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package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.node;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.xml.PersistenceTagNames;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.PersistenceUnitDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.PersistenceUnitsDescriptor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* Represents the top level node, i.e. persistence node in persistence.xsd.
* Since this is a top level node, it extends {@link BundleNode}. This class
* registers a handler {@link PersistenceNode} which is responsible for reading
* the persistence-unit elements.
* @author Sanjeeb.Sahoo@Sun.COM
public class PersistenceNode extends BundleNode {
public final static String SCHEMA_NS =
"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"; // NOI18N
public final static String SCHEMA_ID = "persistence_1_0.xsd"; // NOI18N
private final static List<String> systemIDs = initSystemIDs();
// The XML tag associated with this Node
public final static XMLElement ROOT_ELEMENT = new XMLElement(
private PersistenceUnitsDescriptor persistenceUnitsDescriptor;
private static final String SPEC_VERSION = "1.0";
private static List<String> initSystemIDs() {
List<String> systemIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(systemIDs);
* This is the default constructor which is also called from other
* constructors of this class. Inside this constructor, we clear the
* handlers set up by super classes' constructors because they are
* not applicable in the context of PersistenceNode because
* unlike standard Java EE schemas, persistence.xsd does not include
* javaee_5.xsd for things like description, version etc.
public PersistenceNode() {
// clear all the handlers set up by super classes.
if (handlers != null) handlers.clear();
new XMLElement(PersistenceTagNames.PERSISTENCE_UNIT),
public PersistenceNode(PersistenceUnitsDescriptor persistenceUnitsDescriptor) {
this.persistenceUnitsDescriptor = persistenceUnitsDescriptor;
public PersistenceUnitsDescriptor getDescriptor() {
return persistenceUnitsDescriptor;
// This method is called when parser has parsed one <persistence-unit>
public void addDescriptor(Object descriptor) {
final PersistenceUnitDescriptor pud = PersistenceUnitDescriptor.class.cast(descriptor);
public String getDocType() {
return null;
public String getSystemID() {
return SCHEMA_ID;
public String getNameSpace() {
return SCHEMA_NS;
* @return the XML tag associated with this XMLNode
protected XMLElement getXMLRootTag() {
public List<String> getSystemIDs() {
return systemIDs;
public String getSpecVersion() {
// Currently this method is commented because
// it is not needed now as we are not writing out
// persistence.xml file to generated directory. When we decide to
// write out a "full" persistence.xml file, we will need this method.
// When you uncomment, you need to check the actual logic as well.
// @Override public Node writeDescriptor(Node parent, Descriptor descriptor) {
// if(descriptor instanceof PersistenceUnitDescriptor) {
// Element child = getOwnerDocument(parent).createElementNS(TagNames.PERSISTENCE_XML_NAMESPACE, PersistenceTagNames.ENTITY_MANAGER);
// Element bundleNode = (Element)parent.appendChild(child);
// bundleNode.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", "xmlns", TagNames.PERSISTENCE_XML_NAMESPACE);
// bundleNode.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", "xmlns:xsi", W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE);
// String schemaLocation = TagNames.PERSISTENCE_XML_NAMESPACE + " " + getSchemaURL();
// String clientSchemaLocation = PersistenceUnitDescriptor.class.cast(descriptor).getSchemaLocation();
// if (clientSchemaLocation!=null) {
// schemaLocation = schemaLocation + " " + clientSchemaLocation;
// }
// bundleNode.setAttributeNS(W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE, SCHEMA_LOCATION_TAG, schemaLocation);
// TODO: Code for all other elements for this node goes here.
// return bundleNode;
// } else {
// return super.writeDescriptor(parent, descriptor);
// }
// }