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package com.ericsson.ssa.container.overload;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.glassfish.comms.api.overload.OverloadEvent;
import org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.util.LogUtil;
public class OverloadMeasurement {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtil.SIP_LOGGER.getLogger();
public enum Algorithm {
* The last X number of samples, used when calculating median values.
private int[] samples = new int[0];
private int numberOfSamples;
private Algorithm upAlgorithm;
private Algorithm downAlgorithm;
private float consecutiveUsage;
private float medianUsage;
public void saveMeasurement(int usage, int numberOfSamples,
Algorithm upAlgorithm, Algorithm downAlgorithm) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "measure: " + usage);
this.upAlgorithm = upAlgorithm;
this.downAlgorithm = downAlgorithm;
this.numberOfSamples = numberOfSamples;
// Make sure we have all measurements ready. Let unavailable ones be
// 0.
// How many shall we copy?
int length = Math.min(numberOfSamples - 1, samples.length);
int[] newSamples = new int[numberOfSamples];
System.arraycopy(samples, 0, newSamples, 1, length);
newSamples[0] = usage;
samples = newSamples;
// Now calculate what we need. We already have the last usage...
consecutiveUsage = usage;
int[] samplesTmp = new int[numberOfSamples];
System.arraycopy(samples, 0, samplesTmp, 0, samplesTmp.length);
// Even or odd number of samples?
if ((numberOfSamples & 1) == 1) {
// Odd. Integer division rounds down, that's what we want.
medianUsage = samplesTmp[numberOfSamples / 2];
} else {
// Take the mean of the two middle samples
medianUsage = (samplesTmp[(numberOfSamples / 2)] + samplesTmp[(numberOfSamples / 2) - 1])
/ (float) 2.0;
public class TrafficState {
private final OverloadEvent.TrafficType trafficType;
private AtomicInteger levelCounterUp = new AtomicInteger(0);
private AtomicInteger levelCounterDown = new AtomicInteger(0);
private boolean isRaised = false;
private final String detectorType;
public TrafficState(String type, OverloadEvent.TrafficType trafficType) {
this.detectorType = type;
this.trafficType = trafficType;
public OverloadEvent createCeased(float usage) {
return new OverloadEvent(false, detectorType, trafficType, usage,
public OverloadEvent createRaised(float usage) {
return new OverloadEvent(true, detectorType, trafficType, usage,
* If event has been raised, MEDIAN will return the fix numberOfSamples
* and CONSECUTIVE will return the number of samples since event was
* last raised. If event was ceased 0 will always be returned. NOTE:
* MEDIAN or CONSECUTIVE is only applicable for the up algorithm.
* @return
public int retryAfter() {
return (isRaised && (upAlgorithm == Algorithm.MEDIAN)) ? numberOfSamples
: levelCounterUp.get();
* Compares the measured load to the thresholds and adjusts counters as
* needed.
public OverloadEvent compareThreshold(int threshold) {
if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LOGGER.log(Level.FINER, "calculateThreshold: current usage(%)="
+ consecutiveUsage + " median usage(%)=" + medianUsage
+ " levelCounter=" + levelCounterUp.toString()
+ " levelCounterDown=" + levelCounterDown.toString()
+ " threshold=" + threshold + " numberOfSamples="
+ numberOfSamples + " upAlgorithm="
+ upAlgorithm.toString() + " downAlgorithm="
+ downAlgorithm.toString());
OverloadEvent event = null;
if (!isRaised) {
switch (upAlgorithm) {
if (consecutiveUsage >= threshold) {
if (levelCounterUp.incrementAndGet() >= numberOfSamples) {
isRaised = true;
event = createRaised(consecutiveUsage);
case MEDIAN:
if (medianUsage >= threshold) {
isRaised = true;
event = createRaised(medianUsage);
throw new RuntimeException(
"Internal error - unknown algorithm");
if (isRaised) {
switch (downAlgorithm) {
if (consecutiveUsage < threshold) {
if (levelCounterDown.decrementAndGet() <= 0) {
isRaised = false;
event = createCeased(consecutiveUsage);
} else {
case MEDIAN:
if (medianUsage < threshold) {
isRaised = false;
event = createCeased(medianUsage);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Internal error - unknown algorithm");
// extra counting for retry after functionality
if (isRaised && upAlgorithm==Algorithm.CONSECUTIVE) {
return event;