Package org.apache.catalina.core

Source Code of org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost

* Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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* a copy of the License at
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* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
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* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
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* limitations under the License.

package org.apache.catalina.core;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import org.apache.catalina.Container;
import org.apache.catalina.Context;
import org.apache.catalina.DefaultContext;
import org.apache.catalina.Deployer;
import org.apache.catalina.Host;
import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;
import org.apache.catalina.Pipeline;
import org.apache.catalina.Valve;
import org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn;
// START SJSAS 6324911
import org.apache.catalina.deploy.ErrorPage;
// END SJSAS 6324911
// START GlassFish 862
import org.apache.catalina.util.RequestUtil;
// END GlassFish 862
import org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase;

* Standard implementation of the <b>Host</b> interface.  Each
* child container must be a Context implementation to process the
* requests directed to a particular web application.
* @author Craig R. McClanahan
* @author Remy Maucherat
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2008/04/17 18:37:08 $

public class StandardHost
    extends ContainerBase
    implements Deployer, Host 
    /* Why do we implement deployer and delegate to deployer ??? */

    private static log= StandardHost.class );
    // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors

     * Create a new StandardHost component with the default basic Valve.
    public StandardHost() {

        pipeline.setBasic(new StandardHostValve());


    // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables

     * The set of aliases for this Host.
    protected String[] aliases = new String[0];

     * The application root for this Host.
    private String appBase = ".";

     * The auto deploy flag for this Host.
    private boolean autoDeploy = true;

     * The Java class name of the default context configuration class
     * for deployed web applications.
    private String configClass =

     * The Java class name of the default Context implementation class for
     * deployed web applications.
    private String contextClass =

     * The <code>Deployer</code> to whom we delegate application
     * deployment requests.
    private Deployer deployer = null;

     * The deploy on startup flag for this Host.
    private boolean deployOnStartup = true;

     * deploy Context XML config files property.
    private boolean deployXML = true;

     * The Java class name of the default error reporter implementation class
     * for deployed web applications.
    private String errorReportValveClass =

     * The descriptive information string for this implementation.
    private static final String info =

     * The live deploy flag for this Host.
    private boolean liveDeploy = true;

     * Unpack WARs property.
    private boolean unpackWARs = true;

     * Work Directory base for applications.
    private String workDir = null;

     * DefaultContext config
    private DefaultContext defaultContext;

     * Attribute value used to turn on/off XML validation
     private boolean xmlValidation = false;

     * Attribute value used to turn on/off XML namespace awarenes.
     private boolean xmlNamespaceAware = false;

    // START SJSAS 6324911
     * The status code error pages for this StandardHost, keyed by HTTP status
     * code.
    private HashMap<Integer, ErrorPage> statusPages =
        new HashMap<Integer, ErrorPage>();
    // END SJSAS 6324911

    // BEGIN S1AS 5000999
     * The port numbers with which this StandardHost is associated
    private int[] ports = new int[0];
    // END S1AS 5000999

     * With proxy caching disabled, setting this flag to true adds
     * Pragma and Cache-Control headers with "No-cache" as value.
     * Setting this flag to false does not add any Pragma header,
     * but sets the Cache-Control header to "private".
    private boolean securePagesWithPragma = true;

    private SingleSignOn sso;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties

    // START SJSAS 6331392
    public void setPipeline(Pipeline pl) {
        pl.setBasic(new StandardHostValve());
        pipeline = pl;
    // END SJSAS 6331392

     * Return the application root for this Host.  This can be an absolute
     * pathname, a relative pathname, or a URL.
    public String getAppBase() {

        return (this.appBase);


     * Set the application root for this Host.  This can be an absolute
     * pathname, a relative pathname, or a URL.
     * @param appBase The new application root
    public void setAppBase(String appBase) {

        String oldAppBase = this.appBase;
        this.appBase = appBase;
        support.firePropertyChange("appBase", oldAppBase, this.appBase);


     * Return the value of the auto deploy flag.  If true, it indicates that
     * this host's child webapps will be dynamically deployed.
    public boolean getAutoDeploy() {

        return (this.autoDeploy);


     * Set the auto deploy flag value for this host.
     * @param autoDeploy The new auto deploy flag
    public void setAutoDeploy(boolean autoDeploy) {

        boolean oldAutoDeploy = this.autoDeploy;
        this.autoDeploy = autoDeploy;
        support.firePropertyChange("autoDeploy", oldAutoDeploy,


     * Return the Java class name of the context configuration class
     * for new web applications.
    public String getConfigClass() {

        return (this.configClass);


     * Set the Java class name of the context configuration class
     * for new web applications.
     * @param configClass The new context configuration class
    public void setConfigClass(String configClass) {

        String oldConfigClass = this.configClass;
        this.configClass = configClass;
                                   oldConfigClass, this.configClass);


     * Set the DefaultContext
     * for new web applications.
     * @param defaultContext The new DefaultContext
    public void addDefaultContext(DefaultContext defaultContext) {

        DefaultContext oldDefaultContext = this.defaultContext;
        this.defaultContext = defaultContext;
                                   oldDefaultContext, this.defaultContext);


     * Retrieve the DefaultContext for new web applications.
    public DefaultContext getDefaultContext() {
        return (this.defaultContext);

     * Return the Java class name of the Context implementation class
     * for new web applications.
    public String getContextClass() {

        return (this.contextClass);


     * Set the Java class name of the Context implementation class
     * for new web applications.
     * @param contextClass The new context implementation class
    public void setContextClass(String contextClass) {

        String oldContextClass = this.contextClass;
        this.contextClass = contextClass;
                                   oldContextClass, this.contextClass);


     * Return the value of the deploy on startup flag.  If true, it indicates
     * that this host's child webapps should be discovred and automatically
     * deployed at startup time.
    public boolean getDeployOnStartup() {

        return (this.deployOnStartup);


     * Set the deploy on startup flag value for this host.
     * @param autoDeploy The new deploy on startup flag
    public void setDeployOnStartup(boolean deployOnStartup) {

        boolean oldDeployOnStartup = this.deployOnStartup;
        this.deployOnStartup = deployOnStartup;
        support.firePropertyChange("deployOnStartup", oldDeployOnStartup,


     * Deploy XML Context config files flag accessor.
    public boolean isDeployXML() {

        return (deployXML);


     * Deploy XML Context config files flag mutator.
    public void setDeployXML(boolean deployXML) {

        this.deployXML = deployXML;


     * Return the value of the live deploy flag.  If true, it indicates that
     * a background thread should be started that looks for web application
     * context files, WAR files, or unpacked directories being dropped in to
     * the <code>appBase</code> directory, and deploys new ones as they are
     * encountered.
    public boolean getLiveDeploy() {
        return (this.autoDeploy);

     * Set the live deploy flag value for this host.
     * @param liveDeploy The new live deploy flag
    public void setLiveDeploy(boolean liveDeploy) {

     * Return the Java class name of the error report valve class
     * for new web applications.
    public String getErrorReportValveClass() {

        return (this.errorReportValveClass);


     * Set the Java class name of the error report valve class
     * for new web applications.
     * @param errorReportValveClass The new error report valve class
    public void setErrorReportValveClass(String errorReportValveClass) {

        String oldErrorReportValveClassClass = this.errorReportValveClass;
        this.errorReportValveClass = errorReportValveClass;


     * Return the canonical, fully qualified, name of the virtual host
     * this Container represents.
    public String getName() {

        return (name);


     * Set the canonical, fully qualified, name of the virtual host
     * this Container represents.
     * @param name Virtual host name
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if name is null
    public void setName(String name) {

        if (name == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException

        // START OF PE 4989789
        // name = name.toLowerCase();      // Internally all names are lower case
        // END OF PE 4989789

        String oldName =; = name;
        support.firePropertyChange("name", oldName,;


     * Unpack WARs flag accessor.
    public boolean isUnpackWARs() {

        return (unpackWARs);


     * Unpack WARs flag mutator.
    public void setUnpackWARs(boolean unpackWARs) {

        this.unpackWARs = unpackWARs;


     * Set the validation feature of the XML parser used when
     * parsing xml instances.
     * @param xmlValidation true to enable xml instance validation
    public void setXmlValidation(boolean xmlValidation){
        this.xmlValidation = xmlValidation;

     * Get the server.xml <host> attribute's xmlValidation.
     * @return true if validation is enabled.
    public boolean getXmlValidation(){
        return xmlValidation;

     * Get the server.xml <host> attribute's xmlNamespaceAware.
     * @return true if namespace awarenes is enabled.
    public boolean getXmlNamespaceAware(){
        return xmlNamespaceAware;

     * Set the namespace aware feature of the XML parser used when
     * parsing xml instances.
     * @param xmlNamespaceAware true to enable namespace awareness
    public void setXmlNamespaceAware(boolean xmlNamespaceAware){
     * Host work directory base.
    public String getWorkDir() {

        return (workDir);

     * Host work directory base.
    public void setWorkDir(String workDir) {

        this.workDir = workDir;

    // BEGIN S1AS 5000999
     * Associates this StandardHost with the given port numbers.
     * @param ports The port numbers with which to associate this StandardHost
    public void setPorts(int[] ports) {
        int[] oldPorts = this.ports;
        this.ports = (int[])ports.clone();
        support.firePropertyChange("ports", oldPorts, this.ports);

     * Gets the port numbers with which this StandardHost is associated.
     * @return The port numbers with which this StandardHost is associated,
     * or null if this StandardHost has not been associated with any ports
    public int[] getPorts() {
        return (int[])this.ports.clone();
    // END S1AS 5000999

    // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

     * Install the StandardContext portion of the DefaultContext
     * configuration into current Context.
     * @param context current web application context
    public void installDefaultContext(Context context) {

        if (defaultContext != null &&
            defaultContext instanceof StandardDefaultContext) {



     * Import the DefaultContext config into a web application context.
     * @param context web application context to import default context
    public void importDefaultContext(Context context) {

        if( this.defaultContext != null )


     * Add an alias name that should be mapped to this same Host.
     * @param alias The alias to be added
    public void addAlias(String alias) {

        // START OF PE 4989789
        //alias = alias.toLowerCase();
        // START OF PE 4989789
        // Skip duplicate aliases
        for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {
            if (aliases[i].equals(alias))

        // Add this alias to the list
        String newAliases[] = new String[aliases.length + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++)
            newAliases[i] = aliases[i];
        newAliases[aliases.length] = alias;

        aliases = newAliases;

        // Inform interested listeners
        fireContainerEvent(ADD_ALIAS_EVENT, alias);


     * Add a child Container, only if the proposed child is an implementation
     * of Context.
     * @param child Child container to be added
    public void addChild(Container child) {

        if (!(child instanceof Context))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException


    // START GlassFish 862
     * Returns the context deployed at the given context root.
     * @param contextRoot The context root whose associated context to return
     * @return The context deployed at the given context root, or null
    public Container findChild(String contextRoot) {
        return super.findChild(RequestUtil.URLDecode(contextRoot));
    // END GlassFish 862

     * Return the set of alias names for this Host.  If none are defined,
     * a zero length array is returned.
    public String[] findAliases() {

        return (this.aliases);


    // BEGIN S1AS 5000999
     * Gets the port numbers with which this StandardHost is associated.
     * @return The port numbers with which this StandardHost is associated,
     * or null if this StandardHost has not been associated with any port
     * numbers
    public int[] findPorts() {
        return getPorts();
    // END S1AS 5000999

    public Host findMappingObject() {
        return (Host) getMappingObject();

     * Return descriptive information about this Container implementation and
     * the corresponding version number, in the format
     * <code>&lt;description&gt;/&lt;version&gt;</code>.
    public String getInfo() {

        return (info);


     * Return the Context that would be used to process the specified
     * host-relative request URI, if any; otherwise return <code>null</code>.
     * @param uri Request URI to be mapped
    public Context map(String uri) {

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Mapping request URI '" + uri + "'");
        if (uri == null)
            return (null);

        // Match on the longest possible context path prefix
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("  Trying the longest context path prefix");
        Context context = null;
        String mapuri = uri;
        while (true) {
            context = (Context) findChild(mapuri);
            if (context != null)
            int slash = mapuri.lastIndexOf('/');
            if (slash < 0)
            mapuri = mapuri.substring(0, slash);

        // If no Context matches, select the default Context
        if (context == null) {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled())
                log.trace("  Trying the default context");
            context = (Context) findChild("");

        // Complain if no Context has been selected
        if (context == null) {
            log.error(sm.getString("standardHost.mappingError", uri));
            return (null);

        // Return the mapped Context (if any)
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug(" Mapped to context '" + context.getPath() + "'");
        return (context);


     * Remove the specified alias name from the aliases for this Host.
     * @param alias Alias name to be removed
    public void removeAlias(String alias) {

        // START OF PE 4989789
        //alias = alias.toLowerCase();
        // START OF PE 4989789
        synchronized (aliases) {

            // Make sure this alias is currently present
            int n = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {
                if (aliases[i].equals(alias)) {
                    n = i;
            if (n < 0)

            // Remove the specified alias
            int j = 0;
            String results[] = new String[aliases.length - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {
                if (i != n)
                    results[j++] = aliases[i];
            aliases = results;


        // Inform interested listeners
        fireContainerEvent(REMOVE_ALIAS_EVENT, alias);


    // START SJSAS 6324911
     * Adds the given error page to this StandardHost.
     * @param errorPage The error page definition to be added
    public void addErrorPage(ErrorPage errorPage) {
        // Validate the input parameters
        if (errorPage == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException

        // Add the specified error page to our internal collections
        synchronized (statusPages) {

        fireContainerEvent("addErrorPage", errorPage);


     * Gets the error page for the specified HTTP error code.
     * @param errorCode Error code to look up
     * @return The error page that is mapped to the specified HTTP error
     * code, or null if no error page exists for that HTTP error code
    public ErrorPage findErrorPage(int errorCode) {
        return statusPages.get(Integer.valueOf(errorCode));
    // END SJSAS 6324911

     * Return a String representation of this component.
    public String toString() {

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (getParent() != null) {
        return (sb.toString());


     * Start this host.
     * @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error
     *  that prevents it from being started
    public synchronized void start() throws LifecycleException {
        if( started ) {
        if( ! initialized )

        // Look for a realm - that may have been configured earlier.
        // If the realm is added after context - it'll set itself.
        if( realm == null ) {
            ObjectName realmName=null;
            try {
                realmName=new ObjectName( domain + ":type=Host,host=" + getName());
                if( mserver.isRegistered(realmName ) ) {
                    mserver.invoke(realmName, "setContext",
                            new Object[] {this},
                            new String[] { "org.apache.catalina.Container" }
            } catch( Throwable t ) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("No realm for this host " + realmName);

        // Set error report valve
        if ((errorReportValveClass != null)
            && (!errorReportValveClass.equals(""))) {
            try {
                Valve valve = (Valve) Class.forName(errorReportValveClass)
                /* START SJSAS 6374691
                // START SJSAS 6374691
                ((StandardHostValve) pipeline.getBasic()).setErrorReportValve(valve);
                // END SJSAS 6374691
            } catch (Throwable t) {

        // START SJSAS_PE 8.1 5034793
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (xmlValidation) {
                log.debug( sm.getString("standardHost.validationEnabled"));
            } else {
                log.debug( sm.getString("standardHost.validationDisabled"));
        // END SJSAS_PE 8.1 5034793



     * Execute a periodic task, such as reloading, etc. This method will be
     * invoked inside the classloading context of this container. Unexpected
     * throwables will be caught and logged.
    public void backgroundProcess() {
        lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent("check", null);

    // ------------------------------------------------------- Deployer Methods

     * Install a new web application, whose web application archive is at the
     * specified URL, into this container with the specified context path.
     * A context path of "" (the empty string) should be used for the root
     * application for this container.  Otherwise, the context path must
     * start with a slash.
     * <p>
     * If this application is successfully installed, a ContainerEvent of type
     * <code>INSTALL_EVENT</code> will be sent to all registered listeners,
     * with the newly created <code>Context</code> as an argument.
     * @param contextPath The context path to which this application should
     *  be installed (must be unique)
     * @param war A URL of type "jar:" that points to a WAR file, or type
     *  "file:" that points to an unpacked directory structure containing
     *  the web application to be installed
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path
     *  is malformed (it must be "" or start with a slash)
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the specified context path
     *  is already attached to an existing web application
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error was encountered
     *  during install
    public void install(String contextPath, URL war) throws IOException {
        getDeployer().install(contextPath, war);


     * <p>Install a new web application, whose context configuration file
     * (consisting of a <code>&lt;Context&gt;</code> element) and web
     * application archive are at the specified URLs.</p>
     * <p>If this application is successfully installed, a ContainerEvent
     * of type <code>INSTALL_EVENT</code> will be sent to all registered
     * listeners, with the newly created <code>Context</code> as an argument.
     * </p>
     * @param config A URL that points to the context configuration file to
     *  be used for configuring the new Context
     * @param war A URL of type "jar:" that points to a WAR file, or type
     *  "file:" that points to an unpacked directory structure containing
     *  the web application to be installed
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if one of the specified URLs is
     *  null
     * @exception IllegalStateException if the context path specified in the
     *  context configuration file is already attached to an existing web
     *  application
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error was encountered
     *  during installation
    public synchronized void install(URL config, URL war) throws IOException {

        getDeployer().install(config, war);


     * Return the Context for the deployed application that is associated
     * with the specified context path (if any); otherwise return
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @param contextPath The context path of the requested web application
    public Context findDeployedApp(String contextPath) {

        return (getDeployer().findDeployedApp(contextPath));


     * Return the context paths of all deployed web applications in this
     * Container.  If there are no deployed applications, a zero-length
     * array is returned.
    public String[] findDeployedApps() {

        return (getDeployer().findDeployedApps());


     * Remove an existing web application, attached to the specified context
     * path.  If this application is successfully removed, a
     * ContainerEvent of type <code>REMOVE_EVENT</code> will be sent to all
     * registered listeners, with the removed <code>Context</code> as
     * an argument.
     * @param contextPath The context path of the application to be removed
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path
     *  is malformed (it must be "" or start with a slash)
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path does
     *  not identify a currently installed web application
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs during
     *  removal
    public void remove(String contextPath) throws IOException {



     * Remove an existing web application, attached to the specified context
     * path.  If this application is successfully removed, a
     * ContainerEvent of type <code>REMOVE_EVENT</code> will be sent to all
     * registered listeners, with the removed <code>Context</code> as
     * an argument. Deletes the web application war file and/or directory
     * if they exist in the Host's appBase.
     * @param contextPath The context path of the application to be removed
     * @param undeploy boolean flag to remove web application from server
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path
     *  is malformed (it must be "" or start with a slash)
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path does
     *  not identify a currently installed web application
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs during
     *  removal
    public void remove(String contextPath, boolean undeploy) throws IOException {



     * Start an existing web application, attached to the specified context
     * path.  Only starts a web application if it is not running.
     * @param contextPath The context path of the application to be started
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path
     *  is malformed (it must be "" or start with a slash)
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path does
     *  not identify a currently installed web application
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs during
     *  startup
    public void start(String contextPath) throws IOException {



     * Stop an existing web application, attached to the specified context
     * path.  Only stops a web application if it is running.
     * @param contextPath The context path of the application to be stopped
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path
     *  is malformed (it must be "" or start with a slash)
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the specified context path does
     *  not identify a currently installed web application
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs while stopping
     *  the web application
    public void stop(String contextPath) throws IOException {



     * Returns the value of the securePagesWithPragma property.
    public boolean isSecurePagesWithPragma() {

        return (this.securePagesWithPragma);

     * Sets the securePagesWithPragma property of this Context.
     * Setting this property to true will result in Pragma and Cache-Control
     * headers with a value of "No-cache" if proxy caching has been disabled.
     * Setting this property to false will not add any Pragma header,
     * but will set the Cache-Control header to "private".
     * @param securePagesWithPragma true if Pragma and Cache-Control headers
     * are to be set to "No-cache" if proxy caching has been disabled, false
     * otherwise
    public void setSecurePagesWithPragma(boolean securePagesWithPragma) {

        boolean oldSecurePagesWithPragma = this.securePagesWithPragma;
        this.securePagesWithPragma = securePagesWithPragma;

    public void addValve(Valve valve) {
        if (valve instanceof SingleSignOn) {
            sso = (SingleSignOn) valve;

    public void removeValve(Valve valve) {
        if (valve instanceof SingleSignOn) {
            sso = null;

    public SingleSignOn getSingleSignOn() {
        return sso;

    // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods

    static String STANDARD_HOST_DEPLOYER="org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostDeployer";
    public Deployer getDeployer() {
        if( deployer!= null )
            return deployer; "Create Host deployer for direct deployment ( non-jmx ) ");
        try {
            Class c=Class.forName( STANDARD_HOST_DEPLOYER );
            Method m=c.getMethod("setHost", new Class[] {Host.class} );
            m.invoke( deployer,  new Object[] { this } );
        } catch( Throwable t ) {
            log.error( "Error creating deployer ", t);
        return deployer;
    public void setDeployer(Deployer d) {

    // -------------------- JMX  --------------------
      * Return the MBean Names of the Valves assoicated with this Host
      * @exception Exception if an MBean cannot be created or registered
     public String [] getValveNames()
         throws Exception
         Valve [] valves = this.getValves();
         String [] mbeanNames = new String[valves.length];
         for (int i = 0; i < valves.length; i++) {
             if( valves[i] == null ) continue;
             if( ((ValveBase)valves[i]).getObjectName() == null ) continue;
             mbeanNames[i] = ((ValveBase)valves[i]).getObjectName().toString();

         return mbeanNames;


    public String[] getAliases() {
        return aliases;

    /* CR 6368085
    private boolean initialized=false;

    public void init() {
        if( initialized ) return;
        /* CR 6368085
        // already registered.
        if( getParent() == null ) {
            try {
                // Register with the Engine
                ObjectName serviceName=new ObjectName(domain + ":type=Engine");
                if( mserver.isRegistered( serviceName )) {
                    log.debug("Registering with the Engine");
                    mserver.invoke( serviceName, "addChild",
                            new Object[] { this },
                            new String[] { "org.apache.catalina.Container" } );
            } catch( Exception ex ) {
        if( oname==null ) {
            // not registered in JMX yet - standalone mode
            try {
                StandardEngine engine=(StandardEngine)parent;
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Registering host " + getName()
                              + " with domain " + domain);
                oname=new ObjectName(domain + ":type=Host,host=" +
                // START CR 6368091
                controller = oname;
                // END CR 6368091
                Registry.getRegistry().registerComponent(this, oname, null);
            } catch( Throwable t ) {
      "Error registering ", t );
        // START CR 6368085
        initialized = true;
        // END CR 6368085

    public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName oname )
        throws Exception
        ObjectName res=super.preRegister(server, oname);
        String name=oname.getKeyProperty("host");
        if( name != null )
            setName( name );
        return res;       
    public ObjectName createObjectName(String domain, ObjectName parent)
        throws Exception
        if( log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Create ObjectName " + domain + " " + parent );
        return new ObjectName( domain + ":type=Host,host=" + getName());

Related Classes of org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost

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