* Copyright 1997-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) Ericsson AB, 2004-2008. All rights reserved.
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* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
* a copy of the License at https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL.html
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* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
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package com.ericsson.ssa.sip;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.servlet.sip.ServletParseException;
import javax.servlet.sip.ar.SipTargetedRequestInfo;
import org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.util.LogUtil;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.LocalStringManagerImpl;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer;
import javax.servlet.sip.Parameterable;
* Base class for Join and Replace handling. This class holds the code for
* basic error handling of the request with Join or Replace header. It also
* find the session/application of the original request.
* @author binod
public abstract class SessionTarget {
protected Parameterable target = null;
private String callId = null;
private String fromTag = null;
private String toTag = null;
private String fragmentId = null;
private SipApplicationSessionImpl sas = null;
private SipSessionImplBase ss = null;
private static final Logger logger = LogUtil.SIP_LOGGER.getLogger();
protected static final LocalStringManagerImpl localStrings =
new LocalStringManagerImpl(SipSessionImplBase.class);
* Creates the Session Target.
* @param target Join or Replace Header
protected SessionTarget(Parameterable target) {
this.target = target;
* Set the CallId, from and to tags of the original request that is being
* targetted.
* @param callId
* @param fromTag
* @param toTag
protected void setParams(String callId, String fromTag, String toTag, String fid) {
this.callId = callId;
this.fromTag = fromTag;
this.toTag = toTag;
this.fragmentId = fid;
* Setup activity. It validates, header, find the dialog, sesion
* and application session.
* @param req
* @throws com.ericsson.ssa.sip.SessionTargetException
public static void setup(SipServletRequestImpl req)
throws SessionTargetException {
ListIterator<Parameterable> lit;
Parameterable join = null;
Parameterable replaces = null;
try {
lit = (ListIterator<Parameterable>)
} catch (ServletParseException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"errr_reading_join", "Error parsing Join header.");
throw new SessionTargetException(400, msg);
if (lit.hasNext()) {
join = lit.next();
if (lit.hasNext()) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"morethan_one_join","More than one Join or Replace Header");
throw new SessionTargetException(400, msg);
try {
lit =
(ListIterator<Parameterable>) req.getParameterableHeaders(Header.REPLACES);
} catch (ServletParseException ex) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"errr_reading_replaces", "Error parsing Replaces header.");
throw new SessionTargetException(400, msg);
if (lit.hasNext()) {
if (join != null) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"morethan_one_join","More than one Join or Replace Header");
throw new SessionTargetException(400, msg);
replaces = (ParameterableImpl) lit.next();
if (lit.hasNext()) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"morethan_one_join","More than one Join or Replace Header");
throw new SessionTargetException(400, msg);
SessionTarget st = null;
if (join != null) {
st = new JoinHandler(join);
} else if (replaces != null) {
st = new ReplacesHandler(replaces);
} else {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "There is no Join or Replace header");
if (!req.getMethod().equals("INVITE")) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"Join and Replace headers can be used only for INVITE requests.");
throw new SessionTargetException(400, msg);
try {
if (st.saveApplicationSession()) {
} catch (RemoteLockException ex) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex);
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"unknown_error_jr","Unknown error during Join/Replace handling");
throw new SessionTargetException(500, "");
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Join/Replace is setup now.");
* @return the application session for this join/replace.
public SipApplicationSessionImpl getApplicationSessionImpl() {
return this.sas;
* @return the session of the original or targetted request.
public SipSessionImplBase getSessionImpl() {
return this.ss;
//Well, since JOIN and Replace really are initial requests, fid wouldnt
//be there..
private String computeFragmentId(int i) {
return ApplicationServer.getServerContext().getInstanceName() + "_" + i;
* Find the dialog, session and application session.
* @throws com.ericsson.ssa.sip.SessionTargetException
* @throws com.ericsson.ssa.sip.RemoteLockException
boolean saveApplicationSession()
throws SessionTargetException, RemoteLockException {
String fid = fragmentId;
DialogFragment d = null;
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
if (fragmentId == null) {
fid = computeFragmentId(i);
String id = DialogFragment.createKey(callId, toTag, fromTag, fid);
d = DialogFragmentManager.getInstance().findDialogFragment(id);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("Dialog using key " + id + " is :" + d);
if (d != null || fragmentId != null) {
PathNode p = null;
if (d != null && d.isValid()) {
Iterator<PathNode> iter = null;
if (fromTag.equals(d.getFromTag())) {
iter = d.getCallee2CallerPath();
} else {
iter = d.getCaller2CalleePath();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
p = iter.next();
if (p != null) {
if (! p.getType().equals(PathNode.Type.Proxy)) {
SipSessionBase ss = p.getSipSession();
if (ss.isValid()) {
this.sas = ss.getApplicationSessionImpl();
this.ss = (SipSessionImplBase) ss;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("Found the original dialog/session/sas"
+" for Join/Replace");
return true;
} else {
//JSR 289 mandate that we only search UAs for
//the Join/Replace session. So, if a session of a proxy
//matches, most likely, the request should be forwarded.
//No session targetting in this container.
return false;
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"no_session_jr","Could not find session for Join or Replace");
throw new SessionTargetException(481,msg);
* Return the header name.
* @return "Join" or "Replaces"
public abstract String getHeader();
* Return the Target request info for the targetted app.
* @return SipTargetedRequestInfo for Application Router.
public abstract SipTargetedRequestInfo getTargetedRequestInfo();
* Initialises the Join or Replace Handler.
abstract void init();
* It may be debated that the original request need to be terminated.
* This is a place holder for the functionality. Noop for now.
abstract void terminateOriginalRequest()
throws SessionTargetException;
* Validate the DialogFragment of the original/targetted dialog.
protected void validateDialogFragment(DialogFragment d)
throws SessionTargetException {
if (d != null && ! d.isValid()) {
String msg = localStrings.getLocalString(
"session_notvalid_jr","Terminated session for Join or Replace");
throw new SessionTargetException(603, msg);