/********************************************************* begin of preamble
** Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH.
** All rights reserved.
** This file may be used under the terms of either the
** GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL)
** as published by the Free Software Foundation
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this file.
** or the
** Agreement for Purchase and Licensing
** as offered by Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH
** in the respective terms of supply that ship with this file.
********************************************************** end of preamble*/
package com.sos.scheduler.model;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.net.DatagramPacket;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.sos.JSHelper.Exceptions.JobSchedulerException;
import com.sos.VirtualFileSystem.Interfaces.ISOSVirtualFile;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.answers.Answer;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.answers.JSCmdBase;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdAddJobs;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdAddOrder;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdCheckFolders;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdClusterMemberCommand;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdEventsGet;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdJobChainModify;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdJobChainNodeModify;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdKillTask;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdLicenceUse;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdLockRemove;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdModifyHotFolder;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdModifyJob;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdModifyOrder;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdModifySpooler;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdParamGet;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdProcessClassRemove;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdRemoveJobChain;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdRemoveOrder;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdScheduleRemove;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowCalendar;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowHistory;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowJob;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowJobChain;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowJobChains;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowJobs;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowOrder;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowState;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdShowTask;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdStartJob;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdSubsystemShow;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.commands.JSCmdTerminate;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.events.JSEvent;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjCluster;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjCommands;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjConfigurationDirectory;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjConfigurationFile;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjEnvironment;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjHoliday;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjHolidays;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjInclude;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjJob;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjJobChain;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjJobChainNodeEnd;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjJobChainNodeJobChain;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjJobChains;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjJobSettings;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjJobs;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjLock;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjMonthdays;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjOrder;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjParam;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjParams;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjProcessClass;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjProcessClasses;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjSchedule;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjScript;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjSecurity;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.JSObjSpooler;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.ObjectFactory;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.Param;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.Params;
import com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.Spooler;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize.OutputFormat;
import com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serialize.XMLSerializer;
* \class SchedulerObjectFactory
* \brief SchedulerObjectFactory -
* \details
* \section SchedulerObjectFactory.java_intro_sec Introduction
* \section SchedulerObjectFactory.java_samples Some Samples
* \code
* .... code goes here ...
* \endcode
* <p style="text-align:center">
* <br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <br /> APL/Software GmbH - Berlin
* <br />##### generated by ClaviusXPress (http://www.sos-berlin.com) #########
* <br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* </p>
* \author KB
* @version $Id$
* \see reference
* Created on 18.01.2011 12:02:31
* @author KB
public class SchedulerObjectFactory extends ObjectFactory implements Runnable {
public static enum enu4What {
remote_schedulers, all, folders, job_chains, job_chain_jobs, /* job-chains and jobs are requested */
running, no_subfolders
public String Text() {
String strT = this.name();
return strT;
private final String conClassName = "SchedulerObjectFactory";
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SchedulerObjectFactory.class);
private SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions objOptions = new SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions();
private JAXBContext jc;
private Unmarshaller u;
private Marshaller objM;
private SchedulerSocket objSchedulerSocket = null;
private JAXBContext jc4Answers = null;
private Unmarshaller u4Answers = null;
public SchedulerObjectFactory() {
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
* \brief run
* \details
* \return Answer
* @param pobjJSCmd
* @return
public Answer run(JSCmdBase pobjJSCmd) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::run";
Answer objAnswer = null;
String strT = pobjJSCmd.toXMLString();
String strA = "";
try {
logger.debug(String.format("%1$s: Request: %n%2$s", conMethodName, strT));
if (objOptions.TransferMethod.isTcp()) {
strA = getSocket().getResponse();
objAnswer = getAnswer(strA);
if (objOptions.TransferMethod.isUdp()) {
DatagramSocket udpSocket = null;
int intPortNumber = 0;
try {
udpSocket = new DatagramSocket();
intPortNumber = objOptions.PortNumber.value();
InetAddress objInetAddress = objOptions.ServerName.getInetAddress();
udpSocket.connect(objInetAddress, intPortNumber);
if (strT.indexOf("<?xml") == -1) {
strT = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + strT;
byte[] btyBuffer = strT.getBytes();
udpSocket.send(new DatagramPacket(btyBuffer, btyBuffer.length, objInetAddress, intPortNumber));
catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
finally {
if (udpSocket != null) {
logger.debug(String.format("Command sent using UDP to host '%1$s' at port '%2$d'", objOptions.ServerName.toString(), intPortNumber) );
udpSocket = null;
else {
throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("TransferMethod '%1$s' not supported (yet)", objOptions.TransferMethod.Value()));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("%1$s: %2$s", conMethodName, e.getMessage()), e);
if (objAnswer != null) {
// TODO in Answer den original-response des js als string ablegen.
// TODO eigenst�ndige BasisKlasse JSAnswerBase bauen. ableiten von JSCmdBase.
if (objAnswer.getERROR() != null) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("Job Scheduler responds an error due to an invalid or wrong command\n" + strT);
return objAnswer;
} // private Object run
* \brief getAnswer
* \details
* \return Answer
* @param pXMLStr
* @return
public Answer getAnswer(String pXMLStr) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getAnswer";
logger.debug(String.format("%1$s: Response: %n%2$s", conMethodName, pXMLStr));
Answer objAnswer = null;
com.sos.scheduler.model.answers.Spooler objSpooler = null;
try {
* den speziellen Context f�r die Answer brauchen wir, solange die Answer nicht in der scheduler.xsd enthalten ist.
* dadurch ist das dann ein anderer Namespace und das passt nicht zusammen.
if (jc4Answers == null) {
jc4Answers = JAXBContext.newInstance(com.sos.scheduler.model.answers.Spooler.class);
// create an Unmarshaller
u4Answers = jc4Answers.createUnmarshaller();
objSpooler = (com.sos.scheduler.model.answers.Spooler) u4Answers.unmarshal(new StringReader(pXMLStr));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("can't get answer object from %n%1$s", pXMLStr), e);
if (objSpooler != null) {
objAnswer = objSpooler.getAnswer();
return objAnswer;
} // public Answer getAnswer
public void initMarshaller(Class<?> objC) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::initMarshaller";
try {
jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(objC);
// create an Unmarshaller
u = jc.createUnmarshaller();
objM = jc.createMarshaller();
catch (JAXBException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} // private void initMarshaller
* \brief unMarshall
* \details
* \return
* @param pobjFile
* @return
public Object unMarshall(File pobjFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::unMarshall";
Object objC = null;
try {
objC = u.unmarshal(pobjFile);
catch (JAXBException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return objC;
} // private Object unMarshall
public Object unMarshall(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::unMarshall";
Object objC = null;
if (pobjVirtualFile != null) {
InputStream objInputStream = pobjVirtualFile.getFileInputStream();
try {
if (objInputStream == null) {
logger.error(String.format("can't get inputstream for file '%1$s'.", pobjVirtualFile.getName()));
throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("can't get inputstream for file '%1$s'.", pobjVirtualFile.getName()));
objC = u.unmarshal(objInputStream);
catch (JAXBException e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
finally {
else {
logger.error("pobjVirtualFile is null");
throw new JobSchedulerException("pobjVirtualFile is null");
return objC;
} // private Object unMarshall
public Object unMarshall(InputStream pobjInputStream) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::unMarshall";
Object objC = null;
try {
objC = u.unmarshal(pobjInputStream);
catch (JAXBException e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
return objC;
} // private Object unMarshall
public Object unMarshall(String pstrXMLContent) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::unMarshall";
Object objC = null;
try {
objC = u.unmarshal(new StringReader(pstrXMLContent));
catch (JAXBException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
return objC;
} // private Object unMarshall
* \brief marshal
* \details
* \return
* @param objO
* @param objF
* @return
public Object marshal(Object objO, File objF) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::marshal";
try {
// get an Apache XMLSerializer configured to generate CDATA
XMLSerializer serializer = getXMLSerializer();
FileOutputStream objFOS = new FileOutputStream(objF);
// marshal using the Apache XMLSerializer
objM.marshal(objO, serializer.asContentHandler());
// objM.marshal(objO, objF);
catch (JAXBException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
return objO;
} // private SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions marshal
public String marshal(Object objO) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::marshal";
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( baos );
try {
// get an Apache XMLSerializer configured to generate CDATA
XMLSerializer serializer = getXMLSerializer();
// FileOutputStream objFOS = new FileOutputStream(objFos);
// marshal using the Apache XMLSerializer
objM.marshal(objO, serializer.asContentHandler());
// objM.marshal(objO, objF);
catch (JAXBException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException("",e);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException("",e);
catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException("",e);
return baos.toString();
} // private SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions marshal
* \brief toXMLFile
* \details
* \return Object
* @param objO
* @param pobjVirtualFile
* @return
public Object toXMLFile(Object objO, ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::marshal";
if (pobjVirtualFile != null) {
OutputStream objOutputStream = pobjVirtualFile.getFileOutputStream();
try {
if (objOutputStream == null) {
logger.error(String.format("can't get outputstream for file '%1$s'.", pobjVirtualFile.getName()));
throw new JobSchedulerException(String.format("can't get outputstream for file '%1$s'.", pobjVirtualFile.getName()));
// get an Apache XMLSerializer configured to generate CDATA
XMLSerializer serializer = getXMLSerializer();
// marshal using the Apache XMLSerializer
objM.marshal(objO, serializer.asContentHandler());
catch (JAXBException e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
finally {
else {
logger.error("pobjVirtualFile is null");
throw new JobSchedulerException("pobjVirtualFile is null");
return objO;
} // private SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions marshal
* \brief toXMLString
* \details
* \return
* @param objO
* @return
public String toXMLString(Object objO) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::toXMLString";
String strT = "";
try {
// get an Apache XMLSerializer configured to generate CDATA
XMLSerializer serializer = getXMLSerializer();
OutputFormat objOutputFormat = new OutputFormat();
// TODO in die Optionclass
StringWriter objSW = new StringWriter();
// marshal using the Apache XMLSerializer
objM.marshal(objO, serializer.asContentHandler());
// objM.marshal(objO, objSW);
strT = objSW.getBuffer().toString();
catch (JAXBException e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new JobSchedulerException("", e);
return strT;
} // private SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions marshal
* \brief getXMLSerializer
* \details
* configure an OutputFormat to handle CDATA and indenting
* \return XMLSerializer
private XMLSerializer getXMLSerializer() {
OutputFormat of = new OutputFormat();
of.setCDataElements(new String[] { "^description", "^script", "^scheduler_script", "^log_mail_to", "^log_mail_cc", "^log_mail_bcc" });
// TODO setIndenting should be an option
XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(of);
return serializer;
} // private XMLSerializer getXMLSerializer
* \brief Options
* \details
* \return SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions
* @return
public SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions Options() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::Options";
if (objOptions == null) {
objOptions = new SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions();
return objOptions;
} // private SchedulerObjectFactoryOptions Options
* \brief SchedulerObjectFactory
* \details
* @param pstrServerName
* @param pintPort
public SchedulerObjectFactory(String pstrServerName, int pintPort) {
public SchedulerSocket getSocket() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::getSocket";
if (objSchedulerSocket == null) {
try {
objSchedulerSocket = new SchedulerSocket(objOptions);
catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
throw new JobSchedulerException(e.getMessage(), e);
return objSchedulerSocket;
} // private SchedulerSocket getSocket
public void closeSocket() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::closeSocket";
if (objSchedulerSocket != null) {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
objSchedulerSocket = null;
} // private void closeSocket
* \brief setParams
* \details
* \return Params
* @param pobjProperties
* @return
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Params setParams(Properties pobjProperties) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setParams";
String strParamValue = "";
Params objParams = super.createParams();
for (final Entry element : pobjProperties.entrySet()) {
final Map.Entry<String, String> mapItem = (Map.Entry<String, String>) element;
String key = mapItem.getKey().toString();
strParamValue = mapItem.getValue();
Param objP = this.createParam(key, strParamValue);
return objParams;
} // private Params setParams
* \brief setParams
* \details
* \return Params
* @param pstrParamArray
* @return
public Params setParams(String[] pstrParamArray) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::setParams";
String strParamValue = "";
Params objParams = super.createParams();
for (int i = 0; i < pstrParamArray.length; i += 2) {
String strParamName = pstrParamArray[i];
if (i + 1 >= pstrParamArray.length) {
strParamValue = "";
else {
strParamValue = pstrParamArray[i + 1];
Param objP = this.createParam(strParamName, strParamValue);
return objParams;
} // private Params setParams
* \creator JSObjParam
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjParam
* \details
* \created 10.02.2011 10:39:56 by oh
public JSObjParam createParam() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createParam";
JSObjParam objParam = new JSObjParam(this);
return objParam;
} // JSObjParam createParam()
* \brief createParam
* \details
* \return Param
* @param pstrParamName
* @param pstrParamValue
* @return
public Param createParam(String pstrParamName, String pstrParamValue) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createParam";
Param objP = super.createParam();
return objP;
} // private Param createParam
* \creator JSConfiguration
* \brief JSConfiguration - create empty Job Scheduler configuration
* \details
* Create empty Job Scheduler configuration
* \created 02.03.2011 10:31:30 by oh
* \return JSConfiguration
* @param pobjVirtualFile
* @return
public JSConfiguration createJSConfiguration() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJSConfiguration";
JSConfiguration objJSC = new JSConfiguration(this);
return objJSC;
} // public JSConfiguration newJSConfiguration
* \creator JSConfiguration
* \brief JSConfiguration - load Job Scheduler configuration from file
* \details
* Load Job Scheduler configuration from file
* \created 02.03.2011 10:31:30 by oh
* \return JSConfiguration
* @param pobjVirtualFile
* @return
public JSConfiguration createJSConfiguration(final ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJSConfiguration";
JSConfiguration objJSC = new JSConfiguration(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objJSC;
} // public JSConfiguration newJSConfiguration
* \creator SchedulerHotFolder
* \brief SchedulerHotFolder - load Hot Folder objects
* \details
* Load Hot Folder objects
* \created 15.02.2011 17:16:36 by oh
public SchedulerHotFolder createSchedulerHotFolder(ISOSVirtualFile objDir) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createSchedulerHotFolder";
SchedulerHotFolder objSchedulerHotFolder = new SchedulerHotFolder(this, objDir);
return objSchedulerHotFolder;
} // SchedulerHotFolder createSchedulerHotFolder()
* \creator JSObjJob
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJob - Create empty Job
* \details
* CreatorDescription
* \created 15.02.2011 17:01:37 by oh
public JSObjJob createJob() {
JSObjJob objJob = new JSObjJob(this);
return objJob;
* \creator JSObjJob
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJob - Create Job from (virtual) file
* \details
* CreatorDescription
* \created 15.02.2011 17:01:37 by oh
public JSObjJob createJob(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJob";
JSObjJob objJob = new JSObjJob(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objJob;
} // JSObjJob createJob()
public JSEvent createEvent(String eventName) {
return new JSEvent(this, eventName);
* \creator JSObjParams
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjParams - creates empty Params object
* \details
* Creates empty Params object which contains Param objects.
* \created 10.02.2011 10:44:29 by oh
public JSObjParams createParams(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createParams";
JSObjParams objParams = new JSObjParams(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objParams;
} // JSObjParams createParams()
* \creator JSObjParams
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjParams - creates Params object from (virtual) file
* \details
* Creates Params object from (virtual) file containing Param objects.
* \created 10.02.2011 10:44:29 by oh
public JSObjParams createParams() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createParams";
JSObjParams objParams = new JSObjParams(this);
return objParams;
} // JSObjParams createParams()
* \creator JSObjJobChain
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobChain - CreatorTitle
* \details
* CreatorDescription
* \created 15.02.2011 16:58:47 by oh
public JSObjJobChain createJobChain() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobChain";
JSObjJobChain objJobChain = new JSObjJobChain(this);
return objJobChain;
} // JSObjJobChain createJobChain()
* \creator JSObjJobChain
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobChain - CreatorTitle
* \details
* CreatorDescription
* \created 15.02.2011 17:01:37 by oh
public JSObjJobChain createJobChain(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobChain";
JSObjJobChain objJobChain = new JSObjJobChain(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objJobChain;
} // JSObjJobChain createJobChain()
* \creator JSObjJobChains
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobChains - contains job chain objects
* \details
* Contains job chain objects
* \created 11.02.2011 13:10:31 by oh
public JSObjJobChains createJobChains() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobChains";
JSObjJobChains objJobChains = new JSObjJobChains(this);
return objJobChains;
} // JSObjJobChains createJobChains()
* \creator JSObjJobChain
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobChain - contains jobs or job chains
* \details
* contains jobs as jobChainNode, fileOrderSource or fileOrderSink objects or further job chain objects
* \created 10.02.2011 08:50:04 by oh
// public JSObjJobChain createJobChain() {
// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
// final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobChain";
// JSObjJobChain objJobChain = new JSObjJobChain(this);
// return objJobChain;
// } // JSObjJobChain createJobChain()
* \creator JSObjJobChainNodeEnd
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobChainNodeEnd - defines a final node of a job chain
* \details
* Defines a final node of a job chain. It is the same like a normal JobChainNode object without a job and nextState.
* \created 10.02.2011 08:59:04 by oh
public JSObjJobChainNodeEnd createJobChainNodeEnd() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobChainNodeEnd";
JSObjJobChainNodeEnd objJobChainNodeEnd = new JSObjJobChainNodeEnd(this);
return objJobChainNodeEnd;
} // JSObjJobChainNodeEnd createJobChainNodeEnd()
* \creator JSObjJobChainNodeJobChain
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobChainNodeJobChain - a job chain node which linked an other job chain
* \details
* A job chain node which linked an other job chain.
* \created 10.02.2011 09:02:48 by oh
public JSObjJobChainNodeJobChain createJobChainNodeJobChain() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobChainNodeJobChain";
JSObjJobChainNodeJobChain objJobChainNodeJobChain = new JSObjJobChainNodeJobChain(this);
return objJobChainNodeJobChain;
} // JSObjJobChainNodeJobChain createJobChainNodeJobChain()
* \creator JSObjJobs
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobs - contains job objects
* \details
* Contains job objects. This is not a Hot Folder object.
* \created 10.02.2011 09:05:51 by oh
public JSObjJobs createJobs() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobs";
JSObjJobs objJobs = new JSObjJobs(this);
return objJobs;
} // JSObjJobs createJobs()
* \creator JSObjJobSettings
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjJobSettings - contains email, logging and history settings
* \details
* Contains email, logging and history settings.
* \created 10.02.2011 09:17:01 by oh
public JSObjJobSettings createJobSettings() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobSettings";
JSObjJobSettings objJobSettings = new JSObjJobSettings(this);
return objJobSettings;
} // JSObjJobSettings createJobSettings()
* \creator JSObjHolidays
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjHolidays - contains holiday objects
* \details
* Contains holiday objects - days on which the Job Scheduler should not run a job.
* \created 09.02.2011 17:34:25 by oh
public JSObjHolidays createHolidays() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createHolidays";
JSObjHolidays objHolidays = new JSObjHolidays(this);
return objHolidays;
} // JSObjHolidays createHolidays()
* \creator JSObjHoliday
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjHoliday - defines a holiday
* \details
* Defines a holiday - a day on which the Job Scheduler should not run a job.
* \created 09.02.2011 17:35:25 by oh
public JSObjHoliday createHoliday() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createHoliday";
JSObjHoliday objHoliday = new JSObjHoliday(this);
return objHoliday;
} // JSObjHoliday createHoliday()
* \creator JSObjMonthdays
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjMonthdays - sets the operating period for a particular day of the month
* \details
* Sets the operating period for a particular day of the month.
* \created 10.02.2011 09:28:19 by oh
public JSObjMonthdays createMonthdays() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createMonthdays";
JSObjMonthdays objMonthdays = new JSObjMonthdays(this);
return objMonthdays;
} // JSObjMonthDays createMonthDays()
* \creator JSObjLock
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjLock - stops two tasks from running at the same time
* \details
* Stops two tasks from running at the same time
* \created 10.02.2011 09:23:39 by oh
public JSObjLock createLock() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createLock";
JSObjLock objLock = new JSObjLock(this);
return objLock;
} // JSObjLock createLock()
* \creator JSObjLock
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjLock - Create Lock from (virtual) file
* \details
* CreatorDescription
* \created 15.02.2011 17:01:37 by oh
public JSObjLock createLock(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createLock";
JSObjLock objLock = new JSObjLock(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objLock;
} // JSObjLock createLock()
* Create an instance of {@link JSObjCluster }
public JSObjCluster createCluster() {
JSObjCluster objCluster = new JSObjCluster(this);
return objCluster;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdClusterMemberCommand }
public JSCmdClusterMemberCommand createClusterMemberCommand() {
JSCmdClusterMemberCommand objCMC = new JSCmdClusterMemberCommand(this);
return objCMC;
* Create an instance of {@link JSObjSecurity }
public JSObjSecurity createSecurity() {
JSObjSecurity objSecurity = new JSObjSecurity(this);
return objSecurity;
* \creator JSObjSpooler
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjSpooler - creates empty spooler object
* \details
* Creates empty spooler object
* \created 02.03.2011 09:13:13 by oh
public JSObjSpooler createSpooler() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createSpooler";
JSObjSpooler objSpooler = new JSObjSpooler(this);
return objSpooler;
} // JSObjSpooler createSpooler()
* \creator JSObjSpooler
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjSpooler - Create spooler object from (virtual) file
* \details
* Create spooler object from (virtual) file
* \created 02.03.2011 09:13:13 by oh
public JSObjSpooler createSpooler(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createSpooler";
JSObjSpooler objSpooler = new JSObjSpooler(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objSpooler;
} // JSObjSpooler createSpooler()
// **
// * Create an instance of {@link RegisterRemoteScheduler }
// *
// */
// public RegisterRemoteScheduler createRegisterRemoteScheduler() {
// return new RegisterRemoteScheduler();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link ServiceRequest }
// *
// */
// public ServiceRequest createServiceRequest() {
// return new ServiceRequest();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Ultimos }
// *
// */
// public Ultimos createUltimos() {
// return new Ultimos();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Monthdays }
// *
// */
// public Monthdays createMonthdays() {
// return new Monthdays();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.Weekdays }
// *
// */
// public com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.Weekdays createWeekdays() {
// return new com.sos.scheduler.model.objects.Weekdays();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Spooler.Config }
// *
// */
// public Spooler.Config createSpoolerConfig() {
// return new Spooler.Config();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Holidays.Weekdays }
// *
// */
// public Holidays.Weekdays createHolidaysWeekdays() {
// return new Holidays.Weekdays();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link HttpAuthentication }
// *
// */
// public HttpAuthentication createHttpAuthentication() {
// return new HttpAuthentication();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link HttpAuthentication.HttpUsers }
// *
// */
// public HttpAuthentication.HttpUsers createHttpAuthenticationHttpUsers() {
// return new HttpAuthentication.HttpUsers();
// }
* \creator JSObjOrder
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjOrder - creates empty Order
* \details
* Creates empty Order.
* \created 10.02.2011 10:28:05 by oh
public JSObjOrder createOrder() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createOrder";
JSObjOrder objOrder = new JSObjOrder(this);
return objOrder;
} // JSObjOrder createOrder()
* \creator JSObjOrder
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjOrder - creates Order from (virtual) file
* \details
* Creates Order from (virtual) file
* \created 15.02.2011 17:01:37 by oh
public JSObjOrder createOrder(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createOrder";
JSObjOrder objOrder = new JSObjOrder(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objOrder;
} // JSObjJob JSObjOrder()
* \creator Schedule
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjSchedule - creates empty Schedule
* \details
* Creates empty Schedule
* \created 22.02.2011 12:01:58 by oh
public JSObjSchedule createSchedule() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createSchedule";
JSObjSchedule objSchedule = new JSObjSchedule(this);
return objSchedule;
} // JSObjSchedule createSchedule()
* \creator Schedule
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjSchedule - creates Schedule from (virtual) file
* \details
* Creates Schedule from (virtual) file
* \created 22.02.2011 12:01:58 by oh
public JSObjSchedule createSchedule(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createSchedule";
JSObjSchedule objSchedule = new JSObjSchedule(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objSchedule;
} // JSObjSchedule createSchedule()
* \creator JSObjProcessClass
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjProcessClass - defines an empty process class
* \details
* Defines a process class in which jobs can run.
* \created 10.02.2011 11:24:12 by oh
public JSObjProcessClass createProcessClass() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createProcessClass";
JSObjProcessClass objProcessClass = new JSObjProcessClass(this);
return objProcessClass;
} // JSObjProcessClass createProcessClass()
* \creator JSObjProcessClass
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjProcessClass - Create process class from (virtual) file
* \details
* Defines a process class from file in which jobs can run.
* \created 22.02.2011 11:21:31 by oh
public JSObjProcessClass createProcessClass(ISOSVirtualFile pobjVirtualFile) {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createProcessClass";
JSObjProcessClass objProcessClass = new JSObjProcessClass(this, pobjVirtualFile);
return objProcessClass;
} // JSObjProcessClass createProcessClass()
* \creator ProcessClasses
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjProcessClasses - contains ProcessClass objects
* \details
* Contains ProcessClass objects. It is not a Hot Folder object.
* \created 10.02.2011 11:26:44 by oh
public JSObjProcessClasses createProcessClasses() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createProcessClasses";
JSObjProcessClasses objProcessClasses = new JSObjProcessClasses(this);
return objProcessClasses;
} // JSObjProcessClasses createProcessClasses()
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link RunTime }
// *
// */
// public RunTime createRunTime() {
// return new RunTime();
// }
* Create an instance of {@link JSObjEnvironment }
public JSObjEnvironment createEnvironment() {
JSObjEnvironment objEnvironment = new JSObjEnvironment(this);
return objEnvironment;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdScheduleRemove }
public JSCmdScheduleRemove createScheduleRemove() {
JSCmdScheduleRemove objScheduleRemove = new JSCmdScheduleRemove(this);
return objScheduleRemove;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask }
public JSCmdRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask createRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask() {
JSCmdRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask objRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask = new JSCmdRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask(this);
return objRemoteSchedulerStartRemoteTask;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdKillTask }
public JSCmdKillTask createKillTask() {
JSCmdKillTask objKillTask = new JSCmdKillTask(this);
return objKillTask;
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Job.Description }
// *
// */
// public Job.Description createJobDescription() {
// return new Job.Description();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Job.LockUse }
// *
// */
// public Job.LockUse createJobLockUse() {
// return new Job.LockUse();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Params.CopyParams }
// *
// */
// public Params.CopyParams createParamsCopyParams() {
// return new Params.CopyParams();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Params.Include }
// *
// */
// public Params.Include createParamsInclude() {
// return new Params.Include();
// }
* Create an instance of {@link JSObjScript }
public JSObjScript createScript() {
JSObjScript objScript = new JSObjScript(this);
return objScript;
* \creator JSObjInclude
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjInclude - linked file for its parent object
* \details
* Linked file for its parent object like Script, Description, Holidays and Params
* \created 10.02.2011 08:40:51 by oh
public JSObjInclude createInclude() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createInclude";
JSObjInclude objInclude = new JSObjInclude(this);
return objInclude;
} // JSObjInclude createInclude()
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Job.Process }
// *
// */
// public Job.Process createJobProcess() {
// return new Job.Process();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Job.Monitor }
// *
// */
// public Job.Monitor createJobMonitor() {
// return new Job.Monitor();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Job.StartWhenDirectoryChanged }
// *
// */
// public Job.StartWhenDirectoryChanged createJobStartWhenDirectoryChanged() {
// return new Job.StartWhenDirectoryChanged();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Job.DelayAfterError }
// *
// */
// public Job.DelayAfterError createJobDelayAfterError() {
// return new Job.DelayAfterError();
// }
// /**
// * Create an instance of {@link Job.DelayOrderAfterSetback }
// *
// */
// public Job.DelayOrderAfterSetback createJobDelayOrderAfterSetback() {
// return new Job.DelayOrderAfterSetback();
// }
* \creator JSObjCommands
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjCommands - contains exit code dependent commands
* \details
* contains exit code dependent commands
* \created 09.02.2011 17:22:01 by oh
public JSObjCommands createCommands() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createCommands";
JSObjCommands objCommands = new JSObjCommands(this);
return objCommands;
} // JSObjCommands createCommands()
* \creator JSObjConfigurationDirectory
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjConfigurationDirectory - configure the Hot Folder path
* \details
* configure the Hot Folder path
* \created 09.02.2011 17:26:18 by oh
public JSObjConfigurationDirectory createConfigurationDirectory() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createConfigurationDirectory";
JSObjConfigurationDirectory objConfigurationDirectory = new JSObjConfigurationDirectory(this);
return objConfigurationDirectory;
} // JSObjConfigurationDirectory createConfigurationDirectory()
* \creator JSObjConfigurationFile
* \type Obj
* \brief JSObjConfigurationFile
* \details
* \created 09.02.2011 17:31:59 by oh
public JSObjConfigurationFile createConfigurationFile() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createConfigurationFile";
JSObjConfigurationFile objConfigurationFile = new JSObjConfigurationFile(this);
return objConfigurationFile;
} // JSObjConfigurationFile createConfigurationFile()
* \creator JSCmdSubsystemShow
* \type Cmd
* \brief JSCmdSubsystemShow - requests subsystems
* \details
* Requests subsystems (job, job_chain, order, schedule, lock, cluster, folder)
* \created 09.02.2011 13:51:32 by oh
public JSCmdSubsystemShow createSubsystemShow() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createSubsystemShow";
JSCmdSubsystemShow objSubsystemShow = new JSCmdSubsystemShow(this);
return objSubsystemShow;
} // JSCmdSubsystemShow createSubsystemShow()
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdStartJob }
public JSCmdStartJob createStartJob() {
JSCmdStartJob objStartJobCmd = new JSCmdStartJob(this);
return objStartJobCmd;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdShowCalendar }
public JSCmdShowCalendar createShowCalendar() {
JSCmdShowCalendar objShowCalendarCmd = new JSCmdShowCalendar(this);
return objShowCalendarCmd;
public JSCmdShowState createShowState() {
JSCmdShowState objShowStateCmd = new JSCmdShowState(this);
return objShowStateCmd;
public JSCmdShowState createShowState(enu4What enuWhat) {
JSCmdShowState objShowStateCmd = new JSCmdShowState(this);
return objShowStateCmd;
public JSCmdShowState createShowState(enu4What[] enuWhat) {
JSCmdShowState objShowStateCmd = new JSCmdShowState(this);
return objShowStateCmd;
public JSCmdShowJob createShowJob() {
JSCmdShowJob objShowJobCmd = new JSCmdShowJob(this);
return objShowJobCmd;
public JSCmdShowJobs createShowJobs() {
JSCmdShowJobs objShowJobsCmd = new JSCmdShowJobs(this);
return objShowJobsCmd;
// public JSCmdShowJobs createShowJobs(enu4What enuWhat) {
// JSCmdShowJobs objShowJobsCmd = new JSCmdShowJobs(this);
// objShowJobsCmd.setWhat(enuWhat);
// return objShowJobsCmd;
// }
// public JSCmdShowJobs createShowJobs(enu4What[] enuWhat) {
// JSCmdShowJobs objShowJobsCmd = new JSCmdShowJobs(this);
// objShowJobsCmd.setWhat(enuWhat);
// return objShowJobsCmd;
// }
public JSCmdShowJobs createShowJobs(enu4What... enuWhat) {
JSCmdShowJobs objShowJobsCmd = new JSCmdShowJobs(this);
return objShowJobsCmd;
public JSCmdShowTask createShowTask() {
JSCmdShowTask objShowTaskCmd = new JSCmdShowTask(this);
return objShowTaskCmd;
public JSCmdShowTask createShowTask(enu4What enuWhat) {
JSCmdShowTask objShowTaskCmd = new JSCmdShowTask(this);
return objShowTaskCmd;
public JSCmdShowTask createShowTask(enu4What[] enuWhat) {
JSCmdShowTask objShowTaskCmd = new JSCmdShowTask(this);
return objShowTaskCmd;
public JSCmdShowOrder createShowOrder() {
JSCmdShowOrder objShowOrderCmd = new JSCmdShowOrder(this);
return objShowOrderCmd;
public JSCmdShowJobChain createShowJobChain() {
JSCmdShowJobChain objShowJobChainCmd = new JSCmdShowJobChain(this);
return objShowJobChainCmd;
public JSCmdShowJobChains createShowJobChains() {
JSCmdShowJobChains objShowJobChainsCmd = new JSCmdShowJobChains(this);
return objShowJobChainsCmd;
public JSCmdShowHistory createShowHistory() {
JSCmdShowHistory objShowHistoryCmd = new JSCmdShowHistory(this);
return objShowHistoryCmd;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdModifyJob }
public JSCmdModifyJob createModifyJob() {
JSCmdModifyJob objModifyJob = new JSCmdModifyJob(this);
return objModifyJob;
* \creator JSCmdJobChainModify
* \type Cmd
* \brief JSCmdJobChainModify - stops and unstops a job chain
* \details
* Stops and unstops a job chain
* \created 09.02.2011 13:42:11 by oh
public JSCmdJobChainModify createJobChainModify() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createJobChainModify";
JSCmdJobChainModify objJobChainModify = new JSCmdJobChainModify(this);
return objJobChainModify;
} // JSCmdJobChainModify createJobChainModify()
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdRemoveJobChain }
public JSCmdRemoveJobChain createRemoveJobChain() {
JSCmdRemoveJobChain objRemoveJobChain = new JSCmdRemoveJobChain(this);
return objRemoveJobChain;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdProcessClassRemove }
public JSCmdProcessClassRemove createProcessClassRemove() {
JSCmdProcessClassRemove objProcessClassRemove = new JSCmdProcessClassRemove(this);
return objProcessClassRemove;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdCheckFolders }
public JSCmdCheckFolders createCheckFolders() {
JSCmdCheckFolders objCheckFolders = new JSCmdCheckFolders(this);
return objCheckFolders;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdModifySpooler }
public JSCmdModifySpooler createModifySpooler() {
JSCmdModifySpooler objModifySpooler = new JSCmdModifySpooler(this);
return objModifySpooler;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdEventsGet }
public JSCmdEventsGet createEventsGet() {
JSCmdEventsGet objEventsGet = new JSCmdEventsGet(this);
return objEventsGet;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdRemoveOrder }
public JSCmdRemoveOrder createRemoveOrder() {
JSCmdRemoveOrder objRemoveOrder = new JSCmdRemoveOrder(this);
return objRemoveOrder;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset }
public JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset createSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset() {
JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset objSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset = new JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset(this);
return objSchedulerLogLogCategoriesReset;
* \creator JSCmdTerminate
* \type Cmd
* \brief JSCmdTerminate - terminates one Job Scheduler or all of the same cluster
* \details
* Terminates the current Job Scheduler or all of its cluster.
* \created 09.02.2011 14:00:31 by oh
public JSCmdTerminate createTerminate() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createTerminate";
JSCmdTerminate objTerminate = new JSCmdTerminate(this);
return objTerminate;
} // JSCmdTerminate createTerminate()
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose }
public JSCmdRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose createRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose() {
JSCmdRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose objRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose = new JSCmdRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose(this);
return objRemoteSchedulerRemoteTaskClose;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdLockRemove }
public JSCmdLockRemove createLockRemove() {
JSCmdLockRemove objLockRemove = new JSCmdLockRemove(this);
return objLockRemove;
* \creator JSCmdSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles
* \type Cmd
* \brief JSCmdSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles - CreatorTitle
* \details
* CreatorDescription
* \created 09.02.2011 13:57:39 by oh
public JSCmdSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles createSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles() {
final String conMethodName = conClassName + "::createSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles";
JSCmdSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles objSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles = new JSCmdSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles(
return objSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles;
} // JSCmdSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles createSupervisorRemoteSchedulerConfigurationFetchUpdatedFiles()
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdJobChainNodeModify }
public JSCmdJobChainNodeModify createJobChainNodeModify() {
JSCmdJobChainNodeModify objJobChainNodeModify = new JSCmdJobChainNodeModify(this);
return objJobChainNodeModify;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdModifyOrder }
public JSCmdModifyOrder createModifyOrder() {
JSCmdModifyOrder objModifyOrder = new JSCmdModifyOrder(this);
return objModifyOrder;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdParamGet }
public JSCmdParamGet createParamGet() {
JSCmdParamGet objParamGet = new JSCmdParamGet(this);
return objParamGet;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdModifyHotFolder }
public JSCmdModifyHotFolder createModifyHotFolder() {
JSCmdModifyHotFolder objModifyHotFolder = new JSCmdModifyHotFolder(this);
return objModifyHotFolder;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdAddJobs }
public JSCmdAddJobs createAddJobs() {
JSCmdAddJobs objAddJobs = new JSCmdAddJobs(this);
return objAddJobs;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdAddOrder }
public JSCmdAddOrder createAddOrder() {
JSCmdAddOrder objAddJobs = new JSCmdAddOrder(this);
return objAddJobs;
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet }
public JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet createSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet() {
JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet objSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet = new JSCmdSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet(this);
return objSchedulerLogLogCategoriesSet;
* Create an instance of {@link Spooler.Answer }
public Spooler.Answer createSpoolerAnswer() {
return new Spooler.Answer();
* Create an instance of {@link JSCmdLicenceUse }
public JSCmdLicenceUse createLicenceUse() {
JSCmdLicenceUse objLicenceUse = new JSCmdLicenceUse(this);
return objLicenceUse;