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* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
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/* Byron Nevins, April 2000
* ZipFile -- A utility class for exploding jar files that contain EJB(s). Used *only* in this package by the EJBImporter class
package com.sun.enterprise.util.zip;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.zip.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.diagnostics.Reporter;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.diagnostics.StackTrace;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.io.FileListerRelative;
public class ZipWriter
public ZipWriter(String zipFilename, String dirName) throws ZipFileException
init(zipFilename, dirName);
public ZipWriter(String zipFilename, String dirName, ZipItem[] theItems) throws ZipFileException
items = theItems;
init(zipFilename, dirName);
public ZipWriter(String zipFilename, String dirName, String[] fileList) throws ZipFileException
init(zipFilename, dirName);
public ZipWriter(OutputStream outStream, String dirName, String[] fileList) throws ZipFileException
init(outStream, dirName);
private void init(String outFileName, String dirName) throws ZipFileException
init(new FileOutputStream(outFileName), dirName);
catch(Exception e)
throw new ZipFileException(e);
private void init(OutputStream outStream, String dirName) throws ZipFileException
// note -- these asserts will be caught & repackaged as a ZipFileException
//make sure it's really a directory
File f = new File(dirName);
Reporter.insist(f.exists(), "directory (" + dirName + ") doesn't exist");
// change the filename to be full-path & UNIX style
dirName = f.getCanonicalPath();
catch(IOException e)
Reporter.warn("Couldn't getCanonicalPath() for " + dirName);
dirName = dirName.replace('\\', '/'); // all UNIX-style filenames...
// we need the dirname to end in a '/'
dirName += "/";
this.dirName = dirName;
zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(outStream);
catch(Throwable t)
throw new ZipFileException(t);
* Does not throw an exception when there is a duplicate zip entry.
* @throws ZipFileException if an error while creating the archive
public void safeWrite() throws ZipFileException
for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
catch (ZipException e)
// ignore - duplicate zip entry
catch(ZipFileException z)
Reporter.critical(new StackTrace(z));
throw z;
catch(Exception e)
Reporter.critical(new StackTrace(e));
throw new ZipFileException(e);
public void write() throws ZipFileException
for(int i = 0; i < items.length; i++)
catch(ZipFileException z)
Reporter.critical(new StackTrace(z));
throw z;
catch(Exception e)
Reporter.critical(new StackTrace(e));
throw new ZipFileException(e);
private void addEntry(ZipItem item) throws ZipFileException, IOException
int totalBytes = 0;
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(item.file);
ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(item.name);
for(int numBytes = in.read(buffer); numBytes > 0; numBytes = in.read(buffer))
zipStream.write(buffer, 0, numBytes);
totalBytes += numBytes;
/* Bug 4753245
* WBN 11/22/02
* The in.close() method was missing -- causing problems when trying to delete this file in
* other code -- at least until the garbage collector gets around to closing it.
* Normally I wouldn't put this inside a try/catch -- an error ought to be returned,
* but this is a special low-risk-toleration time. Adding the try/catch is safer. The
* code will behave exactly like before if an Exception is thrown. It can't possibly hurt anything
* to add the close()
try // note: feel free to remove this try sometime in the future!
catch(Exception e)
// ignore it
Reporter.warn("Couldn't close the FileInputStream for the file: " + item.file);
Reporter.verbose("Wrote " + item.name + " to Zip File. Wrote " + totalBytes + " bytes.");
private void createItemList(String[] files) throws ZipFileException
if(files == null)
FileListerRelative lister = new FileListerRelative(new File(dirName));
files = lister.getFiles();
if(files.length <= 0)
throw new ZipFileException("No files to add!");
items = new ZipItem[files.length];
for(int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
File f = new File(dirName + files[i]);
items[i] = new ZipItem(f, files[i].replace('\\', '/')); // just in case...
catch(Throwable t)
throw new ZipFileException(t);
String getDirName()
return dirName;
private static void usage()
System.out.println("usage: java com.elf.util.zip.ZipWriter zip-filename directory-name");
public static void main(String[] args)
if(args == null || args.length != 2)
ZipWriter zw = new ZipWriter(args[0], args[1]);
Reporter.verbose("" + zw);
catch(ZipFileException e)
Reporter.verbose("ZipFileException: " + e);
//private String zipFilename = null;
private String dirName = null;
private ZipOutputStream zipStream = null;
private byte[] buffer = new byte[16384];
private ZipItem[] items = null;