Package com.sos.i18n.ant

Source Code of com.sos.i18n.ant.I18NAntTask

/********************************************************* begin of preamble
** Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH.
** All rights reserved.
** This file may be used under the terms of either the
**   GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL)
**   as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file
**   LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this file.
** or the
**   Agreement for Purchase and Licensing
**   as offered by Software- und Organisations-Service GmbH
**   in the respective terms of supply that ship with this file.
********************************************************** end of preamble*/
* I18N Messages and Logging
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John J. Mazzitelli
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
package com.sos.i18n.ant;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


import com.sos.i18n.Msg;
import com.sos.i18n.annotation.I18NMessage;
import com.sos.i18n.annotation.I18NMessages;
import com.sos.i18n.annotation.I18NResourceBundle;

* An ANT task to generate resource bundle files containing I18N messages defined by the I18N annotations. A
* typical usage of this ANT task is as follows:
* <pre><blockquote>
*    &lt;taskdef name="i18n" classpathref="i18nlog-jar.classpath" classname="com.sos.i18n.ant.I18NAntTask" />
*    &lt;i18n outputdir="${classes.dir}"
*          defaultlocale="en"
*          verbose="true"
*          append="false"
*          verify="true">
*       &lt;classpath refid="my.classpath" />
*       &lt;classfileset dir="${classes.dir}"/>
*    &lt;/i18n>
* </blockquote></pre>
* <p>Where this says to {@link #setOutputDir(File) output} all resource bundles in the classes directory, assume a
* {@link #setDefaultLocale(String) default locale} of our application to be English, turn on
* {@link #setVerbose(boolean) verbose mode} so this task can log alot of information about its progress, do not
* {@link #setAppend(boolean) append} to any existing resource bundles (we want to overwrite them) and
* {@link #setVerify(boolean) verify} that our code has not introduced duplicate or invalid messages. The classpath
* defines where all the classes can be found and the classfileset defines those classes that this task should
* process (it is these classes that will be examined for I18N message and resource bundle annotations - these
* classes must be found on the given classpath).</p>
* <p>This ANT task can also output help documentation via the &lt;helpdoc> inner tag that allows you to develop
* reference material for your users that further describe the meaning of the I18N messages (e.g. provide an
* explanation of specific error messages and how users can perform corrective action). See {@link Helpdoc} for
* more information.</p>
* @author  <a href="">John Mazzitelli</a>
* @version $Revision: 1.13 $
* @see     Helpdoc

@I18NResourceBundle(baseName = "i18n-anttask-messages", defaultLocale = "en")
public class I18NAntTask extends Task {
   * \brief We use ISO-8859-1, rather than the JVM's default encoding, as the encoding when writing the resource bundle
   * properties files, since ISO-8859-1 is the encoding Java uses to read resource bundle properties files unless you
   * jump through some major hoops, which we currently do not jump through in
   * {@link com.sos.i18n.Msg#getResourceBundle()}.
   * <p/>
   * Note, for compatibility with older Java runtimes, we use the "historical Java name" for the encoding -
   * "ISO8859_1".
  private static final String                OUTPUT_CHARSET_NAME                = "ISO-8859-1";

   * \brief This is the base name of this task's own I18N message bundle.
  static final Msg.BundleBaseName              BUNDLE_BASE_NAME                = new Msg.BundleBaseName("i18n-anttask-messages");

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Hello, pussycat ...."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Hello, pussycat ....", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Hello, pussycat ...." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Hallo, Mietzekatze ....", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Wir begrüssen hier die Mietzekatze ...." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "SOS-I-0010", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Hello, pussycat ....
  public static final String                HELLO_PUSSYCAT                  = "I18NAntTask.HELLO_PUSSYCAT";

  @I18NMessage("Processing I18N messages...")
  @I18NMessages({ @I18NMessage("Processing I18N messages..."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Processing I18N messages...", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Suche nach I18N Meldungen ...", locale = "de") //
  static final String                    I18N_START_PROCESSING              = "I18NAntTask.start-processing";

  @I18NMessages({ @I18NMessage("Default file encoding is [{0}]. Output encoding is [{1}]."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Default file encoding is [{0}]. Output encoding is [{1}].", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Standard-Zeichensatz ist [{0}], Ausgabe-Zeichensatz ist [{1}].", locale = "de") //
   * \brief Message Key 'I18NAntTask.encoding-names'
  static final String                    I18N_ENCODING_NAMES                = "I18NAntTask.encoding-names";

  @I18NMessages({ @I18NMessage("Processing I18N class file [{0}]..."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Processing I18N class file [{0}]...", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Bearbeite Klassen-Datei [{0}] ...", locale = "de") //
   * \brief Processing I18N class file [{0}]...
  static final String                    I18N_PROCESSING_CLASS              = "I18NAntTask.processing-class";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Loaded I18N class from classloader: [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Loaded I18N class from classloader: [{0}]", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Klassen-Datei [{0}] geladen ...", locale = "de") //
  }, msgnum = "", msgurl = "")
   * \var I18N_LOADED_CLASS
   * \brief Loaded I18N class from classloader: [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_LOADED_CLASS                = "I18NAntTask.loaded-class";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The class [{0}] does not appear to be annotated for I18N and was not processed"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The class [{0}] does not appear to be annotated for I18N and was not processed", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Die Klassendatei [{0}] wird nicht verarbeitet", //
      explanation = "Die Klassendatei [{0}] hat keine @I18ResourceBundle-Annotation und wird deshalb nicht verarbeitet", locale = "de") //
   * \var I18N_CLASS_IGNORED
   * \brief The class [{0}] does not appear to be annotated for I18N and was not processed
  static final String                    I18N_CLASS_IGNORED                = "I18NAntTask.class-ignored";

  @I18NMessages(value = {
      @I18NMessage("Cannot find class file [{0}] on the I18N task''s classpath. Cause: {1}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Cannot find class file [{0}] on the I18N task''s classpath. Cause: {1}", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Klasse '{0}' im Klassenpfad '{1}' nicht gefunden", locale = "de", explanation = "Ein Verweis auf die Klasse '{0}' wurde in der aktuell bearbeiteten Klasse gefunden, aber diese\n"
          + "Klasse wurde im Klassenpfad '{1}' nicht gefunden.\n"
          + "\nErgänzen Sie gegebenenfalls den Klassenpfad, falls diese Klasse ebenfalls bearbeitet werden soll.") //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W-0009", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Cannot find class file [{0}] on the I18N task''s classpath. Cause: {1}
  static final String                    I18N_CANNOT_FIND_CLASS              = "I18NAntTask.cannot-find-class";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("An error occurred when attempting to put the template footer in the help documents. Cause: {0}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "An error occurred when attempting to put the template footer in the help documents. Cause: {0}", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Fusszeilen des Hilfedokumentes verursachen einen Fehler. Grund: {0}", locale = "de") //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0010", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief An error occurred when attempting to put the template footer in the help documents. Cause: {0}
  static final String                    I18N_CANNOT_APPEND_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_FOOTER    = "I18NAntTask.cannot-append-helpdoc-footer";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The following I18N resource bundles were placed in {0}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The following I18N resource bundles were placed in {0}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The following I18N resource bundles were placed in {0}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The following I18N resource bundles were placed in {0}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The following I18N resource bundles were placed in {0}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0011", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The following I18N resource bundles were placed in {0}
  static final String                    I18N_BUNDLES_PLACED_IN_DIR            = "I18NAntTask.bundles-placed-in";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("-> {0}: {1} Messages"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "-> {0}: {1} Messages", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "-> {0}: {1} Messages" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "-> {0}: {1} Meldungen", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Die Anzahl der gefundenen und verarbeiteten Meldungen wird hier angezeigt." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0012", msgurl = "")
   * \brief -> {0}: {1} Meldungen
  static final String                    I18N_BUNDLE_MESSAGE_COUNTER            = "I18NAntTask.bundle-message-counter";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The following help documents were placed in {0}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The following help documents were placed in {0}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The following help documents were placed in {0}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The following help documents were placed in {0}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The following help documents were placed in {0}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "msgnum", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief The following help documents were placed in {0}
  static final String                    HELPDOCS_PLACED_IN_DIR              = "I18NAntTask.helpdocs-placed-in";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("-> {0}{1}: {2} help doc items"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "-> {0}{1}: {2} help doc items", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "-> {0}{1}: {2} help doc items" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "-> {0}{1}: {2} help doc items", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "-> {0}{1}: {2} help doc items" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "msgnum", msgurl = "")
   * \brief -> {0}{1}: {2} help doc items
  static final String                    HELPDOCS_MESSAGE_COUNTER            = "I18NAntTask.helpdocs-message-counter";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("[{0}] I18N resource bundles have been created with a total of [{1}] messages"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] I18N resource bundles have been created with a total of [{1}] messages", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "[{0}] I18N resource bundles have been created with a total of [{1}] messages" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] I18N resource bundles have been created with a total of [{1}] messages", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "[{0}] I18N resource bundles have been created with a total of [{1}] messages" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "msgnum", msgurl = "")
   * \brief [{0}] I18N resource bundles have been created with a total of [{1}] messages
  static final String                    I18N_NUM_BUNDLES_MESSAGES_CREATED        = "I18NAntTask.num-bundles-messages-created";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("[{0}] help documents have been created with a total of [{1}] items"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] help documents have been created with a total of [{1}] items", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "[{0}] help documents have been created with a total of [{1}] items" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "{0} Hilfe-Dokumente mit {1} Einträgen wurden erzeugt.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "{0} Hilfe-Dokumente mit {1} Einträgen wurden erzeugt." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "msgnum", msgurl = "")
   * \brief [{0}] help documents have been created with a total of [{1}] items
  static final String                    NUM_HELPDOCS_ITEMS_CREATED            = "I18NAntTask.num-helpdocs-items-created";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Did not find any I18N messages so no I18N resource bundles were created"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Did not find any I18N messages so no I18N resource bundles were created", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Did not find any I18N messages so no I18N resource bundles were created" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Keine Meldungen in der Klasse gefunden, deshalb keine Resource erzeugt", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Keine Meldungen in der Klasse gefunden, deshalb keine Resource erzeugt" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "msgnum", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Did not find any I18N messages so no I18N resource bundles were created
  static final String                    I18N_NO_BUNDLES_CREATED              = "";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("[{0}] is annotated with resource bundle definition [{1}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] is annotated with resource bundle definition [{1}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "[{0}] is annotated with resource bundle definition [{1}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "{0} ist dem resource bundle {1} zugeordnet", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "[{0}] is annotated with resource bundle definition [{1}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief [{0}] is annotated with resource bundle definition [{1}]
  static final String                    I18N_CLASS_ANNOTATED_WITH_BUNDLE        = "I18NAntTask.class-annotated-with-bundle";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("[{0}] does not define a resource bundle definition; will default to [{1}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] does not define a resource bundle definition; will default to [{1}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "[{0}] does not define a resource bundle definition; will default to [{1}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] does not define a resource bundle definition; will default to [{1}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "[{0}] does not define a resource bundle definition; will default to [{1}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief [{0}] does not define a resource bundle definition; will default to [{1}]
  static final String                    I18N_CLASS_NOT_ANNOTATED_WITH_BUNDLE      = "I18NAntTask.class-not-annotated-with-bundle";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Field [{0}.{1}] is annotated with its own resource bundle definition [{2}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Field [{0}.{1}] is annotated with its own resource bundle definition [{2}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Field [{0}.{1}] is annotated with its own resource bundle definition [{2}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Field [{0}.{1}] is annotated with its own resource bundle definition [{2}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Field [{0}.{1}] is annotated with its own resource bundle definition [{2}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Field [{0}.{1}] is annotated with its own resource bundle definition [{2}]
  static final String                    I18N_FIELD_ANNOTATED_WITH_BUNDLE        = "I18NAntTask.field-annotated-with-bundle";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Field [{0}.{1}] has [{2}] I18N messages"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Field [{0}.{1}] has [{2}] I18N messages", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Field [{0}.{1}] has [{2}] I18N messages" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Dem Feld [{0}.{1}] sind [{2}] Meldungen zugeordnet", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Dem Feld [{0}.{1}] sind [{2}] Meldungen zugeordnet" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief Field [{0}.{1}] has [{2}] I18N messages
  static final String                    I18N_FIELD_MESSAGE_COUNT            = "I18NAntTask.field-message-count";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Field [{0}.{1}] is not of type String; cannot use I18N annotations on non-String fields."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Field [{0}.{1}] is not of type String; cannot use I18N annotations on non-String fields.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Field [{0}.{1}] is not of type String; cannot use I18N annotations on non-String fields." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Field [{0}.{1}] is not of type String; cannot use I18N annotations on non-String fields.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Field [{0}.{1}] is not of type String; cannot use I18N annotations on non-String fields." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Field [{0}.{1}] is not of type String; cannot use I18N annotations on non-String fields.
  static final String                    I18N_FIELD_NOT_STRING              = "I18NAntTask.field-not-string";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Field [{0}.{1}] is not static final; cannot use I18N annotations on non-constant fields."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Field [{0}.{1}] is not static final; cannot use I18N annotations on non-constant fields.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Field [{0}.{1}] is not static final; cannot use I18N annotations on non-constant fields." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Das Feld [{0}.{1}] muß als 'static final' deklariert sein.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Das Feld [{0}.{1}] muß als 'static final' deklariert sein.\n" + "I18N-Annotationen sind nur bei konstanten Feldern möglich." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Field [{0}.{1}] is not static final; cannot use I18N annotations on non-constant fields.
  static final String                    I18N_FIELD_NOT_STATIC_FINAL            = "I18NAntTask.field-not-static-final";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Resource bundle keys cannot be null or an empty string - must be at least 1 character long"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Resource bundle keys cannot be null or an empty string - must be at least 1 character long", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Resource bundle keys cannot be null or an empty string - must be at least 1 character long" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Resource bundle keys cannot be null or an empty string - must be at least 1 character long", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Resource bundle keys cannot be null or an empty string - must be at least 1 character long" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Resource bundle keys cannot be null or an empty string - must be at least 1 character long
  static final String                    I18N_FIELD_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY        = "I18NAntTask.field-cannot-be-empty";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Resource bundle keys cannot contain any ''='' characters [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Resource bundle keys cannot contain any ''='' characters [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Resource bundle keys cannot contain any ''='' characters [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Resource bundle keys cannot contain any ''='' characters [{0}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Resource bundle keys cannot contain any ''='' characters [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Resource bundle keys cannot contain any ''='' characters [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_NO_EQUALS_ALLOWED              = "";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Failed to get the constant value of field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to get the constant value of field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Failed to get the constant value of field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to get the constant value of field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Failed to get the constant value of field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Failed to get the constant value of field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}
  static final String                    I18N_FAILED_TO_GET_FIELD_VALUE          = "I18NAntTask.failed-to-get-field-value";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Failed to write I18N message to resource bundle for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to write I18N message to resource bundle for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Failed to write I18N message to resource bundle for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to write I18N message to resource bundle for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Failed to write I18N message to resource bundle for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Failed to write I18N message to resource bundle for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}
  static final String                    I18N_FAILED_TO_WRITE_TO_BUNDLE          = "I18NAntTask.failed-to-write-to-bundle";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Failed to write help doc item for I18N message for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to write help doc item for I18N message for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Failed to write help doc item for I18N message for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to write help doc item for I18N message for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Failed to write help doc item for I18N message for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Failed to write help doc item for I18N message for field [{0}.{1}] - Cause: {2}
  static final String                    I18N_FAILED_TO_WRITE_HELPDOC_ITEM        = "I18NAntTask.failed-to-write-helpdoc-item";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("VERIFY WARNING: The text for I18N message key [{0}] for field [{1}.{2}] is empty and will be ignored"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "VERIFY WARNING: The text for I18N message key [{0}] for field [{1}.{2}] is empty and will be ignored", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: The text for I18N message key [{0}] for field [{1}.{2}] is empty and will be ignored" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "VERIFY WARNING: The text for I18N message key [{0}] for field [{1}.{2}] is empty and will be ignored", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: The text for I18N message key [{0}] for field [{1}.{2}] is empty and will be ignored" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief VERIFY WARNING: The text for I18N message key [{0}] for field [{1}.{2}] is empty and will be ignored
  static final String                    I18N_MESSAGE_TEXT_IS_EMPTY            = "I18NAntTask.message-text-is-empty";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Writing to bundle file [{0}] the key=message of: {1}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Writing to bundle file [{0}] the key=message of: {1}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Writing to bundle file [{0}] the key=message of: {1}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Writing to bundle file [{0}] the key=message of: {1}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Writing to bundle file [{0}] the key=message of: {1}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Writing to bundle file [{0}] the key=message of: {1}
  static final String                    I18N_WRITING_MESSAGE_TO_BUNDLE          = "I18NAntTask.writing-message-to-bundle";

  @I18NMessage("VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a duplicate key. "
      + "The message associated with this duplicate key is:\\n\\\n{3}")
  @I18NMessages(value = {
      @I18NMessage("VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a duplicate key. "
          + "The message associated with this duplicate key is:\\n\\\n{3}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a duplicate key. "
          + "The message associated with this duplicate key is:\\n\\\n{3}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a duplicate key. "
          + "The message associated with this duplicate key is:\\n\\\n{3}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a duplicate key. "
          + "The message associated with this duplicate key is:\\n\\\n{3}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a duplicate key. "
          + "The message associated with this duplicate key is:\\n\\\n{3}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a duplicate key. "
  + "The message associated with this duplicate key is:\\n\\\n{3}
  static final String                    I18N_VERIFY_WARNING_DUPLICATE          = "I18NAntTask.warning-duplicate";

  @I18NMessages(value = {
      @I18NMessage("VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a text value "
          + "that contains a newline break at character #[{3}] but is not preceded by " + "an escape backslash (\\\\):\\n\\\n" + "\"...{4}\"\\n\\\n"
          + "Please make sure this is the value you really want:\\n\\\n{5}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a text value "
          + "that contains a newline break at character #[{3}] but is not preceded by " + "an escape backslash (\\\\):\\n\\\n" + "\"...{4}\"\\n\\\n"
          + "Please make sure this is the value you really want:\\n\\\n{5}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a text value "
          + "that contains a newline break at character #[{3}] but is not preceded by " + "an escape backslash (\\\\):\\n\\\n" + "\"...{4}\"\\n\\\n"
          + "Please make sure this is the value you really want:\\n\\\n{5}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a text value "
          + "that contains a newline break at character #[{3}] but is not preceded by " + "an escape backslash (\\\\):\\n\\\n" + "\"...{4}\"\\n\\\n"
          + "Please make sure this is the value you really want:\\n\\\n{5}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a text value "
          + "that contains a newline break at character #[{3}] but is not preceded by " + "an escape backslash (\\\\):\\n\\\n" + "\"...{4}\"\\n\\\n"
          + "Please make sure this is the value you really want:\\n\\\n{5}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a text value "
        + "that contains a newline break at character #[{3}] but is not preceded by " + "an escape backslash (\\\\):\\n\\\n" + "\"...{4}\"\\n\\\n"
        + "Please make sure this is the value you really want:\\n\\\n{5}
  static final String                    I18N_VERIFY_WARNING_UNESCAPED_NEWLINE      = "I18NAntTask.warning-unescaped-newline";

  @I18NMessage("VERIFY WARNING: The I18N message [{0}] found on field [{1}.{2}] has a text value "
      + "that contains a quoted placeholder.  Check your use of single quotes and make " + "sure you are using them the way you want:\\n\\\n{3}")
  static final String                    I18N_VERIFY_WARNING_QUOTED_PLACEHOLDER      = "I18NAntTask.warning-quoted-placeholder";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Cannot create output directory [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Cannot create output directory [{0}]", locale = "en_UK"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Ausgabe-Verzeichnis kann nicht erstellt werden: [{0}]", locale = "de") //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "msgurl")
  static final String                    I18N_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTPUT_DIR          = "I18NAntTask.cannot-create-output-dir";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Output directory is not a true directory [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Output directory is not a true directory [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Output directory is not a true directory [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Das Ausgabe-Verzeichnis ist kein (gültiges) Verzeichnis", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Output directory is not a true directory [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief Output directory is not a true directory [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_NOT_A_DIR            = "I18NAntTask.output-dir-not-a-dir";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("There are no class filesets defined"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "There are no class filesets defined", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "There are no class filesets defined" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "There are no class filesets defined", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "There are no class filesets defined" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief There are no class filesets defined
  static final String                    I18N_NO_CLASS_FILESETS              = "";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("There is no classpath defined or the classpath is empty"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "There is no classpath defined or the classpath is empty", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "There is no classpath defined or the classpath is empty" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "There is no classpath defined or the classpath is empty", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "There is no classpath defined or the classpath is empty" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief There is no classpath defined or the classpath is empty
  static final String                    I18N_EMPTY_CLASSPATH              = "I18NAntTask.empty-classpath";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Verbose mode is ON"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Verbose mode is ON", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Verbose mode is ON" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Verbose mode is ON", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Verbose mode is ON" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \var I18N_VERBOSE_ON
   * \brief Verbose mode is ON
  static final String                    I18N_VERBOSE_ON                  = "I18NAntTask.verbose-on";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Default locale is [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Default locale is [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Default locale is [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Das Standard-Gebietsschema (locale) ist [{0}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Default locale is [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Default locale is [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_DEFAULT_LOCALE                = "I18NAntTask.default-locale";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Verify mode is {0}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Verify mode is {0}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Verify mode is {0}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Prüf-Modus ist {0}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Verify mode is {0}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \var I18N_VERIFY_MODE
   * \brief Verify mode is {0}
  static final String                    I18N_VERIFY_MODE                = "I18NAntTask.verify-mode";

  @I18NMessages(value = {
      @I18NMessage("Append mode is {0}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Append mode is {0}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Append mode is {0}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Anfügemodus ist {0}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Wenn der Anfügemodus auf ON gesetzt ist, wird die Resource-Datei erweitert.\n"
          + "andernfalls wird sie neu erstellt, der bisherige Inhalt wird überschrieben."//
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \var I18N_APPEND_MODE
   * \brief Append mode is {0}
  static final String                    I18N_APPEND_MODE                = "I18NAntTask.append-mode";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Output directory is: [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Output directory is: [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Output directory is: [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Output directory is: [{0}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Output directory is: [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \var I18N_OUTPUT_DIR
   * \brief Output directory is: [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_OUTPUT_DIR                  = "I18NAntTask.output-dir";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Java-Classpath: [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Classpath: [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Classpath: [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Java-Klassenpfad-Name: [{0}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Classpath: [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \var I18N_CLASSPATH
   * \brief Classpath: [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_CLASSPATH                  = "I18NAntTask.classpath";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Help Doc: [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Help Doc: [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Help Doc: [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Help Doc: [{0}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Help Doc: [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \var I18N_HELPDOC
   * \brief Help Doc: [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC                  = "I18NAntTask.helpdoc";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The <helpdoc> element has already been specified.  Cannot specify it more than once."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> element has already been specified.  Cannot specify it more than once.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> element has already been specified.  Cannot specify it more than once." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> element has already been specified.  Cannot specify it more than once.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> element has already been specified.  Cannot specify it more than once." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The <helpdoc> element has already been specified.  Cannot specify it more than once.
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC_ALREADY_SPECIFIED          = "I18NAntTask.helpdoc-already-exists";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] exists but is not actually a directory."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] exists but is not actually a directory.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] exists but is not actually a directory." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] exists but is not actually a directory.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] exists but is not actually a directory." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] exists but is not actually a directory.
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC_OUTPUT_DIR_NOT_A_DIR        = "I18NAntTask.helpdoc-outputdir-not-dir";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] cannot be created"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] cannot be created", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] cannot be created" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] cannot be created", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] cannot be created" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The <helpdoc> output directory [{0}] cannot be created
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTPUT_DIR      = "I18NAntTask.cannot-create-helpdoc-outputdir";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The <helpdoc> output directory is required but was not specified."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> output directory is required but was not specified.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> output directory is required but was not specified." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> output directory is required but was not specified.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> output directory is required but was not specified." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The <helpdoc> output directory is required but was not specified.
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC_OUTPUT_DIR_IS_NULL          = "I18NAntTask.helpdoc-outputdir-missing";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The <helpdoc> template item file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> template item file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> template item file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> template item file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> template item file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The <helpdoc> template item file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_ITEM_FILE_NOT_A_FILE    = "I18NAntTask.helpdoc-templateitem-not-file";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The <helpdoc> template header file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> template header file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> template header file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> template header file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> template header file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W_0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The <helpdoc> template header file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_HEADER_FILE_NOT_A_FILE  = "I18NAntTask.helpdoc-templateheader-not-file";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The <helpdoc> template footer file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> template footer file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> template footer file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The <helpdoc> template footer file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The <helpdoc> template footer file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The <helpdoc> template footer file [{0}] exists but is actually a directory.
  static final String                    I18N_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_FOOTER_FILE_NOT_A_FILE  = "I18NAntTask.helpdoc-templatefooter-not-file";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Writing helpdoc item [{0}] for bundle [{1}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Writing helpdoc item [{0}] for bundle [{1}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Writing helpdoc item [{0}] for bundle [{1}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Writing helpdoc item [{0}] for bundle [{1}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Writing helpdoc item [{0}] for bundle [{1}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Writing helpdoc item [{0}] for bundle [{1}]
  static final String                    I18N_WRITING_HELPDOC_ITEM            = "I18NAntTask.writing-helpdoc-item";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Appending template footer to the helpdoc [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Appending template footer to the helpdoc [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Appending template footer to the helpdoc [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Appending template footer to the helpdoc [{0}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Appending template footer to the helpdoc [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "msgurl")
   * \brief Appending template footer to the helpdoc [{0}]
  static final String                    I18N_WRITING_HELPDOC_FOOTER            = "I18NAntTask.writing-helpdoc-footer";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("The template footer contents is empty - not writing anything to the helpdoc."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The template footer contents is empty - not writing anything to the helpdoc.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "The template footer contents is empty - not writing anything to the helpdoc." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "The template footer contents is empty - not writing anything to the helpdoc.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "The template footer contents is empty - not writing anything to the helpdoc." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief The template footer contents is empty - not writing anything to the helpdoc.
  static final String                    I18N_NOT_WRITING_EMPTY_HELPDOC_FOOTER      = "I18NAntTask.not-writing-empty-helpdoc-footer";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Ignoring the message [{0}] because it does not have a help description."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Ignoring the message [{0}] because it does not have a help description.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Ignoring the message [{0}] because it does not have a help description." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Ignoring the message [{0}] because it does not have a help description.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Ignoring the message [{0}] because it does not have a help description." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Ignoring the message [{0}] because it does not have a help description.
  static final String                    I18N_IGNORE_NON_HELP_MESSAGE          = "I18NAntTask.ignore-non-help-message";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("A default locale has been defined [{0}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "A default locale has been defined [{0}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "A default locale has been defined [{0}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "A default locale has been defined [{0}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "A default locale has been defined [{0}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief A default locale has been defined [{0}]
  static final String                    DEFAULT_LOCALE_DEFINED              = "I18NAntTask.default-locale-defined";

  @I18NMessages(value = {
      @I18NMessage("VERIFY WARNING: A default locale has not been defined.\n" + "If your users are in a locale which is not supported,\n"
          + "they will not see any messages."), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "VERIFY WARNING: A default locale has not been defined.\n" + "If your users are in a locale which is not supported,\n"
          + "they will not see any messages.", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: A default locale has not been defined.\\n\\\n" + "If your users are in a locale which is not supported,\\n\\\n"
          + "they will not see any messages." //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Eine Standard-locale ist nicht angegeben.\n" + "If your users are in a locale which is not supported,\n"
          + "they will not see any messages.", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "VERIFY WARNING: A default locale has not been defined.\n" + "If your users are in a locale which is not supported,\n"
          + "they will not see any messages." //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-W-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief VERIFY WARNING: A default locale has not been defined.\\n\\\n" + "If your users are in a locale which is not supported,\\n\\\n"
        + "they will not see any messages.
  static final String                    I18N_VERIFY_WARNING_DEFAULT_LOCALE_NOT_DEFINED  = "I18NAntTask.warning-default-locale-not-defined";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("Failed to copy resource bundle [{0}] to [{1}]. Cause: {2}"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to copy resource bundle [{0}] to [{1}]. Cause: {2}", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "Failed to copy resource bundle [{0}] to [{1}]. Cause: {2}" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "Failed to copy resource bundle [{0}] to [{1}]. Cause: {2}", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "Failed to copy resource bundle [{0}] to [{1}]. Cause: {2}" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-E-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief Failed to copy resource bundle [{0}] to [{1}]. Cause: {2}
  static final String                    FAILED_TO_COPY_BUNDLE              = "I18NAntTask.failed-to-copy-bundle";

  @I18NMessages(value = { @I18NMessage("[{0}] resource bundles have been created to support the default locale of [{1}]"), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] resource bundles have been created to support the default locale of [{1}]", locale = "en_UK", //
      explanation = "[{0}] resource bundles have been created to support the default locale of [{1}]" //
      ), //
      @I18NMessage(value = "[{0}] resource bundles have been created to support the default locale of [{1}]", locale = "de", //
      explanation = "[{0}] resource bundles have been created to support the default locale of [{1}]" //
      ) //
  }, msgnum = "I18N-I-0000", msgurl = "")
   * \brief [{0}] resource bundles have been created to support the default locale of [{1}]
  static final String                    DEFAULT_BUNDLES_CREATED              = "I18NAntTask.default-bundles-created";

   * The file set containing the class files that will be examined for I18N annotations.
  protected List<FileSet>                  m_classFilesets                  = new ArrayList<FileSet>();

   * Flag to indicate that this task should log some debug messages during processing.
  protected boolean                    m_verbose                    = false;

   * Flag to indicate that this task should verify the correctness of the bundles and messages to be generated.
  protected boolean                    m_verify                    = true;

   * If <code>true</code>, the messages will be appended to the end of the resource bundle files if they already
   * exist. If <code>false</code>, the resource bundle files that do exist will be overwritten.
  private boolean                      m_append                    = false;

   * If not <code>null</code>, this is the locale that will be used as the default locale for the application. If
   * a resource bundle file is generated with this locale, that resource bundle file will be copied under a
   * filename which is just the base bundle name, excluding a language/country/variant.
  private Locale                      m_defaultLocale                  = null;

   * The base directory where the generate files will be written.
  protected File                      m_outputDir;

   * The classpath that is to be used to load in the classes in the class filesets.
  private Path                      m_classpath;

   * Used for verifying - this will contain all the keys generated in all the bundles so we can detect duplicates.
  private Map<ResourceBundleDefinition, List<String>>    m_generatedBundleMessageKeys;

   * Map that contains counters of the number of messages in each generated bundle for reporting purposes at the
   * end of the task's execution. This is also useful for determine what resource bundles were generated.
  private Map<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger>  m_bundleCounters;

   * Map that contains counters of the number of help doc items in each generated help document for reporting
   * purposes at the end of the task's execution.
  private Map<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger>  m_helpdocCounters;

   * The optional help documentation information which indicates how to generate the help docs.
  private Helpdoc                      m_helpdoc                    = null;

   * Adds a file set that contains class files this task will process.
   * @param fs the new fileset
  public void addClassfileset(FileSet fs) {

   * Adds a class fileset to the task given a reference to the fileset.
   * @param reference the fileset reference
  public void setClassfilesetRef(Reference reference) {

   * Sets the verbose flag which, when <code>true</code>, will allow this task to emit debug messages.
   * @param verbose
  public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
    m_verbose = verbose;

   * Sets the verify flag which, when <code>true</code>, will force this task to ensure the correctness of the
   * bundles and messages being generated (such as checking to make sure duplicate resource keys do not exist in a
   * bundle).
   * @param verify
  public void setVerify(boolean verify) {
    m_verify = verify;

   * Sets the base output directory where the generated files will go.
   * @param directory
  public void setOutputDir(File directory) {
    m_outputDir = directory;

   * If <code>true</code>, this task will append the messages it generates to resource bundle files that already
   * exist. If <code>false</code>, any existing resource bundle will be overwritten.
   * @param append
  public void setAppend(boolean append) {
    m_append = append;

   * Sets the locale that is to be considered the application's default locale. If an i18n message does not have a
   * declared locale (in either its {@link I18NMessage} or its enclosing {@link I18NResourceBundle} annotation),
   * this defines its locale.
   * <p>In addition, if a resource bundle is generated with the given locale, that resource bundle properties file
   * will be copied and the new file will be named with the base bundle file excluding the locale string. This
   * allows the running application to fallback to this given default locale, if the user's locale is not
   * supported (that is, the application does not have a localized resource bundle for the user's locale).</p>
   * <p>Example: assume the given <code>default_locale</code> is "en". Assume also that this ANT task has generated
   * a resource bundle with a base name of "my-messages" with the "en" locale (i.e. a resource bundle properties
   * file named "" was generated). Since this ANT task was told to assume the default
   * locale is "en", it will copy "" and name that copy "". If a
   * user runs the application and that user's locale does not have a resource bundle specific to it, this
   * "" file will be used to locate the i18n messages - which means the user will see English
   * localized messages. If a default locale was not specified, the user would not see any localized messages for
   * any language.</p>
   * @param default_locale
  public void setDefaultLocale(String default_locale) {
    m_defaultLocale = parseLocaleString(default_locale);

  * Set the classpath to be used when running the Java class
  * @param s an Ant Path object containing the classpath.
  public void setClasspath(Path s) {

   * Classpath to use, by reference.
   * @param r a reference to an existing classpath
  public void setClasspathRef(Reference r) {

   * If it does not yet exist, this will create an empty classpath. If it was already created, it will be
   * returned. This public method is required to support the nested classpath element.
   * @return the classpath
  public Path createClasspath() {
    if (m_classpath == null) {
      m_classpath = new Path(getProject());

    return m_classpath;

   * Adds the helpdoc element which indicates how to generate the help document. This is optional but only one can
   * be specified.
   * @param  helpdoc the configured helpdoc element
   * @throws BuildException if the helpdoc element was specified more than once
  public void addConfiguredHelpdoc(Helpdoc helpdoc) throws BuildException {
    if (m_helpdoc != null) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_HELPDOC_ALREADY_SPECIFIED));

    m_helpdoc = helpdoc;


   * @see
  public void execute() throws BuildException {
    logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_ENCODING_NAMES, Charset.defaultCharset().name(), OUTPUT_CHARSET_NAME);


    if (m_verify) {
      m_generatedBundleMessageKeys = new HashMap<ResourceBundleDefinition, List<String>>();

    m_bundleCounters = new HashMap<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger>();
    m_helpdocCounters = new HashMap<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger>();

    AntClassLoader classloader = new AntClassLoader(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), getProject(), m_classpath, true);

    List<String> class_files = getClassesFromFileSets(m_classFilesets);
    for (String class_file : class_files) {
      try {
        class_file = getClassNameFromClassFile(class_file);
//        if (class_file.endsWith(".class") == true) {
          logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_PROCESSING_CLASS, class_file);
          Class clazz = classloader.loadClass(class_file);
          logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_LOADED_CLASS, clazz);

          if (processI18NClass(clazz) == false) {
            logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_CLASS_IGNORED, clazz);
//        }
      catch (Exception e) {
        logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_CANNOT_FIND_CLASS, class_file, e.getMessage());
        // throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_CANNOT_FIND_CLASS, class_file, e.getMessage()));

    // let's finish the help documents by appending the footer
    if (m_helpdoc != null) {
      try {
        for (Map.Entry<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger> entry : m_helpdocCounters.entrySet()) {
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_CANNOT_APPEND_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_FOOTER, e.getMessage()), e);

    // now make copies of the resource bundles so the default locale is used in non-supported locales
    if (m_defaultLocale != null) {
      logMsgIfVerbose(DEFAULT_LOCALE_DEFINED, m_defaultLocale);

      // to avoid concurrent modifications to m_bundleCounters, store in here the new, default bundles we create
      Map<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger> default_bundles = new HashMap<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger>();

      for (Map.Entry<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger> bundle_counter : m_bundleCounters.entrySet()) {
        ResourceBundleDefinition generated_bundle = bundle_counter.getKey();

        if (m_defaultLocale.equals(generated_bundle.locale)) {
          // generated bundle is one that contains messages in the same locale as the default locale.
          // copy that bundle ("") to a default bundle ("")
          ResourceBundleDefinition default_bundle = new ResourceBundleDefinition();
          default_bundle.baseName = generated_bundle.baseName;
          default_bundle.locale = null;

          copyResourceBundle(generated_bundle, default_bundle);

          MutableInteger count = new MutableInteger();
          count.value = bundle_counter.getValue().value;

          default_bundles.put(default_bundle, count);

      // since we've created more bundles, let's add them to our running counter

      logMsgIfVerbose(DEFAULT_BUNDLES_CREATED, default_bundles.size(), m_defaultLocale);
    else {
      if (m_verify) {

    // we are done generating the files - let's log a report of what we did
    if (m_bundleCounters.size() > 0) {
      if (m_verbose) {
        logMsg(I18N_BUNDLES_PLACED_IN_DIR, m_outputDir);
        for (Map.Entry<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger> entry : m_bundleCounters.entrySet()) {
          logMsg(I18N_BUNDLE_MESSAGE_COUNTER, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().value);

        if (m_helpdoc != null) {
          logMsg(HELPDOCS_PLACED_IN_DIR, m_helpdoc.getOutputdir());
          for (Map.Entry<ResourceBundleDefinition, MutableInteger> entry : m_helpdocCounters.entrySet()) {
            logMsg(HELPDOCS_MESSAGE_COUNTER, entry.getKey(), m_helpdoc.getOutputfileext(), entry.getValue().value);
      else {
        int num_bundles = 0;
        int num_messages = 0;

        for (MutableInteger num_messages_in_bundle : m_bundleCounters.values()) {
          num_messages += num_messages_in_bundle.value;

        logMsg(I18N_NUM_BUNDLES_MESSAGES_CREATED, num_bundles, num_messages);

        if (m_helpdoc != null) {
          int num_helpdocs = 0;
          int num_helpdocs_items = 0;

          for (MutableInteger num_items_in_helpdoc : m_bundleCounters.values()) {
            num_helpdocs_items += num_items_in_helpdoc.value;

          logMsg(NUM_HELPDOCS_ITEMS_CREATED, num_helpdocs, num_helpdocs_items);
    else {


   * Processes the I18N annotations found on the given class and its fields. Returns <code>true</code> if the
   * given class was annotated in such a way as to indicate it is internationalized and was processed by this
   * task. <code>false</code> is returned if the class did not have any I18N annotations.
   * @param  clazz the clazz to process
   * @return <code>true</code> if this class was processed by this task, <code>false</code> if this class did not
   *         have any I18N information annotated on it
   * @throws BuildException if the class was inappropriately annotated with the I18N annotations

  private boolean processI18NClass(Class<?> clazz) throws BuildException {
    boolean was_internationalized = false;

    // This defines the default resource bundle - the no-arg constructor call here sets the defaults
    // to reasonable values; these can be used if a resource bundle annotation does not exist at the top class-level.
    ResourceBundleDefinition default_bundle_def = new ResourceBundleDefinition();

    // Process the top class-level resource bundle annotation, if one exists.
    // This will be the default resource bundle definition for all messages defined on the class's fields.
    if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(I18NResourceBundle.class) == true) {
      I18NResourceBundle bundle_ann = clazz.getAnnotation(I18NResourceBundle.class);
      processI18NResourceBundleAnnotation(default_bundle_def, bundle_ann);
      was_internationalized = true;

      logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_CLASS_ANNOTATED_WITH_BUNDLE, clazz.getName(), default_bundle_def);
    else {
      logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_CLASS_NOT_ANNOTATED_WITH_BUNDLE, clazz.getName(), default_bundle_def);

    // now go through each field in the class and build our resource bundle based on the I18N messages we find
    Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();

    for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
      Field field = fields[i];
      List<I18NMessage> i18n_messages_list = new ArrayList<I18NMessage>();

      // see if this field overrides the default bundle definition
      ResourceBundleDefinition field_bundle;

      if (field.isAnnotationPresent(I18NResourceBundle.class) == true) {
        field_bundle = new ResourceBundleDefinition();
        processI18NResourceBundleAnnotation(field_bundle, field.getAnnotation(I18NResourceBundle.class));
        logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_FIELD_ANNOTATED_WITH_BUNDLE, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), field_bundle);
      else {
        field_bundle = default_bundle_def;

      // get all the I18N messages that are associated with this field (if there are any at all)
      if (field.isAnnotationPresent(I18NMessages.class)) {

      if (field.isAnnotationPresent(I18NMessage.class)) {

      // if there are messages/bundles to be generated for this field, generate them now
      if (i18n_messages_list.size() > 0) {
        generateResourceBundle(clazz, field, field_bundle, i18n_messages_list);
        was_internationalized = true;

      i18n_messages_list = null;

    return was_internationalized;

   * This will generate the given I18N messages in the resource bundle defined by <code>bundle</code>.
   * @param  clazz              the class that contains the given I18N-annotated field
   * @param  field              the field that was I18N-annotated, whose value is the bundle key and must be a
   *                            static final
   * @param  bundle             the resource bundle where the messages should be written
   * @param  i18n_messages_list the list of I18N messages that are associated with the field
   * @throws BuildException if the bundles or its messages could not be generated for some reason
  private void generateResourceBundle(Class<?> clazz, Field field, ResourceBundleDefinition bundle, List<I18NMessage> i18n_messages_list)
      throws BuildException {
    logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_FIELD_MESSAGE_COUNT, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), i18n_messages_list.size());

    // make sure only static final String constants are being annotated
    if (!field.getType().equals(String.class)) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_FIELD_NOT_STRING, clazz.getName(), field.getName()));

    if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers()) || !Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_FIELD_NOT_STATIC_FINAL, clazz.getName(), field.getName()));

    // get field's value - this is the resource bundle message key (the left side of the equals sign in the properties file)
    String bundle_key;

    try {
      bundle_key = (String) field.get(null);

      if ((bundle_key == null) || (bundle_key.length() == 0)) {
        throw new Exception(getMsg(I18N_FIELD_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY));

      if (bundle_key.indexOf('=') > -1) {
        throw new Exception(getMsg(I18N_NO_EQUALS_ALLOWED, bundle_key));
    catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_FAILED_TO_GET_FIELD_VALUE, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), e.getMessage()));

    // at this point we have the resource bundle key (bundle_key), the resource bundle file information
    // and the resource bundle messages themselves. Now we need to generate the resource bundle files.
    for (I18NMessage i18n_message : i18n_messages_list) {
      try {
        writeI18NMessage(clazz, field, bundle, bundle_key, i18n_message);
      catch (BuildException be) {
        throw be;
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_FAILED_TO_WRITE_TO_BUNDLE, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), e.getMessage()), e);


   * Writes the I18N message to the resource bundle file. It will also generate the helpdoc item for the message,
   * if help documentation has been enabled.
   * <p>If the <code>i18n_message</code>'s text is <code>null</code> or an empty string, it will be ignored and
   * this method will not write anything.</p>
   * @param  clazz        the class that contains the given I18N-annotated field
   * @param  field        the field that was annotated with the given I18N message
   * @param  bundle       describes the resource bundle - use this to determine the filename of the bundle (note
   *                      that the given I18N message may override the locale of this bundle with its own locale)
   * @param  bundle_key   the resource bundle key of the message
   * @param  i18n_message the actual message
   * @throws BuildException if failed to write the message to the resource bundle file
   * @throws IOException    if cannot open the bundle file for writing
  private void writeI18NMessage(Class<?> clazz, Field field, ResourceBundleDefinition bundle, String bundle_key, I18NMessage i18n_message)
      throws BuildException, IOException {
    String msg_text = i18n_message.value();
    String msg_locale = i18n_message.locale();

    // the I18N message may define what locale it is translated in; if it does not, assume the bundle locale
    ResourceBundleDefinition bundle_to_write_to = bundle;

    if ((msg_locale != null) && (msg_locale.length() > 0)) {
      bundle_to_write_to = new ResourceBundleDefinition();
      bundle_to_write_to.baseName = bundle.baseName;
      bundle_to_write_to.locale = parseLocaleString(msg_locale);

    // make sure the message text is defined; if not, its probably a language translation placeholder - ignore it
    if ((msg_text == null) || (msg_text.trim().length() == 0)) {
      logMsg(I18N_MESSAGE_TEXT_IS_EMPTY, bundle_key, clazz.getName(), field.getName());

    // if verifying, make sure a newline in text is followed by an escape \
    // since most times, a newline in a bundle message should be followed by a \ character to indicate the
    // message continues on the next line
    if (m_verify) {
      checkNewlines(clazz, field, bundle_key, msg_text);
      checkSingleQuotes(clazz, field, bundle_key, msg_text);
      checkForDuplicate(clazz, field, bundle_to_write_to, bundle_key, msg_text);

    // update our counter to indicate we are adding one more message to the bundle
    // if this is the first time we've seen this bundle file, determine if we should append to it or not
    boolean append_bundle = true;
    MutableInteger old_bundle_count = m_bundleCounters.get(bundle_to_write_to);

    if (old_bundle_count == null) {
      old_bundle_count = new MutableInteger();
      m_bundleCounters.put(bundle_to_write_to, old_bundle_count);
      append_bundle = m_append;


    // now write the message to the bundle file
    File bundle_file = new File(m_outputDir, bundle_to_write_to + ".properties");
    String resource_key_and_value = bundle_key + "=" + msg_text;

    logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_WRITING_MESSAGE_TO_BUNDLE, bundle_file, resource_key_and_value);

    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(bundle_file, append_bundle), OUTPUT_CHARSET_NAME));

    // now write the help doc item for this message
    if (m_helpdoc != null) {
      // ignore this message if only those messages with help descriptions are to be
      // processed but this message does not have a help description
      if (!m_helpdoc.getHelpmessagesonly() || (( != null) && ( > 0))) {
        boolean append_helpdoc = true;
        boolean include_header = false;
        MutableInteger old_helpdoc_count = m_helpdocCounters.get(bundle_to_write_to);

        if (old_helpdoc_count == null) {
          old_helpdoc_count = new MutableInteger();
          m_helpdocCounters.put(bundle_to_write_to, old_helpdoc_count);
          append_helpdoc = m_helpdoc.getAppend();
          include_header = true;


        try {
          writeHelpDocItem(clazz, field, bundle_to_write_to, bundle_key, i18n_message, append_helpdoc, include_header);
        catch (Exception e) {
          throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_FAILED_TO_WRITE_HELPDOC_ITEM, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), e.getMessage()), e);
      else {
        logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_IGNORE_NON_HELP_MESSAGE, bundle_key);


   * Writes the help doc item for a I18N message.
   * @param  clazz          the class that contains the given I18N-annotated field
   * @param  field          the field that was annotated with the given I18N message
   * @param  bundle         describes the resource bundle that is associated with the message
   * @param  bundle_key     the resource bundle key of the message
   * @param  i18n_message   the actual message (message text must not be <code>null</code>)
   * @param  append         indicates if the help doc item should be appended to the help doc output file
   * @param  include_header if <code>true</code>, the template header file contents should be output first
   * @throws Exception if failed to write the help doc item to the help doc output file
  private void writeHelpDocItem(Class<?> clazz, Field field, ResourceBundleDefinition bundle, String bundle_key, I18NMessage i18n_message, boolean append,
      boolean include_header) throws Exception {
    logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_WRITING_HELPDOC_ITEM, bundle_key, bundle);

    String template_contents = m_helpdoc.getTemplateitemContents();
    template_contents = replaceAll(template_contents, Helpdoc.TEMPLATE_BUNDLE, bundle.toString());
    template_contents = replaceAll(template_contents, Helpdoc.TEMPLATE_KEY, bundle_key);
    template_contents = replaceAll(template_contents, Helpdoc.TEMPLATE_MESSAGE, i18n_message.value());

    if ( != null) {
      template_contents = replaceAll(template_contents, Helpdoc.TEMPLATE_HELP,;

    File helpdoc_file = new File(m_helpdoc.getOutputdir(), bundle + m_helpdoc.getOutputfileext());
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(helpdoc_file, append));

    if (include_header) {
      String header_contents = m_helpdoc.getTemplateheaderContents();
      header_contents = replaceAll(header_contents, Helpdoc.TEMPLATE_BUNDLE, bundle.toString());



   * Writes footer to the help doc associated with the given bundle.
   * @param  bundle describes the resource bundle that is associated help doc
   * @throws Exception if failed to write the footer to the help doc
  private void writeHelpDocFooter(ResourceBundleDefinition bundle) throws Exception {
    File helpdoc_file = new File(m_helpdoc.getOutputdir(), bundle + m_helpdoc.getOutputfileext());
    String footer_contents = m_helpdoc.getTemplatefooterContents();

    logMsgIfVerbose(I18N_WRITING_HELPDOC_FOOTER, helpdoc_file);

    if ((footer_contents != null) && (footer_contents.length() > 0)) {
      footer_contents = replaceAll(footer_contents, Helpdoc.TEMPLATE_BUNDLE, bundle.toString());
      PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(helpdoc_file, true));
    else {


   * This checks to see if the given <code>bundle_key</code> has been generated before in the same <code>
   * bundle</code>. If so, a simple warning is logged but nothing else is done - the task should continue
   * normally.
   * @param clazz      the class that has the annotated field
   * @param field      the annotated field where the I18N message being verified was found
   * @param bundle     the resource bundle where the bundle key/text is to be stored
   * @param bundle_key the resource bundle key that is being checked if its a duplicate
   * @param text       the text message associated with the bundle key
  private void checkForDuplicate(Class<?> clazz, Field field, ResourceBundleDefinition bundle, String bundle_key, String text) {
    List<String> bundleKeyList = m_generatedBundleMessageKeys.get(bundle);
    if (bundleKeyList != null) {
      if (bundleKeyList.contains(bundle_key)) {
        logMsg(I18N_VERIFY_WARNING_DUPLICATE, bundle_key, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), text);
    else {
      bundleKeyList = new ArrayList<String>();
      m_generatedBundleMessageKeys.put(bundle, bundleKeyList);


   * This verifies that, if the given text string contains a single quote character, that no placeholders appear
   * within the quoted portion of the string. While it is valid to have a message look something like <code>"this
   * is quoted '{0}'</code>", it is usually not going to be what the developer wants it to be. Usually, the only
   * time "{#}" strings exist in the message is because they are meant to be placeholders that are to be replaced
   * with values during runtime. However, having them within single quotes effectively creates them as literal
   * "{#}" strings and they will not get replaced (see the Javadoc on <code>java.text.MessageFormat</code> for the
   * syntax rules). This type of error usually occurs when an English-speaking developer uses apostrophes in the
   * message, not realizing that the single apostrophe has this effect (e.g. <code>"you don't want to do this
   * because the placeholder {0} is inside a single-quoted string and will not be replaced - so use the words DO
   * NOT instead"</code>). If such a condition exists in the given text string, a simple warning is logged but
   * nothing else is done - the task should continue normally.
   * @param clazz      the class that has the annotated field
   * @param field      the annotated field where the I18N message being verified was found
   * @param bundle_key the resource bundle key whose text message is being verified
   * @param text       the text that may have newlines that need to be verified
  private void checkSingleQuotes(Class<?> clazz, Field field, String bundle_key, String text) {
    int first_quote = text.indexOf('\'');
    int second_quote;
    boolean quoted_placeholder = false;

    while ((first_quote > -1) && !quoted_placeholder) {
      second_quote = text.indexOf('\'', first_quote + 1);

      // if the second quote is right after the first (''), this is a literal quote and will be skipped
      if ((first_quote + 1) == second_quote) {
        // go to the next single quote in the text
        first_quote = text.indexOf('\'', second_quote + 1);
      else {
        // if there is a second quote and it isn't at the last character,
        // look for a placeholder between first and second
        if (second_quote > -1) {
          quoted_placeholder = text.substring(first_quote, second_quote).matches("(?s).*\\{[0-9].*");
          first_quote = text.indexOf('\'', second_quote + 1);
        else {
          // there is no second quote or its at the last position, so just
          // look for a placeholder after the first quote
          quoted_placeholder = text.substring(first_quote).matches("(?s).*\\{[0-9].*");
          first_quote = -1;

    if (quoted_placeholder) {
      logMsg(I18N_VERIFY_WARNING_QUOTED_PLACEHOLDER, bundle_key, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), text);


   * This simply verifies that if the given text string has newline characters, that they are all preceded by an
   * escape backslash. Most of the time, your resource bundle strings will want to escape newline characters so
   * the bundle string is continued onto the next line. If an escape backslash is not found, a simple warning is
   * logged but nothing else is done - the task should continue normally.
   * @param clazz      the class that has the annotated field
   * @param field      the annotated field where the I18N message being verified was found
   * @param bundle_key the resource bundle key whose text message is being verified
   * @param text       the text that may have newlines that need to be verified
  private void checkNewlines(Class<?> clazz, Field field, String bundle_key, String text) {
    int newline_index = -1;
    do {
      int next_index_increment = 1; // assumes we'll find a \n and not a \r\n
      int start_search_index = newline_index;

      newline_index = text.indexOf("\r\n", start_search_index);
      if (newline_index == -1) {
        newline_index = text.indexOf("\n", start_search_index);
      else {
        next_index_increment = 2; // need to skip across the \r\n

      if (newline_index > -1) {
        // the message text has a newline
        // let's verify that it has an end-of-line escape character, since that's usually what you want
        if ((newline_index == 0) || (text.charAt(newline_index - 1) != '\\')) {
          logMsg(I18N_VERIFY_WARNING_UNESCAPED_NEWLINE, bundle_key, clazz.getName(), field.getName(), newline_index,
              text.substring(((newline_index - 30) < 0) ? 0 : (newline_index - 30), newline_index), text);

        newline_index += next_index_increment;
    while (newline_index > -1);

   * Given a resource bundle definition object and a resource bundle annotation, this will put the bundle
   * annotation settings into the definition. If a annotation attribute is not specified (<code>null</code> or an
   * empty string), the corresponding value in the given definition object is left as-is.
   * @param definition
   * @param annotation
  private void processI18NResourceBundleAnnotation(ResourceBundleDefinition definition, I18NResourceBundle annotation) {
    String ann_default_locale = annotation.defaultLocale();
    String ann_base_name = annotation.baseName();

    if ((ann_default_locale != null) && (ann_default_locale.length() > 0)) {
      definition.locale = parseLocaleString(ann_default_locale);

    if ((ann_base_name != null) && (ann_base_name.length() > 0)) {
      definition.baseName = ann_base_name;


   * Parses the locale string, which must be in the form of "language_country_variant" where country and variant
   * are optional, and returns that locale.
   * @param  locale_str the locale string in the form of "language_country_variant"
   * @return the locale
  private Locale parseLocaleString(String locale_str) {
    String[] locale_specs = locale_str.split("_");
    String language = (locale_specs.length > 0) ? locale_specs[0] : "";
    String country = (locale_specs.length > 1) ? locale_specs[1] : "";
    String variant = (locale_specs.length > 2) ? locale_specs[2] : "";

    return new Locale(language, country, variant);

   * Ensures that the information passed to the task is valid.
   * @throws BuildException if the task configuration was invalid in some way
  private void validateTaskConfiguration() throws BuildException {
    if (m_outputDir == null) {
      m_outputDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));

    if (!m_outputDir.exists()) {
      if (!m_outputDir.mkdirs()) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTPUT_DIR, m_outputDir));

    if (!m_outputDir.isDirectory()) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_OUTPUT_DIR_NOT_A_DIR, m_outputDir));

    if ((m_classFilesets == null) || (m_classFilesets.size() == 0)) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_NO_CLASS_FILESETS));

    if ((m_classpath == null) || (m_classpath.size() == 0)) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_EMPTY_CLASSPATH));

    if (m_helpdoc != null) {

    if (m_verbose) {
      logMsg(I18N_DEFAULT_LOCALE, new ResourceBundleDefinition().locale);
      logMsg(I18N_VERIFY_MODE, (m_verify) ? "ON" : "OFF");
      logMsg(I18N_APPEND_MODE, (m_append) ? "ON" : "OFF");
      logMsg(I18N_OUTPUT_DIR, m_outputDir);
      logMsg(I18N_CLASSPATH, m_classpath);
      if (m_helpdoc != null) {
      logMsg(I18N_HELPDOC, m_helpdoc);


   * Ensure that the given helpdoc element has been configured properly.
   * @param  helpdoc the helpdoc element to validate
   * @throws BuildException if the helpdoc element is missing some required information or has invalid information
  private void validateHelpdoc(Helpdoc helpdoc) throws BuildException {
    if (helpdoc.getTemplateitem() != null) {
      File template = new File(helpdoc.getTemplateitem());

      if (template.exists() && template.isDirectory()) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_ITEM_FILE_NOT_A_FILE, helpdoc.getTemplateitem()));

    if (helpdoc.getTemplateheader() != null) {
      File template = new File(helpdoc.getTemplateheader());

      if (template.exists() && template.isDirectory()) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_HEADER_FILE_NOT_A_FILE, helpdoc.getTemplateheader()));

    if (helpdoc.getTemplatefooter() != null) {
      File template = new File(helpdoc.getTemplatefooter());

      if (template.exists() && template.isDirectory()) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_HELPDOC_TEMPLATE_FOOTER_FILE_NOT_A_FILE, helpdoc.getTemplatefooter()));

    if (helpdoc.getOutputdir() == null) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_HELPDOC_OUTPUT_DIR_IS_NULL));

    File output = new File(helpdoc.getOutputdir());

    if (output.exists()) {
      if (!output.isDirectory()) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_HELPDOC_OUTPUT_DIR_NOT_A_DIR, helpdoc.getOutputdir()));
    else {

      if (!output.isDirectory()) {
        throw new BuildException(getMsg(I18N_HELPDOC_CANNOT_CREATE_OUTPUT_DIR, helpdoc.getOutputdir()));


   * Returns a list of class file string that are the included class files in the given filesets
   * @param  filesets the filesets containing the class files
   * @return list of path names to all the classes included in the given filesets
  private List<String> getClassesFromFileSets(List<FileSet> filesets) {
    List<String> class_files = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (Iterator<FileSet> iterator = filesets.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
      FileSet fileset =;
      DirectoryScanner ds = fileset.getDirectoryScanner(getProject());

      for (String file : ds.getIncludedFiles()) {

    return class_files;

   * Creates a fileset from a file set reference.
   * @param  reference the reference to convert
   * @return the reference's fileset
  private FileSet createFileSet(Reference reference) {
    FileSet fs = new FileSet();

    return fs;

   * Logs the message given a resource bundle key and placeholder replacement values.
   * @param key    the bundle key that is associated with the message to log
   * @param params values to replace the message's placeholders with
   * @see   Msg
  private void logMsg(String key, Object... params) {
    log(getMsg(key, params));

   * Logs the given message but only if {@link #setVerbose(boolean) verbose mode} is enabled.
   * @param key     the bundle key that is associated with the message to log if verbose is enabled
   * @param varargs values to replace the message's placeholders with
  private void logMsgIfVerbose(String key, Object... varargs) {
    if (m_verbose) {
      log(getMsg(key, varargs));

   * Gets an I18N message from this task's own resource bundle.
   * @param  key     the bundle key that is associated with the message to log
   * @param  varargs values to replace the message's placeholders with
   * @return the message in the VM's default locale
  private String getMsg(String key, Object... varargs) {
    return Msg.createMsg(BUNDLE_BASE_NAME, key, varargs).toString();

   * Returns the fully qualified name (in other words, dot notation) of the class that is specified by the given
   * class file name.
   * @param  class_file the class file name (includes path information with file separators and .class extension)
   * @return the fully qualified class name
  private String getClassNameFromClassFile(String class_file) {
    class_file = class_file.replace(File.separatorChar, '.');
    class_file = class_file.replaceAll("\\.class$", "");
    return class_file;

   * Replaces all substrings found in the target string with the replacement string.
   * @param  target_str           the string that has one or more substrings that are to be replaced with the
   *                              replacement string
   * @param  substring_to_replace the substring to find in the target - all instances of this substring in the
   *                              target will be replaced
   * @param  replacement          the string that replaces all the substrings found in the target string
   * @return the target string with all its substrings replaced
  private String replaceAll(String target_str, String substring_to_replace, String replacement) {
    return target_str.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(substring_to_replace), Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement));

   * Copies a resource bundle properties file.
   * @param  from identifies the resource bundle that is to be copied
   * @param  to   identifies the new resource bundle whose contents will be the same as the <code>from</code>
   *              bundle
   * @throws BuildException if failed to copy the resource bundle properties file
  private void copyResourceBundle(ResourceBundleDefinition from, ResourceBundleDefinition to) throws BuildException {
    File from_file = new File(m_outputDir, from + ".properties");
    File to_file = new File(m_outputDir, to + ".properties");
    InputStream from_stream = null;
    OutputStream to_stream = null;

    try {
      int buffer_size = 32768;

      from_stream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(from_file), buffer_size);
      to_stream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(to_file), buffer_size);

      byte[] buffer = new byte[buffer_size];

      for (int bytes =; bytes != -1; bytes = {
        to_stream.write(buffer, 0, bytes);

    catch (Exception e) {
      throw new BuildException(getMsg(FAILED_TO_COPY_BUNDLE, from_file, to_file, e.getMessage()), e);
    finally {
      try {
        if (to_stream != null) {
      catch (Exception e) {

      try {
        if (from_stream != null) {
      catch (Exception e) {


   * This is a simple object to encapsulate a resource bundle's base name and locale.
  private class ResourceBundleDefinition {
    String  baseName  = "messages";
    Locale  locale    = (m_defaultLocale != null) ? m_defaultLocale : Locale.getDefault();

     * @see Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
      return baseName + ((locale != null) ? ("_" + locale) : (""));

     * @see Object#equals(Object)
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      return this.toString().equals(obj.toString());

     * @see Object#hashCode()
    public int hashCode() {
      return this.toString().hashCode();

   * A simple mutable integer that we use as values in our counter map - this helps us avoid doing alot of
   * creating of temporary or short-lived integer objects.
  private class MutableInteger {
    int  value  = 0;

Related Classes of com.sos.i18n.ant.I18NAntTask

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