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package org.apache.catalina.users;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.catalina.Group;
import org.apache.catalina.Role;
import org.apache.catalina.User;
import org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase;
import org.apache.catalina.util.StringManager;
import com.sun.org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import com.sun.org.apache.commons.digester.ObjectCreationFactory;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
* <p>Concrete implementation of {@link UserDatabase} that loads all
* defined users, groups, and roles into an in-memory data structure,
* and uses a specified XML file for its persistent storage.</p>
* @author Craig R. McClanahan
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2008/04/17 18:37:27 $
* @since 4.1
public class MemoryUserDatabase implements UserDatabase {
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
* Create a new instance with default values.
public MemoryUserDatabase() {
* Create a new instance with the specified values.
* @param id Unique global identifier of this user database
public MemoryUserDatabase(String id) {
this.id = id;
// ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
* The set of {@link Group}s defined in this database, keyed by
* group name.
protected HashMap groups = new HashMap();
* The unique global identifier of this user database.
protected String id = null;
* The relative (to <code>catalina.base</code>) or absolute pathname to
* the XML file in which we will save our persistent information.
protected String pathname = "conf/tomcat-users.xml";
* The relative or absolute pathname to the file in which our old
* information is stored while renaming is in progress.
protected String pathnameOld = pathname + ".old";
* The relative or absolute pathname ot the file in which we write
* our new information prior to renaming.
protected String pathnameNew = pathname + ".new";
* The set of {@link Role}s defined in this database, keyed by
* role name.
protected HashMap roles = new HashMap();
* The string manager for this package.
private static StringManager sm =
* The set of {@link User}s defined in this database, keyed by
* user name.
protected HashMap users = new HashMap();
// ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties
* Return the set of {@link Group}s defined in this user database.
public Iterator getGroups() {
synchronized (groups) {
return (groups.values().iterator());
* Return the unique global identifier of this user database.
public String getId() {
return (this.id);
* Return the relative or absolute pathname to the persistent storage file.
public String getPathname() {
return (this.pathname);
* Set the relative or absolute pathname to the persistent storage file.
* @param pathname The new pathname
public void setPathname(String pathname) {
this.pathname = pathname;
this.pathnameOld = pathname + ".old";
this.pathnameNew = pathname + ".new";
* Return the set of {@link Role}s defined in this user database.
public Iterator getRoles() {
synchronized (roles) {
return (roles.values().iterator());
* Return the set of {@link User}s defined in this user database.
public Iterator getUsers() {
synchronized (users) {
return (users.values().iterator());
// --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
* Finalize access to this user database.
* @exception Exception if any exception is thrown during closing
public void close() throws Exception {
synchronized (groups) {
synchronized (users) {
* Create and return a new {@link Group} defined in this user database.
* @param groupname The group name of the new group (must be unique)
* @param description The description of this group
public Group createGroup(String groupname, String description) {
MemoryGroup group = new MemoryGroup(this, groupname, description);
synchronized (groups) {
groups.put(group.getGroupname(), group);
return (group);
* Create and return a new {@link Role} defined in this user database.
* @param rolename The role name of the new group (must be unique)
* @param description The description of this group
public Role createRole(String rolename, String description) {
MemoryRole role = new MemoryRole(this, rolename, description);
synchronized (roles) {
roles.put(role.getRolename(), role);
return (role);
* Create and return a new {@link User} defined in this user database.
* @param username The logon username of the new user (must be unique)
* @param password The logon password of the new user
* @param fullName The full name of the new user
public User createUser(String username, String password,
String fullName) {
MemoryUser user = new MemoryUser(this, username, password, fullName);
synchronized (users) {
users.put(user.getUsername(), user);
return (user);
* Return the {@link Group} with the specified group name, if any;
* otherwise return <code>null</code>.
* @param groupname Name of the group to return
public Group findGroup(String groupname) {
synchronized (groups) {
return ((Group) groups.get(groupname));
* Return the {@link Role} with the specified role name, if any;
* otherwise return <code>null</code>.
* @param rolename Name of the role to return
public Role findRole(String rolename) {
synchronized (roles) {
return ((Role) roles.get(rolename));
* Return the {@link User} with the specified user name, if any;
* otherwise return <code>null</code>.
* @param username Name of the user to return
public User findUser(String username) {
synchronized (users) {
return ((User) users.get(username));
* Initialize access to this user database.
* @exception Exception if any exception is thrown during opening
public void open() throws Exception {
synchronized (groups) {
synchronized (users) {
// Erase any previous groups and users
// Construct a reader for the XML input file (if it exists)
File file = new File(pathname);
if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
file = new File(System.getProperty("catalina.base"),
if (!file.exists()) {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Construct a digester to read the XML input file
Digester digester = new Digester();
new MemoryGroupCreationFactory(this));
new MemoryRoleCreationFactory(this));
new MemoryUserCreationFactory(this));
// Parse the XML input file to load this database
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw e;
* Remove the specified {@link Group} from this user database.
* @param group The group to be removed
public void removeGroup(Group group) {
synchronized (groups) {
Iterator users = getUsers();
while (users.hasNext()) {
User user = (User) users.next();
* Remove the specified {@link Role} from this user database.
* @param role The role to be removed
public void removeRole(Role role) {
synchronized (roles) {
Iterator groups = getGroups();
while (groups.hasNext()) {
Group group = (Group) groups.next();
Iterator users = getUsers();
while (users.hasNext()) {
User user = (User) users.next();
* Remove the specified {@link User} from this user database.
* @param user The user to be removed
public void removeUser(User user) {
synchronized (users) {
* Save any updated information to the persistent storage location for
* this user database.
* @exception Exception if any exception is thrown during saving
public void save() throws Exception {
// Write out contents to a temporary file
File fileNew = new File(pathnameNew);
if (!fileNew.isAbsolute()) {
fileNew =
new File(System.getProperty("catalina.base"), pathnameNew);
PrintWriter writer = null;
try {
// Configure our PrintWriter
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileNew);
OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF8");
writer = new PrintWriter(osw);
// Print the file prolog
writer.println("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>");
// Print entries for each defined role, group, and user
Iterator values = null;
values = getRoles();
while (values.hasNext()) {
writer.print(" ");
values = getGroups();
while (values.hasNext()) {
writer.print(" ");
values = getUsers();
while (values.hasNext()) {
writer.print(" ");
// Print the file epilog
// Check for errors that occurred while printing
if (writer.checkError()) {
throw new IOException
} catch (IOException e) {
if (writer != null) {
throw e;
// Perform the required renames to permanently save this file
File fileOld = new File(pathnameNew);
if (!fileOld.isAbsolute()) {
fileOld =
new File(System.getProperty("catalina.base"), pathnameOld);
File fileOrig = new File(pathname);
if (!fileOrig.isAbsolute()) {
fileOrig =
new File(System.getProperty("catalina.base"), pathname);
if (fileOrig.exists()) {
if (!fileOrig.renameTo(fileOld)) {
throw new IOException
if (!fileNew.renameTo(fileOrig)) {
if (fileOld.exists()) {
throw new IOException
* Return a String representation of this UserDatabase.
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("MemoryUserDatabase[id=");
return (sb.toString());
// -------------------------------------------------------- Package Methods
* Return the <code>StringManager</code> for use in looking up messages.
StringManager getStringManager() {
return (sm);
* Digester object creation factory for group instances.
class MemoryGroupCreationFactory implements ObjectCreationFactory {
public MemoryGroupCreationFactory(MemoryUserDatabase database) {
this.database = database;
public Object createObject(Attributes attributes) {
String groupname = attributes.getValue("groupname");
if (groupname == null) {
groupname = attributes.getValue("name");
String description = attributes.getValue("description");
String roles = attributes.getValue("roles");
Group group = database.createGroup(groupname, description);
if (roles != null) {
while (roles.length() > 0) {
String rolename = null;
int comma = roles.indexOf(',');
if (comma >= 0) {
rolename = roles.substring(0, comma).trim();
roles = roles.substring(comma + 1);
} else {
rolename = roles.trim();
roles = "";
if (rolename.length() > 0) {
Role role = database.findRole(rolename);
if (role == null) {
role = database.createRole(rolename, null);
return (group);
private MemoryUserDatabase database = null;
private Digester digester = null;
public Digester getDigester() {
return (this.digester);
public void setDigester(Digester digester) {
this.digester = digester;
* Digester object creation factory for role instances.
class MemoryRoleCreationFactory implements ObjectCreationFactory {
public MemoryRoleCreationFactory(MemoryUserDatabase database) {
this.database = database;
public Object createObject(Attributes attributes) {
String rolename = attributes.getValue("rolename");
if (rolename == null) {
rolename = attributes.getValue("name");
String description = attributes.getValue("description");
Role role = database.createRole(rolename, description);
return (role);
private MemoryUserDatabase database = null;
private Digester digester = null;
public Digester getDigester() {
return (this.digester);
public void setDigester(Digester digester) {
this.digester = digester;
* Digester object creation factory for user instances.
class MemoryUserCreationFactory implements ObjectCreationFactory {
public MemoryUserCreationFactory(MemoryUserDatabase database) {
this.database = database;
public Object createObject(Attributes attributes) {
String username = attributes.getValue("username");
if (username == null) {
username = attributes.getValue("name");
String password = attributes.getValue("password");
String fullName = attributes.getValue("fullName");
if (fullName == null) {
fullName = attributes.getValue("fullname");
String groups = attributes.getValue("groups");
String roles = attributes.getValue("roles");
User user = database.createUser(username, password, fullName);
if (groups != null) {
while (groups.length() > 0) {
String groupname = null;
int comma = groups.indexOf(',');
if (comma >= 0) {
groupname = groups.substring(0, comma).trim();
groups = groups.substring(comma + 1);
} else {
groupname = groups.trim();
groups = "";
if (groupname.length() > 0) {
Group group = database.findGroup(groupname);
if (group == null) {
group = database.createGroup(groupname, null);
if (roles != null) {
while (roles.length() > 0) {
String rolename = null;
int comma = roles.indexOf(',');
if (comma >= 0) {
rolename = roles.substring(0, comma).trim();
roles = roles.substring(comma + 1);
} else {
rolename = roles.trim();
roles = "";
if (rolename.length() > 0) {
Role role = database.findRole(rolename);
if (role == null) {
role = database.createRole(rolename, null);
return (user);
private MemoryUserDatabase database = null;
private Digester digester = null;
public Digester getDigester() {
return (this.digester);
public void setDigester(Digester digester) {
this.digester = digester;