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* Filename: $File$
* Copyright 2000-2001 by iPlanet/Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
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* <BR> <I>$Source: /cvs/glassfish/appserv-commons/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/util/pool/ObjectPool.java,v $</I>
* @author $Author: tcfujii $
* @version $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2007/05/05 05:32:16 $
package com.sun.enterprise.util.pool;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.scheduler.PeriodicallyServicable;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.scheduler.PeriodicEventScheduler;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.ApproximateClock;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.collection.DList;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.collection.DListNode;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.collection.DListNodeFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.collection.FastStack;
//Bug 4677074 begin
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
//Bug 4677074 end
public class ObjectPool
extends com.sun.enterprise.util.pool.AbstractPool
implements PeriodicallyServicable
//Bug 4677074 begin
static Logger _logger=LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.UTIL_LOGGER);
//Bug 4677074 end
protected DList list;
protected int minSize;
protected int initialSize;
protected int maxLimit;
protected long maxIdleTime;
protected Boolean isBounded;
* Create an Unbounded pool.
* @param The ObjectFactory to create objects
* @param The minimum number of objects to be held in the pool (initial size)
* @param The pool limit (maximum number of objects in the pool).
* @param The maximum idle time after which the object may be removed from the pool.
public ObjectPool(ObjectFactory factory, int minSize, int initialSize, long maxIdleTime) {
super.factory = factory;
this.minSize = minSize;
this.initialSize = initialSize;
this.maxIdleTime = maxIdleTime;
* Create a Bounded pool.
* @param The ObjectFactory to create objects
* @param The minimum number of objects to be held in the pool (initial size)
* @param The pool limit (maximum number of objects in the pool).
* @param The maximum idle time after which the object may be removed from the pool.
* @param The initial size of the pool. If this is less than the minSize parameter then this is ignored.
public ObjectPool(ObjectFactory factory, int minSize, int initialSize, int maxLimit,
long maxIdleTime)
super.factory = factory;
this.minSize = minSize;
this.maxIdleTime = maxIdleTime;
this.initialSize = initialSize;
public int getMaxLimit() {
return this.maxLimit;
public void setMaxLimit(int limit) {
if ((limit <= 0) || (limit >= Integer.MAX_VALUE-1)) {
this.isBounded = null;
} else {
this.isBounded = Boolean.valueOf(true);
this.maxLimit = limit;
private void initPool() {
list = new DList();
super.collection = list;
super.preload((minSize < initialSize) ? initialSize : minSize);
scheduler.addTimeRepeatableTask(this, (int) maxIdleTime);
* Since this method would be called only if the pool is empty
protected boolean canCreate() {
return (isBounded == null) ? true : (createdCount < maxLimit);
* Notification when an object is put back into the pool (checkin).
* @param The object to be returned back to the pool.
* @return Any non null value can be returned to signal that the object
* was indeed added to the pool. This class always adds the object to the
* pool (at the end of the list), it returns non-null value.
* Subclasses can override this behaviour.
protected Object checkin(Object object) {
list.addAsLastNode(new TimeStampedDListNode(object, _clock.getTime()));
return this;
private Object obtainObject(Object param) {
SoftReference ref;
Object object;
TimeStampedDListNode tsNode = (TimeStampedDListNode) list.delinkLastNode();
return tsNode.object;
* Notification when an object is given out from the pool (checout).
* @return The object that has to be returned to the application. A null
* value must be returned if no object can be returned to the application. Since this
* class always returns the last node from the list, it returns non-null value.
* Subclasses can override this behaviour.
protected Object checkout(Object param) {
return obtainObject(param);
//Methods required for periodically schedulable task
public void prolog() {
public void service() {
int killedCount = 0;
long now = _clock.getTime();
long allowed = now - maxIdleTime;
TimeStampedDListNode tsNode = null;
FastStack stack = new FastStack();
synchronized (super.collection) {
Object done = null;
while (done == null) {
tsNode = (TimeStampedDListNode) list.getFirstDListNode();
if (tsNode == null) { //Empty list
done = new Object();
} else if (tsNode.timeStamp <= allowed) {
//Need to destroy the contained object
} else {
//This node is not old enough
done = new Object();
} //End of for loop
super.createdCount -= killedCount;
if (createdCount < minSize) {
super.preload(minSize - createdCount);
if (waitCount > 0) {
if (killedCount == 1) {
} else {
} // end of synchronized
//Now destroy all collected objects
while (! stack.isEmpty()) {
Object object = stack.pop();
//Bug 4677074 System.out.println("Leaving service after killing " + killedCount + " (idle) objects. Now size: " + list.size());
//Bug 4677074 begin
_logger.log(Level.FINE,"Leaving service after killing " + killedCount + " (idle) objects. Now size: " + list.size());
//Bug 4677074 end
public void epilog() {
* Get the frequency (time interval) at which service() method will be invoked.
* @return time in milli seconds.
public long getFrequency() {
return this.maxIdleTime;
* Determine to execute the service method of this object even if it has
* missed the right schedule.
public boolean getExecuteIfMissed() {
return true;
* Determine to execute the service method of this object when the
* schedule is delayed by 'missedByMillis' milli seconds.
public boolean getExecutionTolerance(long missedByMillis) {
return true;
* Print an identification for the object.
public String toString() {
return "";
//Some helper classes
class TimeStampedDListNode
extends DListNode
long timeStamp;
public TimeStampedDListNode(Object object, long ts) {
this.timeStamp = ts;
//System.out.println(this + ": created DListNode at: " + ts);
//Bug 4677074 begin
//_logger.log(Level.FINE,this + ": created DListNode at: " + ts);
//Bug 4677074 end
public String toString() {
return "TSDListNode: " + object;