist = filelist_;
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [listNames] " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " , cause: " + e);
* Senden alle Dateien
* @param filelist
* @throws Exception
private void sendFiles(Vector filelist) throws Exception {
try {
// count = 0;
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
Iterator iterator = filelist.iterator();
transActionalLocalFiles = new ArrayList();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object fn = iterator.next();
long bytesSend = 0;
setParam(FILE_SIZE, "");
if (!polling(fn.toString()))
localFile = new File(fn.toString());
File subParent = null;
String subPath = "";
if (!localFile.exists()) {
throw new Exception(".. file [" + localFile + "] does not exist ");
if (recursive && !isFilePath) {
// �berpr�fen, ob das Verzeichnis auf den FTP Server existiert, wenn nicht dann soll das gleiche Verzeichnis generiert
// werden
if (localFile.getParent() != null && localFile.getParentFile().isDirectory()) { // es existieren Vaterknoten
* The first character of the name of the subfolder is truncated, if "+1" is executed.
* This appears under Windows and unix.
// subPath = fn.toString().substring((localDir.length() + 1)); // Unterverzeichnisse sind alle Verzeichnisse unterhalb der localDir
subPath = fn.toString().substring((localDir.length())); // Unterverzeichnisse sind alle Verzeichnisse unterhalb der localDir
subParent = new File(subPath).getParentFile();
if (subParent != null) {
subPath = subPath.replaceAll(conRegExpBackslash, "/");
subPath = subPath.substring(0, subPath.length() - new File(fn.toString()).getName().length() - 1);
this.getLogger().debug4(".. creating sub-directory on remote host: " + subPath);
String[] ftpFiles = ftpClient.listNames(remoteDir + "/" + subPath);
if (ftpFiles == null || ftpFiles.length == 0) {
boolean ok = ftpClient.mkdir(remoteDir + "/" + subPath);
if (!ok) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred creating sub-directory [" + remoteDir + "/" + subPath + "]: "
+ ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
"..ftp server reply [mkdir sub-directory] [" + remoteDir + "/" + subPath + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (localFile == null)
if (!zeroByteFiles && localFile.length() == 0)
File transferFile = null;
String transferFilename = null;
File sourceFile = null;
if (compressFiles) {
transferFile = new File(localFile.getAbsolutePath() + compressedFileExtension);
sourceFile = File.createTempFile("sos", ".gz");
else {
transferFile = new File(localFile.getAbsolutePath());
sourceFile = new File(localFile.getAbsolutePath());
transferFilename = transferFile.getName();
if (replacement != null && replacement.length() > 0 && replacing != null && replacing.length() > 0) {
String currTransferFilename = SOSFileOperations.getReplacementFilename(transferFile.getName(), replacing, replacement);
String currPath = transferFile.getParent() != null && transferFile.getParent().length() > 0 ? normalized(transferFile.getParent()) : "";
this.getLogger().debug1("source filename [" + transferFile.getName() + "] is renamed to: " + currTransferFilename);
transferFile = new File(currPath + currTransferFilename);
transferFilename = transferFile.getName();
if (subParent != null && recursive) {
transferFile = new File((subParent != null ? subParent.getName() + "/" : "") + transferFile.getName());
transferFilename = (subParent != null ? subPath + "/" : "") + transferFile.getName();
if (!appendFiles && atomicSuffix != null && atomicSuffix.length() > 0) {
if (!overwriteFiles) {
Vector ftpFiles = ftpClient.nList(transferFile.getName());
// fehler wird ueber nlist return value verwertet
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [file exists] [" + transferFilename + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (!ftpFiles.isEmpty()) {
this.getLogger().debug1("..ftp transfer skipped for file [no overwrite]: " + transferFilename);
if (compressFiles) {
SOSGZip.compressFile(localFile, sourceFile);
"sending file : " + transferFile.getAbsolutePath() + atomicSuffix + " from temporary file " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath());
else {
this.getLogger().info("sending file : " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath());
getLogger().debug5("sending file : " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath() + atomicSuffix);
bytesSend = ftpClient.putFile(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), transferFilename + atomicSuffix);
transActionalRemoteFiles = transferFilename + atomicSuffix + ";" + sosString.parseToString(transActionalRemoteFiles);
this.getLogger().info("file_size : " + bytesSend + " bytes");
setParam(FILE_SIZE, String.valueOf(bytesSend));
setParam("successful_transfers", String.valueOf(++successful_transfers));
writeHistory(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), transferFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (overwriteFiles) {
Vector ftpFiles = ftpClient.nList(transferFilename);
if (!ftpFiles.isEmpty() && ftpFiles.contains(transferFilename)) {
boolean ok = ftpClient.delete(transferFilename);
if (!ok) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred overwriting file [" + transferFilename + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [delete] [" + transferFilename + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (transActional)
ftpClient.nList(".");// nList liefert einen repyCode > 500, wenn transferFilename nicht vorhanden ist
this.getLogger().debug1("renaming file: " + transferFilename);
if (!transActional)
ftpClient.rename(transferFilename + atomicSuffix, transferFilename);
else {
if (!overwriteFiles && !appendFiles) {
Vector ftpFiles = ftpClient.nList(transferFilename);
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [file exist] [" + transferFilename + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
boolean bWhileContinue = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ftpFiles.size(); i++) {
String currFtpFilename = sosString.parseToString(ftpFiles.get(i));
if (currFtpFilename.equalsIgnoreCase(transferFilename)) {
this.getLogger().debug1("..ftp transfer skipped for file [no overwrite]: " + transferFilename);
bWhileContinue = true;
if (bWhileContinue)
if (compressFiles) {
SOSGZip.compressFile(localFile, sourceFile);
if (appendFiles) {
if (ftpClient instanceof SOSFTP) {
this.getLogger().info("sending file : " + transferFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (append)");
bytesSend = ((SOSFTP) ftpClient).appendFile(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), transferFilename);
transActionalRemoteFiles = transferFilename + atomicSuffix + ";" + sosString.parseToString(transActionalRemoteFiles);
this.getLogger().info("file_size : " + bytesSend + " bytes");
setParam(FILE_SIZE, String.valueOf(bytesSend));
setParam("successful_transfers", String.valueOf(++successful_transfers));
writeHistory(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), transferFile.getAbsolutePath());
else {
throw new Exception("append is not implemented for protocol " + protocol);
else {
if (compressFiles) {
this.getLogger().info("sending file : " + transferFile.getAbsolutePath() + " from temporary file " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath());
else {
this.getLogger().info("sending file : " + transferFile.getAbsolutePath());
String strEncodedFileName = doEncoding(transferFilename, strFileNameEncoding);
bytesSend = ftpClient.putFile(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), strEncodedFileName);
transActionalRemoteFiles = transferFilename + atomicSuffix + ";" + sosString.parseToString(transActionalRemoteFiles);
this.getLogger().info("file_size : " + bytesSend + " bytes");
setParam(FILE_SIZE, String.valueOf(bytesSend));
setParam("successful_transfers", String.valueOf(++successful_transfers));
writeHistory(sourceFile.getAbsolutePath(), transferFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (ftpClient instanceof SOSFTP) {
if (((SOSFTP) ftpClient).getReplyCode() > ERROR_CODE) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred sending file [" + transferFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
"..ftp server reply [put] [" + transferFilename + "---" + transferFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", size=" + bytesSend + "]: "
+ ftpClient.getReplyString());
if (checkSize && transferFile.length() > 0 && transferFile.length() != bytesSend) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred sending file, target file size [" + transferFile.length()
+ "] does not match number of bytes transferred [" + bytesSend + "]");
if (compressFiles) {
if (!sourceFile.delete()) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred, could not remove compressed local file: " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath());
else {
this.getLogger().debug3("removing compressed file: " + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (transActional) {
if (removeFiles) {
if (!localFile.delete()) {
throw new Exception(".. error occurred, could not remove local file: " + localFile.getAbsolutePath());
else {
this.getLogger().debug1("removing file: " + localFile.getAbsolutePath());
fileNotificationBody += transferFile.getName() + "\n";
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " could not send files, cause: " + e);
* Es wurde ein Jump Host angegeben.
* Alle tempor�ren Verzeichnisse auf der Remote Host sollen gel�scht werden.
* @param rc
* @param filelist
* @return
* @throws Exception
private boolean doPostCommands(boolean rc, Vector filelist) throws Exception {
try {
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
setParam("xx_make_temp_directory_xx", "ok");// hilfsvariable, wenn dieses key existiert, dann gilt im execute diese
// Parameter
if (!getLogger().hasWarnings()) {// fehler beim transferieren, also vom jump_host nicht weitersenden
if (sosString.parseToString(postCommands).length() > 0) {
if (!execute())
throw new Exception("error occurred processing command:" + normalizedPassword(postCommands));
// Auf jeden fall soll das Tempor�re Verzeichnis gel�scht werde
// jump_command nicht ausgelesen //
String com = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("jump_command")) + " -operation=remove_temp_directory -input=\"" + tempJumpRemoteDir + "\"";
if (!execute()) {
getLogger().warn("error occurred processing command:" + tempJumpRemoteDir);
if (rc) {
// jump_host hat erfolgreich alle Dateien an target_host weitergegeben. Jetzt
// k�nnen die lokalen Dateien gel�scht werden, wenn der Parameter remove_files=yes angegeben ist
if (!transActional && sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("remove_after_jump_transfer"))) {
for (int i = 0; i < filelist.size(); i++) {
File f = new File(sosString.parseToString(filelist.get(i)));
if (!f.delete()) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred, could not remove local file: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
else {
this.getLogger().debug1("removing localfile: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
else {
rc = false;
return rc;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " , cause: " + e);
* senden von Mails
* @throws Exception
private void sendMails() throws Exception {
if (zeroByteCount > 0 && fileZeroByteNotificationTo != null && fileZeroByteNotificationTo.length() > 0) {
sendMail(fileZeroByteNotificationTo, fileZeroByteNotificationCC, fileZeroByteNotificationBCC, fileZeroByteNotificationSubject,
if (count > 0 && fileNotificationTo != null && fileNotificationTo.length() > 0) {
sendMail(fileNotificationTo, fileNotificationCC, fileNotificationBCC, fileNotificationSubject, fileNotificationBody);
* Statt ein Verzeichnis k�nnen ein oder mehrere - mit semikolen getrennt - dateien zum transferieren angegeben wrden
* @return
* @throws Exception
private Vector getFilePaths() throws Exception {
try {
Vector filelist = new Vector();
String[] split = filePath.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (split[i] != null && split[i].length() > 0) {
if (sosString.parseToString(localDir).trim().length() > 0 && !sosString.parseToString(localDir).equals(defaultLocalDir)) {
filelist.add(normalized(localDir) + split[i]);
else {
fileSpec = ".*";
return filelist;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " , cause: " + e);
* Zustand ausgeben. Erst ab log_level 1
* @param rc
* @return
* @throws Exception
private boolean printState(boolean rc) throws Exception {
try {
switch (count) {
case 0:
if (zeroByteCount > 0 && zeroByteFilesRelaxed) {
this.getLogger().debug1("no matching files found, " + zeroByteCount + " zero byte files skipped");
state = "no matching files found, " + zeroByteCount + " zero byte files skipped";
if (zeroByteCount > 0 && zeroByteFilesStrict) {
throw new Exception("zero byte file(s) found");
if (forceFiles) {
throw new Exception("no matching files found");
else {
this.getLogger().debug1("no matching files found");
state = "no matching files found";
rc = (!forceFiles ? true : !zeroByteFilesRelaxed);
case 1:
state = "1 file transferred" + ((zeroByteCount > 0) ? ", " + zeroByteCount + " files skipped due to zero byte constraint" : "");
rc = true;
state = count + " files transferred" + ((zeroByteCount > 0) ? ", " + zeroByteCount + " files skipped due to zero byte constraint" : "");
rc = true;
return rc;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " , cause: " + e);
public boolean install() throws Exception {
// Hier werden alle Bibliotheken (jar-Dateien) in installpaths (parameter classpath_base) �bertragen.
// Existiert ein sosftp.sh oder/und sosftp.sh, dann werden diese Dateien in ihrem CLASSPATH_BASE angepasst
// und mit �bertragen.
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
String classPathBase = "";
String installFiles = null;
try {
/*try {
if(getSettingsFile() != null && getSettingsFile().length() > 0)
this.setSettings(new SOSProfileSettings( this.getSettingsFile(), this.getSettingsSection(), this.getLogger()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error occurred retrieving settings: " + e.getMessage());
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("classpath_base")).length() > 0) {
classPathBase = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("classpath_base"));
getLogger().debug1(".. parameter [classpath_base]: " + classPathBase);
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments, "operation").equals("install_doc")) {
arguments.setProperty("remote_dir", normalized(classPathBase) + "doc");
else {
arguments.setProperty("remote_dir", classPathBase);
installFiles = getInstallFiles(classPathBase);
setParam("file_path", installFiles);
if (banner)
if (!send()) {
getLogger().warn("Could not send install files.");
return false;
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("protocol")).equalsIgnoreCase("sftp") && !jump) {
// sosftp.sh Datei die execute Berechtigung geben, wenn Protokoll sftp ist
Iterator it = arguments.keySet().iterator();
Properties jumpProp = new Properties();
while (it.hasNext()) {
// wenn keine jump_parameter angegeben ist
Object key = sosString.parseToString(it.next());
if (!arguments.contains("jump_" + key))
jumpProp.put("jump_" + key, sosString.parseToString(arguments.get(key)));
if (!sosString.parseToString(arguments, "jump_ssh_auth_method").equalsIgnoreCase("publickey"))
setParam("jump_ssh_auth_method", "password");
try {
boolean isNoWindow = true;
try {
isNoWindow = remoteIsWindowsShell(true);
catch (Exception r) {
getLogger().info("Failed to check if remote system is Linux to change the File Attibutes Properties");
if (!isNoWindow) {
setParam("xx_make_temp_directory_xx", "ok");// hilfsvariable, wenn dieses key existiert, dann gilt im execute
// diese Parameter
// jump_command nicht ausgelesen
String commands = "chmod u+x " + classPathBase + "/sosftp.sh";
if (!sosString.parseToString(arguments, "jump_ssh_auth_method").equalsIgnoreCase("publickey"))
setParam("jump_ssh_auth_method", "password");
String sh = installFiles.split(";")[installFiles.split(";").length - 1];
setParam("jump_command_script_file", sh);
jump = false;
if (!execute()) {
throw new Exception("error occurred processing command: " + normalizedPassword(commands));
catch (Exception e) {
getLogger().info("error occurred processing command: " + commands + ", cause: " + e.toString());
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
this.getLogger().warn("install failed: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
finally {
if (installFiles != null) {
String[] split = installFiles.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
if (split[i].endsWith("sosftp.sh") || split[i].endsWith("sosftp.cmd")) {
getLogger().debug5("deleting temp file: " + split[i] + ": " + new File(split[i]).delete());
* Liefert alle Dateinamen die f�r die Installation auf den Remote Host hgebraucht werden.
* @param classPathBase
* @return alle zu transferierende Dateinamen mit semikolon getrennt
* @throws Exception
private String getInstallFiles(String classPathBase) throws Exception {
String filePath = "";
BufferedWriter out = null;
BufferedWriter out2 = null;
String shellscript = "";
String cmd = "";
File sosftpSH = null;
File sosftpCMD = null;
// String classPath = "CLASSPATH_BASE=";//script wurde ver�ndert
String classPath = "INSTALL_PATH=";
try {
String localDir = "";
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments, "local_dir").length() > 0)
localDir = sosString.parseToString(arguments, "local_dir") + "/";
if (sosString.parseToString(arguments, "operation").equals("install_doc")) {
filePath = installDocPaths.replaceAll("%\\{local_dir\\}/", localDir);
else {
// aktuelle Biblioteken mit Reevisionnr bestimmen
installpathsWithRevNr = installpathsWithRevNr.replaceAll("%\\{local_dir\\}/", localDir);
String[] split = installpathsWithRevNr.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
Vector v = SOSFile.getFilelist(localDir, new File(split[i]).getName(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
if (!v.isEmpty()) {
filePath = filePath.concat(sosString.parseToString(v.get(v.size() - 1))).concat(";");
else {
throw new Exception("missing library " + split[i] + "to install sosftp");
filePath = filePath + installpaths.replaceAll("%\\{local_dir\\}/", localDir);
String path = normalized(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
File fsh = new File(localDir, "sosftp.sh");
if (fsh.exists()) {
shellscript = sos.util.SOSFile.readFile(fsh);
// int pos1 = shellscript.indexOf("CLASSPATH_BASE=");
int pos1 = shellscript.indexOf(classPath);
int pos2 = shellscript.indexOf("\n", pos1);
if (pos1 != -1 && pos2 != -1)
shellscript = shellscript.substring(0, pos1) + classPath + classPathBase + shellscript.substring(pos2);
getLogger().debug("shell script: " + shellscript);
// f�r sh datei
String currShellscript = shellscript;
sosftpSH = new File(path, "sosftp.sh");
out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(sosftpSH)));
else {
getLogger().info("there is no Shell Script to install: " + new File(localDir, "sosftp.sh"));
// f�r cmd Datei
File fcmd = new File(localDir, "sosftp.cmd");
if (fcmd.exists()) {
cmd = sos.util.SOSFile.readFile(fcmd);
int pos1 = cmd.indexOf(classPath);
int pos2 = cmd.indexOf("\n", pos1);
if (pos1 != -1 && pos2 != -1)
cmd = cmd.substring(0, pos1) + classPath + classPathBase + cmd.substring(pos2);
getLogger().debug("cmd script: " + cmd);
String currCMDFile = cmd.replaceAll("%\\{classpath_base\\}", classPathBase);
sosftpCMD = new File(path, "sosftp.cmd");
out2 = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(sosftpCMD)));
else {
getLogger().info("there is no cmd Script to install: " + new File(localDir + "sosftp.cmd"));
if (sosftpCMD != null)
filePath = filePath + ";" + sosftpCMD.getCanonicalPath();
if (sosftpSH != null)
filePath = filePath + ";" + sosftpSH.getCanonicalPath();
return filePath;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error while get instal files, cause: " + e.toString());
finally {
if (out != null)
if (out2 != null)
* Erst wenn alle Dateien erfolgreich transferieriert wurden, dann sollen die lokalen Dateien gel�scht werden.
* Parameter = transactional = yes und remove_files=yes
* @throws Exception
public void getDeleteTransferFiles() throws Exception {
if (transActional && (removeFiles || sosString.parseToBoolean(arguments.get("remove_after_jump_transfer")))) {
if (transActionalLocalFiles == null)
getLogger().debug(".. mark transactional files for removal: " + transActionalLocalFiles);
// transActional LocalFiles l�schen
Properties p = new Properties();
p.put("operation", "delete_local_files");
p.put("files", transActionalLocalFiles);
* Bei einer transfer Fehler m�ssen alle bereits transferierte Dateien gel�scht werden.
* Gilt f�r Parameter transActional = yes
* @throws Exception
public void getRemoveTransferFiles() throws Exception {
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
if (transActional && sosString.parseToString(transActionalRemoteFiles).length() > 0) {
if (jump) {
String com = getCommands()[0];
String split[] = com.split(" -");
String newarg = split[0];
Properties p = (Properties) arguments.clone();
for (int i = 1; i < split.length; i++) {
if (split[i].indexOf("skip_transfer") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("replacement") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("file_path") == -1
&& split[i].indexOf("operation") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("atomic_suffix") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("remove_files") == -1
&& split[i].indexOf("transactional") == -1)
newarg = newarg + " -" + split[i];
newarg = newarg + " " + transActionalRemoteFiles.replaceAll(";", " ")
+ " -skip_transfer=\"yes\" -transactional=\"false\" -operation=\"remove\"" + " -remove_files=\"yes\"";
p.put("command", newarg);
p.put("operation", "execute");
p.put("xx_make_temp_directory_success_transfer_xx", "ok");
else {
// getLogger().info(".. remove transactional files " + transActionalRemoteFiles);
Properties p = (Properties) arguments.clone();
getLogger().debug(".. mark transactional files for removal on error: " + transActionalLocalFiles);
Iterator it = p.keySet().iterator();
ArrayList rem = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = sosString.parseToString(it.next());
if (key.startsWith("file_spec") && key.length() > "file_spec".length()) {
String value = sosString.parseToString(p.get(key));
if (value.indexOf("::") > -1) {
value = value.substring(value.indexOf("::") + 2);
for (int i = 0; i < rem.size(); i++) {
p.put("operation", "remove");
// merke Parameter f�r send
p.put("file_path", transActionalRemoteFiles);
p.put("skip_transfer", "yes");
p.put("remove_files", "yes");
p.put("transactional", "no");
* Erst bei Erfolgreichen transferieren aller Dateien, wird der atomic suffix umbennant
* Bedingung: Parameter transActional = yes
* @throws Exception
public void getRenameAtomicSuffixTransferFiles() throws Exception {
try {
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
if (transActional) {
if (sosString.parseToString(transActionalRemoteFiles).length() == 0)
getLogger().debug(".. mark transactional files for renaming " + transActionalRemoteFiles);
Properties p = (Properties) arguments.clone();
ArrayList rem = new ArrayList();
Iterator it = p.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = sosString.parseToString(it.next());
if (sosString.parseToString(p.get(key)).indexOf("::") > -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < rem.size(); i++)
if (jump) {
String com = getCommands()[0];
String split[] = com.split(" -");
String newarg = split[0];
for (int i = 1; i < split.length; i++) {
if (split[i].indexOf("skip_transfer") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("replacement") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("file_path") == -1
&& split[i].indexOf("operation") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("atomic_suffix") == -1 && split[i].indexOf("remove_files") == -1
&& split[i].indexOf("transactional") == -1)
newarg = newarg + " -" + split[i];
newarg = newarg + " " + transActionalRemoteFiles.replaceAll(";", " ") + " -replacement=\"" + atomicSuffix + "\""
+ " -skip_transfer=\"yes\" -replacing=\"\" -transactional=\"false\" -operation=\"send\""
+ " -atomic_suffix=\"\" -remove_files=\"no\"";
// p.put("atomic_suffix", atomicSuffix+ atomicSuffix);
p.put("command", newarg);
p.put("operation", "execute");
p.put("xx_make_temp_directory_success_transfer_xx", "ok");
else {
p.put("file_path", transActionalRemoteFiles);
p.put("replacement", atomicSuffix);
p.put("atomic_suffix", "");
p.put("replacing", "");
p.put("skip_transfer", "yes");
p.put("remove_files", "no");
p.put("operation", "send");
p.put("transactional", "false");
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " , cause: " + e);
public void renameAtomicSuffixTransferFiles(Vector filelist) throws Exception {
try {
getLogger().debug1("calling " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName());
Iterator iterator = filelist.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String transferFilename = sosString.parseToString(iterator.next());
String rTransferFilename = transferFilename.length() > replacement.length() ? transferFilename.substring(0, transferFilename.length()
- replacement.length()) : "";
if (transferFilename.trim().length() > 0) {
transferFilename = new File(transferFilename).getName();
rTransferFilename = new File(rTransferFilename).getName();
Vector _ftpFiles = ftpClient.nList(".");
if (!_ftpFiles.isEmpty() && _ftpFiles.contains(rTransferFilename)) {
getLogger().debug9("delete existing file: " + ftpClient.delete(rTransferFilename));
if (ftpClient.rename(transferFilename, rTransferFilename)) {
if (ftpClient instanceof SOSFTP) {
if (((SOSFTP) ftpClient).getReplyCode() > ERROR_CODE) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred renaming tranactional file [" + transferFilename + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
"..ftp server reply [rename] " + transferFilename + " in " + rTransferFilename + ": " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
throw new Exception("..error occurred renaming tranactional file [" + transferFilename + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " , cause: " + e);
private boolean polling(String fileName) throws Exception {
String lastmd5file = "";
String message = "";
try {
if (pollTimeout > 0 && sosString.parseToString(fileName).length() > 0) {
double delay = pollIntervall;
double nrOfTries = (pollTimeout * 60) / delay;
int tries = 0;
boolean found = true;
getLogger().info("polling for file: " + fileName);
lastmd5file = sos.util.SOSCrypt.MD5encrypt(new File(fileName));
Thread.sleep((long) delay * 1000);
for (int i = 0; i < nrOfTries; i++) {
String newMD5File = sos.util.SOSCrypt.MD5encrypt(new File(fileName));
getLogger().debug3(i + " polling and checking md5 hash: " + newMD5File);
if (!lastmd5file.equals(newMD5File)) {
lastmd5file = newMD5File;
getLogger().info("polling for files ..." + fileName);
Thread.sleep((long) delay * 1000);
if (i + 1 == nrOfTries) {
found = false;
message = message + " " + fileName;
else {
if (!found) {
message = "During triggering for " + pollTimeout + " minutes the file " + message + " has been changed repeatedly";
if (forceFiles) {
throw new Exception(message);
else {
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " error while polling, cause: " + e);
* @return the count
public int getOfTransferFilesCount() {
return count;
* @return the zeroByteCount
public int getZeroByteCount() {
return zeroByteCount;
* @return the state
public String getState() {
return state;
private boolean sendSimpleTransfer() throws Exception {
boolean cd = true;
String localDir = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("local_dir"));
// SOSFileTransfer ftpClient = null;
try {
if (sosString.parseToBoolean(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("make_dirs")))) {
if (ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remoteDir)) { // error code signals non-existing directory
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [directory exists] [" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
cd = true;
else {
boolean ok = ftpClient.mkdir(remoteDir);
if (!ok) {
throw new Exception("..error occurred creating directory [" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [mkdir] [" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
cd = ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remoteDir);
if (remoteDir != null && remoteDir.length() > 0) {
cd = ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(remoteDir);
String alternativeRemoteDir = sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("alternative_remote_dir"));
if (!cd && sosString.parseToString(alternativeRemoteDir).length() > 0) {// alternative Parameter
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [cd] [remoteDir=" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
this.getLogger().info("..try with alternative parameter [remoteDir=" + alternativeRemoteDir + "]");
cd = ftpClient.changeWorkingDirectory(alternativeRemoteDir);
remoteDir = alternativeRemoteDir;
if (!cd) {
throw new Exception("..ftp server reply [cd] [remoteDir=" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
else {
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [cd] [remoteDir=" + remoteDir + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
// einfaches transferieren einer Datei. Hier finden auch keine �berpr�fung statt
getLogger().debug9("..filepath: " + filePath);
if (sosString.parseToString(remoteDir).length() > 0 && sosString.parseToString(remoteDir).equals("./")) {
remoteDir = "";
String localFile = new File(localDir, filePath).getPath();
String targetFile = new File(sosString.parseToString(remoteDir), new File(filePath).getName()).getPath().replaceAll(conRegExpBackslash, "/");
if (!new File(localFile).exists()) {
throw new Exception(".. file [" + localFile + "] does not exist ");
long bytesSend = ftpClient.putFile(localFile, targetFile);
this.getLogger().debug("..ftp server reply [putFile] [" + targetFile + ", size=" + bytesSend + "]: " + ftpClient.getReplyString());
this.getLogger().debug("1 file send " + localFile + " to " + targetFile);
this.getLogger().debug("sending file : " + localFile + " to " + targetFile);
getLogger().debug("1 file send " + localFile + " to " + targetFile);
this.getLogger().info("sending file : " + localFile);
this.getLogger().info("file_size : " + bytesSend + " bytes");
// transferFileList.add(filePath);
filelist = new Vector();
setParam("successful_transfers", "1");
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
setParam("failed_transfers", "1");
throw new Exception("error in " + sos.util.SOSClassUtil.getMethodName() + " error while transfer simple File, cause: " + e);
private boolean isSimpleTransfer() throws Exception {
boolean simpleTransfer = sosString.parseToBoolean(sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("simple_transfer")));
if (simpleTransfer && sosString.parseToString(arguments.get("file_path")).length() == 0) {
throw new Exception("job parameter is missing for specified parameter [ftp_simple_transfer]: [ftp_file_path]");
if (simpleTransfer) {
"parameter [ftp_file_spec, replacement, replacing, ftp_force_files, ftp_atomic_suffix, ftp_recursive, ftp_compress, ftp_remove_files, ftp_make_dirs] "
+ "will be ignored because parameter ftp_simple_transfer has been specified. ");
return simpleTransfer;