Package oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings

Source Code of oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DirectCollectionMapping

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package oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings;

import java.util.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.Platform;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.descriptors.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.queryframework.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.converters.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.queryframework.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.ObjectCopyingPolicy;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.sessions.DatabaseRecord;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

* <p><b>Purpose</b>: This mapping is used to store a collection of simple types (String, Number, Date, etc.)
* into a single table.  The table must store the value and a foreign key to the source object.
* A converter can be used if the desired object type and the data type do not match.
* @see Converter
* @see ObjectTypeConverter
* @see TypeConversionConverter
* @see SerializedObjectConverter
* @author Sati
* @since TOPLink/Java 1.0
public class DirectCollectionMapping extends CollectionMapping implements RelationalMapping {

    /** Used for data modification events. */
    protected static final String Delete = "delete";
    protected static final String Insert = "insert";
    protected static final String DeleteAll = "deleteAll";

    /** Allows user defined conversion between the object value and the database value. */
    protected Converter valueConverter;

    /** Stores the reference table*/
    protected transient DatabaseTable referenceTable;

    /** The direct field name is converted and stored */
    protected transient DatabaseField directField;
    protected transient Vector<DatabaseField> sourceKeyFields;
    protected transient Vector<DatabaseField> referenceKeyFields;

    /** Used for insertion for m-m and dc, not used in 1-m. */
    protected transient DataModifyQuery insertQuery;
    /** Used for deletion when ChangeSets are used */
    protected transient ModifyQuery changeSetDeleteQuery;
    protected transient boolean hasCustomDeleteQuery;
    protected transient boolean hasCustomInsertQuery;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Default constructor.
    public DirectCollectionMapping() {
        this.insertQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        this.sourceKeyFields = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);
        this.referenceKeyFields = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(1);
        this.selectionQuery = new DirectReadQuery();
        this.hasCustomInsertQuery = false;
        this.isPrivateOwned = true;

    public boolean isRelationalMapping() {
        return true;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Return the converter on the mapping.
     * A converter can be used to convert between the direct collection's object value and database value.
    public Converter getValueConverter() {
        return valueConverter;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the converter on the mapping.
     * A converter can be used to convert between the direct collection's object value and database value.
    public void setValueConverter(Converter valueConverter) {
        this.valueConverter = valueConverter;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Add the reference key field.
     * This is used for composite reference keys.
     * This is the foreign key field in the direct table referencing the primary key of the source object.
     * Both the reference field and the source field that it references must be provided.
    public void addReferenceKeyField(DatabaseField referenceForeignKeyField, DatabaseField sourcePrimaryKeyField) {
     * PUBLIC:
     * Add the name of the reference key field.
     * This is used for composite reference keys.
     * This is the foreign key field in the direct table referencing the primary key of the source object.
     * Both the reference field name and the name of the source field that it references must be provided.
    public void addReferenceKeyFieldName(String referenceForeignKeyFieldName, String sourcePrimaryKeyFieldName) {
        addReferenceKeyField(new DatabaseField(referenceForeignKeyFieldName), new DatabaseField(sourcePrimaryKeyFieldName));

     * INTERNAL:
     * Copy of the attribute of the object.
     * This is NOT used for unit of work but for templatizing an object.
    public void buildCopy(Object copy, Object original, ObjectCopyingPolicy policy) {
        Object attributeValue = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(original, policy.getSession());
        attributeValue = getContainerPolicy().cloneFor(attributeValue);
        setRealAttributeValueInObject(copy, attributeValue);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Clone the element, if necessary.
     * DirectCollections hold on to objects that do not have Descriptors
     * (e.g. int, String). These objects do not need to be cloned, unless they use a converter - they
     * are immutable.
    protected Object buildElementClone(Object element, UnitOfWorkImpl unitOfWork, boolean isExisting) {
        Object cloneValue = element;
        if ((getValueConverter() != null) && getValueConverter().isMutable()) {
            cloneValue = getValueConverter().convertDataValueToObjectValue(getValueConverter().convertObjectValueToDataValue(cloneValue, unitOfWork), unitOfWork);
        return cloneValue;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Cascade perform delete through mappings that require the cascade
    public void cascadePerformRemoveIfRequired(Object object, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, IdentityHashtable visitedObjects) {
        //as this mapping type references primitive objects this method does not apply

     * INTERNAL:
     * Cascade registerNew for Create through mappings that require the cascade
    public void cascadeRegisterNewIfRequired(Object object, UnitOfWorkImpl uow, IdentityHashtable visitedObjects) {
        //as this mapping type references primitive objects this method does not apply

     * INTERNAL:
     * The mapping clones itself to create deep copy.
    public Object clone() {
        DirectCollectionMapping clone = (DirectCollectionMapping)super.clone();


        return clone;

     * INTERNAL:
     * This method is used to calculate the differences between two collections.
    public void compareCollectionsForChange(Object oldCollection, Object newCollection, ChangeRecord changeRecord, AbstractSession session){
        ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();
        int numberOfNewNulls = 0;

        HashMap originalKeyValues = new HashMap(10);
        HashMap cloneKeyValues = new HashMap(10);
        if (oldCollection != null){
            Object backUpIter = cp.iteratorFor(oldCollection);

            while (cp.hasNext(backUpIter)) {// Make a lookup of the objects
                Object secondObject =, session);

                // For CR#2258/CR#2378 handle null values inserted in a collection.
                if (secondObject == null) {
                } else {
                    Integer count = (Integer)originalKeyValues.get(secondObject);
                    if (count == null) {
                        originalKeyValues.put(secondObject, new Integer(1));
                    } else {
                        originalKeyValues.put(secondObject, new Integer(count.intValue() + 1));
        // should a removal occur this is the original count of objects on the database.
        // this value is used to determine how many objects to re-insert after the delete as a
        // delete will delete all of the objects not just one.
        HashMap databaseCount = (HashMap)originalKeyValues.clone();
        int databaseNullCount = Math.abs(numberOfNewNulls);

        if (newCollection != null){
            Object cloneIter = cp.iteratorFor(newCollection);

            /* The following code is used to compare objects in a direct collection.
               Because objects in a direct collection are primitives and may be the same object
               the following code must count the number of instances in the collection not just the
               existence of an object.
            while (cp.hasNext(cloneIter)) {//Compare them with the objects from the clone
                Object firstObject =, session);
                // For CR#2258/CR#2378 handle null values inserted in a collection.
                if (firstObject == null) {
                } else {
                    Integer count = (Integer)originalKeyValues.get(firstObject);
                    if (count == null) {//the object was not in the backup
                        Integer cloneCount = (Integer)cloneKeyValues.get(firstObject);
                        //Add it to the additions hashtable
                        if (cloneCount == null) {
                            cloneKeyValues.put(firstObject, new Integer(1));
                        } else {
                            cloneKeyValues.put(firstObject, new Integer(cloneCount.intValue() + 1));
                    } else if (count.intValue() == 1) {
                        //There is only one object so remove the whole reference
                    } else {
                        originalKeyValues.put(firstObject, new Integer(count.intValue() - 1));
        if (cloneKeyValues.isEmpty() && originalKeyValues.isEmpty() && (numberOfNewNulls == 0) && (!changeRecord.getOwner().isNew())) {
        ((DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord).addAdditionChange(cloneKeyValues, databaseCount);
        ((DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord).addRemoveChange(originalKeyValues, databaseCount);
        //For CR#2258, produce a changeRecord which reflects the addition and removal of null values.
        if (numberOfNewNulls != 0) {
            Vector changeList = null;
            ((DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord).getCommitAddMap().put(DirectCollectionChangeRecord.Null, new Integer(databaseNullCount));
            if (numberOfNewNulls > 0) {
                ((DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord).addAdditionChange(DirectCollectionChangeRecord.Null, new Integer(numberOfNewNulls));
            } else {
                numberOfNewNulls *= -1;
                ((DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord).addRemoveChange(DirectCollectionChangeRecord.Null, new Integer(numberOfNewNulls));
     * INTERNAL:
     * This method compares the changes between two direct collections.  Comparisons are made on equality
     * not identity.
     * @return prototype.changeset.ChangeRecord
    public ChangeRecord compareForChange(Object clone, Object backUp, ObjectChangeSet owner, AbstractSession session) {
        Object cloneAttribute = null;
        Object backUpAttribute = null;
        int numberOfNewNulls = 0;

        ContainerPolicy cp = getContainerPolicy();

        cloneAttribute = getAttributeValueFromObject(clone);

        if ((cloneAttribute != null) && (!getIndirectionPolicy().objectIsInstantiated(cloneAttribute))) {
            return null;

        Object cloneObjectCollection = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(clone, session);

        Object backUpCollection = null;

        if (!owner.isNew()) {
            backUpAttribute = getAttributeValueFromObject(backUp);

            if ((backUpAttribute == null) && (cloneAttribute == null)) {
                return null;

            backUpCollection = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(backUp, session);
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord changeRecord = new DirectCollectionChangeRecord(owner);
        compareCollectionsForChange(backUpCollection, cloneObjectCollection, changeRecord, session);
        if (changeRecord.hasChanges()){
            return changeRecord;
        return null;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Compare the attributes belonging to this mapping for the objects.
    public boolean compareObjects(Object firstObject, Object secondObject, AbstractSession session) {
        Object firstCollection = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(firstObject, session);
        Object secondCollection = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(secondObject, session);
        ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = getContainerPolicy();

        if (containerPolicy.sizeFor(firstCollection) != containerPolicy.sizeFor(secondCollection)) {
            return false;

        HashMap firstCounter = new HashMap();
        HashMap secondCounter = new HashMap();
        for (Object iter = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(firstCollection);containerPolicy.hasNext(iter);) {
            Object object =, session);
            if (firstCounter.containsKey(object)){
                int count = ((Integer)firstCounter.get(object)).intValue();
                firstCounter.put(object, new Integer(++count));
                firstCounter.put(object, new Integer(1));
        for (Object iter = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(secondCollection);containerPolicy.hasNext(iter);) {
            Object object =, session);
            if (secondCounter.containsKey(object)){
                int count = ((Integer)secondCounter.get(object)).intValue();
                secondCounter.put(object, new Integer(++count));
                secondCounter.put(object, new Integer(1));
        for (Iterator iterator = firstCounter.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){
            Object object =;
            if (!secondCounter.containsKey(object) || ( ((Integer)secondCounter.get(object)).intValue() != ((Integer)firstCounter.get(object)).intValue()) ) {
                return false;
        if ( !firstCounter.isEmpty()  || !secondCounter.isEmpty() ) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Convert all the class-name-based settings in this mapping to actual class-based
     * settings
     * This method is implemented by subclasses as necessary.
     * @param classLoader
    public void convertClassNamesToClasses(ClassLoader classLoader){
        if (valueConverter != null) {
            if (valueConverter instanceof TypeConversionConverter){
            } else if (valueConverter instanceof ObjectTypeConverter) {
                // To avoid 1.5 dependencies with the EnumTypeConverter check
                // against ObjectTypeConverter.
                ((ObjectTypeConverter) valueConverter).convertClassNamesToClasses(classLoader);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Extract the source primary key value from the reference direct row.
     * Used for batch reading, most following same order and fields as in the mapping.
    protected Vector extractKeyFromReferenceRow(AbstractRecord row, AbstractSession session) {
        Vector key = new Vector(getReferenceKeyFields().size());

        for (int index = 0; index < getReferenceKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField relationField = (DatabaseField)getReferenceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceField = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object value = row.get(relationField);

            // Must ensure the classificatin to get a cache hit.
            try {
                value = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager().convertObject(value, getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getFieldClassification(sourceField));
            } catch (ConversionException e) {
                throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e);


        return key;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Extract the primary key value from the source row.
     * Used for batch reading, most following same order and fields as in the mapping.
    protected Vector extractPrimaryKeyFromRow(AbstractRecord row, AbstractSession session) {
        Vector key = new Vector(getSourceKeyFields().size());

        for (Enumeration fieldEnum = getSourceKeyFields().elements(); fieldEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)fieldEnum.nextElement();
            Object value = row.get(field);

            // Must ensure the classificatin to get a cache hit.
            try {
                value = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager().convertObject(value, getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getFieldClassification(field));
            } catch (ConversionException e) {
                throw ConversionException.couldNotBeConverted(this, getDescriptor(), e);


        return key;

    protected ModifyQuery getDeleteQuery() {
        if (changeSetDeleteQuery == null) {
            changeSetDeleteQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        return changeSetDeleteQuery;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the direct field.
     * This is the field in the direct table to store the values.
    public DatabaseField getDirectField() {
        return directField;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Returns the name of the field name in the reference table.
    public String getDirectFieldName() {
        if (getDirectField() == null) {
            return null;
        return getDirectField().getQualifiedName();

    protected DataModifyQuery getInsertQuery() {
        return insertQuery;

     * INTERNAL:
     * This cannot be used with direct collection mappings.
    public Class getReferenceClass() {
        return null;

    public String getReferenceClassName() {
        return null;

     * INTERNAL:
     * There is none on direct collection.
    public ClassDescriptor getReferenceDescriptor() {
        return null;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the reference key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These are in-order with the sourceKeyFieldNames.
    public Vector getReferenceKeyFieldNames() {
        Vector fieldNames = new Vector(getReferenceKeyFields().size());
        for (Enumeration fieldsEnum = getReferenceKeyFields().elements();
                 fieldsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {

        return fieldNames;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the reference key fields.
    public Vector<DatabaseField> getReferenceKeyFields() {
        return referenceKeyFields;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the direct table.
     * This is the table to store the values.
    public DatabaseTable getReferenceTable() {
        return referenceTable;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Returns the name of the reference table
    public String getReferenceTableName() {
        if (getReferenceTable() == null) {
            return null;
        return getReferenceTable().getName();

    //This method is added to include table qualifier.

     * PUBLIC:
     * Returns the qualified name of the reference table
    public String getReferenceTableQualifiedName() {//CR#2407 
        if (getReferenceTable() == null) {
            return null;
        return getReferenceTable().getQualifiedName();

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the relationshipPartner mapping for this bi-directional mapping. If the relationshipPartner is null then
     * this is a uni-directional mapping.
     * DirectCollectionMapping can not be part of a bi-directional mapping
    public DatabaseMapping getRelationshipPartner() {
        return null;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Return the source key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These are in-order with the referenceKeyFieldNames.
    public Vector getSourceKeyFieldNames() {
        Vector fieldNames = new Vector(getSourceKeyFields().size());
        for (Enumeration fieldsEnum = getSourceKeyFields().elements();
                 fieldsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {

        return fieldNames;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the source key fields.
    public Vector<DatabaseField> getSourceKeyFields() {
        return sourceKeyFields;

    protected boolean hasCustomDeleteQuery() {
        return hasCustomDeleteQuery;

    protected boolean hasCustomInsertQuery() {
        return hasCustomInsertQuery;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Initialize and validate the mapping properties.
    public void initialize(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
        if (isKeyForSourceSpecified()) {
        } else {

        if (shouldInitializeSelectionCriteria()) {
        if (!getSelectionQuery().hasSessionName()) {
        if ((getValueConverter() != null) && (getSelectionQuery() instanceof DirectReadQuery)) {
        if (getValueConverter() != null) {
            getValueConverter().initialize(this, session);

     * Initialize delete all query. This query is used to delete the collection of objects from the
     * reference table.
    protected void initializeDeleteAllQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!getDeleteAllQuery().hasSessionName()) {

        if (hasCustomDeleteAllQuery()) {

        Expression expression = null;
        Expression subExp1;
        Expression subExp2;
        Expression subExpression;
        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
        SQLDeleteStatement statement = new SQLDeleteStatement();

        // Construct an expression to delete from the relation table.
        for (int index = 0; index < getReferenceKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField referenceKey = (DatabaseField)getReferenceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);

            subExp1 = builder.getField(referenceKey);
            subExp2 = builder.getParameter(sourceKey);
            subExpression = subExp1.equal(subExp2);

            if (expression == null) {
                expression = subExpression;
            } else {
                expression = expression.and(subExpression);


    protected void initializeDeleteQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!getDeleteQuery().hasSessionName()) {

        if (hasCustomDeleteQuery()) {

        Expression builder = new ExpressionBuilder();
        Expression directExp = builder.getField(getDirectField()).equal(builder.getParameter(getDirectField()));
        Expression expression = null;
        SQLDeleteStatement statement = new SQLDeleteStatement();

        // Construct an expression to delete from the relation table.
        for (int index = 0; index < getReferenceKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField referenceKey = (DatabaseField)getReferenceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);

            Expression subExp1 = builder.getField(referenceKey);
            Expression subExp2 = builder.getParameter(sourceKey);
            Expression subExpression = subExp1.equal(subExp2);

            expression = subExpression.and(expression);
        expression = expression.and(directExp);

     * The field name on the reference table is initialized and cached.
    protected void initializeDirectField(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
        if (getDirectField() == null) {
            throw DescriptorException.directFieldNameNotSet(this);


     * Initialize insert query. This query is used to insert the collection of objects into the
     * reference table.
    protected void initializeInsertQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        if (!getInsertQuery().hasSessionName()) {

        if (hasCustomInsertQuery()) {

        SQLInsertStatement statement = new SQLInsertStatement();
        AbstractRecord directRow = new DatabaseRecord();
        for (Enumeration referenceEnum = getReferenceKeyFields().elements();
                 referenceEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            directRow.put((DatabaseField)referenceEnum.nextElement(), null);
        directRow.put(getDirectField(), null);

     * There is no reference descriptor
    protected void initializeReferenceDescriptor(AbstractSession session) {

     * The reference keys on the reference table are initalized
    protected void initializeReferenceKeys(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
        if (getReferenceKeyFields().size() == 0) {
            throw DescriptorException.noReferenceKeyIsSpecified(this);

        for (Enumeration referenceEnum = getReferenceKeyFields().elements();
                 referenceEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)referenceEnum.nextElement();
            if (field.hasTableName() && (!(field.getTableName().equals(getReferenceTable().getName())))) {
                throw DescriptorException.referenceKeyFieldNotProperlySpecified(field, this);

     * Set the table qualifier on the reference table if required
    protected void initializeReferenceTable(AbstractSession session) throws DescriptorException {
        Platform platform = session.getDatasourcePlatform();

        if (getReferenceTable() == null) {
            throw DescriptorException.referenceTableNotSpecified(this);

        if (platform.getTableQualifier().length() == 0) {

        if (getReferenceTable().getTableQualifier().length() == 0) {

    protected void initializeSelectionCriteria(AbstractSession session) {
        Expression exp1;
        Expression exp2;
        Expression expression;
        Expression criteria = null;
        Enumeration referenceKeysEnum;
        Enumeration sourceKeysEnum;
        ExpressionBuilder base = new ExpressionBuilder();
        TableExpression table = (TableExpression)base.getTable(getReferenceTable());

        referenceKeysEnum = getReferenceKeyFields().elements();
        sourceKeysEnum = getSourceKeyFields().elements();

        for (; referenceKeysEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            DatabaseField referenceKey = (DatabaseField)referenceKeysEnum.nextElement();
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)sourceKeysEnum.nextElement();

            exp1 = table.getField(referenceKey);
            exp2 = base.getParameter(sourceKey);
            expression = exp1.equal(exp2);

            if (criteria == null) {
                criteria = expression;
            } else {
                criteria = expression.and(criteria);


     * The selection query is initialized
    protected void initializeSelectionQuery(AbstractSession session) {
        // Nothing required.

    protected void initializeSelectionStatement(AbstractSession session) {
        SQLSelectStatement statement = new SQLSelectStatement();
        statement.normalize(session, null);

     * The source keys are initalized
    protected void initializeSourceKeys(AbstractSession session) {
        for (Enumeration sourceKeyEnum = getSourceKeyFields().elements();
                 sourceKeyEnum.hasMoreElements();) {

     * INTERNAL:
     * If a user does not specify the source key then the primary keys of the source table are used.
    protected void initializeSourceKeysWithDefaults(AbstractSession session) {
        List<DatabaseField> primaryKeyFields = getDescriptor().getPrimaryKeyFields();
        for (int index = 0; index < primaryKeyFields.size(); index++) {

     * INTERNAL:
    public boolean isDirectCollectionMapping() {
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Checks if source and target keys are mentioned by the user or not.
    protected boolean isKeyForSourceSpecified() {
        return !getSourceKeyFields().isEmpty();

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return true if referenced objects are provately owned else false.
    public boolean isPrivateOwned() {
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Iterate on the attribute value.
     * The value holder has already been processed.
     * PERF: Avoid iteration if not required.
    public void iterateOnRealAttributeValue(DescriptorIterator iterator, Object realAttributeValue) {
        if (iterator.shouldIterateOnPrimitives()) {
            super.iterateOnRealAttributeValue(iterator, realAttributeValue);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Iterate on the specified element.
    public void iterateOnElement(DescriptorIterator iterator, Object element) {
        iterator.iteratePrimitiveForMapping(element, this);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Merge changes from the source to the target object.
     * Because this is a collection mapping, values are added to or removed from the
     * collection based on the changeset
    public void mergeChangesIntoObject(Object target, ChangeRecord changeRecord, Object source, MergeManager mergeManager) {
        ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = getContainerPolicy();
        Object valueOfTarget = null;
        AbstractSession session = mergeManager.getSession();

        //collect the changes into a vector
        HashMap addObjects = ((DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord).getAddObjectMap();
        HashMap removeObjects = ((DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeRecord).getRemoveObjectMap();

        //Check to see if the target has an instantiated collection
        if ((isAttributeValueInstantiated(target)) && (!changeRecord.getOwner().isNew())) {
            valueOfTarget = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(target, session);
        } else {
            //if not create an instance of the collection
            valueOfTarget = containerPolicy.containerInstance(addObjects.size());
        if (!isAttributeValueInstantiated(target)) {
            if (mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) {
            for (Object iterator = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(source, session));
                     containerPolicy.hasNext(iterator);) {
                containerPolicy.addInto(, session), valueOfTarget, session);
        } else {
            synchronized (valueOfTarget) {
                // Next iterate over the changes and add them to the container
                for (Iterator iterator = addObjects.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ){
                    Object object =;
                    int objectCount = ((Integer)addObjects.get(object)).intValue();
                    for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; ++i) {
                        if (mergeManager.shouldMergeChangesIntoDistributedCache()) {
                            //bug#4458089 and 4454532- check if collection contains new item before adding during merge into distributed cache         
                            if (!containerPolicy.contains(object, valueOfTarget, session)) {
                                containerPolicy.addInto(object, valueOfTarget, session);
                        } else {
                            containerPolicy.addInto(object, valueOfTarget, session);
                for (Iterator iterator = removeObjects.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ){
                    Object object =;
                    int objectCount = ((Integer)removeObjects.get(object)).intValue();
                    for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; ++i) {
                        containerPolicy.removeFrom(object, valueOfTarget, session);
        setRealAttributeValueInObject(target, valueOfTarget);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Merge changes from the source to the target object.
    public void mergeIntoObject(Object target, boolean isTargetUnInitialized, Object source, MergeManager mergeManager) {
        if (isTargetUnInitialized) {
            // This will happen if the target object was removed from the cache before the commit was attempted
            if (mergeManager.shouldMergeWorkingCopyIntoOriginal() && (!isAttributeValueInstantiated(source))) {
                setAttributeValueInObject(target, getIndirectionPolicy().getOriginalIndirectionObject(getAttributeValueFromObject(source), mergeManager.getSession()));
        if (!shouldMergeCascadeReference(mergeManager)) {
            // This is only going to happen on mergeClone, and we should not attempt to merge the reference
        if (mergeManager.shouldMergeOriginalIntoWorkingCopy()) {
            if (!isAttributeValueInstantiated(target)) {
                // This will occur when the clone's value has not been instantiated yet and we do not need
                // the refresh that attribute
        } else if (!isAttributeValueInstantiated(source)) {
            // I am merging from a clone into an original.  No need to do merge if the attribute was never
            // modified

        ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = getContainerPolicy();
        Object valueOfSource = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(source, mergeManager.getSession());

        // trigger instantiation of target attribute
        Object valueOfTarget = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(target, mergeManager.getSession());
        Object newContainer = containerPolicy.containerInstance(containerPolicy.sizeFor(valueOfSource));
        boolean fireChangeEvents = false;
        valueOfTarget = newContainer;
        for (Object sourceValuesIterator = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(valueOfSource);
                 containerPolicy.hasNext(sourceValuesIterator);) {
            Object sourceValue =, mergeManager.getSession());
            containerPolicy.addInto(sourceValue, valueOfTarget, mergeManager.getSession());

        // Must re-set variable to allow for set method to re-morph changes if the collection is not being stored directly.
        setRealAttributeValueInObject(target, valueOfTarget);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Perform the commit event.
     * This is used in the uow to delay data modifications.
    public void performDataModificationEvent(Object[] event, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException, DescriptorException {
        // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
        if (event[0] == Delete){
            session.executeQuery((DataModifyQuery)event[1], (AbstractRecord)event[(2)]);
        } else if (event[0] == Insert) {
            session.executeQuery((DataModifyQuery)event[1], (AbstractRecord)event[(2)]);
        } else if (event[0] == DeleteAll) {
        } else {
            throw DescriptorException.invalidDataModificationEventCode(event[0], this);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Insert the private owned object.
    public void postInsert(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
        Object objects;
        AbstractRecord databaseRow = new DatabaseRecord();

        if (isReadOnly()) {

        objects = getRealCollectionAttributeValueFromObject(query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = getContainerPolicy();
        if (containerPolicy.isEmpty(objects)) {

        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        // Extract primary key and value from the source.
        for (int index = 0; index < getReferenceKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField referenceKey = (DatabaseField)getReferenceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = query.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            databaseRow.put(referenceKey, sourceKeyValue);

        // Extract target field and its value. Construct insert statement and execute it
        for (Object iter = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(objects); containerPolicy.hasNext(iter);) {
            Object object =, query.getSession());
            if (getValueConverter() != null) {
                object = getValueConverter().convertObjectValueToDataValue(object, query.getSession());
            databaseRow.put(getDirectField(), object);

            // In the uow data queries are cached until the end of the commit.
            if (query.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
                // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
                Object[] event = new Object[3];
                event[0] = Insert;
                event[1] = getInsertQuery();
                event[2] = databaseRow.clone();
                query.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
            } else {
                query.getSession().executeQuery(getInsertQuery(), databaseRow);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Update private owned part.
    public void postUpdate(WriteObjectQuery writeQuery) throws DatabaseException {
        if (isReadOnly()) {

        if (writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet() != null){
        // If objects are not instantiated that means they are not changed.
        if (!isAttributeValueInstantiated(writeQuery.getObject())) {

        if (writeQuery.getSession().isUnitOfWork()) {
            if (compareObjects(writeQuery.getObject(), writeQuery.getBackupClone(), writeQuery.getSession())) {
                return;// Nothing has changed, no work required

        DeleteObjectQuery deleteQuery = new DeleteObjectQuery();

        if (writeQuery.shouldCascadeOnlyDependentParts()) {
            // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
            Object[] event = new Object[3];
            event[0] = DeleteAll;
            event[1] = deleteQuery;
            writeQuery.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
        } else {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Update private owned part.
    protected void postUpdateWithChangeSet(WriteObjectQuery writeQuery) throws DatabaseException {

        ObjectChangeSet changeSet = writeQuery.getObjectChangeSet();
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord changeRecord = (DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(this.getAttributeName());
        if (changeRecord == null){
        for (int index = 0; index < getReferenceKeyFields().size(); index++) {
            DatabaseField referenceKey = (DatabaseField)getReferenceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)getSourceKeyFields().elementAt(index);
            Object sourceKeyValue = writeQuery.getTranslationRow().get(sourceKey);
            writeQuery.getTranslationRow().put(referenceKey, sourceKeyValue);
        for (Iterator iterator = changeRecord.getRemoveObjectMap().keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){
            Object object =;
            AbstractRecord thisRow = (AbstractRecord)writeQuery.getTranslationRow().clone();
            Object value = object;
            if (getValueConverter() != null){
                value = getValueConverter().convertObjectValueToDataValue(value, writeQuery.getSession());
            if (value == DirectCollectionChangeRecord.Null){
                thisRow.add(getDirectField(), null);
                thisRow.add(getDirectField(), value);
            // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
            Object[] event = new Object[3];
            event[0] = Delete;
            event[1] = getDeleteQuery();
            event[2] = thisRow;
            writeQuery.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
            Integer count = (Integer)changeRecord.getCommitAddMap().get(object);
            if (count != null){
                for (int counter = count.intValue(); counter > 0; --counter){
                    thisRow = (AbstractRecord)writeQuery.getTranslationRow().clone();
                    thisRow.add(getDirectField(), value);
                    // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
                    event = new Object[3];
                    event[0] = Insert;
                    event[1] = getInsertQuery();
                    event[2] = thisRow;
                    writeQuery.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);
        for (Iterator iterator = changeRecord.getAddObjectMap().keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();){
            Object object =;
            Integer count = (Integer)changeRecord.getAddObjectMap().get(object);
            for (int counter = count.intValue(); counter > 0; --counter){
                AbstractRecord thisRow = (AbstractRecord)writeQuery.getTranslationRow().clone();
                Object value = object;
                if (getValueConverter() != null){
                    value = getValueConverter().convertObjectValueToDataValue(value, writeQuery.getSession());
                if (value == DirectCollectionChangeRecord.Null){  //special placeholder for nulls
                    thisRow.add(getDirectField(), null);
                    thisRow.add(getDirectField(), value);
                // Hey I might actually want to use an inner class here... ok array for now.
                Object[] event = new Object[3];
                event[0] = Insert;
                event[1] = getInsertQuery();
                event[2] = thisRow;
                writeQuery.getSession().getCommitManager().addDataModificationEvent(this, event);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Delete private owned part. Which is a collection of objects from the reference table.
    public void preDelete(WriteObjectQuery query) throws DatabaseException {
        if (isReadOnly()) {

        prepareTranslationRow(query.getTranslationRow(), query.getObject(), query.getSession());
        query.getSession().executeQuery(getDeleteAllQuery(), query.getTranslationRow());
     * INTERNAL:
     * The translation row may require additional fields than the primary key if the mapping in not on the primary key.
    protected void prepareTranslationRow(AbstractRecord translationRow, Object object, AbstractSession session) {
        // Make sure that each source key field is in the translation row.
        for (Enumeration sourceFieldsEnum = getSourceKeyFields().elements();
                 sourceFieldsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            DatabaseField sourceKey = (DatabaseField)sourceFieldsEnum.nextElement();
            if (!translationRow.containsKey(sourceKey)) {
                Object value = getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractValueFromObjectForField(object, sourceKey, session);
                translationRow.put(sourceKey, value);

    protected void setDeleteQuery(ModifyQuery query) {
        this.changeSetDeleteQuery = query;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the receiver's delete SQL string. This allows the user to override the SQL
     * generated by TopLink, with there own SQL or procedure call. The arguments are
     * translated from the fields of the source row, through replacing the field names
     * marked by '#' with the values for those fields.
     * This SQL is responsible for doing the deletion required by the mapping,
     * such as deletion from join table for M-M.
     * Example, 'delete from RESPONS where EMP_ID = #EMP_ID and DESCRIP = #DESCRIP'.
    public void setDeleteSQLString(String sqlString) {
        DataModifyQuery query = new DataModifyQuery();

     * ADVANCED:
     * Configure the mapping to use a container policy.
     * The policy manages the access to the collection.
    public void setContainerPolicy(ContainerPolicy containerPolicy) {
        this.containerPolicy = containerPolicy;

     * PUBLIC:
     * The default delete query for this mapping can be overridden by specifying the new query.
     * This query is responsible for doing the deletion required by the mapping,
     * such as deletion from join table for M-M.  The query should delete a specific row from the
     * DirectCollectionTable bases on the DirectField.
    public void setCustomDeleteQuery(ModifyQuery query) {

     * PUBLIC:
     * The default insert query for mapping can be overridden by specifying the new query.
     * This query inserts the row into the direct table.
    public void setCustomInsertQuery(DataModifyQuery query) {

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the direct field in the reference table.
     * This is the field that the primitive data value is stored in.
    public void setDirectField(DatabaseField field) {
        directField = field;
     * ADVANCED:
     * Set the class type of the field value.
     * This can be used if field value differs from the object value,
     * has specific typing requirements such as usage of java.sql.Blob or NChar.
     * This must be called after the field name has been set.
    public void setDirectFieldClassification(Class fieldType) {

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the direct field name in the reference table.
     * This is the field that the primitive data value is stored in.
    public void setDirectFieldName(String fieldName) {
        setDirectField(new DatabaseField(fieldName));

    protected void setHasCustomDeleteQuery(boolean bool) {
        hasCustomDeleteQuery = bool;

    protected void setHasCustomInsertQuery(boolean bool) {
        hasCustomInsertQuery = bool;

    protected void setInsertQuery(DataModifyQuery insertQuery) {
        this.insertQuery = insertQuery;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the receiver's insert SQL string. This allows the user to override the SQL
     * generated by TopLink, with there own SQL or procedure call. The arguments are
     * translated from the fields of the source row, through replacing the field names
     * marked by '#' with the values for those fields.
     * This is used to insert an entry into the direct table.
     * Example, 'insert into RESPONS (EMP_ID, RES_DESC) values (#EMP_ID, #RES_DESC)'.
    public void setInsertSQLString(String sqlString) {
        DataModifyQuery query = new DataModifyQuery();

     * INTERNAL:
     * This cannot be used with direct collection mappings.
    public void setReferenceClass(Class referenceClass) {

    public void setReferenceClassName(String referenceClassName) {

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the name of the reference key field.
     * This is the foreign key field in the direct table referencing the primary key of the source object.
     * This method is used if the reference key consists of only a single field.
    public void setReferenceKeyFieldName(String fieldName) {
        getReferenceKeyFields().addElement(new DatabaseField(fieldName));

     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the reference key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These must be in-order with the sourceKeyFieldNames.
    public void setReferenceKeyFieldNames(Vector fieldNames) {
        Vector fields = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(fieldNames.size());
        for (Enumeration fieldNamesEnum = fieldNames.elements(); fieldNamesEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            fields.addElement(new DatabaseField((String)fieldNamesEnum.nextElement()));


     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the reference fields.
    public void setReferenceKeyFields(Vector<DatabaseField> aVector) {
        this.referenceKeyFields = aVector;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the reference table.
    public void setReferenceTable(DatabaseTable table) {
        referenceTable = table;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the reference table name.
    public void setReferenceTableName(String tableName) {
        if (tableName == null) {
        } else {
            setReferenceTable(new DatabaseTable(tableName));

     * PUBLIC:
     * Set the name of the session to execute the mapping's queries under.
     * This can be used by the session broker to override the default session
     * to be used for the target class.
    public void setSessionName(String name) {

     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the source key field names associated with the mapping.
     * These must be in-order with the referenceKeyFieldNames.
    public void setSourceKeyFieldNames(Vector fieldNames) {
        Vector fields = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(fieldNames.size());
        for (Enumeration fieldNamesEnum = fieldNames.elements(); fieldNamesEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            fields.addElement(new DatabaseField((String)fieldNamesEnum.nextElement()));


     * INTERNAL:
     * Set the source fields.
    public void setSourceKeyFields(Vector<DatabaseField> sourceKeyFields) {
        this.sourceKeyFields = sourceKeyFields;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Used by AttributeLevelChangeTracking to update a changeRecord with calculated changes
     * as apposed to detected changes.  If an attribute can not be change tracked it's
     * changes can be detected through this process.
    public void calculateDeferredChanges(ChangeRecord changeRecord, AbstractSession session){
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord collectionRecord = (DirectCollectionChangeRecord) changeRecord;
        compareCollectionsForChange(collectionRecord.getOriginalCollection(), collectionRecord.getLatestCollection(), collectionRecord, session);

     * ADVANCED:
     * This method is used to have an object add to a collection once the changeSet is applied
     * The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps.

    public void simpleAddToCollectionChangeRecord(Object referenceKey, Object objectToAdd, ObjectChangeSet changeSet, AbstractSession session) {
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord = (DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(getAttributeName());
        if (collectionChangeRecord == null) {
            collectionChangeRecord = new DirectCollectionChangeRecord(changeSet);
            Object collection = getRealAttributeValueFromObject(changeSet.getUnitOfWorkClone(), session);
            collectionChangeRecord.storeDatabaseCounts(collection, getContainerPolicy(), session);
        collectionChangeRecord.addAdditionChange(objectToAdd, new Integer(1));

     * ADVANCED:
     * This method is used to have an object removed from a collection once the changeSet is applied
     * The referenceKey parameter should only be used for direct Maps.
    public void simpleRemoveFromCollectionChangeRecord(Object referenceKey, Object objectToRemove, ObjectChangeSet changeSet, AbstractSession session) {
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord = (DirectCollectionChangeRecord)changeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(getAttributeName());
        if (collectionChangeRecord == null) {
            collectionChangeRecord = new DirectCollectionChangeRecord(changeSet);
            Object collection = getRealAttributeValueFromObject(changeSet.getUnitOfWorkClone(), session);
            collectionChangeRecord.storeDatabaseCounts(collection, getContainerPolicy(), session);
        collectionChangeRecord.addRemoveChange(objectToRemove, new Integer(1));

     * INTERNAL:
     * Either create a new change record or update with the new value.  This is used
     * by attribute change tracking.
     * Specifically in a collection mapping this will be called when the customer
     * Set a new collection.  In this case we will need to mark the change record
     * with the new and the old versions of the collection.
     * And mark the ObjectChangeSet with the attribute name then when the changes are calculated
     * force a compare on the collections to determine changes.
    public void updateChangeRecord(Object clone, Object newValue, Object oldValue, ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl uow) {
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord = (DirectCollectionChangeRecord)objectChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(this.getAttributeName());
        if (collectionChangeRecord == null) {
            collectionChangeRecord = new DirectCollectionChangeRecord(objectChangeSet);
        if (collectionChangeRecord.getOriginalCollection() == null){

     * PUBLIC:
     * Configure the mapping to use an instance of the specified container class
     * to hold the target objects.
     * <p>jdk1.2.x: The container class must implement (directly or indirectly) the Collection interface.
     * <p>jdk1.1.x: The container class must be a subclass of Vector.
    public void useCollectionClass(Class concreteClass) {
        ContainerPolicy policy = ContainerPolicy.buildPolicyFor(concreteClass);

     * PUBLIC:
     * It is illegal to use a Map as the container of a DirectCollectionMapping. Only
     * Collection containers are supported for DirectCollectionMappings.
     * @see oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DirectMapMapping
    public void useMapClass(Class concreteClass, String methodName) {
        throw ValidationException.illegalUseOfMapInDirectCollection(this, concreteClass, methodName);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the value of the reference attribute or a value holder.
     * Check whether the mapping's attribute should be optimized through batch and joining.
     * Overridden to support flasback/historical queries.
    public Object valueFromRow(AbstractRecord row, JoinedAttributeManager joinManager, ObjectBuildingQuery query, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException {
        ReadQuery targetQuery = getSelectionQuery();
        return getIndirectionPolicy().valueFromQuery(targetQuery, row, query.getSession());

     * INTERNAL:
     * Checks if object is deleted from the database or not.
    public boolean verifyDelete(Object object, AbstractSession session) throws DatabaseException {
        // Row is built for translation
        if (isReadOnly()) {
            return true;

        AbstractRecord row = getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().buildRowForTranslation(object, session);
        Object value = session.executeQuery(getSelectionQuery(), row);

        return getContainerPolicy().isEmpty(value);

     * INTERNAL:
     * Add a new value and its change set to the collection change record.  This is used by
     * attribute change tracking.
    public void addToCollectionChangeRecord(Object newKey, Object newValue, ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl uow) {
        if (newValue == null) {
            newValue = DirectCollectionChangeRecord.Null;
        ClassDescriptor descriptor;
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord = (DirectCollectionChangeRecord)objectChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(this.getAttributeName());
        if (collectionChangeRecord == null) {
            collectionChangeRecord = new DirectCollectionChangeRecord(objectChangeSet);
            Object collection = getRealAttributeValueFromObject(objectChangeSet.getUnitOfWorkClone(), uow);
            collectionChangeRecord.storeDatabaseCounts(collection, getContainerPolicy(), uow);
        collectionChangeRecord.addAdditionChange(newValue, new Integer(1));
     * Return true if this mapping supports cascaded version optimistic locking.
    public boolean isCascadedLockingSupported() {
        return true;
     * INTERNAL:
     * Return if this mapping supports change tracking.
    public boolean isChangeTrackingSupported() {
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Remove a value and its change set from the collection change record.  This is used by
     * attribute change tracking.
    public void removeFromCollectionChangeRecord(Object newKey, Object newValue, ObjectChangeSet objectChangeSet, UnitOfWorkImpl uow) {
        if (newValue == null) {
            newValue = DirectCollectionChangeRecord.Null;
        ClassDescriptor descriptor;
        DirectCollectionChangeRecord collectionChangeRecord = (DirectCollectionChangeRecord)objectChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed(this.getAttributeName());
        if (collectionChangeRecord == null) {
            collectionChangeRecord = new DirectCollectionChangeRecord(objectChangeSet);
            Object collection = getRealAttributeValueFromObject(objectChangeSet.getUnitOfWorkClone(), uow);
            collectionChangeRecord.storeDatabaseCounts(collection, getContainerPolicy(), uow);
        collectionChangeRecord.addRemoveChange(newValue, new Integer(1));


Related Classes of oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DirectCollectionMapping

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