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import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

* Class for Servlet web resource permissions.
* A WebResourcePermission is a named permission and has actions.
* <P>
* The name of a WebResourcePermission (also referred to as the target name)
* identifies the Web resources to which the permission pertains.
* <P>
* Implementations of this class MAY implement newPermissionCollection or
* inherit its implementation from the super class.
* @see
* @version %I% %E%
* @author Ron Monzillo
* @author Gary Ellison

public final class WebResourcePermission extends Permission

     private transient HttpMethodSpec methodSpec;

     private transient URLPatternSpec urlPatternSpec = null;

     private transient int hashCodeValue = 0;

     private transient static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";

     private transient static final String ESCAPED_COLON = "%3A";

     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * The serialized fields of this permission are defined below. Whether
     * or not the serialized fields correspond to actual (private) fields
     * is an implementation decision.
     * @serialField actions String
     * the canonicalized actions string (as returned by getActions).
     private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = {
   new ObjectStreamField("actions", java.lang.String.class)

     * Creates a new WebResourcePermission with the specified name and actions.
     * <P>
     * The name contains a URLPatternSpec that identifies the web
     * resources to which the permissions applies. The syntax of a URLPatternSpec
     * is as follows:
     * <P><Pre>
     *          URLPatternList ::= URLPattern | URLPatternList colon URLPattern
     *          URLPatternSpec ::= null | URLPattern | URLPattern colon URLPatternList
     * </Pre><P>
     * A null URLPatternSpec is translated to the default URLPattern, "/", by
     * the permission constructor. The empty string is an exact URLPattern, and
     * may occur anywhere in a URLPatternSpec that an exact URLPattern may occur.
     * The first URLPattern in a URLPatternSpec may be any of the pattern
     * types, exact, path-prefix, extension, or default as defined in the
     * <i>Java Servlet Specification)</i>. When a URLPatternSpec includes
     * a URLPatternList, the patterns of the URLPatternList identify the
     * resources to which the permission does NOT apply and depend on the
     * pattern type and value of the first pattern as follows:  <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li> No pattern may exist in the URLPatternList that matches the
     *      first pattern.
     * <li> If the first pattern is a path-prefix
     *      pattern, only exact patterns matched by the first pattern
     *      and path-prefix patterns matched by, but different from,
     *      the first pattern may occur in the URLPatternList.
     * <li> If the first pattern is an extension
     *      pattern, only exact patterns that are matched by the first
     *      pattern and path-prefix patterns may occur in the URLPatternList.
     * <li> If the first pattern is the default pattern, "/", any pattern
     *      except the default pattern may occur in the URLPatternList.
     * <li> If the first pattern is an exact pattern a URLPatternList must not
     *      be present in the URLPatternSpec.
     * </ul>
     * <P>
     * The actions parameter contains a comma seperated list of HTTP methods.
     * The syntax of the actions parameter is defined as follows:
     * <P><Pre>
     *          ExtensionMethod ::= any token as defined by RFC 2616
     *                    (that is, 1*[any CHAR except CTLs or separators])
     *          HTTPMethod ::= "GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE" | "HEAD" |
     *                   "OPTIONS" | "TRACE" | ExtensionMethod
     *          HTTPMethodList ::= HTTPMethod | HTTPMethodList comma HTTPMethod
     *          HTTPMethodExceptionList ::= exclaimationPoint HTTPMethodList
     *          HTTPMethodSpec ::= null | HTTPMethodExceptionList |
     *                   HTTPMethodList
     * </Pre><P>
     * If duplicates occur in the HTTPMethodSpec
     * they must be eliminated by the permission constructor.
     * <P>
     * A null or empty string HTTPMethodSpec indicates that the permission
     * applies to all HTTP methods at the resources identified by the URL
     * pattern.
     * <P>
     * If the HTTPMethodSpec contains an HTTPMethodExceptionList (i.e.,
     * it begins with an exclaimationPoint), the permission pertains to all
     * methods except those occuring in the exception list.
     * <P>
     * @param name the URLPatternSpec that identifies the application
     * specific web resources to which the permission pertains.
     * All URLPatterns in the URLPatternSpec are relative to the context path
     * of the deployed web application module, and the same URLPattern must not
     * occur more than once in a URLPatternSpec. A null URLPatternSpec is
     * translated to the default URLPattern, "/", by the permission constructor.
     * All colons occuring within the URLPattern elements of the URLPatternSpec
     * must be represented in escaped encoding as defined in RFC 2396.
     * <P>
     * @param actions identifies the HTTP methods to which the permission
     * pertains. If the value passed through this parameter is null or
     * the empty string, then the permission pertains to all the possible
     * HTTP methods.

     public WebResourcePermission(String name, String actions)
  this.urlPatternSpec = new URLPatternSpec(name);
  this.methodSpec = HttpMethodSpec.getSpec(actions);

     * Creates a new WebResourcePermission with name corresponding
     * to the URLPatternSpec, and actions composed from the array of HTTP
     * methods.
     * <P>
     * @param urlPatternSpec the URLPatternSpec that identifies the
     * application specific web resources to which the permission pertains.
     * All URLPatterns in the URLPatternSpec are relative to the context path
     * of the deployed web application module, and the same URLPattern must not
     * occur more than once in a URLPatternSpec. A null URLPatternSpec is
     * translated to the default URLPattern, "/", by the permission constructor.
     * All colons occuring within the URLPattern elements of the URLPatternSpec
     * must be represented in escaped encoding as defined in RFC 2396.
     * <P>
     * @param HTTPMethods an array of strings each element of which contains
     * the value of an HTTP method. If the value passed through this
     * parameter is null or is an array with no elements, then the permission
     * pertains to all the possible HTTP methods.

     public WebResourcePermission(String urlPatternSpec, String[] HTTPMethods)
  this.urlPatternSpec = new URLPatternSpec(urlPatternSpec);
  this.methodSpec = HttpMethodSpec.getSpec(HTTPMethods);

     * Creates a new WebResourcePermission from the HttpServletRequest
     * object.
     * <P>
     * @param request the HttpServletRequest object corresponding
     * to the Servlet operation to which the permission pertains.
     * The permission name is the substring of the requestURI
     * (HttpServletRequest.getRequestURI()) that begins after the contextPath
     * (HttpServletRequest.getContextPath()). When the substring operation
     * yields the string "/", the permission is constructed with the empty
     * string as its name. The permission's actions field is obtained from
     * HttpServletRequest.getMethod(). The constructor must transform all colon
     * characters occuring in the name to escaped encoding as defined in
     * RFC 2396.

     public WebResourcePermission(HttpServletRequest request)
  this.urlPatternSpec = new URLPatternSpec(super.getName());
  this.methodSpec= HttpMethodSpec.getSpec(request.getMethod());

     * Checks two WebResourcePermission objects for equality.
     * WebResourcePermission objects are equivalent if their
     * URLPatternSpec and (canonicalized) actions values are equivalent.
     * The URLPatternSpec of a reference permission is equivalent to that
     * of an argument permission if their first patterns are
     * equivalent, and the patterns of the URLPatternList of the reference
     * permission collectively match exactly the same set of patterns
     * as are matched by the patterns of the URLPatternList of the
     * argument permission.
     * <P>
     * Two Permission objects, P1 and P2, are equivalent if and only if
     * P1.implies(P2) && P2.implies(P1).
     * <P>
     * @param o the WebResourcePermission object being tested for equality
     * with this WebResourcePermission.
     * <P>
     * @return true if the argument WebResourcePermission object is equivalent
     * to this WebResourcePermission.

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
  if (o == null || ! (o instanceof WebResourcePermission)) return false;

  WebResourcePermission that = (WebResourcePermission) o;

  if (!this.methodSpec.equals(that.methodSpec)) return false;
  return this.urlPatternSpec.equals(that.urlPatternSpec);

    * Returns a canonical String representation of the actions of this
    * WebResourcePermission. In the canonical form, predefined methods
    * preceed extension methods, and within each method classification the
    * corresponding methods occur in ascending lexical order. There may be
    * no duplicate HTTP methods in the canonical form, and the canonical
    * form of the set of all HTTP methods is the value null.
    * <P>
    * @return a String containing the canonicalized actions of this
    * WebResourcePermission (or the null value).

    public String getActions() {
  return this.methodSpec.getActions();

    * Returns the hash code value for this WebResourcePermission. The
    * properties of the returned hash code must be as follows: <p>
    * <ul>
    * <li> During the lifetime of a Java application, the hashCode method
    *      must return the same integer value, every time it is called on a
    *      WebResourcePermission object. The value returned by hashCode for a
    *      particular WebResourcePermission need not remain consistent from
    *      one execution of an application to another.
    * <li> If two WebResourcePermission objects are equal according to the
    *      equals method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two
    *      Permission objects must produce the same integer result (within an
    *      application).
    * </ul>
    * <P>
    * @return the integer hash code value for this object.

    public int hashCode() {
  if (this.hashCodeValue == 0) {
      String hashInput = new String(this.urlPatternSpec.toString()+ " " +

      this.hashCodeValue = hashInput.hashCode();
  return this.hashCodeValue;

     * Determines if the argument Permission is "implied by" this
     * WebResourcePermission. For this to be the case, all of the following
     * must be true:
     * <p><ul>
     * <li> The argument is an instanceof WebResourcePermission
     * <li> The first URLPattern in the name of the argument permission
     *      is matched by the first URLPattern in the name of this permission.
     * <li> The first URLPattern in the name of the argument permission
     *      is NOT matched by any URLPattern in the URLPatternList of the
     *      URLPatternSpec of this permission.
     * <li> If the first URLPattern in the name of the argument permission
     *      matches the first URLPattern in the URLPatternSpec of this
     *      permission, then every URLPattern in the URLPatternList of the
     *      URLPatternSpec of this permission is matched by a URLPattern
     *      in the URLPatternList of the argument permission.
     * <li> The HTTP methods represented by the actions of the argument
     *      permission are a subset of the HTTP methods represented by the
     *      actions of this permission.
     * </ul>
     * <P>
     * URLPattern matching is performed using the <i>Servlet matching
     * rules</i> where two URL patterns match if they are related as follows:
     * <p><ul>
     * <li> their pattern values are String equivalent, or
     * <li> this pattern is the path-prefix pattern "/*", or
     * <li> this pattern is a path-prefix pattern (that is, it starts with
     *      "/" and ends with "/*") and the argument pattern starts with the
     *      substring of this pattern, minus its last 2 characters, and the
     *      next character of the argument pattern, if there is one, is "/", or
     * <li> this pattern is an extension pattern (that is, it starts with
     *      "*.") and the argument pattern ends with this pattern, or
     * <li> the reference pattern is the special default pattern, "/",
     *      which matches all argument patterns.
     * </ul>
     * <P>
     * All of the comparisons described above are case sensitive.
     * <P>
     * @param permission "this" WebResourcePermission is checked to see if
     * it implies the argument permission.
     * <P>
     * @return true if the specified permission is implied by this object,
     * false if not.
    public boolean implies(Permission permission) {
  if (permission == null ||
      ! (permission instanceof WebResourcePermission)) return false;

  WebResourcePermission that = (WebResourcePermission) permission;
  if (!this.methodSpec.implies(that.methodSpec))
      return false;

  return this.urlPatternSpec.implies(that.urlPatternSpec);

    // ----------------- Private Methods ---------------------

     * Chops the ContextPath off the front of the requestURI to
     * yield the servletPath + PathInfo. For the special case where
     * the servletPath + PathInfo is the pattern, "/", this
     * routine returns the empty string.
     private static String getUriMinusContextPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
   String uri = request.getRequestURI();
   if (uri != null) {
       String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
       int contextLength = contextPath == null ? 0 : contextPath.length();
       if (contextLength > 0) {
     uri = uri.substring(contextLength);
       if (uri.equals("/")) {
     uri = EMPTY_STRING;
             } else {
      uri = uri.replaceAll(":",ESCAPED_COLON);
   } else {
       uri = EMPTY_STRING;
   return uri;

     * readObject reads the serialized fields from the
     * input stream and uses them to restore the permission.
     * This method need not be implemented if establishing the
     * values of the serialized fields (as is done by defaultReadObject)
     * is sufficient to initialize the permission.
    private synchronized void readObject( s)
         throws IOException,ClassNotFoundException
  this.methodSpec = HttpMethodSpec.getSpec
      ((String) s.readFields().get("actions",null));
  this.urlPatternSpec = new URLPatternSpec(super.getName());

     * writeObject is used to establish the values of the serialized fields
     * before they are written to the output stream and need not be
     * implemented if the values of the serialized fields are always
     * available and up to date. The serialized fields are written to
     * the output stream in the same form as they would be written
     * by defaultWriteObject.
    private synchronized void writeObject( s)
         throws IOException



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